Welcome to KLA - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Welcome to KLA


Title: Employee training presentation Author: Microsoft Corporation Last modified by: Char Williams Created Date: 3/27/2003 7:05:06 PM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Welcome to KLA

Welcome to KLA
  • Day 1 September, 2012

KLA Process Goal 1
  • Provide opportunities for you to network with
    other administrators/leaders from across your

  • Introduce yourself to everyone at your table and
    tell what you do.
  • After everyone is introduced, one person will
    draw a card from the cards in the center of the
    table. The reader will respond.
  • The person to the left will then answer the
    question and you will go around the table.
  • After everyone has answered the same question,
    the next participant draws the next card for
    everyone to answer.
  • Keep answering questions until your time is up.

KLA Process Goal 2
  • Embed best practices for Professional Development
  • Modeling practices that you can use with your
    staff to process information during staff
    meetings and for PD.
  • Using technology in a variety of ways both
    during our sessions and in between

KLA Session Evaluation
Overarching KLA Content Targets
  • Lay the groundwork for the Teacher Professional
    Growth and Effectiveness System
  • Support the implementation of PLCs during a time
    of change
  • Share communications
    from the state and the
    regional ISLN meetings

Todays Agenda
  • Before Lunch
  • Overview of the Teacher Professional
    Growth and Effectiveness System
  • Establishing a Climate for Professional
    Conversations with Individuals
  • After Lunch
  • Establishing a Climate for Professional
    Conversations through PLCs
  • State Information Content Specialist
  • Introducing HOT Topics

Our Norms
Rule of Two Feet
Be Present Engaged
Cell Phone/Computer Etiquette
Teacher Professional Growth Effectiveness
System An Overview of the System and Individual
Multiple Measures
KLA Day 1 Adapted from KDE Field Test
Learning Targets I can. . . .
  • Explain the main components of the TPGES process.
  • Identify key ways that the TPGES process is going
    to change the way that I currently do

TPGES Timeline
Spring Pilot of selected measures Student
Growth Professional Growth
Summer training for pilot districts 4 days
Online Observation Calibration
2012/13 60 districts will pilot the entire
process with teachers
2014 The Teacher Effectiveness Framework will
be put into place across the state
2013/14 All districts will pilot the process
(No Transcript)
Explanation of Multiple Measures
Student Voice
Documents or demonstrations that indicates proof
of a particular descriptor. Should be a natural
by-product created through the process of
Domain 1 Planning Preparation Domain 2
Classroom Environment Domain 3
Instruction Domain 4 Professional
Responsibilities Domain 5 Student Growth
Common Language
Domain 5 Student Growth
(No Transcript)
  • Place questions you have about the multiple
    measures and framework on post it notes. As we
    go more in-depth for each of these measures in
    future meetings, we will make sure that we answer
    your questions.

Self-Reflection Professional Growth
Teacher Growth
SMART Goal Process
  • Place questions you have about the PGP on post it
    notes. As we go more in-depth for each of these
    measures in future meetings, we will make sure
    that we answer your questions.

