Title: Welcome to Mrs. Herriott
1Welcome to Mrs. Herriotts Class7th grade
ELAAugust 19, 2014
2Warm Up Create Information Index Card
- First Last name
- Address
- Birthday
- Parent/Guardian name
- Parent/Guardian email
- Phone numbers! Cell, work, home
- Warm-up
- Locker assignments
- Introduction
- Student Information Survey (turn in!)
- Overview of Class Procedures
- Rewards Behavior Expectations
- New Scratch Paper
- Student information sheet, welcome letter,
signature page
4About Me
- Mrs. Katie Herriott
- 5th year teaching
- Became a teacher based on love of reading
writing, grammar inspired by Mom - Lives in Ninety Six with husband Wayne and two
furry children Cappy Penny - Hobbies include reading, listening to music,
surfing the Internet and playing Candy Crush - Originally from Indiana graduated from Indiana
University in 2008. Taught 1 year in Indiana, 2
years in Florida, 1.5 years in Ninety Six
5Your Turn
- Complete the survey provided
- Please answer each question in detail that
means complete sentences! - You have 15 minutes!
- Attitudes drive behavior
- Your body language is a result of your mental
attitude - By choosing your attitude, you get in that mood
and send out a message that everyone understands,
consciously or unconsciously - The choice is yours make the best one!
- Attitude
- A feeling or emotion toward a fact or state
- A positive, upbeat, warm state of mind
- A cocky, cool, defiant, or arrogant manner
- Attitudes are the established ways of responding
to people and situations that we have learned,
based on the beliefs, values and assumptions we
hold. - Attitudes become manifest through your behavior.
- Recognize the signs
- Know what they mean
- DONT assume, ask
9Morning Routine/Schedule
- All students report to Homeroom at 750 AM.
- Homeroom study period is from 750 AM 820 AM.
- If you come to school early, you will be sitting
in my classroom, either A.) completing homework,
B.) silently reading, or C.) watching
responding to CNN student news. - This is not 30 minutes of social time. This is
not a 30-minute nap time. - There are multiple helper tasks that you may sign
up for in the morning. Signing up is on a first
come, first serve basis. Helping out in the
morning will earn you wildcat paws for your ID
10Entering Classroom Procedure
- Go directly to your assigned seat.
- Look at Board and begin on the warm-up assignment
SILENTLY. - Take out and place any homework assigned from the
night before on your desk for me to check.
11Turning in Work Procedure
- Place your completed work in the tray assigned to
your block. - Make sure you are turning work in to the correct
tray If I cant find it, I cant grade it! If
youre not sure, check the chart above the trays. - When finished with work, read SILENTLY until
everyone else has completed their work.
12Missing Work Form
- If you do not have an assignment completed at the
time it is due, you must fill out and turn in a
Missing Work Form. - If the absence is excused, you have an extra day
to turn in the assignment without penalty. If the
absence is unexcused, you will lose 10 points
each day the assignment is late. - Example A homework assignment is due Monday.
Johnny turns it in on Wednesday, even though he
was at school all three days. He misses 1 of the
10 questions, for a score of 90. But the
assignment is 2 days late, so 20 points are then
deducted. Johnnys final grade on the assignment
is 70, D.
13Late Work Form
- When you turn in an assignment later than the day
it is due, regardless of the reason why, you must
fill out and attach a Late Work Form. Fill out
this form completely and staple it to the back of
the assignment.
14What about when Im absent?
- Use a student computer to go to
http//www.greenwood52.org and click on Mrs.
Herriotts classroom. - On the Assignments page, read about what went on
during the class time you were absent write
down/respond to the warm-up, do DGP, etc. - If there was a handout given in class, go to the
purple bin and look in the folder for the day(s)
you were gone. Make sure you get handouts in a
timely manner, as they will be switched out
weekly. - To save time, access my website complete all
that you can at home before you return to school.
Remember, you have 3 other core classes to
complete work for!
15Bookshelf Procedure
- Only TWO people are allowed at the bookshelf at a
time. - NO TALKING at the bookshelf.
- If you want to check out one of my books, ask
permission first! Then write your name, the
title/author of thebook, and the date youre
taking iton the sign-out sheet next to
16Restroom Procedure
- Go to the restroom during permitted times before
and after class. - You may go to the restroom during class time for
emergencies only. Repeated requests to use the
restroom will result in immediate parent contact.
17Trash Procedure
- Wait until the END of class to throw trash away.
