Theme 2 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Theme 2


Theme 2 Economic and labour market outcomes – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Theme 2

Theme 2
  • Economic and labour market outcomes

  • Theme 2 qual work in India/ Ghana/ Pakistan
  • Theme 2 quant work has utilised Ghana/ Pakistan
    RECOUP data and other data
  • Work on Indian RECOUP data likely to begin shortly

International pattern of economic returns to
  • Chris Colclough, Geeta Kingdon and Harry
    Patrinos. The Pattern of Returns to Education
    and its Implications Draft Policy briefing,
    Sept. 2008.
  • The pattern of economic RORE can help us to
    understand the poverty-reducing potential of
    different levels of education.
  • Commonly believed that labour market returns to
    education are highest for the primary level of
    education and lower for subsequent levels.
  • Paper presents evidence suggesting the pattern is
    changing. It explores implications for both
    education policy and labour market policy
  • Kingdon, G., H. Patrinos, C. Sakellariou and M.
    Soderbom. International Pattern of Returns to
    Education, mimeo, 2008.
  • Using a common specification of the wage
    equation, this work examines the shape of edu-Y
    relation in 11 countries (4 African, 2 South
    Asian and 5 S.E. Asian)
  • Finds pronounced convexity return to education
    is greater at higher levels of educ

Table 3 Estimates of Mincerian returns to
different levels of education, using recent data
Primary Middle or Lower secondary Secondary or Higher secondary Higher
Ghana (1998) 8.9 8.5 8.8 16.9
Kenya (2000) 11.6 --- 16.4 25.5
Tanzania (2001) 10.2 --- 12.0 27.3
South Africa (2003) 12.0 21.6 24.4 34.1

India (2004) 0.0 7.2 12.6 15.6
Pakistan (2001) 6.0 6.1 13.2 15.3

Indonesia (2000) 5.0 8.4 13.7 17.2
China (2004) 0.0 7.8 7.5 10.1
Philippines (1999) 8.4 7.8 8.4 21.6
Thailand (2002) 13.5 13.4 10.6 23.1
Cambodia (2004) 5.3 5.6 7.7 11.1
Average 7.4 9.6 12.3 19.8
Source Kingdon, Patrinos, Sakellariou and
Soderbom (2008). Note and represent
statistical significance at the 10 and 5 levels
respectively. Returns estimates reported for male
waged workers (of all working ages, not just
25-34 year olds, as in Table 2 above).
Ghana examining the return to apprenticeship
  • Key output Does Doing an Apprenticeship Pay
    Off? Evidence from Ghana Revised version under
    review at EDCC. Monk, Sandefur, Teal
  • RECOUP Ghana Household Survey (2006) used.
  • Apprenticeship is by far the most important
    institution providing training and is undertaken
    primarily by those with JHS or lower levels of
  • Summary statistics indicate that those who have
    done an apprenticeship earn much less than those
    who have not. This suggests that endogenous
    selection into the apprenticeship system is quite
  • For currently employed people who did
    apprenticeships but have no formal education,
    training increases earnings by 50.
  • Returns to apprenticeship decline with education.
    Further analysis shows that the investment in
    apprenticeship yields a ROR in line with other
    educational investments
  • Significance of the paper to show that
    apprenticeship training benefits mainly those
    with no formal education

Ghana do economic outcomes of health differ by
education level?
  • Monk, C. and F. Teal. Health and Labour Market
    outcomes in urban Ghana. Mimeo, Aug. 2008.
  • Examines relation between health and labour
    market outcomes
  • Uses short-term measure (days of illness) and
    long-term measure (height)
  • Health and labour market outcomes strongly
  • Illness affects labour supply decision, also
    earnings height affects earnings
  • Impact on of illness on earnings is larger for
    the more educated
  • Significance to measure the extent to which
    education influences the impact of health on
    labour market outcomes

China role of education in persistence of and
in escape from poverty
  • Output Education and the Poverty Trap in Rural
    China forthcoming in Oxford Development
    Studies, John Knight
  • Addresses the central question of the RPC
  • Views the relationships between education and
    income as forming a system that can generate a
    poverty trap
  • Using data from rural China, examines
  • the determinants of enrolment (whether poverty
    has an adverse effect on both qual/ quan of
    education) - so contributing to a poverty trap.
  • whether the returns to education vary according
    to household and community income thereby also
    contributing to a poverty trap.
  • The paper asks whether, and how, education can
    break this vicious circle of poverty, with
    implications for policy.

