Title: Modeling massive dynamic graphs
1Modeling massive dynamic graphs
- Chris Volinsky
- ATT Research
- Statistics Research Department
- Along with
- Deepak Agarwal, Bob Bell, Corinna Cortes,
Shawndra Hill, Daryl Pregibon,
- Defining a Dynamic Graph, and our objectives
- A motivating example Repetitive fraud in
telecommunications - Our approach representation and approximation of
dynamic graphs - Revisiting Repetitive Fraud
- Parameter setting and applications to other
domains - Fraud revisited applying our methods
- Other applications, conclusions, further work
- Summary
- Analyzing large dynamic graphs of transactional
data is hard! - By storing and analyzing a massive graph as an
indexed set of small local graphs, we have
developed a generic framework for dynamic graph
representation, which facilitates fast and
accurate analysis.
3- Defining a Dynamic Graph, and our objectives
4Defining Dynamic Graphs
- Dynamic Graphs represent transactional data
- Credit card data
- Web connectivity data
- Web logs
- Telecommunications network traffic
- Online auction data
- Transactional data can be represented as a
directed graph
5Defining Dynamic Graphs
- Dynamic Graphs
- Nodes represent transactors
- Edges are directed transactions
- All edges have a time stamp
- All edges have a weight (?)
- May contain
- Other attributes on nodes
- Other attributes on edges
6Analysis of dynamic graphs
- Why is it hard?
- Scale
- Often tens or hundreds of millions of nodes and
edges - Doesnt fit in main memory
- Dynamic
- Large numbers of nodes coming and going
continuously - Accounting for temporal component of changing
graphs is a challenge - Heterogeneous nodes
- Superactive nodes dominate visualization and
analysis - Zipfs law holds most users have few connections
7Overview Our Objectives
- Define a representation for a dynamic graph
- What is the graph at time t Gt
- How does one account for addition and attrition
of nodes - Graphs can be used for
- Global properties - learning about the graph
properties - Clustering coefficient
- Power law coefficient
- Graph depth
- Local represenation learning about individual
nodes in the graph - Entities the local subgraph of a node of
interest - Fraud signatures, anomaly (intrusion) detection,
matching, etc. - Our Goal Methods for entity based analysis in
large dynamic graphs
8- A motivating example Repetitive fraud in
9Motivating Example Repetitive Fraud
- Lots of people cant pay their bill, but they want
phone service anyway
Name Ted Hanley
Address 14 Pearl Dr St Peters, MN
Balance 208.00
Disconnected 2/19/04 (nonpayment)
Name Debra Handley
Address 14 Pearl Dr St Peters, MN
Balance 142.00
Connected 2/22/04
Name Elizabeth Harmon
Balance 149.00
Disconnected 2/19/04 (nonpayment)
Name Elizabeth Harmon
Address 180 N 40TH PL APT 40 PHOENIX, AZ
Balance 72.00
Connected 1/31/04
10Motivating Example Repetitive Fraud
How can we identify that it is the same person
behind both accounts?
Old Account 67855232344 New Account 4215554597
Old Date 2003-02-25 New Date 2003-02-13
Old Address 10 NIGHT WAY APT 114 New Address 10 HATSWORTH DR
Old State AL New State AL
Old Zip 302141798 New Zip 300021530
Old II Code 5512127609901 New II Code 5312074639501
Old Balance 284.62 New Balance 5.83
11Motivating Example Challenges
- This is a problem of record linkage and graph
matching, but because of obfuscation, we can only
count on the graph matching! - But the problem is huge
- Q How can we do efficient matching to put a dent
in this problem? - A Efficient representation of entities
12Motivating Example Our data
- Our graph is large
- 350M Telephone numbers (TNs) currently active on
our Long Distance network, 300M calls/day - Our graph is dynamic
4 Million TNs appear per week
4 Million TNs disappear per week
13Motivating Example Our data
Our graph is sparse For one year of long
distance data
14Motivating Example Our data
Quite sparse.
Now onto two examples
15- Our Approach to Dynamic Graphs
- Definition
- Representation
- Approximation
16Our Approach Defining dynamic graphs
- Q for transactional data, what does the graph
at time t (Gt)mean?
- let gt be the collection of nodes and edges
during the time period t
Too narrow!
Too broad!
Too many!
17Our Approach Defining dynamic graphs
We adopt an Exponentially Weighted Moving Average
i.e. todays graph is defined recursively as a
convex combination of yesterdays graph and
todays data
Alternatively, this is
Through time, edge weights decay with decay rate
- Advantages
- recent data has most influence
- only one most recent graph need be stored
18Our Approach Defining dynamic graphs
Selecting q
- closer to 1
- calls decay slower
- more historical data included
- smoother
- q closer to 0
- faster decay
- recent calls count more
- more power to detect changes
- less smooth
q 1/(1-n) means weight reduces to 1/e times its
original weight in n days
19Our Approach Representation
- Since we are interested in entities, we represent
the graph as a union of entity graphs - These entity graphs are the atomic units of
analysis, a signature of the behavior of the node - As it turns out, storing hundreds of millions of
small graphs is much more efficient than storing
one massive graph. We use Hancock, a language
developed at ATT for signatures, which allows
for easy indexed storage of - In short, we are approximating a hugh graph with
many little graphs, which are easily accessible
(via indexed storage) for analysis.
