Title: Masters degree AIGEME Paris 3
1Masters degree AIGEME Paris 3
- Computer Applications,
- Management,
- Multimedia
- and
- E-learning
- Website
2A little bit of history
- Please watch this video for the context of the
program. - History of Open and Distance Learning in France
- European Distance education 0-3mns
- French Distance Education 3-6mns
- The professional masters in AIGEME is one of the
few online degree offered in France. This program
is also particular because it is a distance
program about distance education. It was launched
in October 2006. It is an intensive program that
is to be completed in one year. It combines both
requirements from passing courses and the
successful completion of a mandatory internship
to ensure that students are ready for the work
4What is AIGEME?
- AIGEME is the acronym of the French components of
the master. The translation of these components
is equivalent to the following Computer
Applications, Management, Multimedia and
5Who can enroll in AIGEME?
- The program welcome anyone looking to become a
professional in E-learning. Competences that will
be acquired allow one to secure an array of jobs
at the end of the program such as
manager/leader of distance education project,
instructional designer, distance educator, online
tutor, LMS manager, Head of resource or training
centers, director of multimedia library.
6Who can enroll (continued)
- Students
- Are qualified as students
- People who have never worked
- People that graduated less than 12 months from
another program - Professional
- People that are currently working
7Requirements to be admitted
- Can be admitted Students with a M1 from any
European country or French speaking country
preferably with a degree in humanities but with
good knowledge of common computer software.
(France higher education system is different (a
bachelor is obtained after 3 years. The Masters
is split into two years M1 and M2 thus allowing
mobility across the European Union for students
that want to study abroad.)
8Program purpose
- The Master of AIGEME is designed as a
professional master (geared towards people that
wants to integrate the work market) with a strong
base on research (for people that wish to
continue to the doctorate). - The master is a discovery into how to use
technology pedagogically. Geared towards
non-science students the curriculum allows them
to acquire suitable skills in order to prepare
them for computer related professions such as
multimedia, open learning and distance learning.
They become professional that can link the media
between Professionals and users in the field of
E-learning. - Graduates can explore different career paths upon
of the completion of the degree may have to
design courses online, manage resources, conduct
research, participate in the drafting of online
learning program, evaluate bids, Tutor distance
learning program etc.
9Curriculum at a Glance
10Curriculum at a glance (2)
- The curriculum is a core component of the
infrastructure of a distance education program.
Referring to the development of the
infrastructure of a program, Davis, Little and
Stewart (2008) pointed out that All teaching and
learning systems should be built from two vantage
points the needs of the intended students, and
the intended learning outcomes of the course or
program i.e., the knowledge, skills, and
attributes that students will gain. An ideal
online learning system will be based on a plan
that flows from a full understanding of these two
fundamentals (p.123). The Venn diagram of the
curriculum clearly expressed both the
contribution of the program within the distance
systems and the requirements from the students.
- Develop e-learning both as a set of teaching
methods involved in the training process and as
part of the information system of the enterprise,
school, university or vocational training. - Master the hardware and software necessary to
implement distance learning programs, understand
the processes involved, to conduct projects
within their political, organizational,
pedagogical and technical context, learn to guide
specialists that dont have a background in
distance education - introduce the concepts distance education,
multimedia, internet besides graphic and
ergonomic skills. - Enforce writing skills, production skills within
the context of instructional design in order to
create sites with distance education quality.
- Master the key educational and technological
contexts of e-learning in a process of
empowerment the virtual classroom via
videoconferencing and the Internet, college
campuses or corporate virtual universities. - Use the Internet to update and organize
educational content - Be able to identify and access external
resources relevant to broadcast content,
collaboration tools and interactivity to the
Internet, application sharing, remote
collaboration tools ... - Knowledge of information system techniques,
networks, servers, information structure and the
principles of ergonomics. - Understand the strategic, organizational,
political, legal and ethical issues of E-learning - Be able to develop a multimedia project teams
within a multicultural and multilingual settings - Produce professional quality statements in
French and English in the field of E-learning.
13Innovative program
- Hybrid between professional masters and research
masters. Thus graduates can decide to pursue
either path. - Internship is a requirement to graduate thus
students have a sense of what the E-learning
professional world is like and they graduate with
a strong sense of own strengths and weaknesses
which open doors to self-growth.
