Title: Aasaman-Nepal
1Aasamans working area
- Vision
- A society where children can freely exercise
rights to survival, development, protection and
participation - Mission
- Healthy, happy and educated children
3 Educational scenario
4Getting Children Out of work and into School
Out of school Children
Youth clubs/ Womens forum/Children
Committee/VDCs/SMC//Political leader/Teachers/Aasa
1. Situation analysis
1.Formation of SMC/ development of SIP
2. Sensitization workshops training
2.Interaction of Teachers and parents
3. Social mobilization promoting enrollment
3.Providing volunteer teacher
4. Bridge course for overaged children
4.Creating child friendly environment
5. Women group facilitation ,Home visit ?and
5. Preparing teachers
6.Support for resource mobilization
6. Fight against early child marriage
7. Improve physical facilities
7. Promotion of birth registration
8.Children group formation and facilitation
9.Policy advocacy
5(No Transcript)
6Major Achievement-Qualitative
- Implementation of the SIP
- Participation of first generation literate
youths increased - Parents and communities awareness regarding
education raised - Teachers and SIP( or SMC) and VDC
representatives are sensitized on the education
issues - of school going children and their attendance,
teachers attendance increased - Demand came from below to improve the education
quality in the school and action started towards
it - Resources of school increased and utilization
pattern improved
7Issues and challenges
- Frequent transfer of Govt. staff
- Insurgency increased (development budget shifted
to security)