The Observation Process
Semester 1 Semester 2
Method 1 (Progressive) 3 minis and 1 formal One mini will be completed by the peer observer. 2 Observations 2 mini 2 Observations 1 mini 1 formal
Method 2 (Traditional) 2 formals and 2 minis One mini will be completed by the peer observer. 2 Observations 1 formal 1 mini 2 Observations 1 mini 1 formal
Major Purpose Difference
Formative Only
Formative Summative
Learning Focused Observation Process
Grade Level/Subject(s)  
Date of Conference  
Preconference (Planning Conference)
Questions for Discussion Notes
What is your identified student learning target(s)?  
To which part of your curriculum does this lesson relate?  
How does this learning fit in the sequence of learning for this class?  
Briefly describe the students in this class, including those with special needs.  
How will you engage the students in the learning? What will you do? What will the students do? Will the students work in groups, or individually, or as a large group? Provide any materials that the students will be using.  
How will you differentiate instruction for individuals or groups of students?  
How and when will you know whether the students have achieved the learning target(s)?  
Is there anything that you would like me to specifically observe during the lesson?  
(No Transcript)
Record Interpret (Peer Observer Does NOT
Domain 2 The Classroom Environment 2a Creating an environment of respect and rapport Domain 2 The Classroom Environment 2a Creating an environment of respect and rapport Domain 2 The Classroom Environment 2a Creating an environment of respect and rapport Domain 2 The Classroom Environment 2a Creating an environment of respect and rapport Domain 2 The Classroom Environment 2a Creating an environment of respect and rapport
Element Ineffective Developing Accomplished Distinguished
Teacher interactions with students Student interactions with other students Patterns of classroom interactions, both between the teacher and students and among students, are mostly negative, inappropriate, or insensitive to students' ages, cultural backgrounds, and developmental levels. Interactions are characterized by sarcasm, put-downs, or conflict. Teacher does not deal with disrespectful behavior. Patterns of classroom interactions, both between the teacher and students and among students, are generally appropriate but may reflect occasional inconsistencies, favoritism, and disregard for students' ages, cultures, and developmental levels. Students rarely demonstrate disrespect for one another. Teacher attempts to respond to disrespectful behavior, with uneven results. The net result of the interactions is neutral, conveying neither warmth nor conflict. Teacher-student interactions are friendly and demonstrate general caring and respect. Such interactions are appropriate to the ages of the students. Students exhibit respect for the teacher. Interactions among students are generally polite and respectful. Teacher responds successfully to disrespectful behavior among students. The net result of the interactions is polite and respectful, but impersonal. Classroom interactions among the teacher and individual students are highly respectful, reflecting genuine warmth and caring and sensitivity to students as individuals. Students exhibit respect for the teacher and contribute to high levels of civil interaction between all members of the class. The net result of interactions is that of connections with students as individuals.
Evidence T greets Ss at door . Brandon, how did you do on your drivers test? T Have any of you ever worked in a pen factory? Do any of you feel you have some kind of expertise that exceeds regular 9th grade expertise on pens? No, so youre qualified to do this? No smile. T Thank you, group, you may have a seat. T Sotheres this guy, Eli Whitney S answers questions from T incorrectly. Another S gives correct answer. S who answered incorrectly and other students exchange smiles. T gives directions, obviously include the word and T rolls eyes. T says When I was in the 7th grade, I broke 4 pairs of glasses. T gives directions, When you get to the stop sign, predict. What are you going to do? STOP, T rolls eyes Ss do not talk or make facial expressions when other ss are speaking. T Very nice, thank you. T Nice job. I think you are starting to get it. T stands outside of classroom collecting exit card. Thank you, you guys are greathave a good day. Comments rattled off quickly with no expression. Evidence T greets Ss at door . Brandon, how did you do on your drivers test? T Have any of you ever worked in a pen factory? Do any of you feel you have some kind of expertise that exceeds regular 9th grade expertise on pens? No, so youre qualified to do this? No smile. T Thank you, group, you may have a seat. T Sotheres this guy, Eli Whitney S answers questions from T incorrectly. Another S gives correct answer. S who answered incorrectly and other students exchange smiles. T gives directions, obviously include the word and T rolls eyes. T says When I was in the 7th grade, I broke 4 pairs of glasses. T gives directions, When you get to the stop sign, predict. What are you going to do? STOP, T rolls eyes Ss do not talk or make facial expressions when other ss are speaking. T Very nice, thank you. T Nice job. I think you are starting to get it. T stands outside of classroom collecting exit card. Thank you, you guys are greathave a good day. Comments rattled off quickly with no expression. Evidence T greets Ss at door . Brandon, how did you do on your drivers test? T Have any of you ever worked in a pen factory? Do any of you feel you have some kind of expertise that exceeds regular 9th grade expertise on pens? No, so youre qualified to do this? No smile. T Thank you, group, you may have a seat. T Sotheres this guy, Eli Whitney S answers questions from T incorrectly. Another S gives correct answer. S who answered incorrectly and other students exchange smiles. T gives directions, obviously include the word and T rolls eyes. T says When I was in the 7th grade, I broke 4 pairs of glasses. T gives directions, When you get to the stop sign, predict. What are you going to do? STOP, T rolls eyes Ss do not talk or make facial expressions when other ss are speaking. T Very nice, thank you. T Nice job. I think you are starting to get it. T stands outside of classroom collecting exit card. Thank you, you guys are greathave a good day. Comments rattled off quickly with no expression. Evidence T greets Ss at door . Brandon, how did you do on your drivers test? T Have any of you ever worked in a pen factory? Do any of you feel you have some kind of expertise that exceeds regular 9th grade expertise on pens? No, so youre qualified to do this? No smile. T Thank you, group, you may have a seat. T Sotheres this guy, Eli Whitney S answers questions from T incorrectly. Another S gives correct answer. S who answered incorrectly and other students exchange smiles. T gives directions, obviously include the word and T rolls eyes. T says When I was in the 7th grade, I broke 4 pairs of glasses. T gives directions, When you get to the stop sign, predict. What are you going to do? STOP, T rolls eyes Ss do not talk or make facial expressions when other ss are speaking. T Very nice, thank you. T Nice job. I think you are starting to get it. T stands outside of classroom collecting exit card. Thank you, you guys are greathave a good day. Comments rattled off quickly with no expression. Evidence T greets Ss at door . Brandon, how did you do on your drivers test? T Have any of you ever worked in a pen factory? Do any of you feel you have some kind of expertise that exceeds regular 9th grade expertise on pens? No, so youre qualified to do this? No smile. T Thank you, group, you may have a seat. T Sotheres this guy, Eli Whitney S answers questions from T incorrectly. Another S gives correct answer. S who answered incorrectly and other students exchange smiles. T gives directions, obviously include the word and T rolls eyes. T says When I was in the 7th grade, I broke 4 pairs of glasses. T gives directions, When you get to the stop sign, predict. What are you going to do? STOP, T rolls eyes Ss do not talk or make facial expressions when other ss are speaking. T Very nice, thank you. T Nice job. I think you are starting to get it. T stands outside of classroom collecting exit card. Thank you, you guys are greathave a good day. Comments rattled off quickly with no expression.
  • Place questions you have about observation and
    peer observation on post it notes. As we go more
    in-depth for each of these measures in future
    meetings, we will make sure that we answer your

