The Nature of Light - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Nature of Light


The Nature of Light What is light has been a basic philosophical and scientific question since time immemorial. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Nature of Light

The Nature of Light
  • What is light has been a basic philosophical and
    scientific question since time immemorial.

Isaac Newton
  • Known for his Law of Universal Gravitation,
    English physicist Sir Isaac Newton (1643 to 1727)
    realized that light had frequency-like properties
    when he used a prism to split sunlight into its
    component colors, called dispersion.
  • This was the first thought that it had wavelike

Isaac Newton
  • Nevertheless, he thought that light was a
    particle because the periphery of the shadows it
    created was extremely sharp and clear.

Francesco Grimaldi and Christian Huygens
  • Light as a wave - The wave theory, which
    maintains that light is a wave, was proposed
    around the same time as Newton's theory. This
    meansthat the explanation for the nature of
    light is that light travels as a transverse wave
    through different mediums. The site below has a
    helpful tutorial about light as a wave model.
    Check out science trek gtunder electromagnetic
    waves.(hi-lite link, right click gtopen hyperlink)
  • http//

Supporting observations
  • In 1665, Italian physicist Francesco Maria
    Grimaldi (1618 to 1663) discovered the phenomenon
    of light diffraction and pointed out that it
    resembles the behavior of waves. Then, in 1678,
    Dutch physicist Christian Huygens (1629 to 1695)
    established the wave theory of light and
    announced the Huygens' principle.

Observations of diffraction using Light and Shadow
So, finally
  • In 1678, Dutch physicist Christian Huygens (1629
    to 1695) established the wave theory of light and
    announced the Huygens' principle
  • when light goes through an aperture (an opening
    within a barrier) every point of the light wave
    within the aperture can be viewed as creating a
    circular wave which propagates outward from the

Diffraction of light
  • Interactive simulation showing diffraction. The
    opening and frequency are adjustible.
  • http//

Augustin-Jean Fresnel
  • French physicist Augustin-Jean Fresnel (1788 to
    1827) asserted that light waves have an extremely
    short wavelength and mathematically proved light
    interference. In 1815, he devised physical laws
    for light reflection and refraction, as well. He
    also hypothesized that space is filled with a
    medium known as ether because waves need
    something that can transmit them.Ether medium
    ideas didnt hold up.

Thomas Young
  • In 1817, English physicist Thomas Young (1773 to
    1829) calculated light's wavelength from an
    interference pattern, thereby not only figuring
    out that the wavelength is 1 micron or less, but
    also having a handle on the truth that light is a
    transverse wave.At that point, the particle
    theory of light fell out of favor and was
    replaced by the wave theory.

In Youngs Experiment
  • The waves from the two sources are in phase at
    the center. Bright areas are caused by
    constructive interference and the dark areas are
    caused by destructive interference.
  • As the distance from the center increases, the
    path traveled by the light from one source is
    larger than that traveled by the light from the
    other source.

Youngs experiment continued
  • When the difference in path is equal to half a
    wavelength, destructive interference occurs.
    Instead, when the difference in path length is
    equal to a wavelength, constructive interference
  • For destructive interference the waves are 180
    degrees out of phase and for constructive
    interference they are exactly in phase.

Youngs Double Slot Diffraction Experiment
  • Measurements from this type of experiment was
    used to determine the wavelength of light.
  • http//

  • Maxwell's four equations have become the most
    fundamental law in electromagnetics. The
    equations actually predicted the existence of
    electromagnetic waves in 1861before we had
    devised technologies to detect details of
    electromagnetic radiation.

Light as a particleA. Einstein
  • The theory of light being a particle completely
    vanished until the end of the 19th century when
    Albert Einstein revived it.Now that the dual
    nature of light as "both a particle and a wave"
    has been proved, its essential theory was further
    evolved from electromagnetics into quantum

Model Depicting the Duality of Light
  • Model Depicting the Duality of Light

Einsteins Quantum Theory
  • Einstein believed light is a particle (photon)
    and the flow of photons is a wave.
  • The main point of Einstein's light quantum theory
    is that light's energy is related to its
    oscillation frequency.
  • Photon energy is the height of the oscillation
    frequency and the intensity of light is the
    quantity of photons.
  • This site presents the photon theory for light is
    a particle.
  • http//
    click on
  • gtscience trek, gtquantum atom, scroll to bottom,
    gtnext, gt click on energy levels and watch photons.

