Medicare Health Support - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Medicare Health Support


Medicare Health Support Success requires a human connection – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Medicare Health Support

Medicare Health Support
  • Success requires a human connection

Re-Hospitalization Prevented for Heart Failure
  • On August 2, 2005, the MHS nurse called Ms. P, a
    78 year old beneficiary with heart failure who
    had been discharged from the hospital on July 25.
    Ms. P told the nurse she had been going to the
    ER at least once a month for my heart. The
    nurse asked what medications or prescriptions Ms.
    P was given when she was discharged from the
    hospital on July 25, and the beneficiary said
    none. The nurse asked whether the beneficiary
    had been taking any medications since she left
    the hospital, and Ms. P said no. The MHS nurse
    inquired further, and found out Ms. P was
    experiencing fluid buildup and her ankles had
    become very swollen.
  • Ms. P said she had tried to call her doctors
    office but hadnt been able to reach them. While
    talking to the MHS nurse, she became upset and
    started to cry, trying to explain that she
    thought her insurance had been canceled. The
    nurse found out her sister lived with her and
    asked to speak with the sister. When the sister
    got on the phone, she explained that the nurse at
    the hospital had told them the hospital pharmacy
    would send medicines to their home, but that
    hadnt happened.
  • The MHS nurse told the sisters she would call the
    doctors office for them. She then phoned the
    cardiologists office and explained the
    situation, emphasizing that it needed to be
    addressed right away since Ms. P had been without
    medication for almost a week and was experiencing
    fluid buildup. The MHS nurse then called the
    beneficiary to let her know she would be hearing
    from her doctor soon. Since that was late in the
    day, the MHS nurse called the physicians office
    again early the next morning. They said the
    prescriptions were ready and Ms. P could come
    pick them up. The MHS nurse notified the
    beneficiary, who then (despite her swollen
    ankles) took the city bus to the doctors office
    and got the prescriptions. When the MHS nurse
    checked on her again that afternoon, she was
    taking the medications.
  • Ms. P was very grateful for the nurses help.
    The nurse set another call with her for the next
    week, and she happily made the appointment.
  • --Teri Koppelman, RN

MHS Nurse Overcomes Language Barrier for 82 Year
Old Immigrant
On August 2 the MHS nurse placed call to Mr. F,
an 82-year-old diabetic beneficiary. His wife
answered the phone and the nurse began explaining
the MHS program. Mrs. F haltingly said that they
do not speak English well and were not interested
in the program. When the nurse inquired what
language they speak, Mrs. F responded Russian.
The nurse explained that we have Russian
translators, and Mrs. F agreed to speak with the
nurse via a translator. The nurse got the
translator on the line and together they spoke to
Mr. F, who agreed to participate in the MHS
program. Mrs. F returned to the phone and
answered our Senior Assessment questions on
behalf of Mr. F. The nurse picked up on the fact
that the couple doesnt have much money and
mentioned how difficult it must be to pay for all
their medications. Mrs. F said they have always
been very independent and self-sufficient and it
was hard to ask for help. The nurse mentioned
that we have social workers in MHS who may be
able to help them find ways to pay for their
medications. Mrs. F again said that her English
is not so good. The nurse told her she could
talk with the social worker via a translator
also, and Mrs. F breathed a sigh of
relief. Mrs. F then said, in broken English and
without a translator, Now I finally know I am in
America. She thanked the MHS nurse multiple
times and asked what the nurses name was. When
the nurse responded Angela, Mrs. F exclaimed,
I knew you were an angel! The nurse later
recounted, That gave me the chills the feeling
you get when you realize you have touched someone
and made a difference. I now know that I can
make a difference in this program. --Angela
Hoffman, RN
Hospitalization Prevented for 87 Year Old
  • On Friday afternoon August 19, the MHS nurse
    called Ms. H, an 87 year old beneficiary with
    heart failure and diabetes. Ms. H said she was
    not feeling well that day, but blamed it on the
    high humidity and heat. The MHS nurse became
    concerned as she talked to her further, and
    convinced Ms. H to call her physician and ask to
    see him that day. The physician agreed and she
    went in that afternoon. He examined her and drew
    a blood sample, which showed that her hemoglobin
    count was 25 well below the normal range of 35
    to 40. The physician then ordered an infusion of
    two units of packed blood cells.
  • The doctor was grateful Ms. H had come in when
    she did. Since it was a Friday afternoon and her
    blood count was so low, its likely her condition
    would have worsened over the weekend and she
    would have had to be hospitalized by the next
    week had it not been for MHS.
  • The MHS nurse called the beneficiary again the
    next week to check on her. Ms. H thanked the
    nurse for her help, and said she would not have
    called her doctor if the nurse hadnt encouraged
    her to do so. Telling the nurse of her
    gratitude, Ms. H added, Its nice to know
    someone really cares.
  • --Heather Henry, RN

