Title: O P E N
Your Eyes and See the Lords Army
2God Fights Differently Than Man
2 Ki. 618-21 Elisha saved
Eph. 610-18 spiritual armor
Matt. 631-34 seek kingdom first
1 Tim. 612 our fight is of faith
3Must Be Spiritual to Understand
2 Ki. 71-12 Samaria saved
Rev. 2-3 spiritual ears
1 Cor. 118-21 not human intellect
4You Must Believe to be Saved
2 Ki. 716-20 officer died, didnt believe
Gal. 326-27 sons of God, faith
Col. 212-13 baptized, faith, made alive
2 Cor. 57 faith, not sight
2 Tim. 47-8 faith, eternal reward
Your Eyes and See the Lords Army