U.S. History - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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U.S. History


U.S. History Unit Three Chapter Eight – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: U.S. History

U.S. History
  • Unit Three
  • Chapter Eight

The Northern Section
  • Geographic, economic, and cultural differences of
    the United States broken into 2 sections North
  • Farming in the Northwest
  • Corn, wheat and grains profitable.
  • Could spoil, had to turn them into a product that
    would not spoil.
  • Rise of specialized businesses.

  • Industries in the Northeast
  • Urban areas Areas made up mostly of one or
    more cities.
  • Population Density The amount of people living
    within a given space. This greatly increased!!!
  • Industrialization
  • Increased rapidly in Connecticut with Eli Whitney
    building a factory (for his interchangeable
  • Products tin, iron, leather, shoes, carpet, etc.
  • Remember Lowells textile mill?
  • They hired young, unmarried women to run
  • Women 3.25 for 73 hour work week.
  • Replaced by Irish immigrants who would take less
    than them!

  • Growth of Cities
  • Farmland had become overgrown by all the people
    living in the US, so more people came to the
    cities for work.
  • Most people still in rural areas thoughbut
    cities are growing!
  • Manhattan had 33,000 in 1790 to 516,000 by 1850.
  • Things that used to be taken care of in the home
    (medical care, education, care for elderly) cant
    be done in the city b/c people are working
  • Hospitals and schools began to develop and fill
    this gap!
  • Tenements crowded apartments with poor
    standards of sanitation, safety, and comfort.
  • Number of these was on the rise.
  • Problems
  • Poor police and fire systems.
  • No sewer systems or reliable supplies of water
  • By 1832, thousands killed by cholera (intestinal
    disease caused by contaminated water).

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The Southern Section
  • The Economy of the South
  • King Cotton
  • More people want comfy cloths, not wool )
  • 1820 160 million pounds of raw cotton.
  • 1830 harvest doubled
  • 1850 1billion pounds
  • 1860 2/3 of the total value of American
  • States of the south
  • Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, Carolinas, GA
  • Kentucky, Tenn, Alabama, Mississippi, LA, Ark

The Southern Section
  • Geography of southern farming
  • While the North developed, the
    South stayed rural.
  • Made up of farms and countryside, not cities.
  • Fertile soil and plentiful rain helped farmers.
  • South was dependent on North for banks, shipping
    companies, and textile mills few southerners
    entered into this business.
  • Even preachers, lawyers, and doctors hoped to
    retire and become plantation farmers.
  • In truth, most farm families owned few or no
  • Half the cotton crop was produced on farms with
    six slaves or fewer.
  • Cotton gin caused most states to change their
    main crop to cotton, while Virginia and North
    Carolina stayed with Tobacco.

The Southern Section (cont.)
  • Very slow urban growth.
  • Some southern cities were New Orleans,
    Charleston, and Richmond.
  • Cities were smaller here than in the North, but
    had some of the same problems (poor housing and
  • Only 8 of southerners lived in towns with more
    than 4,000 people.
  • By 1850, there were 3.7 million African
    Americans 12 were free.
  • Most lived in southern cities or rural areas away
    from large plantations.

The Slavery System
  • Agrarian System
  • By 1804, all Northern states had banned slavery
    or passed laws to end it gradually.
  • 1808, Congress banned all further importation of
    slaves to U.S.
  • 1820, 1.5 million slaves, by 1850 doubled to 3.2
    million, and by 1860 the slave population made up
    half of South Carolina and Mississippis
    population and 2/5 of the population of Florida,
    Georgia, Alabama, and Louisiana.
  • Life of a Slave
  • Slaves were property, not people. Price of
    slaves would rise.
  • By 1837, the price of a good slave was 1,300.
  • After the purchase, they only cost 15-60/year to

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Small Plantations vs Large Plantation
  • Most slaves lived on these.
  • Lived in sizable community of slaves, usually 20
    or more.
  • Tended to be harsher here than on smaller
  • Workers toiled in gangs under supervision of
  • Life really bad for women.
  • Baring/caring for children, took care of houses,
    cooked/served food, cleaned houses and clothes,
    labored in fields.
  • Some had to endure the threat of physical or
    sexual abuse by their slave owners.
  • Slaves often worked side by side with their
    owners in the field.
  • Sometimes ate together and slept in the same

Slave Revolts
  • Only a small percentage of slaves ever managed to
    escape their captivity or to win their freedom.
  • Rebellion, especially on a large scale, stood
    little chance of success.
  • Historians have documented scores of slave
    rebellions, most were small, spontaneous
    responses to cruel treatment and ended in tragic
  • Significance
  • These were a white southerners nightmare!
  • Many African American communities outnumbered the
    white population.
  • Virginia, briefly considered ending slavery to
    ease this threat.
  • Many southern states tightened restrictions on
    slaves to make sure this didnt happen again.
  • Virginia and North Carolina passed laws against
    teaching enslaved people to read.
  • Some states prevented African Americans from
    moving freely or meeting.

