DEMON: Mining and Monitoring Evolving Data - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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DEMON: Mining and Monitoring Evolving Data


DEMON: Mining and Monitoring Evolving Data Venkatesh Ganti UW-Madison Johannes Gehrke Cornell University Raghu Ramakrishnan UW-Madison Presented by Navneet Panda – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: DEMON: Mining and Monitoring Evolving Data

DEMON Mining and Monitoring Evolving Data
  • Venkatesh Ganti
  • UW-Madison
  • Johannes Gehrke
  • Cornell University
  • Raghu Ramakrishnan
  • UW-Madison
  • Presented by
  • Navneet Panda

  • Extension of Data Mining to a dynamic environment
    evolving through systematic addition or deletion
    of blocks of data.
  • Introduction of a new dimension called the data
    span dimension, allowing the selection of
    temporal subset of the database.
  • Efficient model maintenance algorithms for
    frequent item sets and clusters.
  • Generic algorithm modifying traditional model
    maintenance algorithm to an algorithm allowing
    restrictions on the data span dimension.
  • Examination of validity and performance of ideas.

  • Tuple basic unit of information in the data.
    e.g. Customer transaction, database record or an
    n-dimensional point.
  • Block set of tuples.
  • Database Sequence of blocks D1, D2, ..........,
    Dk, ....... where each block Dk is associated
    with an identifier k.
  • Dt Latest block.
  • D1, .......,Dt Current database snapshot.

Objectives ( 1 )
  • Mining systematically evolving data
  • Systematic Sets of records added together as
    opposed to
  • Arbitrary Individual record can be updated
    at any time.
  • Reasoning Data warehouses with a large
    collection of data from multiple sources donot
    update records arbitrarily.Rather the approach
    is to update batches of records at regular time
    intervals. Block evolution does not necessarily
    follow a regular time period.

Objectives ( 2 )
  • Introduction of a new dimension called the Data
    Span Dimension.
  • Takes the temporal aspect of the data evolution
    into account.
  • Options
  • Unrestricted Window All the data collected so
    far. Notation D1,t
  • Most Recent Window Specified number w of the
    most recently collected blocks of data.If ( t gt
    w-1 ) D t- w 1, t Consists of blocks D
    t w 1,...., Dtelse Consists of blocks D1
    ......., Dt

Additional Constraints
  • Block Selection Predicate Bit sequence of 0's
    and 1's with a 1 in a particular position
    indicates that the particular block i selected
    for mining and vice versa.
  • Motive To enable the analyst to perform the
    following kind of actions.
  • Model the collected on all Mondays to analyse the
    sales immediately after the weekend. Required
    blocks need to be selected from the unrestricted
    window by a predicate that marks all the blocks
    added to the database on Mondays.
  • Model the data collected on all Mondays in the
    last 28 days
  • Model all data collected on same day as today in
    last month

Formal definitions 1
  • D1, t D1,.....,Dt DataBase Snapshot
  • D t w 1, t Most Recent Window
    of size w.
  • A window-independent block-sequence is a
    sequencelt b1, ......, bt, of 0/1 bits
  • A window-relative block sequence is a sequencelt
    b1, ..... , bwgt of bits one per block in the most
    recent window.

Formal definitions 2
  • I i1,......, in Set of items
  • Transaction and itemset are subsets of I. Each
    transaction is associated with a unique
    identifier transaction identifier.
  • A transaction T contains itemset X if X is a
    subset of T.
  • Support ?D(X) Fraction of the total number of
    transactions in D that contain X where D is a set
    of transactions.
  • Minimum Support ( 0 lt k lt 1 ). Itemset X is
    frequent on D if ?D(X) k.
  • Frequent itemsets L( D, k ) All itemsets
    frequent on D.
  • Negative border NB(D, k ) Set of all infrequent
    itemsets whose proper subsets are all frequent.

Unrestricted Window Algorithm
  • New algorithms ECUT ECUT
  • Previous best algorithm Borders
  • Detection Phase Recognize the change in
    frequent itemsets
  • Update Phase Count the set of new itemsets
    required for dynamic maintenance. Relies on the
    maintenance of the negative border along with the
    set of frequent itemsets.
  • Addition of D t1 to D1, t causes an update of
    frequent itemsets L( D1, t ), k ) and NB( D1,
    t , k).
  • If X ? NB( D1, t , k) and the support of X
    ?(X ) is greater than k then X becomes frequent
    in D1, t 1.
  • New candidate itemsets are generated recursively
    after adding X to L(D 1, t , k ). The counting
    of support of new itemsets is achieved by
    organizing them as a prefix tree. ( PT - Scan )

  • Exploits systematic data evolution and the fact
    that very few new candidate itemsets need to be
  • Retrieve only the relevant portion of dataset to
    count the support of an itemset X.
  • Relevant information stored as TID ( Transaction
    identifier ) lists of items in X. TID lists are
  • X i1, ......., ik
  • TID Lists ?(i1), ......, ?(ik ).
  • Intersection of these TID Lists gives ?( X ).
  • Intersection similar to merge phase of a
    sort-merge join.
  • Size of the TID List 1 or 2 orders of magnitude
    smaller than D.

ECUT ( 2 )
  • Uses (1) Additivity property Support of an
    itemset X on D1, t is the sum of it's supports
    on D1,......, Dt.(2) 0/1 property Block
    either completely selected in BSS or not.
  • Implication TID Lists of block Di constructed
    and added to database without the possibility of
    modification when Di is added to the database.
  • Block Di is scanned and the identifier of each
    transaction T ? Di is appended if T contains X.
  • Any information that can be obtained from the
    transactional format can be obtained from the set
    of TID Lists hence obviating the need for storage
    of the database in transactional format.

