Lines in the plane, slopes, and Euler - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Lines in the plane, slopes, and Euler


Lines in the plane, slopes, and Euler s formula by Tal Harel – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Lines in the plane, slopes, and Euler

Lines in the plane,slopes,and Eulers
formulaby Tal Harel
Part 1Lines in the plane and decompositions of
  • Sylvester, 1893 Prove that it is not possible
    to arrange any finite number of real points so
    that a right line through every two of them shall
    pass through a third, unless they all lie in the
    same right line
  • Proved by Gallai.

  • Theorem 1 In any configuration of n points in
    the plane,
  • not all on a line, there is a line which contains
    exactly two
  • of the points.
  • Proof Let P be the given set of points and
    consider the
  • set L of all lines which pass through at least
    two points of
  • P. Among all pairs (P, l) with P not on l, choose
    a pair
  • (P0,l0) such that P0 has the smallest distance to
    l0, with Q
  • being the point on l0 closest to P0 (that is, on
    the line
  • through P0 vertical to l0).

  • Claim This line l0 does it!
  • If not, then l0 contains at least 3 point of P,
    and thus 2 of
  • them, say P1 and P2, lie on the same side of Q.
  • It follows that the distance of P1 to the line l1
  • by P0 and P2 is smaller than the distance of P0
    to l0, and
  • this contradicts our choice for l0 and P0.

  • Proof used metric axioms (short distance) and
    order axioms (point lies between two points on a
    line) of the real plane.
  • Do we really need these properties beyond the
    usual incidence axioms of points and lines?

- No 2-point line
- Therefore (Sylverster-Gallai), cannot be
embedded in a real plane
  • Shown by Coxeter the order axioms will suffice
    for a proof of the Sylverster-Gallai theorem.
  • One can devise a proof that does not use any
    metric properties.
  • We will see a proof of the Sylverster-Gallai
    theorem using Eulers formula.
  • Later

  • Theorem 2 Let P be a set of n 3 points in the
    plane, not
  • all on a line. Then the set of L lines passing
    through at
  • least two points contains at least n lines.
  • Proof
  • n 3 Nothing to show.
  • Induction on n - We assume correctness for n and
    need to prove correctness for n 1
  • Let P n 1. There exists a line
    containing exactly two points p and q of P.
  • Consider the set P P q and the set L of
    lines determined by P
  • If the points of P do not all lie on a single
    line, then by induction L n and hence L
    n 1 because of the additional line in L.

  • If the points in P are all on a single line,
    then we have the pencil
  • Which results in precisely n 1 lines.

  • Theorem 3 Let X be a set of n 3 elements, and
  • A1, , Am be proper subsets of X, such that
    every pair of
  • elements of X is contained in precisely one set
  • Then m n holds.
  • Proof (Motzkin \ Conway)
  • For let rx be the number of sets Ai
    containing x.
  • (By the assumptions 2 rx m)
  • If , then rx Ai because the Ai
    sets containing x
  • and an element of Ai must be distinct. Suppose m
    lt n,
  • then mAi lt n rx and thus m(n - Ai) gt n(m
    rx) for
  • , and we come to a contradiction

  • How does all of this relate to graph theory?
  • Think of the following statement
  • If we decompose a complete graph Kn into m
    cliques different from Kn, such that every edge
    is in a unique clique, then m n.
  • Let X correspond to the vertex set of Kn and the
    sets Ai to the vertex sets of the cliques, then
    the statements are identical
  • Next, we want to decompose Kn into complete
    bipartite graphs such that again every edge is in
    exactly one of these graphs.
  • There is an easy way to do this

  • Number the vertices from 1 to n.
  • Take the complete bipartite graph joining 1 to
    all other vertices. We obtain the graph K1,n-1
    which is called a star
  • Join 2 to vertices 3 to n, resulting in a star
  • We go on, and decompose Kn into stars
  • K1,n-1, K1,n-2, , K1,1. The decomposition uses
    n 1 complete bipartite graphs.
  • Can we do better, i.e less graphs?
  • No, according to Graham and Pollak, which leads
    us to

  • Theorem 4 If Kn is decomposed into complete
    bipartite subgraphs H1, , Hm, then m n 1.
  • Proof Let the vertex set of Kn be 1, , n,
    and let Lj, Rj
  • be the defining vertex sets of the complete
    bipartite graph
  • Hj, j 1, , m.
  • To every vertex i we associate a variable xi.
  • H1, , Hm decompose Kn, we find (1)
  • Now, we suppose the theory is false m lt n 1.

  • Then the system of linear equations
  • Has fewer equations than variables, hence there
    exists a
  • non-trivial solution c1, , cn. From (1) we
  • But this implies
  • A contradiction, and the proof is complete

Part 2The slope problem
  • Theorem (Scott, 1970)
  • If n 3 points in the plane do not lie on one
    single line, then
  • they determine at least n 1 different slopes,
  • equality is possible only if n is odd and n 5.

