Title: Greenwich High School www.greenwichschools.org
1Greenwich High Schoolwww.greenwichschools.org
- Class of 2014
2Purpose of Meeting
- Overview of GHS
- Insight into Curricular and Co-curricular
Programs - Transition to high school
- Communication
3P.T.A.Co-President Camille Broderick
Co-President Adriana Ospina
5Overview of G.H.S.
- qualified and dedicated staff
- excellent programs and services for students
- parent support and involvement
- excellent co-curricular programs
- superior school facility
- diversity reflected in composition of student body
6Our Students
- number of students 2714
- size of Class of 2014 675
- minority population 23
- countries of origin 58
- number of languages spoken 33
7Our Facility
- 58 acres
- 450,000 sq. feet
- One acre Student Center
- 10 computer labs
8Academic Excellence
- Half of all students take one of more Advanced
Placement classes - Average A.P. score 3.9 out of 5.0
- 20 AP courses offered
- 90 of graduates attend college
9Advanced Placement Courses
Calculus AB European History
Calculus BC Government/Politics
Computer Science U.S. History
Statistics Psychology
Biology French
Chemistry German
Environmental Sci Spanish Language
Physics B Physics C English Literature Spanish Literature Music Theory Comparative Govt.
10Academic Support
- Learning Centers
- Skills for Success
- Stand By Me
- Reading classes and programs
11Diversity of Offerings
- of courses offered 447
- Course of Study Guide
12Opportunities for all
- sports 51
- student activities 88
- music program 1,110 (students)
- theater program 432 (students)
13Developing a Program
- Performance Level
- Graduation Requirements
- Student Interests, Needs and Future Plans
14Ninth Grade Schedule
- Science (Biology)
- Math (Algebra or Geometry)
- English (World Literature)
- Social Studies (World History)
- World Language
- Physical Education/Health
- Electives
15Program Administrators
Barbara Collins Mathematics Brigid Barry
English Rich Alessi Social Studies Marcia
Schenker World Language John DeLuca
Science TBA Special Education
16Graduation Requirements
- English 4 credits
- Math 3 credits
- Science 3 credits
- Social Studies 3 credits
- The Arts 1.5 credits
- P.E./Health 1.5 credits
- Electives 6 credits
- Performance Standards
17Orientation Dates(upcoming)
- 3/31 Course Selection Completed
- 5/5 House Orientation at GHS
- 6/8-6/10 Schedules Distributed
- 9/1 9th Grade Orientation at GHS
18House Plan
- Five Houses of approx. 540 Students
- House Placement
- Housemaster
- Guidance Counselors
- Developmental Guidance Program
- Support Services
198 Block Schedule 6 Blocks per day
- School hours 730 to 215
- Classes meet for 58 minutes
- House based English/SS program
- Learning Center
- academic
- general
20Co-curricular Activities
- 40 different sports
- 99 individual teams
- 80 clubs
Communication Service
Competitive Theater Arts
Honor Societies Special Interest
International Sports
Community based
22Important Sports Meetings
- SEE GHS Website for times and locations.
- Athletic Director Gus Lindine 625-8050
- Athletic Schedule HotLine 625-8051
- GHS Website http//www.greenwichschools.org
- e-mail first_last_at_greenwich.k12.ct.us