Title: ?T???? ???S???? ??????????? S???? ?F????S???O? ??T/?O?
1 ?T???? ???S???? ??????????? S???? ?F????S???O?
??T/?O? F?S??O? ???S???O?
- ???TO??S??S
- ?? ??O?? S????? ????????S ??? S???????S
????/?? ?at?a?? ?????? ???????O? ?.
2HOT BIG BANGt? ?a??e??µ??? ??sµ??????? µ??t???
- ????????S???? ????????
- ??ast??? t?? S?µpa?t?? ap? t?? Hubble
- (?? ?a?a??e? ap?µa??????ta? µe ta??t?te?
a?????e? t?? ap?stas?? t???) - ???????µat??? ??t???ß???a ?p?ß?????
- ???????????S ?????????S
- ? d?ast??? t?? s?µpa?t??
- ? ?pa??? ?a? t? f?sµa t?? ??sµ???? a?t???ß???a?
?p?ß????? - ? af????a e?af??? st???e???
- ?t? ded?µ???? t?? a??µa???? t?? CMBR ?p??
?ata???f??a? ap? t?? COBE, ?p???e? ??a??p???t???
e????s? ??a t?? a??pt??? t?? d?µ?? st? s?µpa?
3????G??F? ??? SBB
- ??S????G??? ???? S?µpa? ?µ??e???
?s?t??p??? - 4-d??stat?? ?????????? pe?????feta? ap? t?
µet???? Robertson- Walker
r, ?, f comoving p?????? s??t/?e? , t
??????, a pa?????ta? ???µa?a?, k
?aµp???t?ta ????? ??a ??e?st? (kgt0) , ep?ped?
(k0) ? a????t? (klt0) S?µpa?
F?s??? ap?stas? a x comov. distance
???SOS??S ??? ????G??F??? ?? ???S???? ???s?s?
s????e?a? ???s?s? Friedmann
4??????????S ??T???O????? ????????
- ?µ??????e?a µe????? ???µa?a?
- (p??ß??µa ??????ta)
- ?p?ped?t?ta ?????
- ?? p??ß??µa t?? µ???p????
- ???? ????????O? 1 sec µet? t? Big Bang
5???????? ????????
- ???a e??a? ? p????e?s? t?? ?µ???µ??f?a? t?? CMB
- ??t???ß???a ap? a?t?a?? as??dete? pe?????? e??a?
?µ???µ??f? se a?a????a 1/10000 - ?at? t? µ??t??? BB, ? CMB t?? 2.7 ? e?p?µf???e
380.000 yr µet? t? µe???? ?????? - a????ep?d?as? pe?????? p?? ap?????
- µ???? 2? ?? p??? t? G?
- CMB a?aµ??eta? a??µ????e??? ?a? µe
?????d? µ??f? ???µa?a? 2?
6???????? ???????????S
- S?et??? µe t?? t?µ? t?? pa?aµ. p????t?ta?
(t????? t?µ? ) - ??a e????st? a??a?? st?? p????t?ta t?? s?µpa?t??
?at? t?? ????? Planck ?a e??e a????e? d?ast???
t?? e?????? t?? s?µpa?t??. - ?? t? s?µpa?
?a - ?ta? ??e?st? ????ta? ?ata??e?se? ?????de?
- ?????a p???.
- ?? t?
s?µpa? ?a - ?ta? a????t? µe aµe??t?a p????t?ta e????e?a?.
- ???t?µa p?? p????pte? ??? e??????ta? ??
- t?s? ?µa???, µ? f?s???? a?????? s?????e?
7???????? ???????O?
- ?p?s?µ?????e t? 1979 ap? t?? John Preskill
- ? ???s? t?? pa?ad?s?a??? ??sµ?????a? µe t?? GUTs
??e? sa? ap?t??esµa p???? µa???t??? µ???p??a - ????p??a ?pe?ßa??a s?µat?d?a µe µ???? e?e???
d?at?µ? - ??µ????????ta? ap? t? a????µ?t? sp?s?µ? t??
s?µµet??a?, µ?a? ?µ?da? se ?p??µ?da p?? pe????e?
