Title: Ma 375
1Ma 375
- A course in Communicating Mathematics with Maple
and LaTeX - given by
- Paul Eakin and Carl Eberhart
- Department of Mathematics
- University of Kentucky
2Class 1 The Tools
3What are Maple and LaTeX?
- Maple is a language for posing, investigating,
and solving mathematical problems. - LaTeX is a language for preparing Mathematical
documents for publication. - A knowledge of these languages equips you to
communicate mathematics both with yourself and
with the outside world.
4More on Maple
- Worksheet Environment -- like a sheet of paper
- Use it like a graphing calculator
- Use it to make 3d movies
- You can do algebra in a Maple worksheet
- Maple has a large mathematical vocabulary
- You can extend the vocabulary
- You have to buy it (think its a book)
5More on LaTeX
- You dont have to buy it
- Based on TeX, a mathematical typesetting
language invented by Donald Knuth - LaTeX is used extensively by the scientific
community at the university level. - Use it to write math texts.
- Maple worksheets can be exported to LaTeX.
6The Chisel CD
- Has a complete LaTeX system on it called MiKTeX.
This can be run right off the CD. - Contains a large database of existing LaTeX
source documents, from quizzes to books. - Has a MapleV4 demo worksheet reader with
subsistence computational ability - Contains a large database of Maple worksheets,
arranged into books.
7Installing Chisel
- Get the CD from http//www.ms.uky.edu/chisel
- Stick it in your Cdrom drive
- Initially you may want to choose a minimal
installation. - After installation, you have a Chisel icon on
your desktop. Click It.
8Searching the Chisel
- Pick a word, like function, and see where it
occurs on the Chisel disk - The disk contains mws , tex, dvi, and ps files..
These are read by MapleV4, Wordpad, yap, and
gsview32 respectively.
9 Nextime
- We will go through this again in more detail
10Class 2 -- Hello, World! in LaTeX
11The Editing Cycle
- edit file.tex
- latex file.tex
- yap file.dvi
- dvips file
- gsview32 file.ps
12edit file.tex
latex file.tex
yap file.dvi
gsview32 file.ps
dvips file
13A Sample LaTex file
- \documentclassslides\usepackagecolor,graph
icx\begindocumentHello World!\colorredHel
lo world!\ (xy)3 3x1 \\includegraphicsh
14 Never start from scratch
- To make an exam, start with an exam.
- There are plenty on the Chisel disk.
- Use the edit cycle to learn LaTex.
- Try your ideas out to see if they work.
- Of course, reference books are nice.
- Browse LaTeX books for ideas.
15Homework Assignment
- Starting with a practice skills test in Calculus
I on the Chisel Disk, modify it to a test key
with color and graphics. You can change any
problems you dont like.
16Class 3 -- Modify an old tex document
17 Some things to watch for.
- Version of LaTeX?
- Macros. Any missing?
- Learn LaTeX from context.
- Read the error messages from LaTeX
18 Versions of LaTeX
- LaTeX2.09
- LaTeX2e
- Using LaTeX2e help on the Chisel
19 Get a skills test off the Chisel Disk
- Choose your document
- Open it to your hard-drive(click on ZIP, and
choose open) - See if the tex file will latex
20 Start the Edit Cycle
- Lets make a key to the exam
21Homework Assignment
- (Due Friday) email to carl_at_ms.uky.eduConstruct
a 2 question, 1 page quizon solving quadratic
equations.Provide a key.
22Class 4 -- Getting Graphics
23 5 ways to make pictures in LaTeX
- Use LaTeX picture commands
- Use MS Paint to draw bw .bmp files
- Use Maple to generate color .eps files
- Use Paint Shop Pro to draw color .eps files
- Use commands from the PSTricks package
24 LaTeX picture commands
- Here is a sample picture drawn with picture
commands in LaTeX. - setlength\unitlength.5in
- \beginpicture(7,4)
- \put(0,0)\vector(1,5)3
- \put(2,2)\sqrt2
- \endpicture
25MS Paint
- Launch the Paint from Accessories
- Set the size to something like 4 by 2.4 inches
- Make a drawing
- Save as monochrome bmp (say pic.bmp) in the
right directory - include graphicx in your list of packages
- put
- \includegraphicsheight4in,width2.4inpic.bmp
- in your tex file
26Maple To graph sin(x) and x3
- Launch Maple (release 4 or 5)
- Then in a worksheet issue these commands
- plotsetup(ps,plotoutputpic.eps,plotoptionscol
or) - plot(sin(x),x3,x-Pi..Pi)
- get the file pic.eps into the right directory
- proceed as above with MS Paint
27 The PSTricks Package
- Think of this as a huge extension of the picture
environment. Among other things you can write
along a curve with Pstricks. - The style files and documentation are freely
available from the TeX archives
28Paint Shop Pro
- Think of this as a better paint program
- Its main advantage over paint is that you can
save in the color eps format - It is inexpensive but high quality shareware
29Class 5 -- Review and extend knowledge of LaTeX
30What have we done?