14Innovative (continued)
- In partnership with the Agency for Francophony,
the program offers 5 scholarship to students from
developed countries yearly. - Price is competitive Program cost (for about 75
credits) is about 2.500 US . - 2-3 tutors (for a cohort of 20) are available to
help students navigate the program
15Leaders (Venn diagram)
16Leaders and Support team
- In a document geared toward supporting faculty of
distance program, the Southern Regional Education
Board (2001) recognized that it takes both
technical competence and effective pedagogy to
teach in an e-learning environment" (p. 2). The
Faculty Issues Subcommittee of the board has
identified the following roles as important
elements of an instructional team in a distance
education program Instructional designer,
Graphic interface designer, technical support
personnel, content expert, direct instructor,
information resource personnel, tutor and
assessor. The Venn diagram in the precedent slide
shows that all these elements are present except
that they are labeled differently. For instance
the Head of Pedagogical affairs also play a role
as an Instructional designer with the help of the
Chief of the distance campus. The latter also is
the graphic interface designer. The content
experts identified by the SREB are the
instructors that are also direct instructors. As
the program is young it is understandable that
one person plays different roles for budget
17Quality insurance
- Online Degree from a well-known and respected
university Paris III - formerly known as
Sorbonne-. The AIGEME program is integrated into
the distance campus of the university iSorbonne.
Both the university and the program are
accredited by the French Ministry of Higher
Education and Research. Paris 3 is also
affiliated to the European University Association
(EUA) International Forum of Public Universities
(IFPU) and is also a member of the following
organizations promoting distance learning. -
18Quality insurance (2)
- Member of EDEN (European Distance Education
Network). EDEN exists to share knowledge and
improve understanding for professionals in
distance and e-learning across the whole of
Europe and beyond, and to promote policy and
practice for this field of endeavour For more
information about EDEN please go to
19Quality insurance (3)
- Member of Open University of the Humanities UOH
http//www.uoh.fr/ - Created under the leadership of the Direction of
Integration of computer in teaching Services,
entity linked to the Direction of Technology and
Information Systems of the Ministry of Higher
Education and Research and the Ministry of
Education, Open University of the Humanities
(UOH) is the Thematic Digital University devoted
to the disciplines of Humanities, Social
Sciences, Languages and Arts.
20Quality insurance (4)
- Form_at_sup http//www.formasup.education.fr/
- This catalog is published by CERIMES - Resource
Center for Information and Multimedia for Higher
Education - under the Ministry of Higher
Education and Research.Formasup is a website
published by CERIMES. This online catalog
includes courses- Tutored, that is supervised
by teachers,- Wholly or partially remote-
Proposed by public institutions in all French
regions universities, schools or institutes,
Cned (National Center for Distance Education),
CNAM (Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers)
and Agrosup-NCPC (National Center for Rural
Advancement ). Formasup is built as an
information system that lists the training that
are available online. Formasup's primary mission
is to promote distance learning in France.
21Quality insurance (5)
- FIED http//telesup.univ-mrs.fr/
- FIED (Federation Interuniversity for Distance
Education) is a nonprofit associated, created in
1987 from the initiative of Ministry of
Education. Its purpose is to organize a network
of French universities that have developped open
and distance learning under different forms such
as the Distance centers of certain universities
(CTEU), the Services for Distance Learning
(SEAD), units for Training and Research (UFR),
the training departments - FIED provides a national and international
representation of the French distance university
education offer, in collaboration with relevant
organizations (Ministry of Foreign affairs,
Ministry of cooperation EduFrance) - FIED coordinates or partners in several education
projects based on Information Technology and
Communication (ICT), which aim to improve the
quality of the , the monitoring and guidance of
students enrolled in distance program. FIED
aims to be open to all universities or
institutions which are concerned by Open and
Distance Learning (ODL).
22Quality and External Validity
- Internship
- The professionalism is required in M2, in the
form of an intensive internship in
enterprise.The partnership with industry is not
only a device for professional status, but also a
tool for guiding the qualification and its
contents Missions report trades jobs-Information
Technologies and Communication.All students
must have a mission integrated enterprise
training (150-300 hours of intensive training in
the second half). The students attend, within
companies, missions to "scale" designed to
qualify them and provide them a first experience
with online learning objectives.
23Quality and external validity
- Based on a university-business partnership, the
Diploma Computer Applications management,
education, multimedia, e-training (AIGEME) occurs
primarily on distance (in France and
abroad).The relationship with the corporate
world brings to this training effectiveness in
career choice. Students are offered the
opportunity to become involved with teachers in
colleges, universities and businesses thus
strengthening the scientific and technical basis
they were acquiring through their courses.
24Pedagogical Choices
- In an interview that can be found on the website
of the Masters program, the chief of Pedagogical
affairs stated that the program is based on
participatory pedagogy and pedagogy of success.
