Title: Info Vis, Multitasking and Large Displays
1Info Vis, Multitasking and Large Displays
- Mary Czerwinski
- Microsoft Research
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3Information Visualization
- Main ThemeOffload cognitive work to the
perceptual system - Focus on animated transitions to maintain context
- Work with George Robertson, Kim Cameron, Daniel
- Visualizing multiple dimensions
sequentially/simultaneously - Using animation to orient user spatially
- Questions of timing, freeze frames, linkages,
cognitive load - Multiple foci pivots
- Iterative design with internal db stakeholders
and developers
5What is the problem?
- Hierarchies are very common
- 20 years of hierarchy visualization RD
- Significant problems remain
- New problems appearing (multiple hierarchies)
6Current Approaches
- Many 2D and 3D Hierarchy Visualizations
- Each works for some tasks and some scales
- Very few have had user testing
- Windows Tree Control
- Many observed problems
7Whats wrong with this picture?
8Problems Cognitive Overhead
- Loss of context
- Or loss of detail
- Separate detail/overview ? extra attentional
resource required - Multiple foci is difficult
- Which item is open?
9Basic View Strategies
- Two view (separate detail/overview views)
- Distorted view
- Distorted data fisheye
- Distorted space 3D, hyperbolic
- Focus in Context (integrated view)
- Many use ANIMATION during transitionsmost not
empirically evaluated
10Cone Tree Scales, Integrates Focus Context
- Robertson, Mackinlay Card, Xerox PARC, CHI91
- Limits
- 10 levels
- 1000 nodes
- Up to 10,000
- Animated, complex rotations
11TreeMap Scales, Integrates Focus Context
- Johnson Shneiderman, U. Maryland, Vis91
- Space filling
- 3000 objects
- MicroLogics DiskMapper
12Hyperbolic Browser - 1994
- Lamping Rao, Xerox PARC, UIST94
- Projected onto circle, animated
- 1000s of nodes
- Reaction to occlusion problem in Cone Trees
13Sunburst - 2000
- Stasko Zhang, Georgia Tech, InfoVis 2000
- Radial space-filling
- Techniques for viewing more detail, animated
14Multiple Hierarchies (3 kinds)
- One hierarchy changing over time
- Time Tube (Chi et al., 1998)
- Taxonomy visualization (Graham et al., 2000)
- MultiTrees (shared subtrees)
- XML3D (Munzner, 1997)
- Polyarchy
15People and Resources Example
- Multiple Hierarchies Exist
- Direct reporting
- Cost or Profit Center
- Location
- Implicit relationships
- But only one hierarchy shown at a time
16Polyarchy 1 Selection, 1 Hierarchy
17Figure . Polyarchy Visualization showing
relationship of three people in the management
18Two Styles of Visual Pivot
19Visual Pivot (Rotation around Vertical Axis)
20Schematic of Visual Pivot (rotation)
21Rotation around Horizontal Axis
22Sliding Animation
23Stacked (w/links)
24Animation Controversy
- Tversky et al. (2001) - Animation not always
useful unless interactive, user controlled - Robertson, Card Mackinlay (91) rotationsgood
for maintaining context - Bartram (98) emergent property of grouping when
similar motions occur across a dense data display - Bederson Boltman (98) 1 s. zoom reduced
errors aided spatial memory
25Proffitt and Kaiser (93)
- Users analyze animations into relative (rotation)
and common (translation) motion components - Designers of animation displays need to recognize
that moving object configurations interact with
their displacement perception - Secondly, rotation and translation motions have
different perceptual significance - Rotations define 3D form, while translations
define observer-relative displacements - This analysis suggests that the Visual Pivot
sliding animation may be perceived as
observer-relative while the rotating animations
may be perceived as defining 3D form (shows
relationships but less useful for our tasks?)
