1Strategies to Address the Challenges
- Hon. Peggy Fulton Hora
- Superior Court of California (Ret.)
- Madison, WI Oct. 2, 2007
2Why Problem-Solving Courts?
- Large numbers of people incarcerated jail
overcrowding - Courts becoming plea-bargain mills
- Recycle of people with addictions, mental
illness, status offenders driven by the
intersection of social, human, legal problems
3Whats a judge to do?
- Jail and prison population is 2.2 million as of
1/11/07 - 5 of the worlds population 25 prisoners
- Cannot incarcerate our way out of these problems
- They walk out exactly the way they were on the
day they walked in - Life After Prison Can Be Deadly, a Study
- Finds, The New York Times, Jan. 11, 2007
- p. A23
4Co-Occurring Disorders Center
5(No Transcript)
6A New Perspective
- The court system as
- an interdisciplinary
- problem-solving
- community institution
Dr. Alvan Barach, quoted by Bill Moyers in
Healing and the Mind, 1993
7The smart question
- Can we enhance the likelihood of desired
outcomes compliance with judicial orders by
applying what we know about behavior to the way
we do business in court?
8- Can we reduce the anti-therapeutic consequences
- Enhance the therapeutic ones
- Without subordinating due process and other
justice values?
Slobogin, Christopher, Therapeutic
Jurisprudence Five Dilemmas to Ponder, 1
Psychology Public Policy and the Law 193 (1995)
9Problem-Solving Courts
- focus on the underlying chronic behaviors of
criminal defendants and other court users - recognize the public is looking to the courts to
address complex social issues
10Effective Judging for Busy Judges
- Natl Judicial College and the Bureau of Justice
Assistance (2006) - www.judges.org
11Incentives and Sanctions
- Timely
- Consistent
- Certain
- Appropriate to hold litigant accountable, move
litigant toward desired outcome, protect public
12P-S Principles and Methods
- Reduce recidivism in criminal cases
- Save incarceration and other costs of social
services, e.g., foster care - Have great public support
- High participant satisfaction
- High judicial satisfaction
13Collaborative Judges
- Judges believe they can and should play a role in
the problem-solving process - Outcomes matter--court is not just based on a
process and precedent
Adapted from Judge Judith S. Kaye, Chief Judge,
New York
14Types of Problem-Solving Courts
15Problem Solving Courts in Wisconsin
- 11 adult drug courts
- 2 alcohol/OWI courts
- 1 juvenile court
- More than 23 teen and peer courts
- 1 domestic violence court
16Collaborative Courts
- Recognize the therapeutic potential of the
courts coercive powers - Finds Judicial Leverage is an appropriate tool
17Collaborative Courts
- Address complex social issues
- Understand that collaboration assists with
continuum of care
18Drug Treatment Courts
- DTCs emphasize alcohol and drug treatment
services. The two goals of these programs are to
reduce recidivism of drug-related offenses and to
create options within the criminal justice system
that tailor effective and appropriate responses
for offenders with drug problems.
19One size does not fit all
- Key Components DTCs, Intl, MH
- Local needs, community response, legal culture
- Structure may differ
- Criteria may differ
- Funding structures
20(No Transcript)
21Adult DTCs
- First drug court in Miami in 1989
- Oakland first drug court in CA in 1991
- Structure, accountability, responsibility,
treatment and recovery - http//www.nadcp.org
22Retention rates
- 80-90 of conventional drug tx clients drop out
before 12 months of tx - DTCs exert legal pressure to remain in tx long
enough to realize benefits - gt66 tx clients who initiate through DTC stay a
year or more, 6 xs the rate for programs outside
justice system - Drug Courts The Second Decade NIJ Special
Report NIJ, OJP, USDOJ (June 2006)
23Family Treatment Court
- May refer to unified family courts that
consolidate all related family cases - May include dependency, custody and visitation
24Dependency Drug Court
- Focus on parents who lose custody due to alcohol
and other drugs - Higher reunification
- Reduced stays in foster care
- Less recidivism
25Impaired Driving Courts (OWI)
- Screening and assessment of offenders to
determine level of intervention or treatment - Close supervision by the court
- May include other initiatives like Ignition
Interlock, ankle bracelet monitoring, etc. - Frequent testing
- License restrictions
26(No Transcript)
27Re-Entry Drug Court
- Facilitates the reintegration of drug-involved
offenders into communities upon their release
from custody. - The offender is involved in regular judicial
monitoring, intensive treatment, community
supervision, and drug testing. - Reentry drug court participants are provided with
specialized ancillary services needed for
Tauber, J., Huddleston, C.W., Reentry Drug
Courts Closing the Gap, Monograph series 3.
