Lecture 2 Internet marketing strategy - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Lecture 2 Internet marketing strategy


Title: Ch4 Author: Dave Chaffey Last modified by: Andre Samuel Created Date: 11/28/2002 8:35:41 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Lecture 2 Internet marketing strategy

Lecture 2Internet marketing strategy
Michael Porter on the Internet
  • The key question is not whether to deploy
  • Internet technology companies have no choice
  • if they want to stay competitive but how to
    deploy it.

Porter, M. (2001) Strategy and the Internet,
Harvard Business Review, March 2001, 6278.
Influences on e-marketing strategy
Internal and external in?uences on Internet
marketing strategy
Why do we need an internet marketing strategy?
it provides a consistent direction for online
marketing activities
the company can achieve its hierarchy of
Gives a focus to choice of target markets,
positioning and the use of the marketing mix
it means analysis of the external environment,
internal resources and capabilities will take
A digital marketing strategy is needed because
Tells us how resources will be deployed and how
the organisation will be structured to achieve
the strategy.
following it will help the company achieve
competitive advantage
It helps us to understand which strategies and
tactics should not be pursued
Examples of Strategic Initiatives
  • New proposition for customers
  • Getting more customers (acquisition)
  • Converting customers
  • Improving experience
  • Improving delivery of offers
  • Improving the infrastructure to enhance marketing

What are the options?
  • A website is likely to be central to an internet
    marketing strategy
  • Also
  • Partner with online intermediaries e.g. portals,
    social networks and infuencers like bloggers
  • Use social media marketing on own pages with
    user-generated content but also using social
    networks like Facebook, Google, LinkedIn,
    Twitter, Pinterest, etc
  • Use email, mobile, apps and databases as
    communications and relationship-building tools.
  • Link with offline marketing communications.
  • Reduce costs, generate revenue, communicate and

Engaging Customers with Brands (RACE)Reach-Act-Co
Source Smart Insights (2010) from REAN (Blanc
Jackson, 2009)
SOSTAC- a Generic framework for e marketing plan
Example objectives
  • Achieve 10 per cent online revenue contribution
    within two years
  • Achieve first or second position in category
    penetration in the countries within which we
    operate (this is effectively online market share
    and can be measured through visitor rankings such
    as Hitwise or better by online revenue share
  • Cost reduction of 10 per cent in marketing
    communications within two years
  • Increase retention of customers by 10 per cent
  • Increase by 20 per cent within one year the
    number of sales arising from a certain target
    market, e.g. 1825-year-olds
  • Create value-added customer services not
    available currently
  • Improve customer service by providing a response
    to a query within two hours, 24 hours per day,
    seven days a week
  • All other objectives to be achieved profitably
    giving a return on investment in a three year

5 S Model for objectives
Business models- Timmers (1999)
  • E Shop
  • E Procurement
  • E Mall
  • E Auctions
  • Virtual Communities
  • Collaboration Platforms
  • Third Party Marketplaces
  • Value Chain Integrators
  • Value Chain Service Providers
  • Information Broakerage
  • Trust and other Services

E-business strategy model
1. Web presence 2. E-commerce 3. Integrated e-commerce 4. E-business
Services available Brochureware or interaction with product catalogues and customer service Transactional e-commerce on buy-side or sell-side. Systems often not integrated Buy and sell-side integrated with ERP or legacy systems. Personalisation of services Full integration between all internal organisational processes and elements of the value network
Organizational scope Departments acting independently, e.g. marketing department, IS department Co-ordination through steering committee ore-commerce manager Cross-organisational Across the enterprise and beyond (extraprise)
Transformation Technological infrastructure Technology and new responsibilities identified for e-commerce Internal business processes and company structure Change to e-business culture, linking of business processes with partners
Strategy Limited Sell-side e-commerce strategy, not well integrated with business strategy E-commerce strategy integrated with business strategy using a value-chain approach E-business strategy incorporated as part of business strategy
Strategic options for a company in relation to
the importance of the Internet as a channel
Revenue models
  • Subscription access to content
  • Pay Per View content access
  • CPM Display advertising
  • CPC advertising on site
  • Sponsorship of sections, content or widgets
  • Affiliate revenue (CPA or CPC)
  • Subscriber data for e-mail marketing
  • Access to customers for research purposes