  • Proof (a big one)
  • Has 6 steps
  • (1) Show for n 2m
  • (2) Define permutation model
  • (3) Crossing moves
  • (4) Touching and ordinary moves
  • (5) Facts about the moves
  • (6) Putting it all together

(1) The case n 3 is trivial. For any set of
n odd points n 2m 1 5 (m 2) (Not all on
a line) we can find a subset of n 1 2m
points, not all on a line, which already
determines n 1 slopes Thus, it suffices to show
that every even set of n 2m points in the plane
(m 2) determines at least n slopes. So for the
following stages, we only consider configurations
of n 2m points in the plane that determines t
2 different slopes.
  • (1)
  • (2)
  • (3)
  • (4)
  • (5)
  • (6)

(2) We construct a periodic sequence of
permutations - Start with some direction on the
plane that is not one of the configurations
slopes - Number the points 1, , n in the order
in which they appear in the 1-dimensional
projection in this direction - The first
permutation p0 123n represents the order of
the points for our starting direction. - The
direction moves counterclockwise. This changes
the projection and the permutation. Changes in
the order of the projected points appear exactly
when the direction passes one of the
configuration slopes
  • (1)
  • (2)
  • (3)
  • (4)
  • (5)
  • (6)

  • (1)
  • (2)
  • (3)
  • (4)
  • (5)
  • (6)
  • - Changes in the permutations are far from
    random or arbitrary By performing a 180 degrees
    rotation of the direction, we obtain a sequence
    of permutations
  • p0 -gt p1 -gt p2 -gt -gt pt - 1 -gt pt
  • Which has the following special properties
  • The sequence starts with p0 123n and ends with
  • pt n321.
  • The length t of the sequence is the number of
    slopes of the point configuration.
  • In the course of the sequence, every pair i lt j
    is switched exactly once. This means that on the
    way from p0 to pt, only increasing substrings are
  • Every move consists in the reversal of one or
    more disjoint increasing substrings (one or more
    lines in the direction we pass)

By continuing the circular motion around
the configuration, one can view the sequence as a
part of a two-way infinite, periodic sequence of
permutations -gt p-1 -gt p0 -gt -gt pt -gt pt1
-gt -gt p2t -gt - pit is the reverse of pi
for all i. - pi2t pi for all . We
will see that every sequence with the above
properties (and t 2) must have length t n.
  • (1)
  • (2)
  • (3)
  • (4)
  • (5)
  • (6)

(3) We divide each permutation into a left half
and a right half of equal size m n / 2, we
count the letters (number labels) that cross the
imaginary barrier in the middle. We call pi -gt pi
1 a crossing move if one of the substrings it
reverses does involve letters from both sides of
the barrier. A crossing move has order d if it
moves 2d letters across the barrier the
crossing string has exactly d letters on one side
and at least d letters on the other side. p2
213564 -gt 265314 p3 is a crossing move of
order 2. 652341 -gt 654321 is a crossing
move of order 1.
  • (1)
  • (2)
  • (3)
  • (4)
  • (5)
  • (6)

In the course of the sequence p0 -gt p1 -gt -gt
pt, each of the letters 1,2,,n has to cross the
barrier at least once. This implies that, if the
orders of the c crossing moves are d1, d2,,dc,
then we have This also implies that we have at
least 2 crossing moves, since a crossing move
with 2di n occurs only if all the points are on
one line, i.e for t 1. Geometrically, a
crossing move corresponds to the direction of a
line of the configuration that has less than m
points on each side.
  • (1)
  • (2)
  • (3)
  • (4)
  • (5)
  • (6)

  • (1)
  • (2)
  • (3)
  • (4)
  • (5)
  • (6)

(4) A touching move is a move that reverses
some string that is adjacent to the central
barrier, but does not cross it. For example p4
625314 -gt 652341 p5 is a touching
move. Geometrically, a touching move corresponds
to the slope of a line of the configuration that
has exactly m Points on one side, and hence at
most m 2 points on the other side. Moves that
are neither touching nor crossing will be called
ordinary moves. For example p1 213546 -gt
213564 p2. So every move is either crossing,
touching or ordinary, and we use the letters
T,C,O to denote the types of moves.
  • (1)
  • (2)
  • (3)
  • (4)
  • (5)
  • (6)

C(d) will denote a crossing move of order d.
Thus for our small example we get p0 T gt p1
O gt p2 C(2) gt p3 O gt p4 T gt p5 C(1) gt
p6 Or even shorter we can record this sequence
as T, O, C(2), O, T, C(1)
(5) To complete the proof, we need these 2
facts Between any two crossing moves, there is
at least one touching move. Between any crossing
move of order d and the next touching move, there
are at least d 1 ordinary moves. In fact,
after a crossing move of order d the barrier
is contained in a symmetric decreasing substring
of length 2d, with d letters on each side of the
barrier. For the next crossing move the central
barrier must be brought into an increasing
substring of length at least 2. But only touching
moves affect whether the barrier in in
an increasing substring. This yields the first
  • (1)
  • (2)
  • (3)
  • (4)
  • (5)
  • (6)

  • (1)
  • (2)
  • (3)
  • (4)
  • (5)
  • (6)