Slave Revolts Veseys Plan
  • In 1800, Denmark Vesey bought his freedom with
    600 he won in the lottery.
  • A priest, self-educated, read anti-slavery lit.
  • Grew increasingly angry at the sufferings of his
    fellow African Americans.
  • He preached against slavery, quoting the
    Declaration of Indep and the Bible.
  • He criticized African Americans who would not
    stand up to whites.
  • In 1822, he turned to action and laid plans for
    the most ambitious slave revolt in American

Slave Revolts Veseys Plan
  • Involved hundreds (or thousands) of rebels.
  • Vesey plotted to seize the city of Charleston in
    July 1822.
  • Also, intended to raid the arsenal, kill all the
    white residents, free the slaves, and burn the
    city to the ground.
  • He was betrayed by some of his followers.
  • In June, South Carolina troops smashed the
    rebellion before it could get started.
  • 35 African Americans were hanged, including
  • Another 32 were expelled from South Carolina.
  • Four white men received fines and prison terms
    for aiding the rebels.

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Nat Turners Rebellion
  • 31 year old African American
  • He planned and carried out a violent
    uprising in Aug. 1831.
  • Acting under what he believed was divine
    inspiration, he led about 70 slaves in raids on
    white families in southeastern VA.
  • Attacked 4 plantations, they killed 57 white
  • Local militia captured most of the rebels.
  • VA hanged about 20 of these slaves, including
  • Crowds of angry whites rioted, slaughtering about
    a hundred African Americans who had had no part
    in the revolt.

Few Other Problems
  • Poverty, alcoholism, illiteracy, overcrowded
    housing, poor health care, abuse of women,
    declining moral values.
  • These problems plagued cities early on.
  • Many people felt cities needed to reform.
  • It will begin with faith based reformers.

The Second Great Awakening
  • Money came less from Fed Govt b/c church
    membership had dropped.
  • Early 1800s 1/10 Pioneers was a member of a
  • Started in KY and TN a revival of religious
    faith in the early 1800s
  • Was Evangelical b/c it emphasized
  • 1.) The Scripture is the final authority
  • 2.) Salvation can only be achieved through a
    personal belief in Jesus Christ
  • 3.) People demonstrate true faith by leading a
    transformed life and by performing good deeds.
  • Witnessing for Christ

The Second Great Awakening (cont.)
  • Democratic!
  • Anyone, rich or poor, could win salvation
  • Evangelical religions stressed the importance of
    the congregation (people of the church) other
    than the ministers.
  • Common feature revival
  • A gathering where people were revived, or brought
    back to religious life, by listening to preachers
    and accepting Jesus Christ.
  • New Denominations grew (sub-types)
  • Baptists, Methodists, Unitarians, Mormons,
    Millennialists, etc.

The Second Great Awakening (cont.)
  • The African-American Church
  • Methodist, and other evangelical churches open to
    blacks and whites
  • Both white and black Christians sang spirituals
    (Folk hymns)
  • Southern slaves interpreted Christian message as
    promise of freedom
  • Started their own church (African Methodist
    Episcopal Church) under leadership of Richard
    Allen in 1792.
  • 1830s and 1840s Women became leaders in reform
  • Let them connect with others and help!
  • Were able to influence the beliefs and standards
    of behavior in their community.

Section 1 Middle Class Reform
  • Protestant Revivalists believed that God was
    all-powerful but that God allowed people to make
    their own destinies.
  • Charles Grandison Finney Central figure
  • Preached with passion and fire!
  • Lyman Beecher father to Henry Ward Beecher,
    Harriett Beecher Stowe, Catherine Beecher
  • Warned America the vast extent of territory,
    our numerous and increasing population, . . .
    Diversity of local interests, the power of
    selfishness, and the fury of sectional jealousy
    and hate.
  • Said good people would make a good country!

