Richard Hakluyt, Discourse of Western Planting, 1584 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Richard Hakluyt, Discourse of Western Planting, 1584


Write: Explain in your own words at least two of the rationales for English expansion in the New World given by Richard Hakluyt in his 1584 document. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Richard Hakluyt, Discourse of Western Planting, 1584

Write Explain in your own words at least two of
the rationales for English expansion in the New
World given by Richard Hakluyt in his 1584
document. Connect them to a political or social
event taking place in Britain or Europe as a
whole at that time.
  • Richard Hakluyt, Discourse of Western Planting,
  • A particular discourse concerning the great
    necessity and manifold commodities that are like
    to grow to this Realm of England by the Western
    discoveries lately attempted, Written In the year
    1584 by Richard Hakluyt of Oxford at the request
    and direction of the right worshipful Sir Walter
    Raieigh (excerpts)
  • That this western discovery will be greatly for
    the enlargement of the gospel of Christ whereunto
    the Princes of the reformed religion are chiefly
    bound amongst whom her Majesty is principal.
  • That all other English Trades are grow beggarly
    or dangerous, especially in all the king of
    Spain's Dominions, where our men are driven to
    fling their Bibles and prayer books  into the
    sea, and to forswear and renounce their religion
    and conscience and consequently their obedience
    to her Majesty
  • That this western voyage will yield unto us all
    the commodities of Europe, Africa, and Asia....
  • That this enterprise will be for the manifold
    employment of numbers of idle men
  • That this voyage will be a great bridle to the
    Indies of the king of Spain and a means that we
    may arrest one or two hundred sail of his
    subjects ships at the fishing in Newfoundland.
  • That the richness that the Indian Treasure
    wrought in time of Charles the late Emperor
    father to the Spanish king, is to be had in
    consideration of the Queen, most excellent
    Majesty, least the continual coming of the like
    treasure from thence to his son, work the
    unrecoverable annoy of this Realm
  • What special means may bring king Phillip from
    his high Throne, and make him equal to the
    Princes his neighbors, wherewithal is showed his
    weakness in the west Indies.
  • That the Spaniards have executed most outrageous
    and more then Turkish cruelties in all the west
    Indies, whereby they are every where there,
    become most odious unto them, who would join with
    us or any other most willingly to shake of their
    most intolerable yoke, and have begun to do it
    already in divers places where they were Lords
  • That the Queen of England's title to all the
    west Indies, or at the least to as much as is
    from Florida to the Circle artic, is more lawful
    and right than the Spaniards or any other
    Christian Princes.

Topic Early British Colonization in the New
World (1500-1733) Aim Explain and analyze the
reasons and effectiveness of early British
attempts at colonization in the New World.
  • Describe the factors which led to England
    lagging behind in the race to establish colonies
    in the New World.
  • How does this 1588 portrait of Queen Elizabeth I
    illustrate Englands imperialist goals?
  • Detail the role of British nationalism in the
    late 1500s that contributed to imperial