26User Studies
- Study 1 Mockup of visual pivot
- Issues list guided development of prototype
- Study 2 Prototype 2D vs 3D
- Visual Pivot animation was misleading
- Animation speeds were too slow
27User Studies
- Study 3 Animation Styles and Speeds
- Six animation styles Picked 2 best (sliding and
rotating) - Twice as fast as study 2 Still too slow
- Study 4 Prototype 2D vs 3D
- Identified most effective animation style-sliding
- Identified best speed range0.5 sec.
- Study 5 Examined complexity of query and sliding
v. stacked animations both effective
28Animation Styles Learning
29Animation Timing
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31Unresolved Problems
- Hierarchy ordering
- Server returns siblings in undetermined order
- When 2 or more foci and pivot occurs, 2
selections may be reversed - Default is alphabetical ordering
- Text Rendering
- Text rendered in 3D could provide ideal depth
cues (e.g., change in size depending on distance
from observer)
32Notifications Reminders
- Over 2 years of empirical findings-gt principles
of notification design - Principles distributed and adopted by many
notification design teamsongoing - Ongoing work with Eric Horvitz
- Research to support the design of intelligent
notifications platforms - Current work is focused on reminding and
reinstating context after a task switch
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35Messenger Math Problems
36Attention-Based Principles of Notifications 1
- Unless you are absolutely sure the user wants to
know what youre telling them at that moment, be
careful of very salient notifications - Autoarchive in Outlook
- Frequent audio alerts from messenger
- Users trust is fragile. Once they perceive a
system is unreliable, it is very hard to win them
back - Be cautious repeating information it might be
outdated or irritating
37Attention-Based Principles of Notifications 2
- Make notifications situation-awarepresent
between cognitive chunks - Early in a task is the worst time to interrupt if
you want user to remember what they were doing - When possible, use smart monitoring
- Monitor the user (what are they doing?)
- Content of interruptionrelevant content less
disruptive, privacy issues - Demands of current task
38Women Take a Wider View
- Mary Czerwinski, Desney Tan, George Robertson
- Microsoft Research and CMU
39Large Display Efforts
- Gender/FOV/Large Display Findings
- Women take a wider field of view to build
cognitive maps of virtual spaces - Elegant principle of nav design that benefits
females without male cost - Unlocking the code behind principles from
psychology and good design in navigation tasks
40Prior WorkNav Gender
- Females known to tend to navigate by landmarks in
the environment - Importance of landmarks acknowledged in virtual
world design (e.g., Darken, Elvins, Vinshon,
etc.) - Men known to navigate by broader bearings (e.g.,
N, S, E W) - Gender differences often magnified in virtual
worlds (e.g., Waller, Hunt Knap, 1998)
41Prior Work--FOV
- Much evidence that restricting FOV leads to
performance decrements - Increasing FOV to 90 degrees allows overlapping
sequence of fixations in memory faster cognitive
map construction - Wider FOV results in better eye-hand coordination
and tracking behavior - Especially when visual complexity increases
- No gender effects mentioned in literature
42Experiments 1 2 (CHI 2001)
- Examined novel navigation techniques
- Used large, 36 inch display (Arcturus)
- 2 rear projectors onto a a semi-curved tinted
Plexiglas surface using Windows multimonitor
support - 83 aspect ratio (twice as wide as normal
displays) - 36 x 14 inches
- 2048 x 768 pixel display surface
- FOV 75 degrees
- Also smaller, 17 inch display (33 degree FOV)
43Experiment 1 Test Design
- 17 users (7 female)
- Procedure
- Find, identify, pick up, drop cubes at target
pads - Cubes scattered randomly
- Participants placed 4 cubes on 4 pads in each of
4 conditions, all counterbalanced - Deadline of 5 minutes
- Testing nav techniques
- Measured trial times
44World Dimensions
- Tutorial world
- 300 x 300 meters, 4 objects
- Test world
- 500 x 500, 23 objects (tents, roller coasters,
and rides) - Both worlds had 4 target cubes and target drop
pads - Object was to put 4 cubes on 4 corresponding pads
as quickly as possible
45Experiment 2 Conditions
- Chose best nav techniques from Exp. 1
- Exp. 2 3x2 within subjects design
Small Display
Large Display
Basic navigation Speed-coupled flying with
orbit Speed-coupled flying with orbit/glide
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47Experiments 1 2 Summary
- Larger display may narrow gender gap on
performance in 3D navigation - Unanswered questions
- What tasks do they enhance? Why?