Section 1 cont.
  • Transcendentalists (rise above)
  • Centered in Concord, Massachusetts
  • Taught that the process of spiritual discovery
    and insight would lead a person to truths more
    profound than he or she could reach through
    reason. Humans are naturally good. Promote

Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • Leader of the movement.
  • (1803 1882)
  • Recognized as a major American poet.
  • Young wife died, so he questioned his beliefs.
  • What is man born for, but to be a reformer, a
    reformer of what man has made, a renouncer of
    lies a restorer of truth and good . . . ?

Henry David Thoreau
  • Best works Walden, or life in the Woods
  • Suffered tragedy to make him question
  • Failed at teaching, broken engagement, death of
  • Built a cabin on lake Walden and spent 2 years
    writing and thinking.
  • Where he wrote Walden.

Henry David Thoreau (cont.)
  • Why should we be in such desperate haste to
    succeed, and in such desperate enterprises? If a
    man does not keep pace with his companions,
    perhaps it is because he hears a different
    drummer. Let him step to the music which he
    hears, however measured or far away. --- Walden
  • Strong opponent of war with Mexico.
  • True to his beliefs, he protested in 1846 by not
    paying taxes.
  • Jailed for this and later described it in his
    famous essay Civil Disobedience.
  • In his later years, he devoted lots of time to
    the anti-slavery movement, or helping escaped
    slaves free.

The Temperance Movement
  • Social problem of the early 1800s.
  • At this point, Americans consumed more alcoholic
    beverages per person than any other time in the
    country's history.
  • An organized campaign to eliminate alcohol
  • U.S. actually threatened with becoming a nation
    of drunkards. Greene and Delaware Moral
    Society, 1815
  • Women reformers particularly saw it as
  • Abstinence to not drink alcohol.

Temperance Movement (cont.)
  • By 1834 the American Temperance Society had 7,000
    local organizations with 1,250,000 members.
  • Abraham Lincoln, young lawyer who saw Temperance
    Movement like American Revolution.
  • He looked forward to the happy day whenthe
    victory shall be complete when there shall be
    neither a slave nor a drunkard on the earth.
  • Maine outlaws alcohol in 1851.
  • Protests of brewers, distillers, and other
    citizens usually led to repeal of such laws.

Public Education
  • Public Education needed to be reformed too!
  • Buildings were old, textbooks were scarce,
    teacher quality was poor.
  • Many people began demanding tax-supported public
  • Democracy needs literate, informed voters and
    morally upright citizens.
  • Opposition
  • Tax payers with no kids, or kids went to private
    schools hated this suggestion
  • Some families needed their kids to work and
    didnt want them going to school past a certain

Horace Mann leads reforms!
  • Self-educated
  • Served in Mass legis.
  • States 1st Sec. of Board of Ed.
  • Believed in the absolute right to an education
    of every human being that comes into the world.
  • Wanted to raise taxes for public ed.
  • Divided schools into grade levels.
  • Established first public high school in 1821.
  • Fought against slavery.

Moral Education
  • Like other middle-class reformers, Mann wanted an
    education that promoted self-discipline and good
  • Schools taught kids how to behave, stand in line
    to wait turn, be polite to others, and respect
  • Learned through McGuffeys Readers.
  • Promoted evangelical Protestant values.

Limits of Reform
  • Schools more common in North than South.
  • Where schools did exist
  • Girls discouraged from attending
  • Free blacks often turned away or were segregated
    (separated according to race).
  • Some African American colleges opened.
  • Some private colleges became coeducational.
  • For most part, only white males were welcomed at

Reforming Prisons
  • In 1800s many states built prisons for those who
    committed crimes.
  • Supposed to be in isolation here for years.
  • Prisoners were supposed to lead regular,
    disciplined lives, reflect on their sins, and
    maybe become law abiding citizens.
  • But Dorothea Dix, a Boston schoolteacher, found
    out otherwise

Dorothea Dixs Discovery
  • She discovered all kinds of people (men, women,
    young/old, sane/insane, first-timers, and repeat
    offenders) all together in bad conditions.
  • Dressed in rags
  • Poorly fed
  • Chained together in unheated cells
  • Spent next 2 years going to all prisons in Mass.
  • Submitted findings to Mass legislature.
  • Treating the Mentally ill as criminals rather
    than patients, is to condemn them to mental
  • She convinced state to improve conditions and
    create separate institutions for the mentally
  • 15 others states did the same!