MHS Provides Key Support to 90 Year Old Nursing
Home Resident
  • On August 23 the MHS nurse received a frantic
    phone call about 8 p.m. from the daughter of Ms.
    P, a 90 year old diabetic beneficiary in a
    nursing home. Ms. P had agreed to participate in
    MHS on August 17 when the nurse visited her in
    the nursing home and met with her daughter. Her
    daughter mentioned then that her mother had
    developed a bedsore that week, which the daughter
    attributed to the facilitys failure to change
    her mothers position in bed regularly,
    particularly during the night when the daughter
    thought there was insufficient staff at the
    nursing home.
  • The daughter was calling the MHS nurse on August
    23 because her mothers condition had worsened
    and the daughter was desperate for advice. She
    had talked to the nursing home administrator
    about the situation that day, but he brought up
    hospice and that upset the daughter.
  • The MHS nurse talked with the daughter for about
    30 minutes that night, and gave her a list of
    questions to discuss with the administrator and
    her mothers physician. The MHS nurse also faxed
    a Facility Communication Sheet (form we developed
    for such communications) to the nursing home
    administrator, outlining the daughters concerns.
    The administrator called the MHS nurse when he
    got the fax and was very receptive. He said he
    would meet with the nursing homes Medical
    Director and Ms. Ps attending physician, and
    they would work to resolve the issues.
  • The MHS nurse made a follow-up call to Ms. Ps
    daughter on August 26. She said that her mom was
    now being turned every two hours, had a dietary
    consult and change of diet (she had been on a low
    protein diet and needed more protein to recover
    from the bedsore), and was improving. The
    daughter planned to attend the facilitys family
    counsel meeting that night for a further
    discussion of the case.
  • The daughter said she believed the MHS nurses
    intervention is what made the difference in the
    nursing homes care for her mother. She
    appreciated the support because she had no one
    else to help her with her mother. The daughter
    thanked the nurse and told her she was truly
    heaven sent.
  • --Melissa Jones-Holley, RN

