Title: Tom Peters
1 Tom Peters X25EXCELLENCE.
ALWAYS.ESPN/15August2007PART 1In Search of
Excellence 1982-2007
2NOTE To appreciate this presentation and
ensure that it is not a mess, you need Microsoft
fonts Showcard Gothic, Ravie, Chiller
and Verdana
3Excellence can be obtained if you ... care
more than others think is wise ... risk
more than others think is safe ... dream
more than others think is practical ...
expect more than others think is
possible. Source Anon. (Posted _at_ tompeters.com
by K.Sriram, November 27, 2006 117 AM)
4Strive for Excellence. Ignore success. Bill
Young, PR driver (courtesy Andrew Sullivan)
5 Tom Peters X25EXCELLENCE.
ALWAYS.ESPN/15August2007PART 1In Search of
Excellence 1982-2007
6Final slide set will appear at tompeters.com
7Indy/No56/barbershop SPMD66/RVN/DMcN, JP, _Bu,
McNDennis/Bobby RalphFree TicketsBillJerry/S
teve JCT/1WDCPs Rule!10B/TPTP/64Mrs
Gibson26/TeamDale CX/CardinalARFWDCPThe
Great One
8Indy/No100856/barbershop 66/RVN/McNally/Palmer/Bu
nker/McNallyDennis/Bobby Ralph (FDR
WSC)BillJerry/Steve JCT/1WDCPs
Rule!10B/TPTP/64Mrs Gibson26/TeamDale
CX/CardinalARFWDCPThe Great One
9Indy/No56/barbershop SPMD66/RVN/DMcN, JP, _Bu,
McNDennis/Bobby RalphFree TicketsBillJerry/S
teve JCT/1WDCPs Rule!10B/TPTP/64Mrs
Gibson26/TeamDale CX/CardinalARFWDCPThe
Great One
10Bill Walsh
11Bill Walsh1931 2007 102-63-1
12Bill Walsh1931 2007 3 Superbowl Wins (3-0)
13Bill Walsh1931 2007 He Re-invented
Offensive Football
14TP1 Netscape!Where would you rather have
worked for those 5 years, Netscape or
IBM-HP-Microsoft-Oracle? (Where, 25 years from
now, would you rather to be able to tell
someonee.g., grandchildthat you worked?)
15Built to LastvsBuilt to Change/Rock the World
16Great Companies SET THE AGENDA. disturb
the sleep of
17Built to Last v. Built to FlipThe problem with
Built to Last is that its a romantic notion.
Large companies are incapable of ongoing
innovation, of ongoing flexibility.Increasingl
y, successful businesses will be ephemeral. They
will be built to yield something of value and
once that value has been exhausted, they will
vanish.Fast Company
18Bill Walsh1931 2007 A Fine Human Being
19W. Donald Schaefer1921-ForeverHe Cared
20Joe J. Jones 1942 2006 HE WOULDA DONE
21Thomas J. Peters1942-No rush !In Toms
world, its always better to try a swan dive and
deliver a colossal belly flop than to step
timidly off the board while holding your nose.
Fast Company
22Indy/No56/barbershop SPMD66/RVN/DMcN, JP, _Bu,
McNDennis/Bobby RalphFree TicketsBillJerry/
Steve JCT/1WDCPs Rule!10B/TPTP/64Mrs
Gibson26/TeamDale CX/CardinalARFWDCPThe
Great One
23You do not merely want to be the best of the
best. You want to be considered the only ones who
do what you do. Jerry Garcia
25Single greatest act of pure imagination
27 Radically Thrilling Language! Radically
Thrilling. BMW Z4 (ad)
28The greatest dangerfor most of usis not that
our aim istoo highand we miss it,but that it
istoo lowand we reach it.Michelangelo
29 Kevin Roberts Credo1.
Ready. Fire! Aim.2. If it aint broke ... Break
it!3. Hire crazies.4. Ask dumb questions.5.
Pursue failure.6. Lead, follow ... or get out of
the way!7. Spread confusion.8. Ditch your
office.9. Read odd stuff.10. Avoid moderation!