U(1) - ??ap?fe??t? p??ß??µa ??a ???e GUT (pa?at????µe??
s?µµet??a SU(3)xSU(2)xU(1) )
8??S?GOG? ???TO??S???
- ??s???? t? 1981 ap? t?? A. Guth
- ?p???e? t??? ??sµ????????? ???f???
- ?e? a?t??a??st? t? SBB µ??t??? a??? t?
s?µp?????e? - ?as??eta? st?? ?pa??? ?atast?se?? µe ?????
e?e??e?a?? p????t?ta ? ?p??a de? e?att??eta? µe
µe???? ta??t?ta -
???S??S ???TO??S??? ? pe???d?? ?at? t?? ?p??a ?
pa?????ta? ???µa?a? t?? S?µpa?t?? ep?ta???eta?
9ALAN GUTH????? ???TO??S???? ???????
- ???????sµ?? µet?ßas? ap? t? ?e?d?? st? a?????
?e?? - ?? ?e?d??e?? ??e? e??t??? ßa??t??? ep?d?as?
- ? ßa??t?ta t?? ?e?d??e??? s???de?eta? ap?
te??st?a - a???t??? p?es?
- ? a???t??? p?es? ?pe????? t? ßa??t?ta
- ? p????pt??sa ap?st??? d??aµ? d??e? p??????st???
- ???s? (d?p?as?asµ?? µe?????? S?µpa?t?? ???e 10-37
sec) - ?? ?e?d??e?? ap?d?e?e??eta? µe d?a??µ??se??
- Fa???µe?? ?p??????? sta ped?a Higgs (ta
s?µat?d?a µ????? se ?at?stas? ?e?d??e???, ?a? ?
s?µµet??a sp?e? ?ta? ?ataf????? ?a ft?s??? st??
?at?stas? a?????? ?e???)
10????? HIGGS ???TO??S??S
- ?pe????? µet?pt?s?? f?s?? ap?t??pe? t??
?ata???sµ? t?? µa???t???? µ???p???? - G?a ? ßa??t?ta
ap??????eta? ap? t?? ???e? d???µe?? - G?a ? ?s???? p???????
ap??????eta? ap? t?? ??e?t?as?e?? ?e???a - S?µe?? e?????s?? t?? ?e???a? t?? Guth µet?ßas?
Higgs (d??spas? GUTs). - ???te??e ?t? ? d?ata?a?? t?? GUTs e??a? µet?ßas?
ap? t? ?e?d??e?? st? a????? ?e??, ??a - ?e?d??e?? ?at?stas? st?? ?p??a ta ped?a Higgs
e??a? µ?de???? a??? µe te??st?a p????t?ta
e????e?a? - ?????? ?e?? ?a ped?a Higgs de? e??a? µ?de????
a??? µe e????st? p????t?ta e????e?a?
11?? ????? INFLATON
- ??a??a?a ? a???t??? p?es? ??a t?? ??a???
p??????sµ??. - ?? ßa?µ?t? ped?? f f(t) p?? t?? p??sf??e?
???µ??eta? inflaton. ?? a?t?st???? d??aµ???
s?µß????eta? µe V(f). - ?????????S????
- ?a??µ??? µe ped?? Higgs a??? t? d????aµµa
e?e??e?a??? p????t?ta? p?? ep?ped?. - ?? ?e?d??e?? ap?te?e?ta? ap? ped?? inflaton
- ?ta? t? inflaton µeta?????e? se ?aµ???te??
e?e??e?a?? st??µ? t? ?e?d??e?? d?asp?ta? - ?? d??aµ??? t?? inflaton ?a?????eta? ap? t??
s??s? - ?? s??????? µ??e??? t?? p??????sµ?? e??a?
12?????S? ??? ??????????S ???????????S
- ?p?d?as? ßa??t?ta? a?t?st??feta? ?at? t??
p??????sµ? -
- ?a??? ta ?, a a??????ta? µe te??st?? ???µ?
??a O -gt 1 ( a?t? ?a ap?µa????eta? ap? t? 1 ?p??
s?µßa??e? st?? ?p????p? ?st???a t??