India qualitative study on skills training and
livelihood outcomes
  • Output Education, skills training and livelihood
    outcomes for poor communities (mimeo, 2008)
  • The labour market outcomes of skills training
    were explored through interviews with drivers,
    tailors and electricians
  • Also interviewed those with govt technical
    training in the it is
  • Access to training is difficult, even to training
    of the kind that does not on its own result in
    release from poverty
  • Even those with govt ITI training, now affected
    by casualisation of labour and do not find
    permanent employment
  • This study helps elucidate how skill-development
    occurs amongst the poor, and will be of value for
    strategies to enhance its benefits

Pakistan Returns to schooling, ability and
  • Aslam, Bari and Kingdon Returns to Schooling,
    Ability and Skills in Pakistan.
  • RECOUP-PAKISTAN 2007 data investigates outcomes
    of education for wage earners.
  • Analyses relationship between schooling,
    cognitive skills and ability on the one hand, and
    economic activity, occupation, sectoral choice
    and earnings, on the other.
  • Imp question what does the coefficient on
    schooling in wage functions measure?
  • HCT holds the coefficient measures a return to
    higher productivity,
  • credentialist view -it represents a return to
    acquired qualifications and credentials
  • signalling hypothesis suggests it captures a
    return to native ability.
  • This paper seeks to adjudicate between these
    theories has the right data
  • There is no evidence of signalling. There is
    profound convexity in the edu-Y relation
  • Much of the direct effect of cognitive skills
    disappears after conditioning on schooling,
    hinting at credentialism.
  • However, much of the effect of schooling operates
    through positive behavioural traits possessed by
    individuals when aged 15. Thus, instead of
    credentialism it could be reflecting a return to
    non-cognitive traits valued (and remunerated) in
    labour market

Pakistan Is education a path to gender
equality in the labour market?
  • Aslam, Kingdon, Soderbom forthcoming in World
    Bank volume.
  • Asks whether/ to what extent education is a path
    to gender equality in labour market
  • Labour market benefits of education accrue both
  • from education/skills promoting a persons entry
    into the more lucrative occupations, and
  • by raising earnings within any given occupation.
  • Find that womens propensity to participate in
    paid employment does not rise with education upto
    about 10 years of education. Beyond 10 years of
    education, womens chances of entry into wage
    employment improve strongly with each extra year
    of S.
  • However, only 10 of women have completed 10
    years of education or more. Thus, education is a
    means of gender equality in occupational
    attainment only for a very restricted number of
  • More positively, within all occupations, RORE is
    much higher for women than men. So the gender gap
    in earnings falls dramatically with education.
  • Thus, while education is a path to gender
    equality in that it strongly reduces the earnings
    gap between employed men and women, this positive
    assessment has to be moderated by the fact that
    up to 10 years of education, education is not a
    sufficient counter to culture, attitudes and
    division-of-labour norms to encourage female LFP.