Despondent Beneficiarys Life Turned Around
through MHS
  • In September when the MHS nurse first spoke to
    Mrs. Y, a 78 year old beneficiary with diabetes,
    she said she was very sad and didnt see any
    reason to go on living. She lives in an
    apartment in the basement of her daughters home,
    but said she hadnt seen her daughter for more
    than two weeks and was feeling isolated.
    Moreover, her right shoulder was very painful
    from a torn rotator cuff. An orthopedist had
    told her a while ago she needed surgery to have
    it repaired, but she had delayed making a
    decision and that orthopedist had retired.
  • Recently the pain had increased and she had gone
    to see a new orthopedist, but that visit went
    badly. When the new orthopedist examined her, he
    squeezed her shoulder, which made her flinch.
    She said he then became belligerent and insisted
    I have to touch you. He also refused to look
    at her MRI results and ordered new x-rays. After
    he examined the new x-rays, he said her shoulder
    didnt look so bad and he didnt think she needed
    surgery. Mrs. Y felt the orthopedist hadnt
    listened to her, and she became despondent. As
    she drove away from his office, she ran through a
    red light in the hopes of being killed.
  • During the MHS nurses call with Mrs. Y, the
    nurse discussed depression and how a chemical
    imbalance can affect our perception of the world.
    Mrs. Y agreed to see her primary physician about
    how she was feeling, and the physician started
    her on an anti-depressant.
  • The MHS nurse re-contacted Mrs. Y after shed
    been on the medication for about a week, and Mrs.
    Y said she was beginning to feel better. Her
    daughter had brought Mrs. Ys new great
    granddaughter to see her that day, and she had
    enjoyed that very much.
  • The MHS nurse gave Mrs. Y the phone number for
    the Department of Aging in her county and
    encouraged her to contact them about activities
    that could interest her. Mrs. Y called them, and
    when she mentioned her interest in writing, they
    connected her with a writers group that meets
  • When the MHS nurse next spoke with Mrs. Y on
    October 26, she was cheerful and engaging in life
    again. She has an appointment at a pain clinic
    to help manage the pain in her shoulder, and an
    appointment with another orthopedist. She is now
    optimistic about her future -- and very grateful
    to Medicare Health Support.
  • --Linda Smith, RN

Physician and Beneficiary Grateful for MHS
Discovery of Duplicate Medication
  • On October 4 the MHS nurse called Mr. M, a 69
    year old beneficiary with heart failure and
    diabetes. She reviewed all his medications with
    him, and discovered that he was taking a double
    dose of hypertension medication (Metoprolol
    Tartrate). He had two containers of the
    medicine, each of which had been prescribed by a
    different doctor. Every day he took the
    prescribed dose from each container in other
    words, a double dose.
  • The MHS nurse discussed with Mr. M that his
    physician may not want him taking doses from both
    containers, and neither of the two physicians may
    know that the other prescribed the same medicine.
    She explained the potential for adverse side
    effects and complications, and the possibility
    that those could result in hospitalization.
  • The MHS nurse stressed that Mr. M needed to
    contact his primary physician right away and get
    very clear instructions on how to take the
    medicine. Mr. M said he had an appointment with
    his physician the next week and asked if it could
    wait until then. The nurse said no, it really
    shouldnt wait that long. Mr. M asked if the MHS
    nurse would explain all of that to his wife, and
    the nurse did so. The wife said she would call
    the physician that day, and go with her husband
    to see the doctor to hear all that he said. Both
    Mr. and Mrs. M were very appreciative of the
    nurses discovery of the duplicate medication.
    The wife said she would call the MHS nurse back
    the next week to let her know what happened.
  • A few days later the MHS nurse got a call from
    Mr. Ms physician. He said Mr. and Mrs. M had
    just been in to see him and told him about the
    situation. The physician had been totally
    unaware that another physician had prescribed
    hypertension medication also and Mr. M. had been
    taking a double dose. During the office visit,
    the physician carefully reviewed all of Mr. Ms
    medications with him and his wife, and instructed
    them on the correct way to take all his
  • When the physician spoke with the MHS nurse, he
    thanked her for discovering the duplicate
    medication and averting a potentially serious
    medical problem. He also wanted to know Who are
    you and what is this program? The nurse
    explained Medicare Health Support and our staff
    of nurses, social workers and dieticians. The
    physician was very pleased to know there is such
    a program. He noted this patient needs a lot of
    help, and thanked the nurse for all her
  • --Lillian Romanek, RN

