Lecture 2. The core Java language - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Lecture 2. The core Java language


Programming for Geographical Information Analysis: Core Skills Lecture 2: Storing data – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Lecture 2. The core Java language

Programming for Geographical Information
AnalysisCore Skills
Lecture 2 Storing data
This lecture
  • Variables
  • Objects
  • Arrays

Variables and statements
  • The language is broadly divided into variables
    and statements.
  • Variables are places in which you store stuff you
    want to use
  • e.g., words, numbers, data.
  • They are usually represented by names.
  • Statements are what you want to do
  • e.g., print a word, add two numbers.

Variables continued
  • Lets imagine we need to use an x coordinate a
    number of times in a program.
  • We could hardwire or hardcode values in
  • System.out.println(x value is 100.0)
  • Say we use this value of x a thousand times in
    the program. What if we want to change the x
  • What we need is to attach the value to a name,
    and use the name instead if we want to change
    the value, we just change the value the name
    points at.
  • This is what a variable is for.

Variable types
  • The computer usually needs to know what kind of
    thing they are before they can be used, so they
    can be stored efficiently.
  • There are several simple types (primitives),
  • int an integer between 2,000,000,000
  • double a real number between 10 38
  • boolean either true or false
  • char a single character

Defining variables
  • To tell the computer what type of variable you
    are using you must declare it, usually before you
    use it. The syntax for doing this is
  • type variableName
  • For example
  • double x
  • This variable declaration tells the computer to
    make a name-tag in memory in preparation for an
    double and call it x.
  • Note that variables should start with a lowercase
    letter and describe the value inside them.

Assigning a value to the variable
  • Its then usual to assign a value to the
    variable. The computer makes an double-shaped
    space in memory containing the value and attaches
    the name-tag to it, e.g.,
  • x 100.0
  • You can do both at once, e.g.,
  • double x 100.0

Using variables
  • You can then use the variables, e.g.,
  • double nearX x 1.0
  • System.out.println("x " x)
  • The last prints x 100.0

Adds x and 1.0
Joins two printed things
  • You could just as easily reassign x
  • x 200.0
  • Note that it is also common to do this
  • x x 1.0
  • The right side is assessed first, and the answer
    (201.0) replaces what is currently in x (200.0).

  • Operators for manipulating variables
  • add
  • - subtract
  • multiply
  • / divide
  • modulus gives the remainder of a division
  • 5 2 gives a value of 1
  • add one to a variable
  • x is the same as x x 1

Operator precedence
  • Operators have a definite order in which things
    are done. For example,
  • int i 6 6 / 3
  • will give i as 8, not 4.
  • Always best to put equations in parentheses to
    make it clear what youre after. In this case,
  • int i (6 6) / 3

  • Casting is the conversion of one type of variable
    to another.
  • Casting can be done implicitly with some types
  • int m 3
  • double i m
  • gives i as 3.0.
  • Implicit casting is usually possible with
    primitive types where there is no loss of

Explicit casting
  • Where useful information might possibly be lost,
    explicit casting is needed.
  • Syntax is
  • (target type) variable
  • int numberOfPokemon 150
  • byte number
  • number (byte)numberOfPokemon

Javas Assumptions
  • Java assumes any number with a decimal point is a
    double. If you want to make it a float, you have
    to be explicit
  • float f (float) 2.5
  • float f 2.5f

Javas Assumptions
  • Equally it assumes numbers without decimals are
  • This causes problems in maths, as rounding to
    ints will occur if an equation contains them
  • i 11 / 5 gives i 2 remainder nothing, even
    if i is a double.
  • To stop this, always give figures with decimal
    points, e.g.
  • double d 3.0 / 2.0
  • not double d 3 / 2

  • The take home message is
  • int x
  • declares/creates an integer label, called x.
  • x 100
  • assigns it the value 100.
  • You can do both at once, thus
  • int x 100
  • But from then on, you just use the label, thus
  • x 200

This lecture
  • Variables
  • Objects
  • Arrays

Object Orientated programs can be made of several
objects which do different jobs and communicate
with each other.
  • In the introduction we looked at this example of
    objects and we said each object had its own file.
  • So how do these objects relate to what we have
    talked about today?