The AIGEME masters appears to have adopted a
social constructivist theoretical framework. Such
framework is described by Tisdell and his
colleagues (2004) as a framework that assumes
that knowledge construction is ongoing and takes
place in a social context as ideas are discussed
and learning processes are negotiated, and is
related both to the content and the process of
learning (p.120).
25Pedagogical choices (2)
- Fosnot (1996) noted that social constructivism
construes learning as an interpretive,
recursive, building process by active learners
interacting with the physical and social world
(p. 30). - According to Alley Jankar (2001) learning is
both social and private, and experiential and
that higher order learning requires reflection
and knowledge construction, which are key
elements for quality assurance in online learning.
26Students testimonials
- Please listen to some students testimonials by
clicking on the speaker icon. - Queens testimonial
- Thomas s testimonial
- Cherrys testimonial
27Success factors
- Other success factors built in the program
- Effective leadership / Administrators
- System
- The Venn diagram of the Leadership team shows
that everyone is interconnected directly or
through other members. Taking care both of the
management of the program is a team affair.
28Effective leadership
- Weekly visit (forum)
- The pedagogical director at least visits once a
week (often daily) the common forum to answer
students questions that can only be answered by
the administration. She also attends to students
personal or emotional needs to succeed in the
program. She always have a nice word here and
there. She is very encouraging. - Such practices can be written in what Karakas
(2007) - identified as two of the eleven domains that
constitutes the - heart-set and mind-set of leaders for the
twenty-first - Century Stewardship and care, growth and
29Effective leadership (2)
- Stewardship and care
- Develops empathy and understanding towards other
people by taking their feelings into
consideration develops trusting relationships,
listens with attention emphasizes empowerment,
delegation, and cooperation seeks to be in
service rather than in control. - Attends to the well-being (basic needs and human
rights) of others and provides opportunities for
them to sustain themselves. - Creates communities of reciprocal care and shared
responsibility where every person matters and
each persons welfare is the common concern
creates a supportive environment where people can
thrive, grow, and live in peace with one another,
with strong trusting relationships forged by
visioning, leading, learning, and acting
together. - Growth and development
- Strengthens and sustains individual growth and
self-actualization. - Deeply commits to the personal, professional, and
spiritual growth of each individual in the
institution/organization discovers, coaches, and
nurtures each persons Untapped (p.48)
- The leaders have hired great instructors. They
practice some of the key elements that have been
identified by Watson and Gemin (2009) and written
as a list of standards that online teachers
should follow - Plans, designs and incorporates strategies to
encourage active l ?? earning, interaction, - participation and collaboration in the online
environment - ??Provides online leadership in a manner that
promotes student success through regular - feedback, prompt response and clear expectations
- ??Models, guides and encourages legal, ethical,
safe and healthy behavior related to - technology use
- ??Understands and is responsive to students with
special needs in the online classroom - ??Demonstrates competencies in creating and
implementing assessments in online learning - environments in ways that assure validity and
reliability of instruments and procedures - ??Develops and delivers assessments, projects,
and assignments that meet standards-based - learning goals and assesses learning progress by
measuring student achievement of learning - goals
- ??Demonstrates competencies in using data and
findings from assessments and other data - sources to modify instructional methods and
content and to guide student learning - ??Demonstrates frequent and effective strategies
that enable both teacher and students to - complete self- and pre-assessments (p.13)
31Other success factors
- Tutoring system
- Head tutor
- The head tutor coordinates all the tutoring
entities of the distance education school of
which the AIGEME program. However she holds
monthly meeting with the AIGEME tutors to help
them find solutions with problems they might
encounter. And to help them support the students - There are three tutors available for the AIGEME
program - 1 for subject tied to the humanities
- 1 dedicated to support students with courses that
are more technical such as web designing,
Learning management system etc. - 1 that is the help desk for all the minor
technical issue students might encounter
32Other success factors (2)
- Forums
- There are forum in each course. And students can
freely add content either to offer complementary
resources to the cohort to master the curriculum
of the course or simply to ask question - There is also a section (not bound to any course)
that is Free-speech forum where students can ask
general questions and seek the help of tutors or
the administration.
33Other succes factors (3)
- FAQ sections
- The FAQ section is updated at the end of each
year with the help of all tutors. Tutors can
submit their FAQs to students that might suggest
to add other topics. - Previous students work made available
- Excellent assignments, projects and thesis of
students from previous cohort are made available
thus students know what is expected from them.
34Other Success factors (4)
- Students have a central role in improvement
- At the end of each year, students can take a
satisfaction survey. There is room for comments.
The survey has helped students voices to be
heard. For instance, tutoring that wasnt
available the first year grew out of students
concerns about a lack of support when they needed
help. Tutoring was provided from the 2nd cohort
to date.