S?µpa?t??) Fa???µe?? a?????? e??? µpa?????? p??
f??s???e? S?µp??asµa de ??e???eta? ?a ???s??µe
a???µat??? ?t? t? S?µpa? ?e????se µe O ???t? st?
13?????S? ??????????S ???????O?
?????S? ??? ??????????S ????????
- ???? t?? p??????sµ? t? µ??e??? t?? S?µpa?t??
e??a? p??? µ????te?? ap? ?t? p??ß??pe? ? ?e???a
S?B. - ??ast??? a?t?? µe ta??t?ta µe?a??te?? t?? f?t??
(e?? ? ??????ta? ?e????t?? d?e????eta? µe t??
ta??t?ta t?? f?t??). - ?? a?t?a?? s??dedeµ??e? pe?????? d?e??????ta? se
pe?????? µe?a??te?e? ap? t?? ap?stas? Hubble. - ?µ???µ??f?a t?? ?e?µ???as?a? e??a? f?s???
s???pe?a t?? p??????sµ??.
- ?st? ?t? ?p???e µe????? a???µ?? µ???p???? st?
p???µ? S?µpa?. - ?? ??at? se µa? S?µpa? ??e? p?????e? ap? t?
d?ast??? e??? p??a p??? µ????? ?????. - Stat?st??? ad??at? ?a ?p???e ?st? ?a? ??a
µ???p??? st? ???? a?t?.
14?OS S?????? ? ???TO??S??S?
- ? e????e?a t?? ?e?d??e??? p??pe? ?a
- ape?e??e???e? ??a t?? pa?a???? ????
- ? d??spas? t?? ?e?d??e??? a??????
- t?? ß?asµ?? t?? ?e???
- F?sa??de? a?????? ?e??? s??µat????ta? st?
?e?d??e?? - ?? t????µ? t??? d?e????eta? µe t?? ta??t?ta t??
f?t?? - ? e????e?a t?? ?e?d??e??? e??a? s???e?t??µ??? sta
t????µata ?a? µp??e? ?a d?as???p?ste? ?µ???µ??fa
µ??? a? a?t? s??????st??? - ???????? GRACEFUL EXIT ? d?e????s? f?sa??d?? de
µp??e? ?a a?ta????ste? t? d?ast??? t?? S?µpa?t??
(ta??t?ta µe?a??te?? t?? f?t??) ??a de ?????ta?
s??????se??. - ?? µe?a??te?? µ???? t?? e????e?a? t?? S?µpa?t??
e????ß?sµ??? sta t????µata t?? f?sa??d?? ??a
???e??? epa????? e????e?a? ??a ?a a???se? ?
?e???? ??????
15?? ??? ???TO??S???? S??????
- ?p???s? t?? p??ß??µat?? graceful exit ap? t?? A.
Linde t? 1982 - ? p??????sµ?? s?µßa??e? ?at? t? µet?ßas? t??
ped??? inflaton ap? t?p??? e????st? ??????
?e?µ???as?a? st? e????st? ?aµ???? ?e?µ???as?a?
- ???????? ? ??at? pe????? t?? S?µpa?t??
pe???aµß??eta? st? es?te???? µ?a? ?a? µ???
f?sa??da?, ?? a?t? de? pa?at????µe a??µ???µ??f?e?
ap? t?? s??????se?? t?? t????µ?t?? - ? Linde ?e???se ??a ped?? inflaton µe µ??f?
pep?at?sµ???? µe????????? ?ap???? µe p?? p?at??
?a? ?µa?? ?e?t???? ????f? se s??s? µe t? a?????
16?????S Vs ???S ???TO??S??S
?a??? µ??t???
??? µ??t???
17??????? ???TO??S???? ???????
- ??s???? ap? t?? A. Linde (p??sp??e?a ap??p???s??
p??????sµ??) - ?e? pe???aµß??e? µetapt?se?? f?s??
- ?? inflaton a????? e??a? µetat?p?sµ??? ap? t?
a????? ?e?? (?ßa?t???? ? ?e?µ???? d?a??µ??se??) - ? ???? ?a?t??? p????pte? ap? t?? ?a?t???? a??????
s?????e? - ???????sµ?? ?a??? t? inflaton µetap?pte? st??