  • We have seen that the basic unit of code is the
  • We have one class that sets everything running.
    But how do we run the others?
  • The main class is unusual in running directly as
    a program.
  • More usual to think of classes as chunks of code
    that define a type.
  • We use them to make (instantiate) specific
    objects of that type a bit like an original of
    a photocopy.
  • These are variables that contain the class code.
  • This is the real genius of Object Orientated

  • Because they are based on classes, objects can
    contain any code classes can.
  • Code to do jobs.
  • Code to communicate with other code.
  • Code to store data which well concentrate on

Creating Objects
  • Objects are just variables with a type (class)
    you can define yourself.
  • Lets make a class for storing a geographical
  • public class Point
  • double x 100.0
  • double y 200.0
  • Note that theres no main block as were going to
    use this class inside a main block of another
    class which is in the same directory.
  • This class just contains some initialised

Creating Objects
  • In the main block, you tell the computer to make
    a name-tag ready for the new object, e.g.,
  • Point home
  • Then attach it to a new object of this class.
  • home new Point()
  • Or all in one go
  • Point home new Point()
  • Note, again, the capitalisation. Contrast this
    with the primitive variables.
  • double x 100.0

Accessing variables in objects
  • You can use the dot operator . to access things
    inside the objects.
  • You can imagine it means look inside and get.
    So, in our main class, after making the object,
    we might have
  • double myHomeX home.x
  • to get the object's x variable or
  • home.x 200.0
  • to set it to some value.
  • Each object gets a complete copy of the class
    code for itself. Change a variable in one object
    and it usually just changes there, not for all
    objects of the same class.

Finished program
  • public class HomeFire
  • public static void main(String args)
  • Point home new Point()
  • home.x 23.42
  • home.y 79.79
  • System.out.println("x" home.x)
  • Obviously this isnt the most exciting program in
    the world, but you get the idea.

Running our program
  • We have more than one file to compile, so how do
    we go about it?
  • We put the Point.java and HomeFire.java files in
    the same directory.
  • We compile them using the all files wildcard
  • javac .java
  • 3) We then run the main file
  • java HomeFire
  • The compiler / JVM work out all the links for us.

Some objects revised
  • Menu fileMenu new Menu (File)
  • MenuItem saveWeb
  • new MenuItem (Save as Web Page)
  • fileMenu.add(saveWeb)
  • MenuListener a new MenuListener(saveWeb)

Some objects revised
  • If there is code inside the object, it can be run
    the same way but well come back to that.
  • Weve actually seen a kind of example already
  • System.out.println("Hello World")
  • but this is special, because we dont need to
    make the System class into an object first. Well
    come back to this as well.

  • The take home message is the same as for
  • Point p1
  • declares/creates an Point label, called p1.
  • p1 new Point()
  • assigns it to a new Point-type object.
  • You can do both at once, thus
  • Point p1 new Point()
  • But from then on, you just use the label, thus
  • p1.x 200.0

Assignment to variables
  • The major difference between objects and
    primitives is what happens when two labels are
    set to each other
  • double a 10.0
  • double b a
  • With primitives, the value of the primitive is
    copied. So,
  • a 20.0
  • Will change a, but not b.

Assignment to variables
  • Whereas with objects, the two labels are stuck to
    the same object and
  • Point p1 new Point()
  • Point p2 p1
  • p2.x 20.0
  • will change both p2.x and p1.x to 20.0, because
    they are labels for the same object.
  • Confusing the two results in tricky to find
  • To copy an object you need to copy all its
    primitive contents separately.
  • There are techniques for helping with this
    (search for cloning and java), but they are
    tricky to implement well, so we wont cover them
    in this basic course.

  • Unassigned primitives are sometimes set as zero,
    but usually the compiler will protest at them.
    Get used to initialising variables with a value
    so you know for certain what they are.
  • int a // Avoid this.
  • int a 0
  • int a 42
  • The equivalent for object labels is null. Again,
    get used to using this
  • ClassName a // Avoid this.
  • ClassName a null
  • ClassName a new ClassName()

  • Variables labels usually only work in their own
  • blocks and any blocks nested within their blocks.
  • Labels are destroyed and rebuilt each time a
    scope is left and re-entered. Note that once a
    object has no label, its useless.
  • This wouldnt work
  • Point a new Point()
  • System.out.println(a.x)
  • Whereas this would, and isnt unusual
  • Point a null
  • a new Point()
  • System.out.println(a.x)

  • We saw earlier that the primitive for storing
    text characters is char.
  • However, there is a special class called String
    that can store more than one character. They are
    created for you, without having to use new.
  • String hw "Hello World"
  • System.out.println(hw)
  • If you do this, you cant (unlike the rest of
    Java, break in the middle of the line)
  • String hw Hello instead String hw
  • World World

This lecture
  • Variables
  • Objects
  • Arrays

  • Remember that we make a variable, thus
  • double a 10.0
  • Or,
  • Point p1 new Point()
  • But what if we want to read in a big datafile?