Blind Beneficiary and Physician Grateful for MHS
  • In October the MHS nurse called Mr. F, a 65 year
    old diabetic beneficiary who is blind and lives
    independently in a senior home. He sounded very
    weak and sick when he answered the phone. He
    said hed had his first chemotherapy treatment
    that week and had been vomiting for four days.
    He hadnt been given any medication to manage the
    nausea and side effects from the chemotherapy.
    The MHS nurse could tell he was very dehydrated
    and might soon need hospitalization.
  • Mr. F said he had no one to help him and didnt
    know what to do. The MHS nurse told him she
    would help him, and Mr. F said he was very glad
    to know there was someone to help.
  • The nurse called Mr. Fs oncologist to inform him
    of the patients status. The oncologist said Mr.
    F should come into his office right away to be
    evaluated. Mr. F was transported to the
    physicians office, where he was treated for
    dehydration and prescribed anti-nausea
    medication. The physician was very grateful for
    the MHS assistance, as was Mr. F.
  • The MHS nurse also contacted the Adult Evaluation
    and Review Services for that county (a public
    agency that provides home health services), and a
    registered nurse visited him the next day to
    evaluate his needs. She is working on obtaining
    a waiver to help him pay for his medications, and
    evaluating the safety of his current living
  • When the MHS nurse called again on October 27,
    Mr. F had had his second chemotherapy treatment
    but was taking his anti-nausea medication and had
    not had any nausea or vomiting. He was very
    grateful for MHS and the assistance he received.
  • --Linda Smith, RN

350 Pound Nursing Home Resident Motivated to
Improve Health
  • The MHS nurses first visit to Mr. T was
    challenging. A 51 year old beneficiary with
    heart failure and diabetes, Mr. T weighs more
    than 350 pounds, has a tracheotomy, and lives in
    a nursing home. When the MHS nurse arrived, he
    was reluctant to speak with her and seemed
    depressed and down in the dumps. After the
    nurse explained the Medicare Health Support
    program and how it could help him, he agreed to
    talk with her.
  • Mr. T said he had refused to get flu or pneumonia
    vaccinations in the past (I dont like shots),
    did not exercise, and had no advanced directives.
    The nurse explained why it made sense to be
    vaccinated for flu and pneumonia, especially
    since he has a tracheotomy, and discussed the
    benefits of exercise and advanced directives.
    She also asked if she could contact Mr. Ts
    sister, who serves as his healthcare power of
    attorney. Mr. T agreed, and the nurse later
    talked at length with his sister.
  • When the MHS nurse returned for her second visit,
    Mr. T looked much better and reported that he
    had done everything she asked on the first visit.
    He had gotten flu and pneumonia shots, was
    walking daily, and had filled out the Five Wishes
    advanced directives document she left with him.
    He and the MHS nurse then met with the nursing
    homes social worker to review his advanced
    directives, and Mr. T gave a copy to his
  • The MHS nurse was very encouraged by Mr. Ts
    receptivity. We have a lot more to work on, but
    this was a fantastic start!
  • --Melissa Jones-Holley, RN

MHS Helps Beneficiary Get Needed Medications
after Heart Attack
  • On November 9 the MHS nurse made a regular care
    call to Mr. R, a 65 year beneficiary with
    diabetes. When she asked how things were going
    since they last talked, he said Not so well. I
    had a heart attack on Friday. He had spent the
    last four days in the hospital and had just been
    discharged. When the nurse inquired further, she
    found out he didnt have three of the medications
    his cardiologist had prescribed at discharge.
    Mr. R told her, I dont know if I can afford
    them at the pharmacy. The VA usually provides
    all my medications, but it takes about two weeks
    to get them since they come in the mail. He was
    upset and said he didnt know where to turn.
    Moreover, he didnt have time to seek help then
    because he was due for a radiation treatment and
    had to drive 30 minutes to get there.
  • While the beneficiary went to his radiation
    appointment, the MHS nurse worked on getting him
    the medications. She contacted the cardiologist
    who treated him in the hospital and the VA
    hospital. The cardiologists office provided the
    medications he needed for the short term, and the
    VA mailed his longer term supply. Were it not
    for the MHS nurses quick action, Mr. R could
    well have had to be re-hospitalized.
  • --Margaret Frost, RN