- What about them causes better/worse performance?
- Cause of gender effect for navigation tasks?
48Experiment 3
- Goals--replicate and extend findings from
Experiment 2 - Hypothesis wider FOV benefits females more than
males - Also, better control for display size (all on one
display) - DFOV to GFOV ratios identified
- Design
- FOV x display size x gender
- 32.5 v. 75 degree FOVs, 18 36 inches wide
49Experiment 3 Methods
- 32 intermediate to advanced PC users (17
Female)--No 3D gamers - Avg. age 41 (19 to 60 years old)
- DFOV x GFOV ratios
- Small-narrow 11, small-wide12,
large-narrow21, and large-wide11 - FOV means GFOV from here on out
- All conditions run on large display
50Experiment 3 Procedure
- Same task as in Experiments 1 2
- After 4 cubes found, 3 pointing trials
- 1 object and 1 drop pad were removed from world
- Participants had to point at each object from 3
random locations (spatial memory measure) - 450 MHz Pentium II Dell computer
51Experiment 3 Dependent Measures
- Trial time (for all 4 cubes)
- Travel distance
- Travel height (measure of efficiency)
- User satisfaction
- Pointing error
- Kit of Factor Referenced Cognitive Tests MV2 and
MV3map memory measures
52Experiment 3 Results
- Map Memory, N.S., t(29)-0.29, p.77
- Performance data
- 2 (gender) x 2 (screen size) x 2 (FOV) repeated
measures MANOVA - Percent correct, N.S.
- Main effects
- Gender
- Males faster (193 v. 226 seconds) and flew higher
(16.5 v. 13.8 meters)
53Experiment 3 Results
- Main effects continued
- Larger display conditions on avg. resulted in
- Less pointing error (14.8 v. 15.4 meters error)
- Greater distance traveled (6918 v. 5461 meters)
- More flying (15.5 v. 14.9 meters height)
- Faster trial times (205 v. 214 seconds)
54Experiment 3 Results
- Wider FOVs on avg. resulted in
- Less pointing error (14.8 v. 15.3 meters error)
- Shorter distance traveled (5777.4 v. 6601.7 m.)
- Higher flying (15.8 v. 14.6 meters)
- Faster trial times (199.85 v. 218.7 seconds)
- Planned comparison M-F difference in large
display, wide FOV condition N.S.
55Experiment 3 Trial Times
56Difference between M-F Trial Times
57Experiment 3 Pointing Error
58Gender Strategy Differences
59Experiment 3 Discussion
- User Satisfaction 12/15 males and 14/17 females
preferred wider fov conditions - Observed typical overall male superiority
- Large display, wide FOV condition reduces that
superiority (trial times, pointing error) - Opposing gender strategies for wide fov conditions
60Preliminary PrinciplesField of View
- Use a wider field of view (gt75 degrees) coupled
with a large display (gt36 inches) for better
female navigability - Works for both simple and complex information
spaces (Exp. 4 not reported) - Ensures females navigate as quickly and
accurately as males on search and manipulation
tasks in novel environments - Could be critical in educational and training
61Future DisplaysMass Multiples
62Future Displays Stanfords I-Room
- User research plays pivotal role in developing
advanced technology _at_MSR - Leading to better designs
- Identifying new psychological principles
- Blurring the line between basic and applied
research - Product teams see value (e.g., big display
surfaces are hot due to gender findings)