For the second fact, note that with each ordinary
move (reversing some increasing substring) the
decreasing 2d-string can get shortened by only
one letter on each side. And, as long as the
decreasing string has at least 4 letters, a
touching move is impossible. This yields
the second fact.
  • (1)
  • (2)
  • (3)
  • (4)
  • (5)
  • (6)

(6) The T-O-C pattern of the infinite sequence
of permutations, as derived in (2), is obtained
by repeating over and over again the T-O-C
pattern of length t of the sequence p0 -gt -gt
pt. Thus with the facts of (5) we see that in the
infinite sequence of moves, each crossing move of
order d is embedded into a T-O-C pattern of
the type () of length 1 (d 1) 1 (d
1) 2d. In the infinite sequence, we may
consider a finite segment of length t that starts
with a touching move. This segment consists of
substrings of the type (), plus possibly extra
inserted Ts.
  • (1)
  • (2)
  • (3)
  • (4)
  • (5)
  • (6)

This implies that its length t satisfies which
completes the proof ?
Part 3Three applications of Eulers formula
  • Eulers formula (Scott, 1750)
  • If G is a connected plane graph with n vertices,
    e edges
  • and f faces, then
  • n e f 2

  • Proof Let be the edge set of a
    spanning tree for G,
  • that is, of a minimal sub graph that connects all
    the vertices
  • of G.
  • - Does not contain a cycle because of the
    minimality assumptions.
  • We construct the dual graph G of G we put a
    vertex into
  • the interior of each face of G, and connect two
  • vertices of G by edges that correspond to common
  • boundary edges between the corresponding faces.
    If there
  • are several common boundary edges, then we draw
  • several connecting edges in the dual graph.
  • - G may have multiple edges, even if G is

  • Consider the collection of edges in
    the dual graph
  • that corresponds to edges in E T. The edges in
  • connect all the faces, since T does not have a
    cycle but
  • also T does not contain a cycle, since otherwise
    it would
  • separate some vertices of G inside the cycle from
  • outside.
  • - Cannot be, because T is a spanning sub graph,
  • the edges of T and of T do not intersect.
  • For every tree the number of vertices is one
    larger than the
  • number of edges. To see this, choose one vertex
    as the
  • root, and direct all edges away from the root
    this yields a
  • bijection between the non-root vertices and the
    edges, by
  • matching each edge with the vertex it points at.

  • Applied to the tree T this yields n eT 1,
    while for the tree
  • T it yields f eT 1. Adding both equations
    we get
  • n f (eT 1) (eT 1) e 2

  • We will show some consequences of Eulers
    formula, and
  • also three beautiful proofs that have Eulers
    formula at
  • their core
  • A proof of the Sylvester-Gallai theorem
  • A theorem on two-colored point configurations
  • - Both of these use Eulers formula alongside
    other arithmetic relationships between basic
    graph parameters.
  • 3. Picks theorem about areas of elementary

  • First, we show some important local
    consequences of
  • Eulers formula
  • - Let G be any simple planar graph with n gt 2
  • G has a vertex of degree at most 5.
  • G has at most 3n 6 edges.
  • If the edges of G are two-colored, then there is
    a vertex of G with at most two color-changes in
    the cyclic order of the edges around the vertex.
  • Note For each of the three statements, we
    assume that G is connected.

  • Proof
  • Every face has at least 3 sides (since G is
    simple), so
  • (fk is the number of k-faces)
  • f f1 f2 f3 and 2e f1 2f2 3f3
  • yield
  • f f3 f4 f5 and 2e 3f3 4f4 5f5
  • and thus 2e 3f 0.
  • Now if each vertex has degree at least 6, then
  • (ni is the number of vertices of degree i in G)
  • n n0 n1 n2 and 2e n1 2n2 3n3
  • imply
  • n n6 n7 n8 and 2e 6n6 7n7 8n8
  • and thus 2e 6n 0.

  • Taking both inequalities together, we get
  • 6(e n f) (2e 6n) 2(2e 3f) 0
  • and thus e n f, contradicting Eulers
  • (B) As in the first step of part (A), we obtain
    2e 3f 0 and
  • thus
  • 3n 6 3e 3f e
  • from Eulers formula.
  • Let c be the number of corners where color
    changes occur. Suppose the statement is false,
    then we have
  • c 4n corners with color changes, since at
    every vertex there is an even number of changes.
    Now every face with 2k or 2k 1 sides has at
    most 2k such corners.

  • So we conclude that
  • using the inequalities from before again.
  • So we have e n f, again contradicting
    Eulers formula. ?

  • 1. The Sylvester-Gallai theorem, revisited
  • The Sylvester-Gallai theorem Given any set of n
  • points in the plane, not all on one line, there
    is always a line
  • that contains exactly two of the points.
  • Proof (Sylvester-Gallai via Euler)

  • 2. Monochromatic lines
  • Theorem Given any finite configuration of
    black and white points in the plane, not all
    on one line, there is always a monochromatic
    line a line that contains at least two points of
    one color and none of the other
  • Proof
  • skipped
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