?at?stas? e????st?? e?e??e?a??? p????t?ta?
- ???a? p??????sµ?? ?ta? f0 ?a? t? S?µpa?
a?a?e?µa??eta? ?at? t? s??e??? inflaton µe ???a
ped?a - St? s????e?a t? S?µpa? e?e??sseta? s?µf??a µe
t? SBB - ? ?a?t???? p??????sµ?? e??a? ??a ?e???? se?????
p?? µp??e? ?a ??a??p????e? ap? a??et? µ??t??a
18REHEATING (???T?????S?)
- ? ?e???a a????? e?s???? sta p?a?s?a t?? ????
p??????st???? µ??t????. - ?????? e??es?? e??? ?e????? µ??t???? reheating.
- 3 f?se?? ??a reheating
- ?? ta?a?t??µe?? ped?? inflaton f, d?asp?ta? se
f-s?µ?t?a (de? ß??s???ta? se ?e?µ??? ?s????p?a) - ??. ???spas? t?? s?µat?d??? t?? f?s?? t??
- ?a pa?a??µe?a s?µat?d?a a????ep?d???? ??a ?a
?????? se ?e?µ??? ?s????p?a se µ?a ?e?µ???as?a Tr
(?e?µ???as?a reheating)
- G?a f gt ?pl ????µe p??????sµ? (???? t?? ????
p?? pa??e? t? ???? t?? t??ß??
st?? e?. ????s?? t?? inflaton) - G?a f lt ? pl /2 ? ???? ???eta?
aµe??t??? ?a? t? f µe???eta? ta??tata st?
e????st? t?? V(f) ?p?? ta?a?t??eta? - ?? p??t?? t?? ta?a?t?se?? µe???eta? (d?ast??? ,
µetaf??? e????e?a sta f-s?µ?t?a p?? p????pt???
???? ta???t?s??)
???S??S? F-SO??????O?
- ?? inflaton d?asp?ta? se µp?????a ? ?a?
fe?µ????a ? µe ???µ??? - ? ???µ?? µe??s?? p??t??? s?µp?pte? µe t?
???µ? d??spas??
?? reheating ?????????eta? ?ta? to G e??a?
µ????te??? ap? t? ???µ? d?ast????
20????????S ??T?????S ???TO??S???
- ?? µ??e??? t?? S?µpa?t??
- ? d?ast??? Hubble
- ?p???s? p??ß??µ?t?? ep?ped?t?ta?, µ???p???? ?a?
??????ta - ???s?t??p?a t?? CMB
- ??µ?? µe????? ???µa?a?
21??? ???S????S?? S?????
- ????? p??ta?e? p???? µ??t??a p??????sµ??
- ? ????t?ta t?? p??????st???? ?e???a? de? ??e?
ap?de??te? a??µa - ?p?????? ?s????tate? e?de??e?? ?t? ??p??a µ??f?
p??????sµ?? e??a? ?pe????? ??a t? S?µpa? st?
?p??? ???µe (??se?? p??ß??µ?t?? sbb, ?p?????sµ??
µe a???ße?a 15 de?ad???? t?? p????t?ta? µ??a? t??
S?µpa?t??, 1 sec µet? t? ?e???? ??????)
- Lecture Notes in Physics Cotsakis,
Papantonopoulos - ?? p??????st??? S?µpa? Alan Guth
- Inflationary universe A possible solution to the
horizon and flatness problems Alan Guth - Inflation Eternal Inflation Alan Guth
- Cosmological Inflation Large Scale Structure-
Andrew Liddle , David Lyth - Principles of Physical Cosmology P. J. E.
Peebles - Accelaration of the Universe Andrew Liddle
- Initial Conditions for Inflation Dalia
Goldwirth, Tsvi Piran - An exposition on inflationary cosmology G. S.
Watson - The inflationary decade Edward W. Kolb
- Reheating after Inflation Lev. Kofman, Andrei
Linde, Alexei Starobinsky