Development of EoS for Vapours - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Development of EoS for Vapours


Title: A Science Lead to Development of Civilization Author: P.M.V.S Last modified by: hp Created Date: 7/26/2002 1:39:54 AM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Development of EoS for Vapours

Development of EoS for Vapours Gases
  • P M V Subbarao
  • Professor
  • Mechanical Engineering Department
  • I I T Delhi

Models for Highly Bountiful Phase....
Behaviour of Vapour
  • ? interatomic potential, Joules.
  • r separation of molecules, nm (mean Free path).
  • r? equivalent hard sphere radius of molecule
    (overlap of electron clouds).
  • At high T, high p, collisions in the repulsive
    part of ? positive deviations from constancy.
  • At low T, moderate p, collisions in the
    attractive portion of ? negative deviations
    from constancy.

P v- T Relation
  • The specific volume of A vapour
  • v f (p,T)
  • Greatest need for EoS of saturated and
    superheated steam.
  • R and a are constants.
  • The is called as Rankines Equation of state,

P v- T Relation
  • The specific volume of A vapour
  • v f (p,T)
  • Callenders Characteristic Equation for saturated
    and superheated vapours.
  • R and b are constants.
  • c is a function of temperature and it is called
    as co-aggregation volume.

Pressure Volume Diagram
Van der Waals EOS
  • One of the oldest but most extensively used of
    the EOS of non ideal gases
  • Any EOS model must reproduce graphs such as that
    of the previous
  • a, b are the Van der Waals constants for the
    particular gas
  • for water a 0.5658 J-m3/mole2 b 3.049x10-5

JO H A N N E S D . V A N D E R W A A L SThe
equation of state for gases and liquidsNobel
Lecture, December 12, 1910
  • I intend to discuss in sequence
  • (1) the broad outlines of my equation of state
    and how I arrived at it
  • (2) what my attitude was and still is to that
  • (3) how in the last four years I have sought to
    account for the discrepancies which remained
    between the experimental results and this
  • (4) how I have also sought to explain the
    behaviour of binary and ternary mixtures by means
    of the equation of state.

Van der Waals EOS
  • a, b are the Van der Waals constants for the
    particular gas
  • for water a 0.5658 J-m3/mole2 b 3.049x10-5

Van der Waals Coefficients Van der Waals Coefficients Van der Waals Coefficients
Gas a (Pa m3) B (m3/mol)
Helium 3.46 x 10-3 23.71 x 10-6
Neon 2.12 x 10-2 17.10 x 10-6
Hydrogen 2.45 x 10-2 26.61 x 10-6
Carbon dioxide 3.96 x 10-1 42.69 x 10-6
Water vapor 5.47 x 10-1 30.52 x 10-6
Van der Waals Isotherms
Isotherms of Real Gases
Improved Cubic Equations of State
The constants a, b, c, Ao, Bo varies with
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Compressibility Factor
  • The deviation from ideal gas behaviour can also
    be expressed by compressibility factor, Z.
  • The ratio of volume of real gas, Vreal to the
    ideal volume of that gas, Vperfect calculated by
    ideal gas equation is known as compressibility

  • Compact description of non-ideality the
    compressibility factor,
  • Z ? 1 as p ? 0 (ideality)
  • Z lt 1 at low T, moderate p (point A)
  • Z gt 1 at high p, high T (point B)

Generalized Compressibility Chart
Reduced Temperature TR T/Tc
Reduced Pressure pR p/pc
VdW EOS Compressibility
  • a represents the attractive part of the
    potential with b 0, the VdW EOS gives a
    smaller v for the same T than the ideal gas
  • b represents the repulsive portion of the
    potential with a 0, the VdW EOS gives a larger
    v for the same T than the ideal gas
  • The VdW EOS is easily expressed in the forms
    p(T,v) or T(p,v).
  • For the v(T,p) form, or, equivalently, Z(p,T)

The ideal gas equation of state may be written
several ways.
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What More Happens at System Boundary during
Change of State
The Happenings Which are our Benefits!!!
Global Wind Patterns The Simple Resource
  • The Ancient Green Method for Better Living
  • Traditional Egyptian architecture in Ancient
    Egypt as demonstrated on the Pharonic house of
    Neb- Ammun, Egypt, 19th Dynasty, c.1300 BC.
  • Persian ??????? bâdgir bâd "wind" gir
  • Arabic ???? ?malqaf
  • Eastern Arabia?????? barjeel

An ancient Idea for Better LivingWindcatcher
Evolution of Wind Turbines
  • Wind is a clean, safe, renewable form of energy.
  • Although the use of wind power in sailing vessels
    appeared in antiquity, the widespread use of wind
    power for grinding grain and pumping water was
    delayed until
  • the 7th century in Persia,
  • the 12th century in England, and
  • the 15th century in Holland.
  • 17th century, Leibniz proposed using windmills
    and waterwheels together to pump water from mines
    in the Harz Mountains.
  • Dutch settlers brought Dutch mills to America in
    the 18th century.
  • This led to the development of a multiblade wind
    turbine that was used to pump water for
  • Wind turbines were used in Denmark in 1890 to
    generate electric power.
  • Early in the 20th century American farms began to
    use wind turbines to drive electricity generators
    for charging storage batteries.

The Modern Green Idea for Better Living Wind
What happens When there is a change in state?
  • Any of these happenings is/are useful for
    engineering world?
  • Does it consume any resource?
  • How to recognize these Happenings?
  • Thermal In-equilibrium
  • Mechanical In-equilibrium
  • Chemical In-equilibrium
  • Any combinations of above.
  • These are happenings or actions or path functions
    or interactions.
  • Present only during a change of state.
  • What action is work transfer?
  • What action is Heat transfer?
  • What action is Mass transfer?
  • How to differentiate?

Mechanical Work Tranfer
  • Work is a mechanical concept given by the
  • F is a force and s is a displacement
  • Work is a scalar product
  • Force components along the displacement vector
    only can do work
  • Force components perpendicular to the
    displacement vector cannot do work.
  • This relationship will be useful to find work
    required to raise a weight, to stretch a wire or
    to move a charged particle through a magnetic
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