Title: Blaby District Police Volunteers Safe, Secure
1Blaby District Police VolunteersSafe, Secure
ComfortableA Partnership Project of Blaby Local
Policing Unit, Leicestershire Fire Rescue
Service, and Blaby District Council Community
Safety TeamBlaby North Community
ForumNovember 2010
2Project Objectives
- Use Blaby Police Volunteer Team to visit
vulnerable residents in North Blaby to make them - Safe, Secure Comfortable.
- In a single visit, deliver content of three
separate and independent visits by Leicester Fire
Rescue, Blaby LPU uniformed officers and Blaby
District Council. - Completion in three months.
3Project Resources
- The Project acknowledges 4,000 from North Blaby
Community Discretionary Funding to support
essential travel and purchase of security aids. - Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service provided
Volunteer training, smoke alarms and leaflets - LFRS trained four volunteers to carry out
domestic fire surveys in place of their fire
fighters. - Blaby Local Policing Unit supplied Smartwater.
4Target Addresses
- 100 completed questionnaire sets required from
vulnerable residents in North Blaby area - Addresses expected to come from MOSAIC Database
- Supplemented by LPU recent victims of crime and
residents of No Cold Calling Zones (NCCZs). - A total of 228 homes were visited to complete
101 questionnaires.
5 Partner Objectives
- LFRS Standard Home Fire Safety Check, Firecare
advisory referrals, contribute to annual target
of 1000 domestic visits. - Blaby LPU Mark with SmartWater, advise on
resisting Distraction Burglary. Check household
security and provide advice, supply small
security aids, reinforce NCCZs. - BDC Check help needed on benefit entitlements,
mobility, personal care, keeping warm, repairs,
registering for junk mail and phone call
Preference Schemes.
6Project Management
- Project was Turnkey
- Visit tracking control for multiple teams
- Equipment sourcing
- Kit to support visits
- Quality assurance
- Direct advice on Distraction Burglary
- NCCZ reinforcement
- Lessons Learnt written
- Formal report for Best Practice
7Questionnaire Production
8Main Project Statistics
- 407 Volunteer hours used
- 338 individual visits made
- houses visited
- address entries produced for LFRS
- 101 questionnaire sets produced
- 50 smoke Alarms fitted
- 39 Refused Service
- 39 Not In Three visit rule
- 39 questionnaires referred to BDC
9Secondary Project Statistics
- 2.27 Addresses/questionnaire
- 3.35 Visits/Questionnaire
- 2.24 Miles/Visit
- 7.50 Miles/Questionnaire
- 4.05 Volunteer Hrs/Questionnaire
- 17.55 Cost of Security Aids/Questionnaire
- 21.63 Direct Expenditure/Questionnaire
- 23 of LFRS Annual Home Fire Safety target
10Expenditure Summary
11Comparing Volunteers Paid Staff
Activity Estimate using staff _at_ 30/hr Total cost using volunteers Saving
Deliver SSC process to single Client 243 26 217
Deliver SSC process to 101 Clients 24,633 2,248 22,348
- Assumes staff cost of 30 per hour.