Einsteins Photoelectric Effect
  • Albert Einstein (1879 to 1955), famous for his
    theories of relativity, conducted research on the
    photoelectric effect, in which electrons fly out
    of a metal surface exposed to light.The strange
    thing about the photoelectric effect is the
    energy of the electrons (photoelectrons) that fly
    out of the metal does not change whether the
    light is weak or strong. (If light were a wave,
    strong light should cause photoelectrons to fly
    out with great power.)Another puzzling matter
    is how photoelectrons multiply when strong light
    is applied. Einstein explained the photoelectric
    effect by saying that "light itself is a
    particle," and for this he received the Nobel
    Prize in Physics.
  • http//

Einsteins Oscillation Frequency
  • The main point of his light quantum theory is the
    idea that light's energy is related to its
    oscillation frequency). In short, Einstein was
    saying that light is a flow of photons, the
    energy of these photons is the frequency of their
    oscillation frequency, and the intensity of the
    light is the quantity of its photons.
  • http//

Photoelectric EffectClick on the icon below for
an interactive simulation.
Einsteins Quantum Theory
  • Einstein proved his theory by proving that the
    Planck's constant which he developed, exactly
    matched the Plancks constant of 6.6260755 x
    10-34 that Planck independently discovered from
    his experiments.

Einsteins Quantum Theory
  • This showed light as a wave and the properties of
    light as both a particle and a wave.
  • http//

Electromagnetic Spectrum
  • All electromagnetic energy is a continuum,
    gradually changing in wavelength from less than a
    billionth of a meter to many miles long. All
    forms of energy within this group travel as
    electrical energy in one plane and magnetic
    energy oriented 90 degrees and in phase with the
    electric field.

Electromagnetic Spectrum
Electromagnetic Spectrum
  • Makes up all of the radiation in the universe,
    some visible and most invisible.
  • All forms of radiation within the spectrum ,
    186,000 miles per second, travel at the speed of
    light in a vacuum.
  • Radiation travels through some mediums and
    without a medium as well.

Light Intensity
  • Light Intensity is inversely proportional to the
    square of the distance I 1/d2 .
  • According to Einstein, the intensity of the light
    is determined by the quantity of the photons
    hitting the surface.

Electromagnetic spectrum continued
  • We see only a very narrow portion of the
    radiation of the spectrum, the rest simply lies
    outside the threshold of our eyes to detect it
    and is therefore invisible to our eyes.

Parts of the electromagnetic spectrum
  • Gamma Radiation invisible, shortest wavelength,
    highest frequency, highest energy radiation, can
    penetrate up to 3 m of concrete. Source
    radioactive elements. Used to treat cancer.
  • X-ray radiation invisible, next highest energy,
    passes through skin and soft tissue, but absorbed
    by bone.

Electromagnetic spectrum continued
  • Ultra-violet radiation, penetrates skin cells,
    causes sunburn, cellular mutations (DNA damage)
    and skin cancer (melanoma)
  • Visible Light The only part of the EMS you can
    see, broken down to different wavelengths (400
    nm violet 700 nm red) and frequencies and
    perceived as different color ROYGBIV

Electromagnetic Spectrum continued
  • Infrared Light- or heat radiation - although we
    can not see it directly, we can detect it with
    heat sensors embedded in our skin.
  • Its wavelength is longer than red light
  • Microwave radiation longer wavelength than IR,
    it is used in microwaves to heat water in food
    and for cellular communication.

Electromagnetic spectrum final
  • Radio waves composed of waves lengths which are
    assigned to AM radio, FM radio, TV, and radar.
    They have the longest wavelength and the lowest
    frequency and the lowest energy.