- DO NOT throw/shoot trash into the trash can.
Doing this will result in an immediate scratch
18Emergency Procedures
- Fire drill Stay with your class!!! Quietly exit
classroom turn right. Go out double doors by
Mrs. Winchesters room. Walk across pavement and
into grassy area. Form a line and wait for
further instruction. - Earthquake drill Quietly get under your desk and
wait for further instruction. - Tornado drill Quietly exit the classroom turn
left. Line up along the lockers. Kneel on the
floor, facing the lockers, and cover your head
with your hands. Wait quietly for further
instruction. - Failure to follow the above procedures will
automatically result in an administrative
- Textbook in class
- SSR book/magazine/newspaper
- At least TWO sharpened pencils
- Pencil sharpener
- Journals (2)
- Binder
- Notebook paper
20Class Plan
- Expectations
- Everyone deserves respect.
- Manners are important.
- Safety at all times.
- Consequences
- First offense warning, student conference,
and/or loss of privileges - Second offense parent contact and lunch
detention - Third offense parent contact and lunch
detention - Fourth offense referral to administration for
more severe sanctions
21EMS School Rules
- Follow directions
- Keep hands/feet/ objects to self
- Bring materials to class
- Show respect for yourself, your school, and
others - By following this rule specifically, you are
almost guaranteed to stay out of trouble!
22Class Reward Plan
- What Individual class rewards wildcat paws
- When The class works together to demonstrate
positive behavior in any area of the matrix - By whom Classroom teacher, staff who compliments
individual class - How often Daily
- How many Up to three per day-or none!
- Where 10 wildcat paws redeemed in class for a
class reward
23Class Plan Positives
- Fun Friday Inside Game Day
- Fun Friday Outside Game Day
- Outside class time (Still learning!)
- Fun Friday Snack Day (Still learning!)
- Movie Day
- Computer Games Day
- Electronic Day
- Class Choice (Hat/Pajama Day, extratime at
recess, ???)
24Individual Acknowledgement
- What ID cardsWildcat Paw stickers on students
plastic card worn on lanyard - When Student demonstrate good behavior,
character, or decision making skills - Demonstrate model behavior
- Encourage problem students by finding/pointing
out small changes - By whom any staff member
- How often daily
- How many Staffs goal to give out 5 paws per day
25Individual Rewards Cat Cash
- Once you have filled your ID card with wildcat
paws, they may be cashed in at the front office
for Cat Cash. Each 10 paws will result in 1 of
Cat Cash. - You may then use your Cat Cash at the monthly
Cat Closet. There, various items will be
available each month for you to purchase using
your Cat Cash. - Hat/pajama day
- AM basketball in the gym
- AM computer games in the lab
26Wildcat Card
- Redeemable for incentive after both sides of card
are filled with paws - Redeem in office for Cat Cash
- Lost card- .50
- If you forgot your tag, you will not be able to
redeem any paws you could have received that day
27Wildcat Card
- Audrey Alexander 7th Grade
- Level I
- Level II
- Level III
- Level IV
29Level I
- Classroom tardiness
- Eating/drinking in class
- Repeated failure to follow directions
- Improper show of affection
- Unauthorized sale
- Horseplay
- Loitering
- Repeatedly talking out of turn
- Being out of seat without permission
- Throwing objects
- Littering
- Failure to identify self
- Failure to bring materials to class
- Continually unprepared for class
30Level I Sanction
- First offense warning
- Second offense parent contact lunch detention
- Third offense parent contact lunch detention
- Fourth offense office referral for more sever
31Level I Administrative Sanctions
- Referral 1 After school detention
- Referral 2 1 day of ISS
- Referral 3 2 days of ISS
- Referral 4 3 days of ISS
- 5th and subsequent referrals 1 day OSS
32Level II
- Minor vandalism
- Minor theft
- Cheating
- Profane/abusive language
- Falsifying information
- Skipping class
- Possession of unauthorized substances
- Unlawful assembly
- Gambling
- Endangering self or others
- Minor disrespect
33Level IIAdministrative Sanctions
- Referral 1 2 days ISS
- Referral 2 3 days ISS
- Referral 3 2 days OSS
- Referral 4 3 days OSS
- 5th and subsequent referrals 3 days OSS
- Continued incorrigibility will result in
administration presenting the students
disciplinary records to the board for alternative
placement or expulsion.