30Normal o for 800
31Indy/No56/barbershop SPMD66/RVN/DMcN, JP, _Bu,
McNDennis/Bobby RalphFree TicketsBillJerry/
Steve JX25CT/1WDCPs Rule!10B/TPTP/64Mrs
Gibson26/TeamDale CX/CardinalARFWDCPThe
Great One
33 Excellence1982 The Bedrock Eight
Basics 1. A Bias for Action 2. Close to the
Customer 3. Autonomy and Entrepreneurship 4.
Productivity Through People 5. Hands On,
Value-Driven 6. Stick to the Knitting 7. Simple
Form, Lean Staff 8. Simultaneous Loose-Tight
34Indy/No56/barbershop SPMD66/RVN/DMcN, JP, _Bu,
McNDennis/Bobby RalphFree TicketsBillJerry/
Steve JCT/1WDCPs Rule!10B/TPTP/64Mrs
Gibson26/TeamDale CX/CardinalARFWDCPThe
Great One
35 Basement Systems Inc.
36Basement Systems Inc.Larry JaneskyDry
Basement Science (115,000!)1993 0 2003
12M 2006 50,000,000
37Indy/No56/barbershop SPMD66/RVN/DMcN, JP, _Bu,
McNDennis/Bobby RalphFree TicketsBillJerry/
Steve JCT/1WDCPs Rule!10B/TPMrs
Gibson26/TeamDale CX/CardinalARFWDCPThe
Great One
38Trapper lt20 per beaver pelt.Source WSJ
39wdcp/Wildlife Damage-control Professional
150 to remove problem beaver 750-1,000
for flood-control piping so that beavers can
stay. Source WSJ
407X to 50X
41E.g. UTC/Otis Carrier boxes to integrated
building systems
42Indy/No56/barbershop SPMD66/RVN/DMcN, JP, _Bu,
McNDennis/Bobby RalphFree TicketsBillJerry/
Steve JCT/1WDCPs Rule!10B/TPTP/64Mrs
Gibson26/TeamDale CX/CardinalARFWDCPThe
Great One
43This adolescent incident of getting from
point A to point B is notable not only because
it underlines Grants fearless horsemanship and
his determination, but also it is the first known
example of a very important peculiarity of his
character Grant had an extreme, almost phobic
dislike of turning back and retracing his steps.
If he set out for somewhere, he would get there
somehow, whatever the difficulties that lay in
his way. This idiosyncrasy would turn out to be
one the factors that made him such a formidable
general. Grant would always, always press
onturning back was not an option for him.
Michael Korda, Ulysses Grant
44Relentless One of my superstitions had always
been when I started to go anywhere or to do
anything, not to turn back , or stop, until the
thing intended was accomplished. Grant
45incredible power of endurance political
colleague, on Nicolas Sarkozy, repeatedly written
off by the public and the celestial powers of
French politics (FT, 0515.07)
46Success seems to be largely a matter of
hanging on after others have let go. William
Feather, author
49Indy/No56/barbershop SPMD66/RVN/DMcN, JP, _Bu,
McNDennis/Bobby RalphFree TicketsBillJerry/
Steve JCT/1WDCPs Rule!10B/TPTP/64Mrs
Gibson26/TeamDale CX/CardinalARFWDCPThe
Great One
50You can make more friends in two months by
becoming interested in other people than you can
in two years by trying to get other people
interested in you. Dale Carnegie
51Indy/No56/barbershop SPMD66/RVN/DMcN, JP, _Bu,
McNDennis/Bobby RalphFree TicketsBillJerry/
Steve JCT/1WDCPs Rule!10B/TPMrs
Gibson26/TeamDale Cix/CardinalTP/64The Great
52Forget China, India and the Internet Economic
Growth Is Driven by Women. Headline, Economist,
April 15, 2006, Leader, page 14
53Womens TrifectaBuy WealthLead
ECLIPSE OF MALES (Old/Retire Young/Poorly
54Girls are the new boys.Source The Daily
Mail, 0425.2007, Why todays women want a girl
55Not Just America Boys Falling Seven Years
Behind Girls at GCSE Level headline, Weekly
Telegraph, UK, 10.25.06
56Women are the majority market Fara
Warner/The Power of the Purse
