First Order Logic - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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First Order Logic


First Order Logic Logic is a mathematical attempt to formalize the way we think. First-order predicate calculus was created in an attempt to mechanize reason. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: First Order Logic

First Order Logic
  • Logic is a mathematical attempt to formalize the
    way we think.
  • First-order predicate calculus was created in an
    attempt to mechanize reason.

First Order Logical Representations
  • All zombies eat brains.
  • This assumption can be represented in
    propositional logic by the propositional variable
  • In first order logic, the expression can be
    broken down
  • ?X (zombie(X) ? eatsbrains(X))?
  • ?X (zombie(X) ? eats(X, brains))?
  • ?X ?Y (zombie(X) ? eats(X, Y) brains(Y))?
  • Some people with no heartbeats are zombies.
  • ?X (person(X) zombie(X) heartbeat(X))?

Natural Deductive Rules
  • Natural deductive rules are logical rules
    accepted as being intuitively true.
  • Universal Instantiation If a variable is
    assigned a value, it will always have that value.
  • If X joe, ?X (zombie(X) ? eatsbrains(X)) is the
    same as (zombie(joe) ? eatsbrains(joe))?
  • Modus Ponens For some pair of expressions p and
    q, p (p ?q) q.
  • If zombie(X), (zombie(X) ? eatsbrains(X)) becomes

Truth Tables
  • Truth tables can be constructed from first order
    logic by transforming expressions into atomic
    formulas (something with value true or false).
  • Atomic formulas can be constructed from first
    order logic by either quantifying a formula or
    mapping it to a value (analogous to valuation).
  • Interpretations are analogous to truth tables.

Truth Tables
zombie(joe) zombie(X) eatsbrains(joe) eatsbrai
ns(X) ...
0 ? 0 ? 1 ? 0 ?
By mapping (valuation) of X to fred
zombie(joe) zombie(fred) eatsbrains(joe)
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
Brief Intro Herbrand Base
  • The Herbrand base is the set of ground atomic
  • In the previous example, this is the set
    zombie(joe), zombie(fred), eatsbrains(joe),
  • A model is satisfiable if and only if it has a
    Herbrand Interpretation (a valid truth assignment
    given its Herbrand base).

Function Symbols
  • Function symbols map an individual in the domain
    to another in the domain.
  • Everyone loves their mother.
  • In the expression ?X loves(X, mother(X)),
    mother(X) maps X to the element in the domain.
  • Peano's Axioms for Arithmetic
  • In the expression ?X (number(X) ? number(S(X)),
    the occurance of number in number(X) is a
    function symbol. In the second occurrence, number
    is a predicate and S(X) is a function symbol.

Relational Databases
  • Assume there is a relational database with a
    patient table, visit table, and a prescription
  • The patient table has fields ID, Date of Birth,
    and Gender.
  • The visit table has fields ID, Visit Date, and
    Diagnosis Code.
  • The prescription table has fields ID, Date, and

Relational Databases
Relational Databases
  • In a relational database, the table can be
    represented by an atomic formula of a predicate
    objects composed of constants and/or function
    symbols. One such formula exists for each
  • Patient table patient(id, date of birth,
  • Visit table visit(id, date, diagnosis code)?
  • Prescription table prescription(id, date, drug)?

Relational Databases
  • Any query can be represented as a formula.
  • To find all male patients with diagnosis code
    111, use the query formula ?P (interest(P)?patien
    t(P, B, male) visit(P, D, 111)?
  • The query result can define a new table
    containing the desired data.
  • Extensional Write out entries in a table.
  • Intensional Write out tables via formula

First Order Logical Inference-Datalog
  • Datalog is a syntactic variation on relational
    database queries. It forms an intensional
    representation to the query equivalent to those
    formed by relational algebra.
  • All quanitifiers are assumed universal and out
    front of the formula. All formulas are atomic or
    implications. No function symbols are used.
    (interest(P)?patient(P, B, male), visit(P, D,

Queries in Datalog
  • Datalog queries can be called with a
    goal. male-flu(P, D)?(patient(P, B, male),
    visit(P, D, 111)?
  • Goals can be satisfied by finding all bindings on
    the goal variables and using pattern matching.
  • The process of matching all atomic formulas by
    binding the variables to force matching is known
    as Unification.

Queries in Datalog
  • Unification is most frequently executed by
    running a backtracking search for proofs
    satisfying all subgoals.
  • Running unification on the male-flu example, if
    there exists patient(1, 1-1-01, male) and
    visit(1, 3-3-03, 111), there will be a new row
    binding in the resulting male-flu table with P1,

  • All formulas have the format atomic formula ?
    atomic formula , atomic formula(s)written in
    Prolog as atomic formula - atomic formula ,
    atomic formula(s).
  • Prolog uses only universally quantified
  • Some arithmetic functions are allowed, such as
    W is XY
  • Specification of correct output is allowed.

Prolog Lists
  • cons(H, T) constructs the list with H as the head
    and T as the tail. This is equivalent to
    HT.1,2,312, 3123nilcons(1,
    cons(2, cons(3, nil))) where nil is the empty
  • All functions are evaluated based on unification.
  • Conventionally, arguments to a Prolog expression
    are given with inputs first, then outputs.
  • Prolog is Turing-complete so long as function
    symbols are allowed.

Defining Prolog Functions
  • Member function member(H, HT).member(H,
    ST) ? member(H,T).
  • Insertion Sortsort( , ).sort(HT, L) ?
    sort(T, T2), insert(H, T2, L).insert(H, AT,
    H,AT ? H lt A.insert(H, AT, AL) ? H gt
    A, insert(H, T, L).

Running Prolog
  • On CSL machines, Prolog is run via the yap
  • To load a file into the interpreter ?-
  • Once a file has been loaded, definitions
    contained in that file may be executed. The code
    will then be run top down until a solution is
    found and then bound to the output. ?- sort(5,
    1, 10, 3, 9, X). Bind sorted list to X
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