34Level III
- Deliberate disobedience/refusal to obey
- Trespassing by a suspended student
- Major disrespect
- Threatening another student
- Vandalism (26-99)
- Minor theft (26-99)
- Fighting
- Possession of lookalike drugs/ weapons
- Possession of lighters/fireworks
- Any behavior which causes a major disruption
35Level IIIAdministrative Sanctions
- Referral 1 2 days OSS
- Referral 2 3 days OSS
- Referral 3 5 days OSS
- Law enforcement may be notified by either school
officials or parents if deemed necessary.
36Level IV
- Assault battery
- Extortion
- Bomb threat
- Possession, use or transfer of dangerous weapons
- Sexual offenses
- Vandalism (above 100)
- Arson
- Furnishing, selling, or possession of controlled
- Distribution, sale, purchase, manufacture, or
unlawful possession of controlled substances
while in or within a radius of ½ mile of school
grounds - Threatening to take the life of or inflict bodily
harm upon a teacher, principal, or members of
their family - Pulling fire alarm
- Bullying
37Level IVAdministrative Sanctions
- Referral 1 10 days OSS recommendation for
- LUNCH Scratch Paper
- Every day
- Required to report to detention teacher (Mrs.
Jones) - Bring pencil scratch paper
- Failure to report will result in another scratch
paper - You are allowed only THREE scratch papers. After
three, you will receive an administrative
- Tuesday Thursday
- 330-400
- If you miss, ISS will be assigned.
39SCRATCH out Misbehaviorat EMS!
- Lunch detention referrals have been replaced with
scratch paper. - All Level 1 offenses qualify for scratch paper.
- The teacher gives you the scratch paper, which
you bring to lunch detention.
- In lunch detention, you will complete the scratch
paper, and then the scratch paper is mailed home
to be signed. - You are only allowed three scratch papers during
the entire school year.
40EMS Scratch Paper
Classroom Hallway Cafeteria Restroom
Everyone deserves respect. Follow directions. Raise hand. Keep area clean. Encourage others. Walk quietly. Walk on the right side of the hallway. Clean up your area. Follow directions. Keep hands on your tray/food only. Wait patiently. Keep area clean.
Manners are important. Use low voices. Be prepared for class. Complete assignments. Stay on task. Protect and admire the word of staff and students. Face the front of the line. Use low voices. Use low voices. Flush toilets. Place trash in trash cans.
Safety at all times. Remain in seats until dismissed. Keep hands, feet, and objects to self. Face the front. Keep hands, feet, and objects to self. Report any spills. Pick up any objects on the floor. Keep hands, feet, and objects to self. Wash hands.
41Electronic Devices
- Cell phones, cameras, handheld games, MP3
players, etc. are not allowed on school grounds
during school hours (upon entering the building) - Must not be visible
- Must not be used
- Visibility/use of devices will be taken for seven
days returned to the parent/guardian - Level I consequence enforced
- Refusal to comply will result in law enforcement
42Dress Code
- Proper shoes must be worn at all times
- No vulgar, revealing, obscene or otherwise
inappropriate symbols, will be permitted - Shorts and skirts must be no shorter than 3
above the middle of the knee - Tight fitting clothes are not permitted no
leggings/yoga pants/compression clothing - Exposed midriff is not permitted
- Tops must be 2 or wider
- See-through clothing is not allowed
- Undergarments should not be visible
- Hats are prohibited inside of building
- Holey pants are prohibited
- Chains, fish hooks, nose/lip to ear chains
prohibited - Pants must be worn at natural waistline
43Dress Code Sanctions
- 1st Offense Correct violation and documented
- 2nd Offense Correct violation, lunch detention
parent contact - 3rd Offense Correct violation, parent contact
ISS - 4th Offense Correct violation, parent contact
OSS - 5th subsequent offense Correct violation,
parent contact OSS
44Overview of 7th Grade ELA
- ELA-English Language Arts
- Reading
- Novel Units Charlotte Doyle, A Christmas Carol,
read-alouds - Short Stories selections from textbook
- Informational text selections from textbook
- Digital media
- Writing
- Personal Narratives, argumentative essays,
informational essays - Journals
- DGP - Grammar Language
- Research
- Poetry
45What to Expect
- In-class assignments
- Independent, partner, group work
- Homework
- Blogs
- Note taking
- Book reports
- Quizzes
- Tests
- Research paper
- Poetry anthology
- http//www.greenwood52.org
- http//www.greenwood52.org/ems/site/default.asp
- http//www.greenwood52.org/16742073191055563/site/