35Other success factors (5)
- E-Portfolio
- Students are regularly assessed and evaluated. It
is mandatory that they integrate all their
assignment to an E-portfolio. Usually a blog
where they can upload all their assignments. The
blog will also serves as their learning journal
during the 2nd semester while doing the
internship. The E-portfolio allows students to
keep track of their learning. They also have
realizations readily available to show a possible
36Other success factors (6)
- Online access to resources free of charge
- Access to the online library of the University
Paris 3 - Access to computers and multimedia resources at
the local or regional office of the Agency of
Francophony (AUF) - These privileges are particularly important for
students that are - from developed countries where access to
libraries and multimedia can be - limited. Jonhson, Trabelsi and Fabbro (2008)
noted that in a distance - education program library services are an
essential component of a quality - online learning experience. As access to online
courses grows, an increasing - number of e-learners are dispersed around the
globe, often in parts of the - world where physical access to the collections of
large academic and research - libraries is impossible or severely limited.
These learners are largely - dependent on the quality and academic usefulness
of services that the library - can offer electronically (p.412)
37Other success factors (7)
- Convenience
- Compared to some other distance programs, AIGEME
is really convenient. All exams can be taken from
home. There is no need to travel to another
country or even go to an Embassy. Students have
an allocated time to completed a summative
evaluation and upload their responses. - Even the thesis is defended from the home
country. However, students are required to go to
the local AUF office for final identity
verification purposes.
38Other success factors (8)
- Mondays of the Masters
- On mondays, students can take part in synchronous
chats where tutors answer questions. Instructors
are often present - On Mondays there are some video-conference based
on the content of one of the courses. It gives a
chance to student to socialize as a cohort. In
fact they call these videoconference the brunch,
the lunch, the dinner meetings based on which
part of the world students are located ?
- Only one When they launch the program in october
2006, AIGEME disitributed the courses between two
LMS. Moodle and WebCT. In 2007 they abandoned
Moodle to make WebCT the official LMS of
iSorbonne. To date students of the first cohort
are still questioning that decision. Of course
the Masters belong to a distance education
program and might be required to adopt any policy
decision taken for the entire university.
40Summary and Recommendations
- The last 5 years have seen a boom in the offering
of distance education in France as the Ministry
of Higher Education is supporting the
implementation of distance Learning in many
universities in order to increase the number of
enrolled students. - Paris 3 has launched a distance learning campus
formerly known as Tele3 but recently renamed
ENEAD (Enseignement a distance or distance
education). - One of the programs offered is the professional
Masters degree in E-learning that in 3 years is
classified as the 1 professional masters in
France. Quality is insured because every members
of the pedagogical team is really involved in the
educational project. Instructors are available to
help students. The tutoring system provides both
emotional and pedagogical support.
41Summary and Recommendations (2)
- The content of the program is really
comprehensive and offers students that graduate
the opportunity to choose among a multiplicity of
career paths. - The success of the program is certainly due to
the 2 leaders (the chief of Scientific Affairs
and the Chief of Pedagogical Affairs) that are
involved in the program through constant contact
with the Ministry of Higher education and
Research, participate in European conferences to
keep up-to-date about best practices in the
Region and maintains close contacts with both the
pedagogical team and the students. - the pedagogical team is also highly motivated and
is available to cater their instruction to
students needs or simply to provide support.
- Increase the number of students that are accepted
each year without sacrificing the quality of the
program. To date the program has 20 places
available per year. However the demand is high.
To maintain the high quality of the AIGEME
program it might be necessary to hire more
tutors. The content of the courses are already
available thus only the support system needs to
be increase to match the enrollment. To date
tutors are not allowed to grade students paper
even if they are qualified this a change that
would be recommended if more students are
accepted. - Watson and Gemin (2009) noted while most online
programs deliver quality curriculum, effective
teaching, and improved student - outcomes, such positive outcomes are not
assured. They are instead a result of forethought
and diligent management, starting with defining
and planning the online program, and
extendingthrough all aspects of management and
operations. (p.22) Thus, the program will
continue provide quality education and
opportunity to a vast array of students if it
continues to lead by excellent visionary.
43New opportunities
- A) For the new cohort 2010-2011 there is a new
cohort that will have the option to choose
between two options of the Masters - Instructional designer/E-learning Engineer
- Integration of media in teaching
- B) Students that are less than 26 years old have
the possibility to be hired by a company and be
paid to be trained. Even though students will be
hired full-time, time spent studying are
considered as work in practice students are
working part-time.
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