  • Do we need a new name for each data point?
  • Ideally wed just have a list or table of data,
    and get at the data with the list/table name and
    the location within it.
  • This structure is called an array.
  • Arrays are variables with multiple examples of
    the same kind of object in them.
  • E.g. a xCoord array variable containing 10
    different x values.

  • As for all variables, we first make a label. The
    syntax is
  • type arrayName or
  • type arrayName
  • For example
  • double xCoords
  • double xCoords
  • Point pathway

  • Then we attach it to a suitable set of spaces in
  • arrayName new typesize
  • e.g. xCoords new double10
  • pathway new Point10
  • This has now made 10 spaces in our arrays,
    numbered 0 to 9.
  • Arrays can be declared and assigned at the same
  • double xCoords new double 10

  • We fill them by using the name and index
  • xCoords0 100.0
  • pathway9 somePoint
  • And likewise to get out the value
  • myX xCoords0
  • Gives myX as 100.0.
  • You use them with objects like any normal name
  • myX pathway9.x
  • If you try to use a space that doesnt exist,
    youll break the program.

Primitive arrays
  • Arrays are just label collections.
  • Java fills primitive arrays with default values
  • int 0
  • double 0.0
  • char spaces
  • boolean false
  • But you should do this anyhow, so you are sure
    what is in there.

Object arrays
  • For objects, the unassigned labels just point at
  • So, the first thing you need to do is attach each
    label to an object
  • Point pathway new Point10
  • pathway0 new Point()
  • System.out.println(pathway0.x)
  • System.out.println(pathway1.x)
  • The second println would break the program,
    because it is trying to read x out of null the
    second Point object hasnt been created.

  • We can actually fill them with existing data at
  • double xCoords
  • 100.0,0.0,1.0,1.0,2.0,3.0,5.0,8.0,13.0,200.0
  • Point pathway p1, new Point(), p2
  • If you are going to do this, the declaration and
    data filling has to be part of the same command.

  • The size of an array is fixed once made, and can
    be found using the syntax
  • name.length
  • e.g.
  • System.out.println(xCoords.length)

Objects revised
  • Note also that arrays are a special kind of
    object, as you can see by the way we make them
  • int xCoords new int10
  • And the fact that they have special variables set
    up inside them
  • xCoords.length

Multi-dimensional arrays
  • You dont just have to have one dimensional
    arrays, you can have as many dimensions as you
  • A map of population density for example may be a
    2D array
  • int popMap new int100100
  • You can think of the array as a table, with the
    first size as the row numbers and the second as
    the columns.
  • You refer to the position as, for example,
  • arrayName101
  • (value at the 11th row, 2nd column)

Multi-dimensional arrays
  • Alternatively you can think of them as arrays of
    arrays, and there is nothing to stop you setting
    them up like this
  • int array2D new int 4
  • array2D0 new int3
  • array2D1 new int3
  • array2D2 new int3
  • array2D3 new int3
  • Each position in the first dimension being filled
    with a new array.
  • Note that you must always give the size of the
    first dimension.

Irregular arrays
  • Infact, the dimensions dont have to be regular
  • int array2Dirreg new int 4
  • array2Dirreg0 new int1
  • array2Dirreg1 new int3
  • array2Dirreg2 new int2
  • array2Dirreg3 new int3
  • We can have as many dimensions as we like.
  • int array4D new int100

  • We can still fill them with existing objects
    instead of defining them empty
  • double array2D
  • 100.0,0.0,1.0,1.0,2.0,3.0,5.0,8.0,13.0,2
  • double array2Dirreg
  • 100.0,1.0,1.0,1.2,2.0,3.0,5.0,8.0,13.0
  • If it helps, you can break this onto several
    lines before the semicolon.

  • To find the length in the first dimension, we
  • name.length
  • To find the length in the second dimension, we
  • namepositionInFirstDimension.length
  • So, for the array on the previous slide
  • array2Dirreg.length is 4
  • array2Dirreg0.length is 1
  • array2Dirreg4.length is 3

  • Remember that we make a variable, thus
  • double a 10.0
  • Point p1 new Point()
  • We can change the value
  • a 20.0
  • a a 10.0
  • p1.x 10.0
  • We can then use them, thus
  • System.out.println(a)
  • System.out.println(p1.x)

  • Making a variable is a two-stage process.
  • Make the name
  • double myValue
  • Assign it to a value
  • myValue 23.42
  • Or all in one go
  • double myValue 23.42
  • Making an array is a three-stage process.
  • Make the name
  • double myValues
  • Assign it to spaces
  • myValues new double5
  • Or all in one go
  • double myValues
  • new double5
  • Then assign values
  • myValues0 23.42
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