Title: A Slide Show
1A Slide Show
Just a Pass-time Show for displaying on the
monitor of an idling Computer!!!
- Simply Click once on the Slideshow Icon and Once
started, watch the unending fun which you can
only Escape!!
- If Downloaded from the Website,then the slideshow
would start Automatically. The Close Button on
top Right Hand Corner can stop the show and
close this PPT. File.
Dr.S.Aravamudhan, NEHU, Shillong,793022
2A Few Illustrative Examples for Animated
Presentations of Textual Materials
The Following are a few slides to Illustrate the
effective use of animated presentations of
Textual materials.
- After the class these might help the Students to
view and grip the contents better.
- This set of slides require about 9 Minutes to
view and there are only seven more slides on
display after all the seven, the show may be
continued to run by clicking to Loop back to
slide 1.
Set out for the next slide 3
3Animating Arrow Movements
By Dr.S.Aravamudhan,NEHU,Shillong Dated
Phasing out
180? Refocusing Pulse
Pulse Scheme and Signal Shapes
Refocused Magnetization
Decaying half of the ECHO
t 0
t ?
Set out for the next slide 4
t 2?
4 A 121 NMR Spectrum?
Set out for the next slide 5
5 A 121 NMR Spectrum?
The Three lines 1,23 appear successively.
Each line appears on animation, simultaneous with
its Integration.
Set out for the next slide 6
6A Mixture of Solid and Liquid Results in Double
Exponential Decay
A fast Decaying Solid Fraction (5 Sec.time
const.) and a Slowly (30 s)Decaying Liquid
Fraction present together in a Specimen would
result in such a sum of exponential functions
Set out for the next slide 7
7Exponentials and Line shapes with Integrated
Set out for the next slide 8
8The 3 D Perspective helps in Visualising
Comprehensively how for a given Lineshape,mere
variation in linewidth cannot account for Changes
in Intensities,but can cause changes in
amplitudes. (Below the frequency range 50-75)
The line width increases from left to right 3,6,9
20 for a normalized line shape and the
integration curve is given juxtaposed to each
line. Numerical values at Maximum are given for
each curve
Looping to slide 1