20Our Approach Representation
Update the graph by updating all of the atomic
units daily so any time we access the data we
have the most recent representation.
Yesterdays graph
Todays data
Todays graph
1111111111 20.0 2122121212 10.0 9991119999
2222222222 100.3 1111111111
90.1 3213232423 27.0 9098765453
11.3 8876457326 5.4 2122121212
3.0 9908989898 0.9 8887878787 0.1
21Our Approach Approximation
- We also implore two types of approximation of the
graph, by pruning. - Local pruning of edges designate a maximal in
and out degree (k) for each node, and assign an
overflow bin - Global pruning of edges overall threshold (e)
below which edges are removed from the graph
- Removes stale edges
- Reduces effect of supernodes
22Our Approach Approximation
- Defending k
- Most entities have the vast majority of their
weight in a fraction of their nodes
23Our Approach Parameter Selection
- We have now defined a representation of a dynamic
graph by three parameters - q - controls the decay of edges and edge weights
- e - global pruning parameter
- k local pruning parameter
- For a given application, we choose the parameters
by optimizing predictive performance, selecting
the parameters which optimize a loss function - Two loss functions we have used
- Weighted Dice
- Hellinger Distance
24Our Approach Parameter Selection
- Let A and B be two entities.
- Weighted Dice
- Hellinger Distance
- For each value
- Set e to be a low tolerance value
- For a range of k, optimize q
- Look at the plot to select parameters
25Our Approach Parameter Selection
26Our Approach Summary
- This method allows us, for all 350 million phone
numbers we see on the network to have an
up-to-date representation of the entity
associated with each number. These entities are
stored in an indexed data base for easy storage
and retrieval - Parameters are set to maximize the
self-similarity of a node with itself through
time, to allow us to match entities.
27(No Transcript)
28- Fraud Revisited Applying our methods
29Fraud Revisited Applying our methods
- Fraudsters dont get caught, so they go elsewhere
- Can we find them, based on their calling
patterns? - Intuition fraudster may change network identity,
but calling pattern will be similar - Find overlap in calling pattern between recent
connected lines and lines shut down for fraud.
30Fraud Revisited Applying our methods
Connect pool
Restrict pool
- Anchor on a few restrict dates in the pool
- Compare to all connects in the connect pool
- For all of those that have at least one overlap,
collect more information
31Fraud Revisited Applying our methods
- For each potential matched pair
- Calculate a matching score, based on the
characteristics of the overlap - Incorporate other information, including
- Name, address
- Payment history
- Tenure
32Fraud Revisited Applying our methods
- Results
- We identify 50-100 of these cases a day
- 95 match rate
- 85 block rate
- Credited with saving ATT 5M in reduced costs
and uncollectables in 2002-2003 - By far the most reliable matching criteria is the
entity based matching
33Other applications, conclusions, further work
- We have a representation of a dynamic graph which
can be applied to any problem where entity
modeling over time is of interest - Other fraud GBA
- Language models
- Email
- Web pages
- Terrorism
- Viral Marketing
- Targeting
- Understanding
34Other slides
35Matching Algorithm
- What cases will we present to the reps?
- A combination of
- COI Overlap measures
- At least two, and strength determined by
uniqueness of overlap TNs - Name/address overlap
- Edit distance no more than 50 of the longest
name or address - owed
- Most interested in the ones that will generate
the most - 500-1000 cases a day become 100-150 that we
present to the reps
36Motivating Example Repetitive Fraud
- When we catch a fraudster, we rarely catch the
person, we simply shut down the line - They will likely move on to another attempt at
defrauding us, from a different network location - Idea record linkage - network identity has
changed, but network behavior is the same - We can use network behavior to indicate that the
new line has the same owner as an old line
37COI Signatures to COI
- To construct a COI from a COI signature
- Often the signature contains things we dont
want - Businesses
- High weight nodes
- Often the signature doesnt contain things we do
want - Local calls
- Other carrier calls
- To combat this, create a COI by
- Recursively expanding the COI signature
- Adding edges
- Pruning edges
heres an example
38COI signature
39Extended COI
40Enhanced COI
41Pruned COI
42A likely case of the same fraudster showing up as
a new number
Pink nodes exist in both COI
43Fraud Revisited Applying our methods
- Calculate the informative overlap score
- Where
- wao weight of edge from a to o
- wob weight of edge from o to b
- wo sum weight of edges to o
- dao, dob are the graph distances from a and b to