MHS Helps 83 Year Old Artist Resume Painting
  • When the MHS nurse first called Ms. F, an 83 year
    beneficiary with heart failure, she learned the
    beneficiary was an artist who loved to paint.
    Ms. F had been unable to paint for some time,
    though, because of pain and stiffness in her arm
    caused by a 2004 stroke. Those conditions also
    hampered her activities of daily living and made
    it difficult for her to function independently.
  • The MHS nurse called the beneficiarys physician
    to suggest physical therapy, as well as a home
    care nurse to administer laboratory tests related
    to Ms. Fs use of the anticoagulant Coumadin.
    Ms. F hadnt been tested for a while because her
    debilitated condition prevented her from getting
    out to a test facility.
  • The physicians office followed up right away on
    the MHS nurses request and initiated physical
    therapy and home care services that week. That
    made Ms. F very happy because the therapy enabled
    her to resume painting and greatly improved her
    quality of life.
  • --Stephanie Jackson, RN

Couple Thankful for Just in Time Advance Care
  • In November when the MHS nurse talked to Mrs. K,
    an 82 year old beneficiary with heart failure and
    diabetes, she had stopped going to her primary
    physician several months before because she
    didnt like or trust him, and had stopped taking
    any medications for her diseases. While
    discussing the need for her to see a doctor
    regularly and take her medications, the nurse
    asked if Mrs. K had talked to her family about
    advanced directives. Mrs. K said she was afraid
    of lingering on machines and wanted to go as fast
    as possible. The MHS nurse encouraged her to
    read and fill out the Five Wishes booklet we had
    sent, and suggested she talk to her husband and
    children about her preferences.
  • A few weeks later, Mrs. K informed the MHS nurse
    that she had filled out her Five Wishes. She
    also tried to talk to her husband and children
    about her wishes, but they didnt want to discuss
    it at that time. In addition, she saw a new
    primary physician on December 6 and gave him her
    advanced directives.
  • On December 12 when the MHS nurse called again,
    Mrs. Ks husband answered and informed her that
    Mrs. K had had a massive heart attack and passed
    away. He said she woke him about 3 a.m. and told
    him she had chest pain. She then reminded him of
    the Five Wishes and said she did not want
    machines or feeding tubes. When the ambulance
    came to get her, her husband gave them the Five
    Wishes. Mrs. K died on the way to the hospital.
  • When the MHS nurse spoke to her husband on
    December 12, he thanked her for all that Medicare
    Health Support had done, and said he did not know
    until she filled out the Five Wishes that she did
    not want to linger on machines. He said he will
    tell his friends about us, and hopes the Medicare
    Health Support program will be expanded so he can
  • --Debbie Cheeves, RN

Physicians Office Glad for MHS Patient Support
  • On December 2, MHS Provider Support Manager Cindy
    Friend made an introductory visit to a
    physicians office and met with the office
    manager. She gave the office manager a brief
    overview of MHS, and explained the home
    monitoring services that are available for some
    MHS participants. As she talked, the office
    manager looked over the list of the physicians
    MHS patients. Suddenly the office manager
    interrupted to point out a particular patient.
  • As the office manager explained, this was an 82
    year old heart failure patient the doctor had
    recently referred to a cardiologist since three
    of the patients heart vessels were almost
    completely blocked. The cardiologist was
    unwilling to operate, however, because of the
    patients co-morbidities and weakened condition.
    The patient had a return visit with the physician
    scheduled soon, and the physician was
    uncomfortable that he had nothing to offer this
  • The office manager was enthusiastic the physician
    could now offer the patient home monitoring
    through MHS. That would enable the doctor to
    monitor the patient more closely, and would
    provide reassurance to the patient. The office
    manager was grateful that they now have
    something to offer this patient. She concluded,
    Medicare Health Support will be a true asset to
    the health care industry by helping physicians
    address needs, such as this, with their elderly
    Medicare patients.
  • --Cindy Friend, RN