Using the Internet to support different growth
Target marketing
Stages in target marketing strategy development
A range of targeting and segmentation approaches
for a digital campaign
Customer lifecycle segmentation
Online value proposition
  • A clear differentiation of the proposition from
    competitors based on product features or service
  • Target market segment(s) that the proposition
    will appeal to
  • How the proposition will be communicated to site
    visitors and in all marketing communications.
    Developing a tag line can help this

The importance of VALUE
  • Cheaper to retain customers than recruit new ones
  • Lifetime value and greater share of wallet
  • Customers can become advocates
  • Value can be a source of competitive advantage
  • Incentives and collectables can encourage further
    purchases and return visits to your site
  • Can help you drive thought leader strategy for
    B2B e.g. give white papers for free
  • Can lock them in to your brand and stop churn /
  • Customers consolidate number of websites they use
    over time so ensure your site is a favourite

Managing Expectations
  • Understand expectations customer research,, site
    benchmarking, customer scenarios
  • Set and communicate the service promise
    guarantees or promises
  • Delivering the service promise on-site support,
    employee support, physical fulfilment, logistics,
    delight the customer.

Online Value Proposition
  • Your USP online
  • Links to your brand positioning and tells
    customers who you are, what you offer, which
    markets you serve and what makes you different.
  • It identifies to customers why they should click
    on the site, return, register, buy and share
    their experiences. Its a point of difference
    from competitors.

Source Smart Insights 2014
Customer Information Processing Model5 Stages of
Information Processing Hofacker (2001)
  • Review effectiveness of communications and web
    pages. Can your customers progress through each
  • Exposure is the information there long enough
    for a customer?
  • Attention what grabs the attention? Movement?
  • Comprehension perception how does the
    customer interpret the stimulus?
  • Yielding acceptance is the information
    accepted by the customer?
  • Retention how well can the customer recall
    their experience?

Customer Decision-Making ModelsLow High
  • Awareness
  • Interest
  • Desire
  • Action
  • Problem Identification
  • Information Search
  • Evaluation of Alternatives
  • Purchase
  • Post-purchase Evaluation
  • How does your decision-making differ for the
    following purchases
  • Buying some breakfast cereal
  • Buying a car
  • Buying a music album from a brand new band
  • Buying your first home

Supporting the Buying Process with Site Content
Source Chaffey Smith, 2013
The IDIC Loyalty Model (Peppers Rogers, 1997)
  • The IDIC approach provides a framework for using
    the web effectively to form and build
  • Customer identification identify customers on
    first and subsequent visits through cookies /
  • Customer differentiation build a profile to
    segment customers
  • Customer interaction on-site interactions such
    as customer service questions or create a
    tailored product
  • Customer communications personalisation or
    mass-customisation of content or emails according
    to segmentation.

User Experience Design How does a user feel
when using a system?
  • http//www.youtube.com/watch?vOvj4hFxko7c

Source Smashing Design Magazine
Starting to think about user experience
  • User-centred design (Bevan, 1999) starts with
    understanding the nature and variation between
    user groups
  • Who are the important users?
  • What is their purpose for accessing the site?
  • How frequently will they visit?
  • What experience and expertise do they have?
  • What nationality are they? Can they read your
  • What type of information are they looking for?
  • How will the use the information? Read it online,
    print it, download it, share it?
  • What type of browser or platform will they use?
    How fast will their links be?
  • How large a screen will they have and with how
    many colours?

Ovp examples
  • Compare. Buy. Save. Kelkoo (www.kelkoo.com)
  • Earths biggest selection. Amazon
  • Search the largest inventory of cars and trucks
    on the Internet. More than 1.5 million listings,
    updated daily (www.autotrader.com)
  • The Citibank site design (www.citibank.com) uses
    a range of techniques to illustrate its core
    proposition and OVP. The main messages are
  • Welcome to Citibank The one-stop solution for
    all your financial needs
  • Look for a product or service Learn about a
    financial product Find a location

Positioning and differentiation strategy
  • Deise et al (2000) and Chaston (2000) suggest
    four positioning options
  • Product performance excellence
  • Price performance
  • Transactional Excellence
  • Relationship Excellence
  • These positioning options have much in common
    with Porters generic competitive strategies of
    cost leadership and differentiation

  • However unlike Porters belief, Kim et al (2004)
    concluded that for online businesses integrated
    strategies that combine elements of cost
    leadership and differentiation will outperform
    cost leadership or differentiation strategies

Autotrader site (www.autotrader.co.uk) clearly
communicates its proposition
BA Have you clicked yet? campaign web site
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