ratings are the single most valid source of data
on teaching effectiveness. --McKeachie, W. J.
(1997). Student ratings The validity of use.
American Psychologist, 52,12181225.
  • Kentucky is administering an abbreviated version
  • of Tripod Survey.
  • Student surveys will be used to collect data and
    to generate reports focused on classroom learning
    conditions, student engagement, and school
  • Student responses are anonymous.
  • Individual teacher results will not be shared
  • Multiple versions K-2, 3-5 and 6-12 (Language is
    grade appropriate and questions have been through
    an extensive validation process).
  • The K-2 version is administered by a facilitator
    that records responses in small groups.
  • The 3-5 and the 6-12 surveys will be administered
  • Student surveys are administered at the
    classroom level.

  • The 7 Cs of Teaching Practice
  • Caring about students (Encouragement and Support)
  • Captivating students (Learning Seems Interesting
    and Relevant)
  • Conferring with students (Students Sense teachers
    respect their Ideas)
  • Controlling behavior (Culture of Cooperation and
    Peer Support)
  • Challenging students (Press for Effort,
    Perseverance and Rigor)
  • Clarifying lessons (Success Seems Feasible)
  • Consolidating knowledge (Ideas get Connected

  • Place questions you have about student voice on
    post it notes. As we go more in-depth for each
    of these measures in future meetings, we will
    make sure that we answer your questions.