  • Improvement upon ECUT when additional space
  • Intuition Support of X counted by joining the
    TID lists of itemsets X1, ....., Xk where
    X1 U ....... U Xk X
  • Greater the sizes of Xi's faster the calculation
    of support of X.
  • The choice of Xi's is NP-hard therefore heuristic
    applied Significant reduction in time to count
    the support of an itemset result from the use of
    2-itemsets instead of 1-itemsets.If memory
    limited then as many chosen as possible. An
    itemset with higher overall support chosen before
    one with lower support.
  • Advantage Speed, Updates which change the
    threshold k to k' possible by augmenting Borders
    with ECUT.

  • Existing algorithm BIRCH.
  • Preclustering Phase dataset scanned to identify
    a small set of sub clusters C. C fits easily into
    memory. This phase dominates the overall resource
  • Analysis Phase Merge some sub clusters of C to
    form user defined number of clusters Second phase
    works on in memory data hence very fast.The
    improved algorithm presented is BIRCH.

  • Incrementally cluster D1, t 1 in two steps.
    Inductive description
  • Base case t 1 run BIRCH on D 1 , 1.
  • Time t 1 output of first phase of BIRCH in
    memory as set of sub clusters Ct.
  • When Dt1 is added update Ct by scanning Dt1 as
    if the first phase of BIRCH was suspended.
  • After obtaining Ct1 run second phase of BIRCH.
  • Observation Input order of data does not have
    perceptible impact on quality of clusters
    produced by BIRCH.

  • Generic Model Maintenance for the most recent
    window option.
  • Basic Idea Starting with block Dt-w1 window D
    t -w 1, t evolves in w steps.
  • Build the required model incrementally using
    algorithm Am in w steps.
  • Suppose current window is D t -w 1, t. There
    are w -1 future windows which overlap with it.
    Incrementally evolve models for all such future
  • Implication necessary to maintain models for
    all future windows.

  • Generic Model Maintenance for the most recent
    window option.
  • Basic Idea Starting with block Dt-w1 window D
    t -w 1, t evolves in w steps.
  • Build the required model incrementally using
    algorithm Am in w steps.
  • Suppose current window is D t -w 1, t. There
    are w -1 future windows which overlap with it.
    Incrementally evolve models for all such future
  • Implication necessary to maintain models for
    all future windows.
  • Choice of Block Selection Sequence depends upon
    the type of BSS window independent or

Window independent BSS
Window Relative BSS
  • Time between addition Time taken by
    algorithm Am of block and availability
    to update the model with of updated model
    a single new block
  • Except the model for the new window rest of the
    models donot need to be constructed immediately
    and can be done offline
  • These models can be swapped out ot disk and
    retrieved when required implying that main memory
    is not a limitation as long as one model fits
    into memory.
  • Since space occupied by model when compared to
    data stored on disk is negligible therefore the
    additional disk space required is negligible.

  • Maintenance under deletion of transactions
    possible for certain classes of models for
    example set of frequent itemsets.
  • Algorithm proceeds exactly as for addition of
    transactions except that support of all itemsets
    contained in a deleted transaction are
  • Options a) GEMM with instantiated model
    maintenance algorithm Am for addition of
    blocksb) Alternative algorithm that directly
    updates the model to reflect the addition of new
    block and deletion of oldest block.(b)
    maintains a single model whereas GEMM maintains
    w-1 models. Response time of GEMM is same as time
    required to add a new block whereas (b) has to
    reflect the addition and deletion. GEMM takes
    half the time.
  • Set of subclusters cannot be maintained under
    deletion in BIRCH.
  • Inefficient to use (b) with window relative
    BSS. For eample BSS lt10101010gt would cause whole
    model to be reconstructed in (b).

  • Measurements on 200 Mhz Pentium Pro PC with 128
    MB Ram and running Solaris 2.6
  • Data generator used by Agrawal et al. Format NM
    . T1L . I I . Nppats . Pplen N Million
    transactionsT1 Average transaction lengthI
    items ( in multiples of 1000's )Np patterns ( in
    multiples of 1000's )P average pattern length
  • Observation Additional amount of space required
    materialization for ECUT with frequent itemsets
    of size 2 lt 25 of overall datasize.

  • Comparison of update Phase of ECUT ECUT with
    that of BORDERS. Set of frequent itemsets
    computed at 1 minimum support. Random selection
    of a set S from negative border and counting of
    support of all X ? S. Size of S varied from 5 to

  • Comparison of total time taken by the algorithms
    broken down into detection and update phase.
    First set of frequent itemsets computed at
    certain k. Then overall maintenance time required
    to update the frequent itemsets when a second
    block is added is measured

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  • Clusters distributed over all dimensions
  • Two blocks of data considered. Number of tuples
    varied in second block between 100K and 800K and
    2 uniformly distributed noise points added to
    perturb the clusters.

  • ECUT and ECUT scale linearly with the number of
    itemsets in S.
  • ECUT outperforms PT-Scan when S lt 75.
  • ECUT outperforms over entire range.
  • S lt 40ECUT twice as fast as PT-Scan. ECUT
    around 8 times as fast as PT-Scan.Typical values
    of S lt 30
  • Update phase of BORDERS dominates the overall
    maintenance time.
  • When new block size lt 5 of original dataset size
    algorithms are between 2 to 10 times faster than
  • When ECUT used in update phase detection phase
    dominates total maintenance time.
  • BIRCH significantly outperforms BIRCH.

  • Problem space of systematic data evolution
    explored and efficient model-maintenance
    algorithms presented.
  • All the algorithms presented are actually very
    simple modifications of existing algorithms and
    seem to be quite effective.
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