Hinduism - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Title: Hinduism

Hinduism "Sanatana Dharma" The Everlasting
Prepared by Danielle STUDENT
Number of Adherents
  • Today there are an estimated 837 million
    followers of the Hindu faith.
  • Hinduism is considered to be the Worlds third
    largest religion.

Source http//www.religioustolerance.org
When and where the religion was established
  • The earliest elements of the Hindu faith date
    back to as far as 3,000 BCE.
  • Hinduism has no single founder. It is thought to
    have originated when the Aryans invaded India.
    Hinduism became a mixture of the religious
    beliefs of the Aryans and the people indigenous
    to India.

Source http//www.bbc.co.uk
Influential Practitioners
  • Gandhi is considered to be the father of India.

Mahatma Gandhi
Source http//www.bbc.co.uk
  • Adi Shankaracharya can be considered as the only
    Hindu spiritual leader who was almost universally
    accepted in this religion.

Adi Shankaracharya
Source http//www.hindubooks.org
Holy Works Sacred Texts
There are three major sacred texts in Hinduism.
  • The Vedas
  • The Ramayana
  • The Mahabharata
  • Other texts include the Brahmanas, the Sutras,
    Puranas, and the Aranyakas

Source http//www.religioustolerance.org
  • Vedas are the scriptures of Hinduism.
  • They are divided into four categories Rig Veda,
    Sama Veda, Yajur Veda and Atharva Veda.
  • Vedas are passed on through written form and by
    word of mouth, from generation to generation.

Pictured are two characters frequently used in
Vedas. Lord Rama and Mother Sita
Source http//www.religioustolerance.org
  • Rama was the very life of the men of
    Ayodhya. He was unparalleled in the qualities
    which makes a man great. He was a very brave
    young man and yet his bravery was combined with
    mercy. Even if someone spoke harshly to him, he
    would never reply in the same tone. If anyone did
    him any favor, even if it were a small task, he
    would always remember it with gratitude while his
    own good acts would be forgotten by him even if
    they were hundreds in number. Each man loved him
    as his own son.
  • The Ramayana is a moving love story with moral
    and spiritual themes that has deep appeal in
    India to this day .
  • It was written by Valmiki, and is based on
    several generations of stories passed on by word
    of mouth.

Excerpt from the Ramayana
Sources http//www.religioustolerance.org,
The Mahabharata
  • The Mahabharata is the worlds second largest
    book, and is used to introduce readers to the
    basic themes of Indias culture.
  • It is a story of two sets of paternal first
    cousins who enter into a war over land, and are
    helped through ethical problems by Krishna,
    throughout the story.

Source http//web.utk.edu
  • Priests in Hinduism are referred to as Brahmin.
  • Brahmins are at the top of the caste system and
    are considered to have great power in Hindu
  • It is legend that Brahmins have the power to make
    the Gods do things through use of their spells
    and rituals.

Initiation of a Brahmin boy
Source http//wsu.edu
  • In India, people are born into their caste
    therefore, to be a Brahmin, your mother or father
    has to be a Brahmin.
  • Women have only been allowed to become Brahmin
    for about 25 years now. Today, there are about
    10,000 women Brahmin but some traditional Hindus
    still do not agree with this practice.

Sources http//www.hinduismtoday.com,
Ecclesiastical Law The Caste System
  • One major aspect of the Hindu faith is the caste
    system a rigid hierarchy of social classes.
  • You are born into your caste, you marry in your
    class, and you die in your class.
  • It is very important to Hindus to obey the strict
    regulations of their caste system.
  • The Caste System is divided into four categories,
    with a fifth outside of the caste.
  • 1.Brahmans
  • 2.Kshatriyas
  • 3.Vaishyas
  • 4.Shudras
  • 5. Untouchables

Source http//codesign.scu.edu
  • Brahmans represent the highest social class.
  • This class contains the priests, holy men, and

Brahman Priest
Source http//codesign.scu.edu
  • Kshatriyas is the second highest class in the
    caste system.
  • It includes the kings, warriors, and soldiers
    that protect and guard the country.

Source http//codesign.scu.edu
  • The third highest class in the caste system is
    the Vaishyas.
  • This caste includes the businessmen, traders, and
    the commercial class.