  • Student Growth Measures
  • Goal Setting for Student Growth
  • Applies to all teachers
  • Student Growth Percentiles
  • Applies to grades 4 8 reading math

Student Growth Process
SMART Goal Process
Looking at the Process
Data Source Possibilities
Data Source Possibilities
Aligned to Standards
Descriptive Rubrics
Student Growth Percentiles
Student Growth Percentiles
  • SGPs focus on the relative standing of a student
    from year to year compared to the students
    academic peers.
  • Academic peers are students who perform very
    similarly on the test to the student. The
    student is only compared to students who start at
    the same place.
  • In year two, the question is Did the student
    outpace his/her peer group?

  • Place questions you have about student growth on
    post it notes. As we go more in-depth for each
    of these measures in future meetings, we will
    make sure that we answer your questions.

Looking for Patterns
  • With an Elbow Partner Look at the Notes that you
    took and identify some ways that this process is
    different from your current evaluation process.
  • What changes is the new TPGES process going to
    make in your evaluation process?
  • What patterns do you see across the multiple
    measures? What is the new system going to

TPGES will require..
  • Evidence.Evidence.Evidence
  • Its about what you see, hear and collect not
    what you feel.
  • Focus on goals
  • Teacher performance connected to student growth
  • Continuous Improvement
    for everyone

KLA Session Evaluation
  • When you return sit in Job Alike Groups

  • Introduce yourself to everyone at your table and
    tell what you do.
  • After everyone is introduced, one person will
    draw a card from the cards in the center of the
    table. The reader will respond.
  • The person to the left will then answer the
    question and you will go around the table.
  • After everyone has answered the same question,
    the next participant draws the next card for
    everyone to answer.
  • Keep answering questions until your time is up.

Establishing a Climate for Professional
  • Book Study-Part I
  • Talking About Teaching by Charlotte Danielson
  • The Instructional Leaders Guild to Strategic
    Conversations With Teachers by Robyn Jackson

Learning Targets I can. . . .
  • Identify the critical attributes of leadership
    and/or school climate that promote productive
    instructional conversations?
  • Develop a personal strategic plan for
    establishing a climate for highly productive
    professional conversations in my school or

.Professional conversation is an essential
technique to promote professional learning among
Charlotte Danielson
  • Provides the cultural support for significant
    changes in the way instruction is analyzed,
    discussed and evaluated
  • Prepares staff for strategic instructional
    conversations based on documented evidence that
    leads to high levels professional and student

  • Read, Share, Compare
  • Reader I - Getting Ready for Strategic
    Conversations Jackson(pages 8-14)
  • Reader 2 - Why Professional Conversations
  • (pages 1-11)
  • Reader 3 - Power and Leadership Danielson
  • (pages 13-26)
  • Step 1
  • Highlight the key ideas about leadership and/or
    school climate that promote productive
    instructional conversations as you read.
  • Step 2
  • Star any key strategies you want to share
    with your table.

Put the Pieces Together
  • Share and discuss the key ideas of leadership and
    culture that you believe are most important from
    your reading.
  • As you discuss use the puzzle provided to record
    the attributes that are most necessary to promote
    productive strategic conversations.

What strategies can I employ to complete the
leadership puzzle in my school or district and
create a culture that promotes highly productive
instructional conversations?
  • Go back to your reading and look at your STARS.
  • At the charts posted record strategies from your
    reading, discussion or experience to address the
    leadership or cultural attribute listed on the
  • Move from one chart to the next.
  • Read what the people before you have written.
    Add more strategies that would fit in the
  • Continue moving around the room until you have
    contributed to or read all charts.

Identify the 1 or 2 attributes that you want to
work on to build a culture for productive
conversations this year. Consider
  • Does my staff see me as a knowledgeable
    instructional leader who engages them in
    strategic conversations about teaching and
  • Does my staff have the trust needed for open,
    honest conversations?
  • Have I demonstrated respect for the rigor of
  • Have I promoted high levels of energy,
    engagement, and productivity?

