Title: Practice GEANT4 - ML2
1Practice GEANT4 - ML2
Dr. C. Andenna DIPIA ISPESL e Gruppo Collegato
SanitĂ INFN (Roma) claudio.andenna_at_ispesl.it clau
Geant4 School, 12-14 October 2009, Catania Italy
2Some aspects of the program
- /primaryParticleData/idParticleSource 1
- switch (this-gtidCurrentParticleSource)
- case idParticleSource_Random
- this-gtGenerateFromRandom()
- break
- case idParticleSource_CalculatedPhaseSpace
- this-gtGenerateFromCalculatedPhaseSpace()
- break
Geant4 School, 12-14 October 2009, Catania Italy
3Some aspects of the program
- /primaryParticleData/idParticleSource 2
- switch (this-gtidCurrentParticleSource)
- case idParticleSource_Random
- this-gtGenerateFromRandom()
- break
- case idParticleSource_CalculatedPhaseSpace
- this-gtGenerateFromCalculatedPhaseSpace()
- break
Geant4 School, 12-14 October 2009, Catania Italy
4Some aspects of the program
- Dose calculation and its standard deviation
- In each voxel
Geant4 School, 12-14 October 2009, Catania Italy
5Some aspects of the program
- Dose calculation
- G4double depEnergy aStep-gtGetTotalEnergyDeposit()
- voxelMassdensityvoxels.halfSize.Xvoxels.halfSiz
e.Yvoxels.halfSize.Z - dosedepEnergy/voxelMass
- Voxels.nEvents
- voxels.depEnergydose
- voxels.depEnergy2dosedose
Geant4 School, 12-14 October 2009, Catania Italy
- An overview of the results
- Phase space data
- Phantom voxelization
- Comparison between experimental and calculated
doses - Graphical view
Geant4 School, 12-14 October 2009, Catania Italy
7Phase space data
n X mm Y mm Z mm dx dy dz kinEnergy MeV Part Type Prim part type Prim part
0 18.57 45.06 -831 0.03934 0.095413 0.99455 1.41684 22 11 33
1 57.61 27.74 -831 0.12265 0.058820 0.99004 1.35906 22 11 71
Geant4 School, 12-14 October 2009, Catania Italy
8Phantom voxelization
Phys Volume X mm Y mm Z mm ix iy iz Dose Gy Dose2 Gy2 nEvents
fullWaterPhantomPV -297 -297 -177 0 0 27 1.78e-09 1.36e-18 9
.... .. .. ...
Geant4 School, 12-14 October 2009, Catania Italy
9Experimental vs Calculated data
6 MeV Tutte le misure gaf 10 luglio 2009 campo
3x3 n2082 fh208 0 10 3.10291e07 10 758 2.7348
9e07 x mm, y mm, z mm, expDose Gy,
Calculated dose Gy, Calculated dose2 Gy2,
nEvents, normDose Gy, normDoseError
Gy d208 0 0 -300 0.6644 5.93877e-09 1.01606e-1
8 49 0.184275 0.0170647 0 0 -290 4.3128 1.44254e-0
7 1.05554e-15 274 4.47607 0.972941 0 0 -258 2.7057
7.59039e-08 2.80751e-16 65 2.35523 0.433426 .
Geant4 School, 12-14 October 2009, Catania Italy
10Graphical view
- Dedicated programs have to be used to generate
the wanted graphs - We use matlab programs
Geant4 School, 12-14 October 2009, Catania Italy
11Graphical view examples
- Comparison between calculated and measured data
Geant4 School, 12-14 October 2009, Catania Italy
12Graphical view 3D
- Two examples of a section of the ROG
Geant4 School, 12-14 October 2009, Catania Italy
13Thank you !
- Should you have any question, do not hesitate to
contact us