NSTX presentation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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NSTX presentation


... special Class D fire extinguishers. Passivating lithium inside vacuum vessel before allowing worker entry, and worker PPE usage. Potential accident scenarios ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: NSTX presentation

Supported by
Safety Assessment Document Safety Certificate
Coll of Wm Mary Columbia U CompX General
Atomics FIU INL Johns Hopkins U LANL LLNL Lodestar
MIT Lehigh U Nova Photonics Old
Dominion ORNL PPPL Princeton U Purdue U SNL Think
Tank, Inc. UC Davis UC Irvine UCLA UCSD U
Colorado U Illinois U Maryland U Rochester U
Tennessee U Tulsa U Washington U Wisconsin X
Science LLC
Culham Sci Ctr York U Chubu U Fukui U Hiroshima
U Hyogo U Kyoto U Kyushu U Kyushu Tokai
U NIFS Niigata U U Tokyo JAEA Inst for Nucl Res,
Kiev Ioffe Inst TRINITI Chonbuk Natl
Frascati CEA, Cadarache IPP, Jülich IPP,
Garching ASCR, Czech Rep
Jerry Levine, Head ESHS
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory NSTX Upgrade
Project Readiness For Operations Review LSB
B318 December 9-11, 2014
Charge Question 1
Do the approved NSTX-U Safety Assessment Document
(SAD) and pending Safety Certificate adequately
define the safe operating envelope for NSTX-U
  • PPPL uses ESHD 5008 (Safety Manual) Section 11
    (Operations Hazard Criteria and Safety
    Certification) as part of its implementation of
    the Integrated Safety Management (ISM) Guiding
    Principle for Operations Authorization of
    experimental projects.
  • Section 11 Chapter 1 requires large research
    experiments to prepare a Safety Assessment
    Document (SAD) and to obtain a Safety Certificate
    authorizing operations.

  • SADs are required to address (5008 Sect. 11 Ch.
  • An overview of the operation (project or
    experimental device), including mission, goals,
    and/or objectives.
  • Descriptions of structures, systems and
    components relevant to the operation, with
    emphasis on environment, safety and health (ESH)
  • Identification of hazards associated with the
    operation and methods employed for their
  • Description of how operations will be conducted,
    with emphasis on ESH features.
  • SADs are reviewed and approved by the PPPL Safety
    Review Committee and the Project Activity
    Certification Committee (ACC-appointed by ESH
    Executive Board).

  • The Safety Certificate constitutes PPPL approval
    to conduct operation of a large research
    experiment within the conditions and/or
    constraints indicated therein (5008 Sect. 11 Ch.
  • Issued by the PPPL ESH Executive Board based on
    ACC recommendations.
  • ACC includes PPPL and DOE Princeton Site Office
    (PSO) members. Remains intact for duration of
    research operations.
  • ACC reviews SAD, preoperational test plans and
    operating procedures, and walks down equipment
    with subject matter experts.
  • Safety Certificate posted prominently in a
    location visible to operations personnel.

  • Changes to large research experiment equipment
    and operational parameters follow the provisions
    of PPPL ESHD 5008 Section 11 and PPPLs Work
    Planning Procedure (ENG-032).
  • Completion of work planning forms, peer and
    design reviews.
  • Reviews and approvals of new procedures.
  • Any relevant changes to the SAD.
  • ACC review of new equipment and operational
    parameters that have implications for the Safety
  • ACC recommendations to ESH Executive Board on
    changes to Safety Certificate.

  • Introduction Overview of NSTX-U Mission
    Upgrade Project
  • Summary of SAD and Conclusions of the Analysis
  • Facility Systems Descriptions
  • Includes buildings, shielding, torus systems,
    heating/current drive, auxiliary systems
    (e.g.,vacuum, gas delivery, lithium deposition,
    bakeout, etc.), diagnostics, electrical power,
    IC (e.g., hardwired interlock system).
  • Emphasis on relevant safety aspects.
  • Hazard Analysis
  • Addresses 22 hazard categories from chemicals to
    waste handling.
  • Includes mitigation techniques, and pre- post-
    mitigation risks.