57 WomenHousehold
spending 80Investment decisions 53Home
improvement purchase decisions 80New cars
60Computers 60Managers and professionals,
overall 51New businesses started 70
(Women-owned businesses as a share of all
new businesses Employee growth, 3X Sales
growth, 4X.)Source Marti Barletta, PrimeTime
Women (2007)
59Riding Lawnmowers
601970-1998Mens median income 0.6Womens
median income 63Source Martha Barletta,
Marketing to Women
(58 ANNOYED.)Source Greenfield Online for
Arnolds Womens Insight Team (Martha Barletta,
Marketing to Women)
62Women dont buy brands. They join
63Selling to men The TRANSACTION ModelSelling to
Women The RELATIONAL ModelSource Selling
to Men, Selling to Women, Jeffery Tobias Halter
RULE Women make all the financial
decisions.Women control all the wealth. Women
substantially outlive men. Women start most of
the new businesses. Womens work force
participation rates have soared
worldwide. Women are closing in on same pay for
same job. Women are penetrating senior
ranks rapidly even if the pace is slow for
the corner office per se. Womens
leadership strengths are exceptionally well
aligned with new organizational effectiveness
value-added imperatives. Women are better
salespersons than men. Women buy almost
everythingcommercial as well as consumer
goods. So what exactly is the point of men?
65One thing is certain Womens rise to power,
which is linked to the increase in wealth per
capita, is happening in all domains and at all
levels of society. Women are no longer content to
provide efficient labor or to be consumers with
rising budgets and more autonomy to spend.
This is just the beginning. The phenomenon will
only grow as girls prove to be more successful
than boys in the school system. For a number of
observers, we have already entered the age of
womenomics, the economy as thought out and
practiced by a woman. Aude Zieseniss de Thuin,
Financial Times, 10.03.2006
66Indy/No56/barbershop SPMD66/RVN/DMcN, JP, _Bu,
McNDennis/Bobby RalphFree TicketsBillJerry/
Steve JCT/1WDCPs Rule!10B/TPMrs
Gibson26/TeamDale CX/CardinalTP/64The Great
68 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! People turning 50 today have
more than half of their adult life ahead of
them. Bill Novelli, 50 Igniting a Revolution
to Reinvent America
69We are the Aussies Kiwis Americans
Canadians. We are the Western Europeans
Japanese. We are the fastest growing, the
biggest, the wealthiest, the boldest, the most
(yes) ambitious, the most experimental
exploratory, the most different, the most
indulgent, the most difficult demanding, the
most service experience obsessed, the most
vigorous, (the least vigorous) the most health
conscious, the most female, the most
profoundly important commercial market in the
history of the worldand we will be the Center of
your universe for the next twenty-five years.
We have arrived!
70Boomers-Geezers-Womens TrifectaBuy/all
Wealth/all time left/ lots
Eclipse of males/retire-die
7180,000,000 N America, W Europe, Japan
72Subject Marketers StupidityIts 18-44,
73Subject Marketers StupidityOr is it 18-44
is stupid, stupid!
742000-2010 Stats18-44 -155 21(55-64
75(No Transcript)
76See me. Watch me. respect me. Suck up to
me. Serve me. Love me. Love my longevity. Love
my m-o-n-e-y.
77Elizabeth Cady Stanton (more or less) (circa
78See her. Watch her. respect her. Be
obsequious to her. Serve her. Love her. Love her
long longevity. Love her m-o-n-e-y. (which is
damn near a-l-l the mon-.)