Alexandria, VA National Drug Court Institute,
28National OverviewDecember 2005
- 2,500 problem solving courts in the US
- 985 adult drug courts
- 386 juvenile drug courts
- 196 family drug courts
- 74 DUI courts
- 44 re-entry drug courts
- 65 Tribal Healing-to-Wellness courts
- 4 Federal District drug courts
29National Overview, cont.
- 16 other re-entry courts
- 23 community courts
- 111 mental health courts
- 393 teen courts
- 141 domestic violence courts
- 2 campus drug courts
- 937 other problem-solving courts
- 1 Urban Native American drug court
Huddleston, C. West III, Hon. Karen
Freeman-Wilson, (Ret.) and Donna L. Boone, Ph.D.,
Card on Drug Courts and Other Problem-Solving
Court Programs in the United States, NDCI (May
30International Overview
- Canada
- Jamaica
- Barbados
- Macedonia
- Tobago
- Chile
- Scotland
- Australia
- New Zealand
- Ireland
- England
- Bermuda
- Brazil
- Norway
- Italy
- Pakistan
- Israel
- Cayman Islands
31Collaborative Change
32New Role for Judges
- Problem-solving courts are those in which judges
participate in resolving the underlying problems
that led defendants to appear in court - Judges are more proactive
33Judicial Issues
- Increased time in the docket?
- Selling the idea to the administration
- Lack of training about AOD, DV and mental health
treatment of all players - Legal and ethical concerns
34Judicial Issues
- Remaining objective impartial
- Ensuring confidentiality, privacy, dignity
- Crafting appropriate rewards and sanctions
- Legal rights such as due process and equal
protection are never trumped by therapeutic
concerns even though the courts action may be
36I am not a social worker
- Jane Addams, founder of Hull House, the
consummate social worker.
37 Arguments Against
- Working therapeutically cheapens the judicial
office, placing the judge at the level of a
ringmaster in a judicial circus. - Bean, Philip, Drug Courts, the Judge, and the
Rehabilitative Ideal, DRUG COURTS in Theory and
in Practice, James L. Nolan, Jr., Ed., Aldine de
Gruyter (2002)
- 500 Chief Justices voted to support
Problem-Solving Courts - Will develop Best Practices
- Recognizes collaboration and interdisciplinary
training -
- Resolution 22, adopted 8-3-2000
- Reaffirmed, July 29, 2004
- Support for MH Courts, Feb. 21,
39Judges' Criminal Justice/Mental Health Leadership
- JLI is coordinated by the Council of State
Governments (CSG) Criminal Justice/Mental Health
Consensus Project and the GAINS/TAPA Center for
Jail Diversion - CCJ committed to join
Jan. 18, 2006. 500
40CCJ Resolution
- Urged state supreme court chief justices to "take
a leadership role to address the impact of mental
illness on the court system through a
collaborative effort involving stakeholders from
all three branches of government. - JLI is coordinated by the Council of State
Governments (CSG) Criminal Justice/Mental Health
Consensus Project and the GAINS/TAPA Center for
Jail Diversion.
41Lord Coke, Chief Justice Kings Bench, England,
- A court must never engage in a vain act, lest
the courts become laughingstocks.
- Supported by both sides of the aisle
- Federal and International support
- Saves money
- Reduces recidivism
- Improves life of the individual, the family and
the community - AND IT WORKS!