Put your dot on the chart that matches your
identified attribute. Take this opportunity to
have a stand up discussion to clarify any
questions about the listed strategies.
Personal Strategic Plan
KLA Session Evaluationwhen students (teachers)
receive feedback (based on evidence) that is
timely and specific, against clear standards,
they are able to bridge the gap between current
performance and desired goals Charlotte
  • Move to a table for your level
  • Elementary
  • Middle School
  • High School
  • Central Office

  • Introduce yourself to everyone at your table and
    tell what you do.
  • After everyone is introduced, one person will
    draw a card from the cards in the center of the
    table. The reader will respond.
  • The person to the left will then answer the
    question and you will go around the table.
  • After everyone has answered the same question,
    the next participant draws the next card for
    everyone to answer.
  • Keep answering questions until your time is up.

Learning Targets
  • I can identify the structures/processes/culture
    that need to be in place for effective teams.
  • I can analyze the effectiveness of the PLCs
    within my building/district.
  • I can identify ways that I can support them to
    make the next steps.

  • PLCs are not so much a thing as they are a
    culture. They are a way of thinking. Things
    can be done rather quickly but culture develops
    through time.
  • Daniel Venables, The Practice of Authentic PLCs

Culture that supports Effective TeamsPower of
Teacher Teams Introduction by Richard Elmore
  • At your table number 1-5. If you have fewer than
    5 everyone read the paragraph(s) that might be
  • Each person will read their paragraph from the
  • As you read
  • Highlight the key ideas or attributes of an
    effective team
  • Star the strategies that you can use to improve
  • On the right hand side of the paper by your
    paragraph jot down any notes or questions you
    might have as you read. (Interactive
  • When everyone in your group is done reading,
    share key ideas with each other. Well refer
    back to the strategies later.

Why Teams (typically) Fail
  • The complexities of collaboration are untaught
  • Effective teacher leadership is missing
  • The need for expertise is ignored or
  • Pitfalls are unrecognized or poorly addressed
  • Team members give up when they dont get along
  • There are no consequences for poor (individual or
    team) performance.

Effective Teams Improved Teaching and Learning
Instructional Talk
  • Expects teachers to
  • Observe and critique the work of their peers
  • Discuss, assess and revise lessons taught by team
    members based on student results
  • Hold each other accountable for the learning of
    all the teams students
  • Demands teachers use records of practice
  • Tangible artifacts of teacher work

What structures processes need to be in place?
  • What a PLC is and is not
  • PLC meetings vs. Typical Teacher Meetings
  • Divide into 2 groups at your table
  • Each group will focus on one of the lists
  • Look for patterns and identify what key
    processes that will support a culture for
    effective PLCs
  • As a table group chart what is needed for an
    effective team
  • Culture Structure Processes
  • What strategies would support the culture,
    structure and processes that you identified.
  • Dont forget to go back to the strategies
    identified in your first reading

So, if this is what we want. where are we?
  • Tools available for analyzing your teams
  • Teacher-Teaming Continuum Assessment The Power
    of Teacher Teams
  • Rubric Based on a Systems Approach Powerful
    Designs for Professional Learning
  • Teamwork Questionnaire
    The Art and Science of Leadership
  • A Survey Related to What People in PLCs Do
    Professional Learning Communities By Design
    Putting Learning Back into PLCs

Uses of the Tools
  • Administrators assess to determine needs
  • Teams Self Assess to determine needs
  • Use the Rubrics to communicate what should be
    happening in a PLC.
  • All can be used to open conversations about
    effective teams!

How can you use both Supervisor/Teacher and PLC
conversations to change a school culture?
KLA Session EvaluationRemember to think
indicators and evidence as you rate the session.
KLA State ConnectionsContent Specialist
KLA Session Evaluation
KLA Technology Connections
  • Think about what you would want more information
    on that could be covered in our Hot Topics
    session or through the web site.
  • Within the next week you will receive an email
    letting you know how you can share your topics
    with us.
  • Well look for the best way to get you the

Evaluation of the Day
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