Orientation for New Graduate Students - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Orientation for New Graduate Students


One who is registered for 3 semester hours of thesis ... Research Proposal: ... 0 avg. required for masters students 3.3 avg. required for doctoral ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Orientation for New Graduate Students

Orientation for New Graduate Students
  • Tracey Farnsworth - Academic Advisor
  • Dr. Mikhail Skliar Director of Graduate Studies
  • Ribana Milas Administrative Officer
  • Dept. of Chemical Engineering
  • University of Utah

Administrative Organization
Graduate Student HandbookPolicies and Procedures
  • ChE Graduate Handbook
  • Policies and Procedures
  • One page program sheet available online
  • Grad. Student Newsletter
  • International Center
  • Please check in frequently! It is students
    responsibility to make sure they are in
    compliance with maintaining immigration status.

Tuition Waiver Policy
Full-time matriculated graduate students whose
salaries or stipends meet minimum support
requirements may have all or part of their
tuition waived. 3,125 per semester gt 50
tuition benefit 4,688 per semester gt 75
tuition benefit 6,250 per semester gt 100
tuition benefit Please contact Ribana Milas to
arrange your support. You must sign for your
waiver each semester.
Tuition Waiver contd
  • A full time student (required to maintain visa
    status) is defined as either
  • one who is registered for a minimum of 9 semester
    hours when taking coursework.
  • One who is registered for 3 semester hours of
    thesis research.
  • You should register for 11 semester hours each
    semester you have a tuition waiver.
  • Make up balance of hours with thesis research
  • You are responsible for differential tuition
  • If you entered with a BS and are pursuing
  • MS degree ? 4 semesters of tuition benefit
  • PhD degree ? 10 semesters of tuition benefit
  • Entering with MS degree and are pursuing
  • PhD degree ? 8 semesters of tuition benefit

Tuition Waiver contd
  • If you are funded by a sponsored project, please
    register for 3 credit hours in the summer (check
    with Ribana).
  • Need to take a semester off? You must file a
    leave of absence form or you will have to
    reapply. (International Students are not
    eligible) summer is not included
  • You must be registered for a minimum of 3 credit
    hours when you complete your Qualifying Exam and
    when you defend your Thesis.

Grades Matter!
  • You must maintain a 3.0 GPA in order to continue
    receiving tuition benefit.
  • If you fall below a 3.0 your first semester you
    will have your second semester to get your GPA
    back to a 3.0. If you are still below a 3.0 by
    your third semester, you will lose your tuition
    benefit until your GPA is at least a 3.0
    Graduate School
  • You will also be placed on probation with the
  • Must earn at least a C to pass a graduate level

Graduate Student Health Insurance Benefit Program
  • Details available on Graduate School Web Page
  • https//gradschool.utah.edu/tbp/insurance.php
  • Overview
  • Open to all graduate students
  • University pays 80 of annual premium for
    qualified students, who are
  • TAs and RAs only (based on ePAF classification)
  • Tied to same financial support requirements as
    tuition waiver
  • Currently, same limitation on number of eligible
    semesters as tuition waiver program
  • Students can add spouse and dependent children to
    plan at their own expense

Graduate Student Health Insurance Benefit Program
  • You must pay your part of the premium. For Fall
    semester the premium is due (check the email from
  • You must go to Student Health Services first in
    the Madsen Health Clinic if you have any medical
  • Email will be sent out to ask if you want to sign
    up International students must have healthcare

Subsidized Graduate Student Insurance Rates for

For other details please check the brochure.
The University pays 1,272.60 (80)
Student pays 318.00 (20)
Total Annual Premium 1,590.00
Teaching Assistant Policy
  • M.S. candidate required to serve once Ph.D.
    twice M.S. then Ph.D. also twice.
  • 2. Recommended that you complete core courses
  • 3. You will have a contract between you, the
    professor, and the department for your TA

