Title: Delivering more with Less
1Delivering more with Less
Patrick Kennedy, Director of Strategic Planning
Change, University of Exeter Iain Springate,
Project Manager Researcher
- Welcome and introductions
- Aims for the session
- Lots of discussion
- The premise for the project
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5Delivering more with less
- Aims to develop learning resources for managers
in HE to aid them in generating efficiencies - Funded by HEFCE (matched-funding) and led by the
University of Exeter in partnership with the
University of the Creative Arts, University
College Falmouth and the University of Sussex
6Project Activities
7Emerging Findings Key Principles
Challenges Culture change lack of
capacity Management Supporting Staff Planning
8Promising interventions
- Business Process Reviews and Lean, EA, Balanced
Scorecard, SPC - Idea capture schemes
- Energy use reduction schemes
- Knowledge management
- Collaboration and shared services
9Ripe for Lean?
10Exeter initiatives
- Major re-organisation transition from Schools
to Colleges - Data mining
- Creating Value Group Value for Money Committee
- Staff suggestion scheme
11Value for Money
- Short and long term drivers
- Constant communications from the top
- Current approach
12Savings made by initiatives identified and
managed within Departments
Specific to college/ service initiatives
Opportunities identified through benchmarking
College/ service cost savings
Quick Wins Lead Department Heads
Working Smarter Lead Jeremy Lindley
H R Lead Stephen Cooper
Modernisation Fund Lead Patrick Kennedy
Procurement Lead John Malloch
Staff Suggestion Scheme Lead Patrick Kennedy
Cross university initiatives that can contribute
toward participating service/college savings
Tactical initiatives to build momentum
Strategic initiatives
13Two questions for discussion
- Is there successful experience you have been
involved with/aware of that others could benefit
from? - Are there particular approaches or issues that
you would like our research to investigate?
14Wrapping-Up, Take-Aways Keeping in touch
Contact Iain Springate I.E.Springate_at_Exeter.ac.uk
ss.shtml www.twitter.com/morewithlessHE