CONTENTS (Continued)
  • Safety Envelope
  • Constitutes the set of Conditions/Limitations in
    the Safety Certificate.
  • Based on the Hazard Analysis in the SAD.
  • NSTX-U Operations
  • Typically 12-18 weeks of plasma operations, 6-8
    months maintenance period each year.
  • Quality Assurance (including design reviews, ESH
    reviews and testing procedures)
  • Environmental Monitoring Program
  • Failures Modes Effects Analysis (FMEA)
  • For each system discussed in SAD, covers failure
    modes, effects, detection recovery, qualitative
    probabilities consequences.

Some Key Points from Facility/Systems Descriptions
  • NSTX-U is situated in a heavily shielded room
    with fire protection controlled access doors.
    No one is permitted in the room during plasma
  • For plasma operations, fixed and portable neutron
    and gamma monitors will be setup at various
    locations within the facility and at the D-Site
    fence line to evaluate shielding effectiveness.
    Tritium is monitored at the stack D-Site fence
  • The deuterated Trimethylboron (TMB) gas cylinders
    are contained in a sealed gas cabinet specially
    designed for toxic gas storage and delivery.
  • Lithium Evaporator (LITER) is operated under an
    argon atmosphere to minimize potential adverse
    reactions with air.
  • The vacuum vessel PFC bakeout systems include
    interlocks and other protective features to
    prevent excessive temperatures pressures.

Some Key Points from Facility/Systems
Descriptions (contd)
  • All NSTX-U subsystems' equipment have built-in
    self-protection. However, the NSTX-U Safety
    System provides system-wide coordination for
    personnel and hardware safety through monitoring
    subsystems status, Kirk Keys, E-Stops, and door
    limit switches.
  • The Safety System
  • Monitors and alarms critical subsystems, and
    invokes mitigating action to ensure personnel and
    hardware protection when required.
  • Inhibits personnel access to the NSTX Test Cell
    (NTC) and cable spread room when the Safety
    Lockout Device (SLD) is in an unsafe position.
  • Controls and monitors personnel entry to the NTC
    to ensure personnel safety.
  • Provides subsystem equipment permissive status,
    inter-system interlock status, SLD status, and
    access mode status to operators in the Control

Evaluation of NSTX-U Hazards Risks
  • Hazards of operations mitigation evaluated
    risks assessed based on approach in PPPL Work
    Planning Procedure (ENG-032).

Evaluation of NSTX-U Hazards Risks Examples
  • Ionizing Radiation Hazards
  • Increased neutron/gamma generation from plasmas
    (up to 4E18 DD neutrons/year vs 1E17 DD n/yr
    before Upgrade).
  • Increased low level activation of NSTX
  • Increased low level tritium contamination of
    internal NSTX components.
  • Note NSTX-U will remain Below Hazard Category 3
    (Radiological) Facility (sum of radionuclides
    30 Cat 3 threshold).
  • Hazard Mitigation
  • Limiting annual D-D neutron generation rate,
    shielding, access controls, radiation monitoring
    and surveys, procedures.
  • Occupational exposures (lt100 mrem/yr) will comply
    with 10CFR835.
  • Routine offsite exposures are expected to be
    lt0.006 mrem/yr.
  • "Worst case" tritium release (0.26 Ci from major
    torus leak) could cause maximum potential
    exposures of 0.004 mrem to offsite individual
    and 28 mrem to worker.
  • .

Evaluation of NSTX-U Hazards Risks Examples
  • Lithium Hazards
  • Fire or explosion hazards due to the high
    reactivity of lithium.
  • Health hazards due to the corrosive and toxic
    nature of some stable end products of lithium
    reactions (e.g., LiOH, LiH).
  • Hazard Mitigation
  • Limiting active lithium inventory in NTC to 2 kg.
  • Avoiding lithium contact with moisture.
  • Keeping lithium sealed and under inert (argon)
    atmosphere whenever possible.
  • Availability of special Class D fire
  • Passivating lithium inside vacuum vessel before
    allowing worker entry, and worker PPE usage.
  • Potential accident scenarios (accidental torus
    vents with maximum lithium coating) would result
    in no serious damage to NSTX-U and no adverse
    consequences to workers, the public or the

Evaluation of NSTX-U Hazards Risks Examples
  • dTMB Hazards
  • Toxic (7ppm Threshold Limit Value (TLV), based
    upon the TLV of the reaction product B2O3).
  • Pyrophoric in air.
  • Hazard Mitigation
  • Limiting dTMB inventory to 50 g in NTC.
  • Storage of dTMB in specially designed gas
  • Component leak checking (if gt 1 atm) prior to
  • Double-jacketed delivery lines.
  • NTC access restrictions for untrained personnel
    during dTMB use.
  • Interlocks to stop injection during system
  • Nitrogen purging of stack vent line to prevent
    flammable mixture development.
  • Potential accidental 50 g dTMB release to NTC
    would not exceed TLV.