Why does this happen? Lets see..
Same candles viewed in red light
Candles viewed in white light
Color Filters
  • Filters are placed between the object and the
    observer. They work by letting a specific
    frequency pass through ONLY and the rest of the
    frequencies are blocked or absorbed.
  • You see the object only because of the frequency
    that reaches your eye, the color you perceive is
    assembled by your brain as it receives signals
    from the stimulation of the cone receptors inside
    your eye.

Color Filter Interactive Demo Site
  • http//

Additive Color Light
Light is perceived as white by humans when all
three cone cell types of the eye are
simultaneously stimulated by equal amounts of
red, green, and blue light. These are called
Primary colors, because when they are added
together, white light is formed.
Primary Additive Color Interactive Tutorial Site
  • Primary Additive Color Interactive Tutorial Site

Subtractive Color
  • The complementary colors (cyan, yellow, and
    magenta) are also commonly referred to as the
    primary subtractive colors because each can be
    formed by subtracting one of the primary
    additives (red, green, and blue) from white
  • The color observed by subtracting a primary color
    from white light results because the brain adds
    together the colors that are left to produce the
    respective complementary or subtractive color.

Check this out!
Subtractive Color Interactive Site
  • Subtractive Color Interactive Site

Color perception and color separation.
  • Pigments and dyes within objects are responsible
    for most of the color that we perceive.
  • When any two of the wave frequencies of the
    primary subtractive colors are added, they
    produce a primary additive color. For example,
    adding magenta and cyan together produces the
    color blue, while adding yellow and magenta
    together produces red and adding yellow and cyan
    is interpreted as green.

Color separation continued
  • When all three primary subtractive colors are
    added, the three primary additive colors are
    removed from white light leaving black (the
    absence of any color).
  • White cannot be produced by any combination of
    the primary subtractive colors, which is the main
    reason that no mixture of colored paints or inks
    can be used to print white.

Color Separation Interactive tutorial
  • http//

Paint theory
  • Paint is produced from Base pigments which
    contain the subtractive primaries that are mixed
    together. Depending what pigments that are mixed
    together initially, a specific color combination
    is created in final paint. The final color that
    is perceived is determined by the amount of
    signals the brain receives from the different
    frequencies in the light that strikes the eye and
    are detected by the cones and sent to the brain
    where the combination of signals are processed.

White light illuminates objects A and B
Pigments in various light
  • Occurs when radiation transitions from one
    density to another different density.
  • http//

Reflection from Plane Mirror
  • Reflection is the bouncing off of radiation, or
    visible light, from a surface.

The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of
Virtual Image for Plane Mirror
Plane Mirror, virtual image and ray path
  • http//

Concave Mirror ray paths
  • http//

  • The bending of light ray caused by transitioning
    from one medium to another of medium of a
    different density.

Refraction ray path
  • http//
    ction.html scroll down to the refraction
    simulator, Figure 3. It is interactive.

Convex Lens Refraction
Convex Lens Refraction Rules
  • Any incident ray traveling parallel to the
    principal axis of a converging lens will refract
    through the lens and travel through the focal
    point on the opposite side of the lens.
  • Any incident ray traveling through the focal
    point on the way to the lens will refract through
    the lens and travel parallel to the principal
  • An incident ray which passes through the center
    of the lens will in effect continue in the same
    direction that it had when it entered the lens.

Bi-Convex lens Real and Inverted Image
Bi-Convex Virtual and Upright Image
Bi-Convex Image location and Size
Bi-Concave Lens Refraction
Refraction Rules for Divergent (Bi-concave) Lens
  • Any incident ray traveling parallel to the
    principal axis of a diverging lens will refract
    through the lens and travel in line with the
    focal point (i.e., in a direction such that its
    extension will pass through the focal point).
  • Any incident ray traveling towards the focal
    point on the way to the lens will refract through
    the lens and travel parallel to the principal
  • An incident ray which passes through the center
    of the lens will in effect continue in the same
    direction that it had when it entered the lens.

Rainbow Refraction ray path
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