79Average of cars purchased per household,
lifetime 13Average of cars bought per
household after the head of household reaches
age 50 7Source Marti Barletta, PrimeTime Women
80Median Household Net Worthlt35 7K35-44
44K45-54 83K55-64 112K65-69 114K70-74
120Kgt74 100KSource U.S. Census
8144-65 New Customer Majority 45 larger
than 18-43 60 larger by 2010Source Ageless
Marketing, David Wolfe Robert Snyder
82Fifty-four years of age has been the highest
cutoff point for any marketing initiative Ive
ever been involved in. Which is pretty weird when
you consider age 50 is right about when people
who have worked all their lives start to have
some money to spend. Marti Barletta, PrimeTime
83While Foxs overall ratings are down about 6
from last year, the network has moved from fourth
place into first among viewers from ages 18 to
49, which all the networks other than CBS define
as the only competition that counts.
NYT/11.01.2004 Translation
dumb./ignorant./stupid./all three.
84 Brand Loyalty Stable or Unstable/Fickle?Seri
al Monogamy A Personal OdysseyTom
85 The mature market cannot be dismissed as
entrenched in its brand loyalties. Carol
Morgan Doran Levy, Marketing to the Mindset of
Boomers and Their Elders
86Advertisers pay more to reach the kid because
they think that once someone hits middle age hes
too set in his ways to be susceptible to
advertising. In fact, this notion of
impressionable kids and hidebound geezers is
little more than a fairy tale, a Madison Avenue
gloss on Hollywoods cult of youth.James
Surowiecki (The New Yorker/04.01.2002)
87Beer National Boh to Bud to Anchor Steam to
ZilchCar Chevrolet (1942-1962) to misc to
SubaruBiz Clothes Various warehouses to Brooks
to Nordstrom to MilanBiz Big (U.S. Navy,
McKinsey) to Small (de facto self-employed)Sports
clothes Misc-cheap to NorthfaceSpouse Sexy
broad (wife 1) to Best friend/Brainy
(sexy)School Cornell to Stanford to RISD (Go
Nads!)Pens Cross to BicFood Safeway to Whole
FoodsMusic Beatles to QueenHome Furnishings
With it to ComfortableHome SF Bay Area to West
Tinmouth VTFavorite sport Lacrosse-Crew to
Speed Walking-Trekking-RowingFavorite MLB, NFL
Orioles-Baltimore Colts to As-Raiders
(Warriors!)Favorite magazine Life to
WiredFavorite media Print-Radio to
Web-RadioFavorite airline TWA to American to
LufthansaHome East to WestVacations USA to
New Zealand Price Cheap to Varied (WalMart to
Milan)Hotel Ramada/Holiday Inns to Four
Seasons/Leading HotelsRestaurants McDonalds to
Hole in the wall Stores Misc/Big to Little
shopsLoyalty Serial monogamy (just as loyal now
as then love em, then leave em)
88Indy/No56/barbershop SPMD66/RVN/DMcN, JP, _Bu,
McNDennis/Bobby RalphFree TicketsBillJerry/
Steve JCT/1WDCPs Rule!10B/TPTP/64Mrs
Gibson26/TeamDale CX/CardinalARFWDCPThe
Great One
89Indy/No56/barbershop SPMD66/RVN/DMcN, JP, _Bu,
McNDennis/Bobby RalphFree TicketsBillJerry/
Steve JCT/1WDCPs Rule!bonus10B/TPTP/64Mrs
Gibson26/TeamDale CX/CardinalARFWDCPThe
Great One
90The Black Swan The Impact of the Highly
Improbable Nassim Nicholas Taleb
911982 (-) 200 Years ()
921982/Default Latin America 200 years Total
historical earnings The Black Swan The Impact
of the Highly Improbable, Nassim Nicholas Taleb
93TP This book will (should!) change your life.
94Siegfried and Roy 1,000X gambling
variability The Black Swan The Impact of the
Highly Improbable, Nassim Nicholas Taleb
9510/50/50 10 days in 50 years 50
returns The Black Swan The Impact of the
Highly Improbable, Nassim Nicholas Taleb
96Indy/No56/barbershop SPMD66/RVN/DMcN, JP, _Bu,
McNDennis/Bobby RalphFree TicketsBillJerry/
Steve JCT/1WDCPs Rule!bonus10B/TPTP/64Mrs
Gibson26/TeamDale CX/CardinalARFWDCPThe
Great One
98Indy/No56/barbershop SPMD66/RVN/DMcN, JP, _Bu,
McNDennis/Bobby RalphFree TicketsBillJerry/
Steve JCT/1WDCPs Rule!10B/TPTP/64Mrs
Gibson26/TeamDale CX/CardinalARFWDCPThe
Great One
99You miss 100 of the shots you never take.