Utopian Communities
  • Most reformers worked to improve society at
    large, while some formed Utopian Communities.
  • Small societies dedicated to perfection in social
    and political conditions.
  • Utopia, appeared in literature earlier.
  • Described a place where human greed, sin, and
    egotism did not exists, and people lived in
    prosperity as equals.
  • Utopian reformers, angry about urban problems,
    believed these kinds of societies would be

Not so much
  • First half of 1800s, 100 communities arose.
  • Most famous New Harmony, Indiana
  • Founded in 1825 by Scottish man Robert Owen.
  • Owen wanted a town with well-educated and
    hardworking people, sharing property in common
    and living in harmony.
  • Fell victim to laziness, selfishness, and
  • Most were religiously oriented.
  • Shakers (from Quakers) established their first
    community in New Lebanon, NY in 1787.
  • Lead lives of productive labor, moral perfection,
    and equality among men and women.
  • Best known today for great furniture!
  • Peaked in 1840 with 6,000 members, few survived
    into late 1900s.

Section 2The Antislavery Movement
  • David Walker spread his message interestingly.
  • He bought cloths from sailors returning to port,
    put copies of his pamphlet Appeal to the Colored
    Citizens of the World in them, and then resold
  • He said white people should all cooperate so that
    all Americans can live in peace and happiness
  • But if they would not listen he warned, We must
    and shall be freein spite of white people, for
    America is as much our country as it is yours.
  • Angry southerners in response to antislavery
    literature, ban anti-slavery publications and
    made it illegal to teach slaves to read.
  • Yet, fighters of the ABOLITIONIST MOVEMENT (the
    movement to end slavery), continued to fight!

Roots of Abolitionism
  • Earliest known antislavery protest came from the
    Mennonites, Christian sect of German immigrants,
    who declared in 1688
  • There is a saying, that we should do to all men
    like as we will be done ourselves making no
    difference of what generation, descent, or colour
    they are. And those who steal or rob men, and
    those who buy or purchase them, are they not all
  • From 1777-1807every state north of Maryland
    passes laws that gradually abolish slavery.
  • No more importing slaves after 1808.

Different Approaches
  • A Quaker, Benjamin Lundy, founded an antislavery
    newspaper called The Genius of Universal
  • The paper called for a gradual program of
    EMANCIPATION, freeing of slaved persons.
  • He wanted to stop the spread of slavery to new
    states and end the slave trade within the U.S.
  • By the end of the 1820s, nearly 50 African
    American antislavery groups had formed in the

Different Approaches ContinuedThe Colonization
of Liberia
  • Early 1800s some abolitionists favored
    COLONIZATION, a program to send free blacks and
    emancipated slaves to Africa.
  • Thinking Af. Amers. would never be treated
    equally, these abolitionists formed the American
    Colonization Society in 1816.
  • They established the West African country of
    Liberia (sounds like Liberty!) in 1822.
  • Many white supporters of this didnt believe in
    racial equality.
  • Many wanted to rid the US of slavery African
  • Some felt this would be good and not allow for
    slave revolts!
  • Tended to offend African Americans.
  • By 1831, only about 1,400 free African Americans
    had migrated to Liberia.

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Radical Abolitionism
  • Most famous was William Lloyd Garrison.
  • We will learn about him later.
  • Another famous abolitionist was Frederick
  • We will learn about him later as well.

Divisions Among Abolitionists
  • 1.) Divisions over Womens Participation
  • Most Americans didnt approve of womens
    participation in politics.
  • 2.) Divisions over Race
  • For Af Amers the movement was personal and had an
    urgency which many white people didnt
  • Some black reformers felt that white reformers
    regarded them as inferior.
  • We find ourselves occupying the very same
    position in relation to our Anti-Slavery friends,
    as we do in relation to the pro-slavery part of
    the community a mere secondary, underlining
  • Dr. Martin Delany, one of first black students to
    graduate from Harvard

More Divisions of Abolitionists
  • 3.) Divisions over Tactics
  • Some felt Constitution supported slavery, so
    winning by passing new laws is pointless b/c any
    new laws would be unconstitutional.
  • Some disagreed and wanted to focus on legal
  • Whereas others will resort to violence!

