Title: OGIC Soils FIT
Statewide Soils Dataset Status
2OGIC Soils FIT Progress 2014
- April
- Convened OR Soils FIT.
- NRCS provides status of SSURGO.
- NRCS proposes SSURGO/STATSGO merge to provide
interim statewide layer. - September
- SSURGO and STATSGO similarities and differences.
- Presented data viewing and report generation
options. - NRCS to prepare SSURGO/STATSGO data set for FIT
review. - 9/22 - GEO hosts merged draft dataset.
- October
- Presentation of statewide merged dataset to FIT.
- Statewide map examples.
- Metadata, data element review.
- 10/27 second draft uploaded.
3Soils FIT Next Steps
- Soils FIT reviews current STATSGO/SSURGO product.
- Determines if additional data elements need to
be added to the current attribute table. - Based on feedback from the workgroup and from the
forum, the framework soils dataset may be
modified. - The plan is to certify the data standard at the
spring OGIC forum.
4National Cooperative Soil Survey Data Products
- SSURGO - information collected at scales of
112,000 to 163,360. Mostly 124,000 in Oregon. - STATSGO2 commonly called the General Soil Map
of the United States. Broad-based inventory of
soils at a scale of 1250,000.
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6Sources for Oregon Statewide Soil Survey Dataset
7Oregon Statewide Soil Survey Dataset Products
- Spatial Data File geodatabase with soil map
unit polygons from SSURGO, with STATSGO polygons
where SSURGO is not available - Tabular Data Microsoft Access database with
attributes for all SSURGO and STATSGO map units
in the spatial data. SSURGO and STATSGO use
identical tabular data structure.
8Soil Data HierarchyNumerous One to Many
RelationshipsLegend gt Map Unit gt Components gt
9Soil map unit on a mound intermound landform
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11Dominant Component vs. Dominant Condition
Aggregation Method
Example Soil Map Unit Alpha-Beta-Gamma
complex, 5 to 20 percent slopes
Component Percent of Map Unit Land Capability Class - NIRR
Alpha 40 2
Beta 35 3
Gamma 25 3
Dominant Component Land Capability Class 2
Dominant Condition Land Capability Class 3
(35 25 60)
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25The mapunit and muaggatt tables can be joined
directly to the spatial data using the mukey
field in both.
26Create Farmland Class map with mapunit table
27The mapunit and muaggatt tables can be joined
directly to the spatial data using the mukey
field in both.
28Create Nonirrigated land capability class
(dominant condition) map with muaggatt table
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