Wayne Gretzky
100 try it. Try it. Try it. Try it. Try it. Try it.
Try it. Try it. Screw it up. Try it. Try it. Try
it. Try it. Try it. Try it. Try it. Screw it up.
it. Try it. Try it. try it. Try it. Screw it up.
Try it. Try it. Try it.
101What makes God laugh?
102People making plans!
103It is not the strongest of the species that
survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one
most responsive to change. Charles Darwin
104do things.
105We have a strategic plan. Its called doing
things. Herb Kelleher
106 drill.
107 This is so simple it sounds stupid, but it is
amazing how few oil people really understand that
you only find oil if you drill wells. You may
think youre finding it when youre drawing maps
and studying logs, but you have to drill.
Source The Hunters, by John Masters, Canadian
O G wildcatter
108try things.
109We made mistakes, of course. Most of them were
omissions we didnt think of when we initially
wrote the software. We fixed them by doing it
over and over, again and again. We do the same
today. While our competitors are still sucking
their thumbs trying to make the design perfect,
were already on prototype version 5. By the
time our rivals are ready with wires and screws,
we are on version 10. It gets back to planning
versus acting We act from day one others plan
how to planfor months. Bloomberg by Bloomberg
110You cant be a serious innovator unless and
until you are ready, willing and able to
seriously play. Serious play is not an
oxymoron it is the essence of innovation.
Michael Schrage, Serious Play
112Learn not to be careful. Photographer Diane
Arbus to her students (Careful The sidelines,
fromHarriet Rubin in The Princessa)
113TryLots of things.
115But its only 2am!
116Where are you going? But its only 2am. You
see, you can live your life at 120 miles an hour,
and thats pretty impressive. But its not good
enough. Unless you live at 150 miles an hour, the
world will pass you by, HRH Prince Alwaleed
1 day 573 people met separately, 200 phone
calls, 100 text messages, etcSource Prince
Alwaleed, Inside the private world of the Middle
Easts most powerful investor cover story, The
Business, 0519.07
117Screw. things.Up.
118Fail . Forward. Fast.High Tech CEO,
119Sams Secret 1!
120Reward excellent failures. Punish mediocre
successes.Phil Daniels, Sydney exec
121If people tell me they skied all day and never
fell down, I tell them to try a different
mountain. Michael Bloomberg (BW/0625.07)
122Read This!Richard Farson Ralph Keyes Whoever
Makes the Most Mistakes Wins The Paradox of
1230 for 60China. Iran/79. USSR/bomb/49. Eastern
Europe/90. S Korea/50. Cuba/62. Arab-Israeli/73.
Afghanistan/79. USSR/1989. Kuwait/90. India/98.
WMDs/02-03. Etc.Source Legacy of Ashes
Tim WeinerEisenhower, on the CIAThe
agency has a great reputation but a terrible
record.Donald Gregg, natl security advisor, VP
124Indy/No56/barbershop SPMD66/RVN/DMcN, JP, _Bu,
McNDennis/Bobby RalphFree TicketsBillJerry/
Steve JCT/1WDCPs Rule!10B/TPTP/64Mrs
Gibson26/TeamDale CX/CardinalARFWDCPThe
Great One
125You miss 100 of the shots you never take.
Wayne Gretzky
126 On NELSON other admirals more frightened of
losing than anxious to win
127Do one thing every day that scares you.
Eleanor Roosevelt
128"Life is not a journey to the grave with the
intention of arriving safely in one pretty and
well preserved piece, but to skid across the line
broadside, thoroughly used up, worn out, leaking
oil, shouting GERONIMO! Bill McKenna,
professional motorcycle racer (Cycle magazine