Source http//codesign.scu.edu
  • Shudras is the lowest class of the caste system.
  • It contains the farmers, producers, and peasants.

Source http//codesign.scu.edu
  • The untouchables are so low in the Hinduism
    social classes that they are not even considered
    part of the caste system.
  • They are regarded as unclean and inhuman, and are
    left to perform menial and degrading jobs.
  • In India about 25 of the population are

Source http//codesign.scu.edu
  • There are many holy days and seasonal days that
    are celebrated by Hindus. An example of a few of
    them are

Festivals Diwali Holi Mahashivrati Dusserah
Birthdays Rama Navami Wesak
Sources http//www.religioustolerance.org,
  • Diwali is the Indian Festival of Lights, held in
  • Holi is the festival that celebrates creation and
    renewal, held in the Spring.
  • Mahashivrati is the festival that is dedicated to
  • Dusserah is a festival that celebrates the
    triumph of good over evil, also held in November.

Sources http//www.religioustolerance.org,
  • Rama Navami is the celebration of Lord Ramas
  • Wesak is the celebration of Buddhas birthday in
    early April.

Sources http//www.religioustolerance.org,
Rights, Rituals, and Ceremonies
  • Communion with Gods or Holy Ones
  • Birth
  • Rites of Passage
  • Baptism
  • Marriage Rites
  • Death Rites

Communion with God/ Holy OnesPuja
  • There is no communion in Hinduism however, Puja
    is a ceremony that is similar to communion.
  • Puja consists of three parts
  • 1.Seeing of the Deity
  • 2. Worship
  • 3. Retrieving and Consuming
  • the Blessed Food

Source http//www.asia.si.edu
  • In Hinduism, baby rites occur before the baby is
    even conceived.
  • Upon marriage, Garbhadana, a conception prayer,
    is recited.
  • When the fetus reached its third month, another
    prayer, Punsavana is recited. This is done in
    hopes of protecting the fetus and encouraging
  • In the seventh month of pregnancy, the
    Simantonnyana, a baby shower, is held.
  • Other baby rites include Namakarma (the naming
    ceremony), Nishkarmana ( the childs first trip
    out), and Annaprasana (the childs first taste of
    solid food).

Source http//www.bbc.co.uk
Rites of Passage
  • Rites of passage include the sacred Upanayana
    ceremony which is explained later in the slide
    show, under Age of Reason.

  • There is no official baptism in Hinduism, but the
    Jatakarma ceremony is similar.
  • The Jatakarma welcomes the child into the world,
    and includes the family placing honey into the
    childs mouth and whispering the name of God into
    the childs ear.

Source http//www.bbc.co.uk
Marriage Rites
  • There are four main stages of a Hindu wedding
  • Jayamaala
  • Madhu-Parka
  • Gau Daan
  • Kanya Pratigrahan

  • Jayamaala
  • The bride and groom receive red kum-kum marks to
    the forehead. Members of both families meet. The
    bride and groom exchange garlands and declare
    Let all the learned persons present here know,
    we are accepting each other willingly,
    voluntarily and pleasantly. Our hearts are
    concordant and united like waters.
  • Madhu-Parka
  • The groom is led to the mandap, a decorated
    altar, and given a welcoming drink.

Source http//www.bbc.co.uk
  • Gau Daan
  • Gau means cow and Daan means donation. During
    this stage, there is a symbolic exchange of
    gifts. The bride is given a Mangala Sootra
    (necklace) by the grooms mother. The Mangala
    Sootra is the emblem for the marital status of a
    Hindu woman.
  • Kanya Pratigrahan
  • Kanya means daughter and Pratigrahan means an
    exchange of responsibility on both sides. The
    brides father declares that the bride accepts
    the groom and he asks them to accept her.

Source http//www.bbc.co.uk
Death Rites
  • Most Hindu bodies are cremated, in hopes of the
    soul escaping quickly.
  • Funerals are conducted by a priest and the eldest
    son. The ceremony includes several rituals such
  • A lamp is placed by the head of the body.
  • Prayers and hymns are sung.
  • Pindas (rice balls) are placed in the coffin.
  • Water is sprinkled on the body.
  • A mala (necklace of wooden beads) or a garland of
    flowers may be put around the dead persons neck.