- Intro to Chisel Disk and its data
- Intro to LaTeX(2e), with color and graphics
- Tiny intro to Maple (for its graphics)
- Made first homework assignment
31 A quiz template
- \documentclass12ptarticle
- \textheight 9in
- \textwidth 6.5in
- \begindocument
- \begincenter
- \bf\large Quiz 1
- \endcenter
- \beginenumerate
- \item first question
- \vfill
- \item second question
- \vfill
- \endenumerate
- \enddocument
Use this style for quizzes
put the quiz questions here
32 Many ways to carry out editing cycle
- Have TexShell, editor, and yap or gsview32
windows all open to cycle between.
33 A short article template
- \documentclassarticle
- \begindocument
- \sectionIntroduction Introductory
material - \sectionThe main body
- \subsectionIdea one.
- Here is the first idea.
- \subsectionIdea two Here is the second idea.
- \enddocument
Let LaTeX do the placement. You can work on what
to say.
34Notes on graphics.
- Use \beginpicture commands when possible
- Leave room for Paint drawings and draw later.
- Use the plotting packages in Maple
35Class 6 -- Making a problem set
36Problem Set Making
- Making new problem sets is one of a teachers
jobs. It is nice to have the tools to do it in
a professional manner. Usually, there will be
typeset math and graphics of some sort.
37 A Problem Set template
- \documentclass12ptarticle
- \textheight 9in
- \textwidth 6.5in
- \newtheoremproblemProblem
- \begindocument
- \begincenter
- \bf\large Problem Set 1
- \endcenter
- \beginproblem
- first question
- \endproblem
- \vfill
- \beginproblem second question
- \vfill
- \enddocument
38 Some new LaTeX Commands
- \newtheoremproblemProblem
- Putting this in the preamble allows you to
- \beginproblem
- \endproblem
- in the body
39 Another LaTeX command
- To make a nice table, put this in your tex
- document
- \begintabular.5inl l l \hline
- ksks stuff more stuff \\ \hline
- akks yet more Stuff More stuff \\ \hline
- \endtabular
40More on Graphics.
- Use \multiput to draw repetitively in the
picture mode - the package graphpap is handy to draw quadrille
41Homework assignment
- due Monday, Feb 9
- Work up a new problem set, with three problems on
two pages. - Use graphics and color. Supply your solutions
commented out. - The topic can be anything related to or requiring
mathematics in the solution.
42Class 7 -- Making a problem set
43 A Problem Set template
- \documentclass12ptarticle
- \textheight 9in
- \textwidth 6.5in
- \newtheoremproblemProblem
- \begindocument
- \begincenter
- \bf\large Problem Set 1
- \endcenter
- \beginproblem
- first question
- \endproblem
- \vfill
- \beginproblem second question
- \vfill
- \enddocument
44 Some new LaTeX Commands
- \newtheoremproblemProblem
- Putting this in the preamble allows you to
- \beginproblem
- \endproblem
- in the body
45 Another LaTeX command
- To make a nice table, put this in your tex
- document
- \begintabular.5inl l l \hline
- ksks stuff more stuff \\ \hline
- akks yet more Stuff More stuff \\ \hline
- \endtabular
46More on Graphics.
- Use \multiput to draw repetitively in the
picture mode - the package graphpap is handy to draw quadrille
47Homework assignment
- due Monday, Feb 9
- Work up a new problem set, with three problems on
two pages. - Use graphics and color. Supply your solutions
commented out. - The topic can be anything related to or requiring
mathematics in the solution.