Looking ahead
  • hh datasets are unique
  • appear under-utilised
  • Quantitative agenda using existing data
  • return to schooling, skills, ability
  • return to quality of schooling
  • return to knowing English
  • India work shortly starting on these
  • Panel data need to be generated

Papers on economic outcomes of education
  • Monk, Courtney, Justin Sandefur and Francis Teal.
    Does Doing an Apprenticeship Pay Off? Evidence
    from Ghana., mimeo, CSAE, Nov. 2007 (revised,
    review EDCC)
  • Francis Teal. Education, Incomes and Job
    opportunities in Africa From investment to
    jobs, mimeo, Sept. 2008. (a version of this is
    forthcoming in a SA policy journal)
  • Knight, J. 'Education and the poverty trap in
    rural Setting the trap' forthcoming in Oxford
    Development Studies. effect of income/poverty on
  • Knight, J. 'Education and the poverty trap in
    rural Closing the trap', forthcoming in Oxford
    Development Studies. effect of education on
  • Aslam, M., Bari, F. and G. Kingdon. Returns to
    Schooling, Ability and Skills, mimeo, CSAE,
    January 2008. (under review for RECOUP working
  • Aslam, M., G. Kingdon, M. Söderbom (2008) Is
    Education a Path to Gender Equality in the Labour
    Market? Evidence from Pakistan, forthcoming in
    World Bank volume Education A Critical Path to
    Gender Equality and Empowerment.
  • Kingdon, G. and N. Theopold Do Returns to
    Education Matter to Schooling Participation?
    Evidence from India, Forthcoming in Education

Other papers
  • On health and related outcomes
  • Aslam, M., Kingdon, G. and S. Malik, Maternal
    Education and Child Health Understanding the
    Pathways in Pakistan, mimeo, CSAE, May 2008.
  • Irving, M. and G. Kingdon. Gender patterns in
    household health expenditure allocation A study
    of South Africa, mimeo, Institute of Education,
    University of London, Mar. 2008.
  • Monk, C. and F. Teal. Health and job quality in
    Ghana Is self-employment bad for your health?
    mimeo, Jan. 2008.
  • Monk, C. and F. Teal. Health and Labour Market
    outcomes in urban Ghana.
  • On PPPs in education
  • Kingdon. G. Private and Public Schooling The
    Indian Experience, Forthcoming Chakrabarti, R.
    and P. Peterson (eds) School Choice
    International, MIT Press
  • On political economy of education
  • Kingdon, G. M. Muzammil. Teacher politics,
    teacher unions and the school governance
    environment in India A study of Uttar Pradesh.
    Mimeo, June, 2008

  • On student learning outcomes
  • Aslam, M. and G. Kingdon. What can Teachers do
    to Raise Pupil Achievement?, RECOUP Working
    Paper 19, University of Cambridge, 2008.
  • Altinok, N. and G. Kingdon. New Evidence on
    Class Size Effects A Pupil Fixed Effects
    Approach, mimeo, Institute of Education, May
  • Kingdon, G. and F. Teal. Teacher unions, teacher
    pay and student achievement in India, mimeo,
    Institute of Education, September 2008. Under
    review at JHR
  • Kingdon, G. and F. Teal. Does Performance
    Related Pay for Teachers Improve Student
    Achievement? Some Evidence from India, Economics
    of Education Review. 26, No. 4 473-86. August
  • Gender and education papers
  • Aslam, M. and G. Kingdon. Gender and Household
    Education Expenditure in Pakistan Engel Curve
    Evidence, Forthcoming in Applied Economics,
  • Aslam, M. Education Gender Gaps in Pakistan Is
    the Labour Market to Blame?, Forthcoming in
    Economic Development and Cultural Change.

  • Miscellaneous education papers
  • Kingdon, G. The Progress of School Education in
    India, Oxford Review of
    Economic Policy, 23, No. 2 168-195, Summer 2007.
  • Kingdon, G. Economics of Education, in G.
    McCulloch and D. Crook (eds.) International
    Encyclopaedia of Education, Routledge, London,
  • Kingdon, G. and R. Cassen. Race and Low
    Achievement in English Schools at Key Stage 4,
    mimeo, Institute of Education, April 2008.
    Under review, BERJ.
  • Kingdon, G. and R. Cassen. School Quality and
    the Incidence of Low Achievement at Key Stage 4,
    mimeo, Institute of Education, Nov. 2007.
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