Title: Development of Vocational orientation in Hungary
1Development of Vocational orientation in Hungary
Workshops 3.1. Service organisation,
Guidance, and Vocational Orientation for Young
Office National de lEmploi et des Affaires
Sociales PES- National Employment and Social
Office (NESO)
17. 18. April 2008 Internationale
Konferenz Professionalisierung beruflicher
Beratung Europäische Mobilität Chance und
Tibor Bors Borbély borbelytibor_at_lab.hu ÁFSZ-
FSZH advisor
2Recent and not so new trends in Hungary
- No real owner of the Guidance issues (M. of
Education and M. of Employment and Social Affairs
have no long-term strategic agreement) - Citizens have no clear view on Guidance (what is
it for?) ? guidance, counselling, vocational
orientation - From the companies side the picture is the same
(why is it important for us?) ? coaching - Schooling system is a mess ? inequality
inequity (too many and too early changes for the
pupils) - ?started in 1998 at the age of 18 schooling is
compulsory (against youth unemployment as well) - ?after 1998/99 3 ys. trade schools were abolished
- But there is still 4 ys. vocational training
schools without GCSE
3(No Transcript)
4Back to the 90s
- Acts on education contain guidance and
orientation in every level (primary, 1993
secondary 1993, Hi. Ed. 1993, and adult ed. 2002)
- Act on employment also manages this duty (1991,
2000) - BIZ were set up within the PES
- WB sponsored a career orientation BA curricula
(Gödöllo) - Job Clubs were launched in each county
- WB donated curricula on VET orientation in the
vocational secondary schools - First National Core Curriculum (NAT) 1995
introduced the way-of-life and practical skills,
vocational orientation was included ! - The Choices 96 and 2000 were adopted (Bridges CA)
5Choices 96 and 2000 (by PES)
6and afterward (almost) a total silence at the
policy level
- Small segmented developments
- SZFP Orientation curricula introduced in trade
schools (2000) 74 classes per a school year
(class 9) - Career fairs hold by (County) Regional Labour
Centres every year - Orientation teacher (post-graduate degree 1999)
(Gödöllo, Eger) - School counsellor (post-graduate degree 90s) (U.
of ELTE) - Redesigned the counsellor psychologist curricula
according the European Psychologist Degrees - PHARE independent developments (PES, County
Centres) - www.epalya.hu
- www.palyainfo.hu
- www.palyatars.hu
7National developments
8Recent trends
- EU accession (May 2004) ?
- 1st. National Development Plan, Human Resources
Development Operational Programme (HRDOP)
2004-2008 - 2 new developments
- HRDOP 3.1. competence based cross- curriculum
development for 66 ys. schooling career
orientation competency is 1 out of the 6 areas
(SuliNova-Educatio) (based on CA Blue Print/ Real
Game) - testing 300 schools and 1700 teachers, app.
100.000 pupils - HRDOP 1.2. BIZ type further developments (ÁFSZ-
9Backgrounds /1 (by M. of Edu.)
10Near future 2007-2013/15
- Brand new programmes
- New Hungary Development Plan, Social Renewal
Operational Programme, Measures -
- 222 Central Programme for LLG (PES-NESO)
- 311 Programme for the 21th century schools (12
classes compulsory education)
11Real problems
Percentage rate of inactive persons not in
education/on parental leave to the total
population aged 1529, 2004
H i g h e s t e d u c a t i o n a l a t t a i n
m e n t
S e t t l e m e n t t y p e
Source CSO, Labour force survey time series,
2004. ( of NEET)
12Initiatives and obstacles
- March 27th - June 12th 2008 a new national policy
paper have been developed for LLG policy in
Hungary (according to the UNESCO, OECD,
EU-CEDEFOP, Dublin Foundation papers between
1998-2006) - Two HRD ministries (ed. and empl.) seldom get
synchrony - Lack of political and social awareness on LLG
issues (from the citizens, schools and employers
side as well!) ? Talking about the learning
society but do not really understand the small
and necessary steps towards that.
13Thank you for your kind attention!
For further details log on http//www.afsz.hu/en