Queen Elizabeth I The Virgin Queen1558-1603 as
depicted by George Gower in 1588
Name Occupation
Master Edward Maria Wingfield Captaine Bartholomew Gosnoll Captaine John Smyth Captaine John Ratliffe Captaine John Martin Captaine George Kendall - Councell
Master Robert Hunt - Preacher
Master George Percie Anthony Gosnoll George Flower Captaine Gabriell Archer Robert Fenton. Robert Ford William Bruster Edward Harrington Dru Pickhouse Thomas Jacob John Brookes Ellis Kingston Benjamin Beast John Robinson Thomas Mouton Ustis Clovill Stephen Halthrop Thomas Sands Edward Morish Kellam Throgmorton Nathaniell Powell Edward Brown Robert Behethland John Penington Jeremy Alicock George Walker Thomas Studley Richard Crofts Nicholas Houlgrave Thomas Webbe John Waler John Short William Tanker William Smethes Richard Simons Francis Snarsbrough Edward Brookes Richard Dixon John Martin Roger Cooke George Martin Anthony Gosnold Henry Adling Thomas Wotton, Sierg. Thomas Gore Francis Midwinter Richard Frith - Gentlemen
William Laxon Edward Pising Thomas Emry Robert Small Anas Todkill John Capper - Carpenters
James Read - Blacksmith
Jonas Profit - Sailer
Thomas Couper - Barber
John Herd William Garret - Bricklayers
Edward Brinto - Mason
William Love - Taylor
Nicholas Skot - Drum
John Laydon William Casson George Casson Thomas Casson Willam Rods William White Ould Edward Henry Tavin George Golding John Dods William Johnson William Unger William Wilkenson, Surgeon - Labourers
Samuell Collier Nathaniel Peacock James Brumfield Richard Mutton - Boyes
Maps of the Jamestown Settlement Areas
  • Identify and explain the sources of problems
    that the Jamestown settlers would have faced in
    the early years of the colony (1607-1610)
    including environmental, social, cultural, and/or
    technological issues.
  • Early Jamestown and The Starving Time
  • Fall 1607 104 colonists arrived
  • By spring, 1608 38 survived
  • 1609 300 more immigrants
  • By spring, 1610 60 survived
  • 1610 1624 10,000 immigrants total
  • 1624 population 1,200
  • Adult life expectancy under 40 years
  • Death rate of children before age 5 80

  • Describe the British views of the indigenous
    population of the New World contained in John
    Smiths illustration.
  • Conflicts between British colonists and the
    indigenous population
  • Starving colonists frequently raided local
    populations food supplies.
  • Appointed Governor Lord de la Warr carried out
    Company order to attack locals starting in 1610.
  • First Anglo-Powhatan War ended in 1614 by
    marriage of John Smith and Pocahontas, but couple
    returned to England.
  • Second Anglo-Powhatan War (1622-1644) ended with
    indigenous population being pushed from area and
    nearly eradicated.

John Smiths Depiction of Powhatan1624
Iroquois Lands and European Trade Centers, ca.
  • Why do some historians view the Iroquois
    Confederacy as an early democratic model?
  • How might the Iroquois Confederacy seek to
    maintain cohesion after European arrival?
  • How did the Iroquois Confederacy grow in power
    as a result of contact with European colonists?
  • What roles might the Iroquois Confederacy play
    in a conflict between France and Britain?

Tobacco Production in the Chesapeake Prior to 1710
  • How did tobacco production transform the
    Jamestown colony?
  • How did tobacco production change the
    relationship between the colony, the Virginia
    Company, and the Crown?
  • 1618 Virginia produces 20,000 pounds of
  • 1622 Despite losing nearly one-third of its
    colonists in an Indian attack,Virginia produces
    60,000 pounds of tobacco.
  • 1627 Virginia produces 500,000 pounds of
  • 1629 Virginia produces 1,500,000 pounds of

Settlement Patterns in Virginia1600-1690
  • How did tobacco production affect the settlement
    patterns of the Virginia colony?

Describe the circumstances behind the passing of
the Toleration Act of 1649 by Marylands
  • Cecil Calvert, Lord Baltimore (1605-1675)
  • Maryland established as proprietary colony and
    refuge for Catholics during Charles Is reign
  • like Virginia, tobacco farming formed the
    backbone of the economy
  • passed the Toleration Act of 1649 ensuring
    religious freedoms for Christians with fines for
    intolerance, but decreed death those who deny
    the divinity of Christ

Lesson SummaryBe able to address these questions
with specific examples (names, dates, events,
historical developments)!
  • How did the British process of colonization in
    Virginia and Maryland differ from the Spanish
  • How did the new British colonies of the 17th and
    18th century impact the lives of indigenous
  • Analyze and explain reasons for possible
    long-term success in the British colonies.

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