The Underground RR
  • Some reformers relied on other means to attack
    slavery, both legal and illegal.
  • Some risked their lives and created the
    Underground RR a network of escape routes that
    provided protection and transportation for slaves
    fleeing north to freedom.
  • Men women acting as conductors acted as guides
    to these escaped slaves.
  • Number of escaped slaves varies from 40-100,000.

Resistance to AbolitionismIn the North?!?
  • Northern merchants were worried that the
    antislavery movement would sour trade relations.
  • White workers and labor leaders feared
    competition from escaped slaves willing to work
    for lower wages.
  • Many people did not want Af Amers in their
    community, viewed them as socially inferior.
  • At public events of abolition, violence could
  • Stones and rotten eggs thrown at speakers
  • Voices drowned out with horns or drums.
  • Buildings were burnt down.
  • Sometimes people were shot and killed, like
    Elijay P. Lovejoy.

Opposition in the South
  • Most southerners were angered by the criticisms
    leveled at slavery.
  • Attacks by abolitionists made many more
    southerners determined to defend slavery.
  • It was very dangerous for southerners to speak
    against slavery.
  • Southern postmasters refused to deliver
    abolitionist literature.
  • In 1836, southerners passed the GAG RULE, for the
    next eight years prohibited antislavery petitions
    from being read or acted upon in the House.
  • This was proof for abolitionists that slavery
    threatened the rights of all Americans, white and

Section 3The Movement for Womens Rights
  • Reformers believed that women were central to
    success of a strong, democratic nation.
  • Some women suggested start by reforming society
    from within the home.
  • Cultural and Legal Limits on Women
  • Many lower class women worked in factories.
  • Middle class women were freed from cooking and
    making cloths, as more products appeared on
  • What should they do then?
  • Remain in the Home? Raise/educate children?
    Entertain guests? Serve husbands? Do community
  • Certainly not dabble in politics!

Strict Legal Limitations
  • Women could not vote.
  • In most states, married women could not own
  • Women, generally, could not keep money they
  • Instead they gave it to their husband or father.

Public Roles for Women
  • More women are becoming educated, more grow eager
    to apply their knowledge and skills beyond the
  • Became angry with laws/attitudes that prevented
    them with doing so.
  • Participating in a movement!
  • 1st taste of the world outside family.
  • Marched in parades, participated in boycotts,
    gave lectures at public assemblies.
  • Many women began to identify with each other in
    their bad positions in society.

Fighting for Abolition
  • Battle to end slavery is how women emerged into
    the political world.
  • Women compared their situation with that of
    enslaved African Americans.
  • Neither group could vote or hold office.
  • Both were denied full rights of citizens.
  • Women began to attend meetings, gather petitions,
    give public talks, and write pamphlets/books.

Male Opposition
  • Many men were horrified with this development.
  • Some men found it distasteful for women to be
    involved politically.
  • Many people did think that women were more
    virtuous then men, but that they should use it in
    the home rather than the public.

A Womens Rights Movement
  • 1840 first World Anti-Slavery Convention in
  • American women were not allowed to attend.
  • Two delegates said, hey, lets throw our own!
  • July 1848 in Seneca Falls, New York first
    womens rights convention in US History.
  • Seneca Falls Convention
  • Elizabeth Cady Stanton delivered the Declaration
    of Sentimate.

Excerpt fromDeclaration of Sentimates
  • The history of mankind is a history of repeated
    injuries and usurpations seizure of power on
    the part of man toward women, to establish
    absolute tyranny over herBecause women do feel
    themselves aggrieved, oppressed, and fraudulently
    deprived of their most sacred moral rights, we
    insist that they have immediate admission to all
    the rights and privileges which belong to them as
    citizens of the United States.

Seneca Falls Convention
  • They passed 12 resolutions.
  • Signed by 68 women and 32 men.
  • They urged women to demand equal legal and
    political rights.
  • 9th resolution called for womens suffrage.
  • This resolution split women all over the world.

Slow Progress for Womens Rights
  • The S.F. Convention did not trigger an immediate
    downpour of rights.
  • Most Americans still felt as though women should
    do improve society in the home only.
  • By 1890 more than 2,500 women/year graduated
    from college.
  • Educated women began to appear in jobs that they
    had once been forbidden to do.
  • For African American women, the issue of
    emancipation was more pressing as opposed to
    womens rights.
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