Title: The Search for MB Alternatives Continues During 2005
1The Search for MB Alternatives Continues During
University of Georgia Tifton Campus
- Find effective and economical alternatives
- Reduce the amount of MB used in GA
3Efforts Have Focused
- Fumigants
- Mulch Types
- Herbicides
4(No Transcript)
5Fumigants and Rates (2002 to 2004)
- Methyl Bromide
- Chloropicrin
- Vapam
- Telone II fb chloropicrin
- Telone II fb metam
- Telone C35 fb chloropicrin
- DMDS alone and with chloropicrin
6Spring 2005 Efforts
- Replicated small plot research trials
- Replicated field trials (10-20 acres)
- Demonstration trials (gt120 acres)
- Evaluated over 30 possible fumigant combinations
7Fall 2005 Efforts
- Compared three fumigant alternatives
- Compared various types of plastic mulch
8Fumigant Options
- Telone II fb Chloropicrin fb Vapam
9Telone II (12 G) fb Vapam (75 G)
V4-05, 60 DAT
10Telone C35 (35 G) fb Pic (150 lbs)
V4-05, 60 DAT
11Telone II (12 G) fb Chloropicrin (150 lbs) fb
Vapam (75 G)
V4-05, 60 DAT
12Fumgiant Options
- Telone II fb chloropicrin fb Vapam
- MIDAS (methyl iodide plus chloropicrin)
- DMDS (dimethyl disulfide plus chloropicrin)
- MB (methyl bromide plus chloropicrin)
- None
13Soil Properties and Application Method Will Play
A Crucial Role
Picture provided by Tony Weiss, Dow Agro.
14MIDAS, Bromide, Pic and Exp.
15Applications of Telone II
16nozzles for KPAM
rototiller blades
Vapam Application
17Second Attempt
18Metam Application
19Fall Fumgiant Treatments
- Telone II fb chloropicrin fb Vapam
- MIDAS (methyl iodide plus chloropicrin)
- DMDS (dimethyl disulfide plus chloropicrin)
- MB (methyl bromide plus chloropicrin)
- None
Rates are broadcast Telone II 12 G,
chlororpicrin 150 lb, Vapam 75 G MIDAS (5050
mixture) 350 lbs DMDS (8020 mixture) 750 lbs
MB (6733) 350 lbs.
- Low density polyethylene (2 types)
- Metalized smooth (2 brands)
- Metalized embossed
- VIF (2 brands)
LDPE mulch white on black, metalized mulch silver
on white, VIF black on black
21Searching For Methyl Bromide Alternatives To
Manage Nutsedge A. Stanley Culpepper and MANY
others University of Georgia
Treatments and Fumigants Applied July 14,
2005 Prelude II Squash Planted on August 10,
2005. Photos taken on August 30, 2005. See
Summary Information for application procedures
22In Field Cooperators
- Hendrix and Dale
- John Mirusso
- Dow Agro Sciences
Arvesta Cerexagri
23(No Transcript)
24Percent Nutsedge Control by Fumigants. Ponder
Farm, 2005.
MB 76 ab
MIDAS 79 a
DMDS 69 ab
T2PicVapam 77 ab
25Percent Nutsedge Control by Fumigants. Ponder
Farm, 2005.
MB 76 ab (450)
MIDAS 79 a (??)
DMDS 69 b (??)
T2PicVapam 77 ab (362)
Culpeppers cost per acre for 2006. Three way
24 cheaper than MB at 350 lb.
26Percent Nutsedge Control by Fumigants Applied
Under Various Mulches. Ponder Farm, 2005.
Metalized Smooth
MB 76 de 94 ab
MIDAS 79 cd 94 ab
DMDS 69 e 99 a
T2PicVapam 77 de 87 bc
27Percent Nutsedge Control by Fumigants Applied
Under Various Mulches. Ponder Farm, 2005.
MB 76 cde 94 ab 82 bc
MIDAS 79 cd 94 ab 83 bc
DMDS 69 def 99 a 65 ef
T2PicVapam 77 cd 87 abc 63 f
28Percent Nutsedge Control by Fumigants Applied
Under Various Mulches. Ponder Farm, 2005.
MB 76 c-f 94 ab 82 bcd 100 a
MIDAS 79 cde 94 ab 83 bcd 100 a
DMDS 69 def 99 a 65 ef 98 a
T2Pic Vapam 77 c-f 87 abc 63 f 90 abc
29No fumigant
30MB 350 lb/A Broadcast, LDPE Mulch
White Surface
31MB 350 lb/A Broadcast, Metalized Smooth Mulch
Silver Surface
32MIDAS 350 lb/A Broadcast, LDPE Mulch
White Surface
33MIDAS 350 lb/A Broadcast, Metalized Smooth Mulch
Silver Surface
34Telone II (12 Gal) fb Pic (150 lb) fb Vapam (75
G) Broadcast, LDPE Mulch
White Surface
35Telone II (12 Gal) fb Pic (150 lb) fb Vapam (75
G) Broadcast, Metalized Smooth Mulch
Silver Surface
36DMDS 750 lb/A Broadcast, LDPE Mulch
White Surface
37DMDS 750 lbs Broadcast, Metalized Smooth Mulch
Silver Surface
38- Much research is still needed on metalized
mulches - Interval between fumigating and planting.
39Transplanted 21 DAT
Telone II fb chloropicrin
40- Much research is still needed on metalized
mulches - Interval between fumigating and planting.
- Difficulty to lay.
- Flaking.
- Longevity compared to standard LDPE mulch.
- Verify results noted in this trial.
- Higher price.
41Cost of Systems Per Acre, 2006.
MB 748 1008
MIDAS ?? ??
DMDS ?? ??
T2Pic Vapam 659 920
42Can we reduce the rate of these fumigants when
applied under metalized smooth mulch?
43Number of Nutsedge Emerged Through Mulch with
Methyl Bromide Applied Under LDPE or Metalized
Smooth Mulch. 4 WAT. LTF, Fall 2005.
Plots were 3 beds by 1500 row feet. Counts made
on 3 beds 400 row feet.
44Not Saying There is a Consistent MB Alternative
BUT its Time to Try Some Things!!
Questions or Comments?