PHD Program Overview Chemical Engineering Universi
ty of Utah 17 hours ChEn Courses Required Details
in Handbook www.che.utah.edu
Approved ChemE Electives 6553 Chemical Reaction
Eng. 6853 Thermodynamics 6400 Adv Eng Analysis
5305 Air Pollution Control 6355 Comput Fluid
Dynamics 6153 Fund. of Combustion 5307 Green
Engineering 6203 State Space Methods 7203 Robust
Multi. Control Other Electives non ChemE
electives are approved by supervisory committee
Need additional 21 credit hours of Electives of
which at least 9 hours must be ChEn Electives
GPA 3.3 attained
Take 6353 Fluid Mechanics 6603 Mass Transfer
Previous degree in Chemical Enginering
Preliminary Exam Passed
Need additional 15 credit hours of Electives of
which at least 3 hours must be ChEn Electives
GPA 3.3 attained
Take 6353 Fluid Mechanics 6603 Mass
Transfer 6553 Chemical Reaction 6853
Previous degree NOT in Chemical Enginering
Graduate Seminar sequence (2 semesters of
Intro to Research and continuous enrollment in
regular grad seminar after that)
Qualifying Exam Must complete after
passing Preliminary Exam Research Proposal
Thesis Defense
Electronic Forms and Procedures All forms must
be submitted to Tracey 2 weeks prior to the
deadline!! http//www.che.utah.edu (Graduate
program academic program forms) Request for
Supervisory Committee Due by second year of
graduate work (signatures required) Program of
Study Due one semester prior to graduation
Research Proposal Due following research
proposal (form located on department website)
Requires approval by supervisory committee Final
Examination (Defense) Due 6 weeks before the
last day of examinations during the semester of
graduation . Must notify the Department 2 weeks
prior to defense Email the title, abstract, time
and location of the Final Examination
Dissertation Release See graduate school
calendar (Includes Supervisory Committee Approval
and Final Reading Approval forms, required by
Thesis Editors)
Teaching Assistance Experience Complete 2
TA assignments (unpaid) Thesis Research
minimum of 14 hours Publications (2
required) published ___________________
__ submitted _____________________
other _____________________
MS Program Overview Chemical Engineering Universit
y of Utah 17 hours ChEn Courses Required Details
in Handbook www.che.utah.edu
Approved ChemE Electives 6553 Chemical Reaction
Eng. 6853 Thermodynamics 6400 Adv Eng Analysis
5305 Air Pollution Control 6355 Comput Fluid
Dynamics 6153 Fund. of Combustion 5307 Green
Engineering 6203 State Space Methods 7203 Robust
Multi. Control Other Electives non ChemE
electives are approved by supervisory committee
Need additional 15 credit hours of Electives of
which at least 9 hours must be ChEn Electives
GPA 3.0 attained
Take 6353 Fluid Mechanics 6603 Mass Transfer
Previous degree in Chemical Enginering
Preliminary Exam Passed
Need additional 9 credit hours of Electives of
which at least 3 hours must be ChEn Electives
GPA 3.0 attained
Take 6353 Fluid Mechanics 6603 Mass
Transfer 6553 Chemical Reaction 6853
Previous degree NOT in Chemical Enginering
Graduate Seminar sequence (2 Semesters of
Intro to Research, and continuous enrollment in
regular grad seminar after that) Thesis
Electronic Forms and Procedures All forms must
be submitted to Tracey 2 weeks prior to the
deadline!! http//www.che.utah.edu (Graduate
program academic program forms) Request for
Supervisory Committee Due by second year of
graduate work (signatures required) Program of
Study Due 1 semester prior to graduation Final
Examination (Defense) Due 6 weeks before the
last day of examinations during the semester of
graduation . Must notify the Department 2 weeks
prior to defense Email the title, abstract, time
and location of the Final Examination
Dissertation Release See graduate school
calendar (Includes Supervisory Committee and
Final Reading Approval forms required by Thesis
Teaching Assistance Experience Complete 1
TA assignment (unpaid) Thesis Research
minimum of 7 hours
Preliminary and Qualifying Examination Procedures
  • Preliminary Examination (all students)
  • Use performance in core courses as prelim exam
  • 3.0 avg. required for masters students
  • 3.3 avg. required for doctoral students
  • Purpose is to ensure competence in core Chemical
    Engineering principles

Preliminary and Qualifying Examination Procedures
  • Qualifying Examination (Ph.D. only)
  • Combination written/oral exam for students
    interested in pursuing PhD
  • Candidacy examination
  • Involves critique of a technical paper
  • Written critical review followed by oral
    presentation and questioning by faculty
  • Purpose is to assess a students critical
    thinking skills and creativity to determine
    potential for advanced graduate work
  • Offered twice yearly (January/August)
  • Students must complete required core courses
    before requesting a Qualifying Examination

Preliminary and Qualifying Examination Procedures
  • Research Proposal (Ph.D. only)
  • For Ph.D. students only
  • Required preparation by student of proposal of
    their research plan
  • Typically after second year
  • Serves as forum for student and Supervisory
    Committee to agree on roadmap for the
  • Form is located online

Office space, Photocopying, Computing
1. Office space 4th floor office space (More
info TBA) 2. Photocopying To be
performed by and paid for by student
unless related to research or official
departmental activities. Bring your
change machine down the hall. Copies can
be made in library using ID card if you
prepay or use a Campus Order. 3. Computing
facilities Cade machines 224 EMCB,
http//www.cade.utah.edu/ PC/Macintosh lab
Room 130 EMCB Department facilities Room
2285 MEB (very limited access
for graduate student use)
Graduate Student Space
  • 4th floor penthouse
  • 50 student desks
  • Library/conference room
  • Door always locked
  • Contact Christina to get a key!
  • Desks will be assigned this week
  • Keep it clean
  • Room 3220
  • Grad student conference room
  • Conference table, couch

Research Assistantships and Fellowships
  • Most new students are already associated with a
    specific project and advisor
  • Those still seeking support and an advisor should
    meet with faculty who may still be seeking new
    graduate students
  • See Prof. Skliar to discuss potential
    opportunities still available in dept.

Policy for Faculty Ending a Relationship with
  • Faculty advisor should inform you in writing if
    there is a problem.
  • Letter should include suggestions for corrective
    actions and desired improvements. A copy of the
    letter should be placed in your file.
  • At least four weeks should be allowed for you to
    improve your performance. During this period you
    should meet at least once with your advisor. The
    outcome of this meeting should be documented.
  • If at the end of this time, the faculty member
    does not perceive improvement, he or she should
    inform you in writing of their decision to
    terminate your assistantship. The final outcome
    of the process should be documented.

Graduate Student Advisory Committee
  • The primary objective of the GSAC is to provide
    communication between the student body and the
    faculty on a technical, professional, and social
  • GSAC chair can be invited to faculty meetings
  • GSAC provides input on faculty members being
    considered for retention, tenure, or promotion.
  • Objective of the department is your education.
    You can provide valuable input on how to improve
    our program.

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