Other Hazards Evaluated
  • Electrical Confined Spaces
  • Fire Material Handling
  • Seismic Waste Handling
  • Vacuum Windows Environmental
  • Magnetic Fields Chemical
  • Radiofrequency (RF) Fields Elevated Work
  • Mechanical Uneven Work Surfaces
  • Hot Fluids Noise
  • Gases Cryogenic Liquids Ergonomic
  • Lasers

Conclusions of the Hazard Analysis
Application of the control measures and hazard
mitigation features described in the SAD will
maintain risks associated with the NSTX Upgrade
Project at the Standard Level, i.e., low
potential impacts to environment, safety and
health that are well within regulatory, DOE and
PPPL limits and guidelines.
Safety Envelope (SAD Chapter 5)
1. All activities must be performed in accordance
with approved Laboratory and NSTX-U Project
procedures, and the NSTX-U safety analysis
documented in the approved Safety Assessment
Document (SAD). 2. Relevant criteria of procedure
OP-NSTX-02 (Integrated Systems Test Procedure)
must be satisfied. 3. Maximum neutron generation
rate from plasma operations is 4 x 1018 D-D
neutrons/year. 4. Operation of the Bakeout
Systems may be performed with helium and water to
heat the plasma facing components (PFCs) to
temperatures up to 350C and the torus vacuum
vessel to temperatures up to 150C. 5.
Boronization with deuterated Trimethylboron
(dTMB) may be performed with no more than 50
grams of dTMB at risk in the NSTX Test Cell at
any time. 6. The total maximum active elemental
lithium inventory in the NSTX Test Cell during an
experimental campaign will not exceed 2000g.
NSTX-U Safety Certificate
  • The SAD was substantially rewritten and
    reorganized this summer based on comments
    received from the DOE Office of Science (SC).
    Comments changes focused on
  • More clearly identifying hazards and their
  • Clarifying capability of hazard controls for
    meeting relevant requirements.
  • Spelling out the NSTX-U Safety Envelope.
  • SC observations on the revised SAD The overall
    document is improved and the quality of the
    hazard analysis and hazard description is much
    better. The SAD provides a good description of
    NSTX-U SSCs, operations, and associated hazards
    and controls. Also, the hazard categorization of
    the facility (i.e., below HC3 TQs) appears to be
    appropriate. Given the inventories of hazardous
    materials and energies presented in the SAD,
    there appears to be reasonable assurance of
    protection of collocated workers, public, and the
    environment from consequences associated with
    normal and abnormal operations and postulated
  • The rewritten SAD was reviewed by a number of

  • The rewritten SAD was reviewed by a number of
    NSTX-U Project staff, senior PPPL managers PSO
    staff. Comments were incorporated.
  • Next, the SAD was reviewed by the NSTX Activity
    Certification Committee (ACC), Safety Review
    Committee (SRC), and Lithium Experts Committee
    (LitEC) as required by PPPL policies and
    procedures. Comments incorporated.
  • Then, the SAD was circulated for final signoff by
    the NSTX Project Director, NSTX Project
    Engineering Manager, PPPL Safety Review Committee
    Chair, and the PPPL ESH Executive Board Chair.
  • The FMEA (SAD Appendix) is also separately signed
    off by the NSTX systems engineers, NSTX Project
    Engineer, NBI Upgrade and Center Stack Upgrade
    Managers, PPPL ESH Department Head NSTX-U
    Project Manager.

NSTX-U Safety Certificate Approval
  • The NSTX-U ACC will present the results of its
    review of the SAD, and preoperational test plans
    and operating procedures, and its walk downs of
    equipment with subject matter experts at a
    meeting of the ESH Executive Board.
  • The ACC presentation will include its
    recommendation to the Board on issuance of a
    Safety Certificate for NSTX-U plasma operations.
  • If approved by the Board, the ESH Executive
    Board Chair (Deputy Laboratory Director for
    Operations/COO) will sign the Safety Certificate.
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