Beneficiary and Physician Grateful for Prevented
  • On December 6 the MHS nurse spoke to Ms. J, a
    beneficiary with heart failure, diabetes, chronic
    obstructive pulmonary disease, and a history of
    frequent hospitalizations. She was having some
    shortness of breath and coughing up green phlegm.
    The nurse discussed with her that was
    symptomatic of an infection, and with her
    history, it was important to contact her primary
    physician. Ms. J was resistant at first and
    fearful she would be hospitalized again, but she
    promised to call her doctor. She got in touch
    with him that day, and he gave her a prescription
    for an antibiotic. When the MHS nurse spoke with
    Ms. J again later that week, she was improved and
    glad she had contacted her doctor.
  • On December 12 Ms. J called the MHS nurse to say
    she had gotten worse. The nurse encouraged her
    to go see her doctor again, which she did that
    day. He found she had a lung infection and put
    her on another antibiotic and prednisone. The
    physician said, I dont know who youre talking
    to, but Im impressed.
  • Ms. J feels she would have been hospitalized if
    it werent for Medicare Health Support. She said
    she is grateful for our calls, and loves Medicare
    and the Medicare Health Support program.
  • --Margot Levin, RN

MHS Nurse Saves Life of Diabetic Beneficiary
  • On January 5 the MHS nurse received a call from
    Ms. B, a beneficiary she had not been able to
    reach since late November. During the November
    call, Ms. B reported she had fallen and suffered
    knee damage, but did not want to go to the
    doctor. Concerned about Ms. Bs condition, the
    MHS nurse phoned her daughter to ask if the
    mother could come stay with her for a while, and
    the daughter agreed.
  • Ms. B was calling back in January to tell the MHS
    nurse what had happened and to thank her for
    saving her life. Two days after the November
    call, Ms. B suddenly collapsed at her daughters
    home. She had not been testing her blood sugar,
    and developed acute renal failure. Her daughter
    summoned an ambulance and she was rushed to the
    hospital. She was in a coma in the ICU for
    nearly a week, but had slowly recovered and just
    been discharged.
  • Ms. B was calling to tell the MHS nurse that, If
    you hadnt urged me to call my doctor and go to
    my daughters house, I would have slipped into a
    coma at home -- and probably died. You saved my
  • Charlotte Stritehoff, RN

Beneficiary Gains Peace of Mind from Advance
Care Planning
  • While talking to Ms. W, an 80 year old
    beneficiary with heart failure and diabetes, the
    MHS nurse asked if she had received the Five
    Wishes booklet on advance care planning we sent.
    Ms. W said she had received and read it. Because
    she and her husband had been very sick recently,
    it had gotten her thinking about what she wanted.
    She remembered the MHS nurse saying that when
    her mother filled out her advanced directives and
    pre-paid her funeral expenses, it had been a gift
    the nurse still thanked her for, and it helped
    the family so much when her mothers condition
  • Ms. W said she had tried to talk to her children
    and husband about the subject, but they didnt
    want to hear about it. So she filled out the
    Five Wishes and gave a copy to her children and
    all her doctors, as well as all the hospitals
    where she might be taken. She then went to the
    funeral home and pre-paid her funeral expenses.
  • Her husband sat in the car while she did that and
    refused to come in. After thinking a week about
    her husbands refusal to discuss his advanced
    directives and funeral, she filled out advanced
    directives for him and pre-paid his funeral
  • She now feels peace and comfort knowing that the
    future is taken care of and everyone knows what
    she wants. She thanked Medicare Health Support
    for sending the Five Wishes and getting her
    thinking about all of this.
  • --Debbie Cheeves, RN