Source http//www.bbc.co.uk
Major Tenets of Hinduism
Reincarnation Four Goals in Human Life Trinitarian
  • One major belief of Hinduism is Reincarnation
    the movement of the soul from one body to
  • Hindus believe that a persons soul is reborn
    over and over, promoting the doctrine of non
    injury or non-violence (ahisma) more and more
    each time. Eventually the soul hopes to reach

Source http//www.indialife.com
Goals In Human Life
  • Moksha
  • Dharma
  • Artha
  • Kama

  • Samsara is the uncertainty of the universe, and
    Moksha is the liberation from Samsara.
  • Dharma is
  • achieving righteousness in your religious life.

Sources http//wsu.edu, http//www.religioustoler
  • Artha is economic
  • prosperity, or
  • economic gain but
  • it can only be
  • attained through
  • noble means.
  • Kama is gratification of the senses, such as
    sensual and sexual pleasure, and mental enjoyment.

Source http//www.religioustolerance.org
  • Some label Hinduism as Trinitarian, because
    Brahman is viewed as one God with three persons
    the Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva.
  • Brahma is the Creator who is continuing to
    create new realities.
  • Vishnu is the Preserver of the new creations.
  • Shiva is the Destroyer.

Sources http//www.religioustolerance.org
Location of most people who practice this
  • Hinduism is the dominant religion in India,
    Nepal, and among the Tamils in Sri Lanka.
  • There are also about 1.1million Hindus in the U.S.

India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka
Source http//www.religioustolerance.org
Age of Reason Upanayana
  • The Upanayana is a sacred ceremony that
    symbolizes the transition of a boy from his
    parents to his Guru (teacher).
  • It is ideally performed when a boy reaches 7 or 8
    years old, but it can be performed as early as
  • It is only performed on males, and it consists of
    two parts
  • Gayatri Mantra
  • Yugnopavit

Source www.kamakoti.org
  • The Yugnopavit involves wearing the sacred
  • The wearer of this thread is supposed to be
    constantly reminded of his commitment to the
    secular and spiritual goals which he has set upon
    himself on this solemn occasion that this life
    may not pass away just in unconscious striving
    but become a means of the expansion of our
    "being" that it may provide a view of one's self
    and the world without being in conflict with the
    action that comes by that life, even at its
    worst, may still provide us a source of sharing
    the joyousness of our existence this is the
    greatest art of life, which comes, not through
    wanton experimentation, but through prayer and
    humility alone and through that the divine grace.

Source www.kamakoti.org
  • After the boy is adorned with the sacred thread,
    he is taught the Gayatri Mantra by his Guru.
  • The focal point of the whole Upanayana ceremony
    is the recitation of the Gayatri Mantra and
    teaching its essence to the initiated. The Mantra
    is considered to be the most sacred and according
    to Manu there is nothing more exalted than the

Source www.kamakoti.org
Gayatri Mantra
  • That splendid magnificence of Savitre, the
    Cosmic Sun permeating the three worlds, the
    Earth, the Space and the Heavens is assuredly
    Savitri the inspirer, life giver, the
    stimulative force. May we meditate on the life
    giving divinity, Savitri assuredly is God, and
    therefore I meditate on his splendor. May He
    himself illumine our intelligence. May He himself
    breath it into us".
  • Om tat savitur varenyam bhargo devasya
    dhimahi dhiyo yonah prachodayat.

Source www.kamakoti.org
Is the Hindu Faith Growing?
  • The number of adherents to Hinduism are staying
    fairly stable.
  • It has been slowly growing in some countries,
    while slowly decreasing in other countries.
  • Ex Hindus increased in Africa from 1,986,000
    people in 1996 to 2,411,000 in 1998. While in
    Fiji, Hinduism decreased from 375,000 in 1993 to
    301,128 in 1997.

Sources http//www.religioustolerance.org ,
Hinduism Temple
  • The Parshurama Templeand the Pushkara or "Lotus
    Pond"which is in its precincts.Every Hindu
    temple has a pond near it.Devotees are
    supposedto take a bath before entering the

Source http//www.hindubooks.org
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