You saved my life!MHS Nurse Discovers Ten-Fold
Medication Overdose
  • On January 15, Martin Luther King Day, the MHS
    nurse had a care call with Ms. A, a 72 year old
    beneficiary with heart failure and diabetes. The
    beneficiary had just been discharged from the
    hospital the day before, and had been given
    discharge and medication instructions by a
    hospital nurse.
  • The MHS nurse went over Ms. As medications, and
    she reported taking four and a half 25 mg tablets
    (112.5 mg total) of Coreg that morning per the
    discharge instructions. Knowing that was a large
    overdose, the MHS nurse asked if she could call
    the beneficiarys pharmacist to check the
    prescription. The beneficiary agreed and the
    nurse called the pharmacist, who said the
    prescription was for 12.5 mg not 112.5 mg. The
    MHS nurse tried to call the beneficiarys
    cardiologist and primary physician to report the
    problem, but both offices were closed for the
    holiday. The nurse then called the hospital
    emergency room, which instructed her to call the
    Poison Control Center. The Poison Control Center
    said there was nothing the beneficiary could do
    herself to counteract the overdose, and she
    should immediately be taken to the hospital.
  • The MHS nurse called 911 and an ambulance was
    dispatched. The nurse cautioned Ms. A to not get
    up or walk around as she waited for the ambulance
    (since she could have blacked out). The nurse
    also called the beneficiarys daughter (who lived
    a few minutes away) to inform her of what was
    happening, and ask that she come unlock the house
    for the paramedics and accompany her mother to
    the hospital. When the paramedics arrived, they
    confirmed that the handwritten hospital discharge
    instructions cited the wrong dosage. They took
    the beneficiary to the hospital, where she stayed
    for eight hours for treatment and monitoring.
  • The MHS nurse called the beneficiary the next
    morning to see how she was doing. Ms. A told the
    nurse, You saved my life I know you saved my
    life! She repeatedly thanked the MHS nurse, and
    readily agreed to begin our home monitoring
  • --Amy Taylor, RN
  • Coreg is a medication that reduces blood
    pressure. That large an overdose could have
    caused a heart attack or stopped the
    beneficiarys heart. It was fortunate the MHS
    nurse spoke to Ms. A only an hour after she took
    the medication since it takes about eight hours
    for the medication to reach full effect. In
    addition, the beneficiary was planning to take
    the same dose again that night per the discharge

85 Year Old Beneficiary Hand Delivers Medication
List to MHS
  • On January 19 an MHS nurse spoke with Mr. S, an
    85 year old beneficiary with diabetes. She
    reviewed his medications, but Mr. S was somewhat
    confused about which ones he should be taking
    currently. He agreed with the nurse to go over
    that with his physician on his next visit, and
    let us know his current medications on our next
  • A few days later, the MHS office was surprised
    when Mr. S showed up at our doorstep with his
    list of current medications. He had just been to
    see his doctor and gone over his medications as
    wed instructed. He wanted to report that to us
    right away, so drove more than 25 miles to hand
    deliver the medication list.
  • The MHS staff thanked Mr. S for his prompt
    follow-up, but urged him not to make the drive
    again for his own safety, and to call us on our
    toll-free line whenever he needs to talk with us.
    His quick and conscientious actions show his
    appreciation for Medicare Health Support and
    dedication to improving his health.

Beneficiarys Leg Saved through MHS Efforts
  • In December when the MHS nurse called Ms. S, a 67
    year old beneficiary with heart failure and
    diabetes, Ms. S reported that she had lower leg
    wounds that had been worsening over the last
    several weeks. She didnt have a physician she
    liked, so the MHS nurse guided her through
    selecting a new primary physician through the
    doctor referral service at her local hospital.
    The nurse then made several calls to the new
    physician and faxed information to expedite her
  • When Ms. S went to see the new physician, he
    immediately referred her to a dermatologist --
    who she said made all the difference in the
    world to me. Through his care her wounds began
    to heal, and by late January when the MHS nurse
    talked to Ms. S, they were almost completely
  • Ms. S believes the MHS nurses efforts saved my
    leg. She is very grateful to MHS, and expresses
    renewed commitment to self-management of her
    diabetes and health.
  • --Debbie Dellinger, RN
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