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SYMMETRY IN SPECTROSCOPY In C343 we apply symmetry to molecules in order to predict their behavior when exposed to electromagnetic radiation (EMR)--which generates ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • In C343 we apply symmetry to molecules in order
    to predict their behavior when exposed to
    electromagnetic radiation (EMR)--which generates
    what we call a spectrum.
  • By doing so, the interpretation and prediction of
    various spectra, especially 1H-NMR, becomes much
  • Brief Introduction to Spectroscopy
  • When organic compounds interact with
    electromagnetic radiation, the energy absorbed is
    dependent on the structural environment in each
  • For example, different frequencies of infrared
    energy are absorbed by covalent bonds in
    different functional groups carbonyls differ
    from alcohols which differ from alkenes etc.

  • If all groups and structures on a molecule
    absorbed the same energy, spectroscopy would be
    useless as an analytical tool.
  • If, on a molecule, two or more structures are
    found to be in identical structural environments
    or symmetrical to another group, they will absorb
    EMR energy at exactly the same frequency.
  • Each time a molecule absorbs EM energy at a
    specific frequency, the instrument being used
    reports a single signal (or peak) on a spectrum.
  • For example, in an infrared spectrum of the
    following molecule, we will observe distinct
    signals at different energies for the alkene, the
    alcohol and the carboxylic acid functionalities
    found on the structure.

Infrared Spectrum of Salicylic Acid
Spectra from SDBS
Symmetry in 1H-NMR
  • Question Now looking at symmetry in 1H-NMR
    spectroscopy (a hydrogen-based spectroscopy) do
    the two groups of hydrogens (Has vs Hbs) absorb
    at the same energy to one another? the hydrogens
    on the carboxylic acid groups?
  • Question Do the hydrogens on the methylene
    groups absorb at the same energy as the hydrogens
    on the acid?
  • To fully answer these questions, we must apply
    very simple symmetry rules to the molecule.
  • Rule 1 Groups on a molecule that are determined
    to be symmetry equivalent to one another behave
    spectroscopically equivalent to one another.
  • In other words, if two or more identical features
    on a molecule can be shown also to be in
    identical structural environments--symmetry
    equivalent to one another --together they absorb
    energy at the same frequency and produce one
    signal together on a spectrum.

  • Question Are the methylene hydrogen atoms (Has
    vs. Hbs) symmetry equivalent to one another? The
    acid group hydrogen atoms?
  • Answers Yes and Yes.
  • Question How many signals (or peaks) do we
    expect from the methylene group hydrogen atoms?
    The acid group hydrogen atoms?
  • Answers One and One.
  • The methylene group hydrogens on this molecule
    are said to belong to the same equivalent group,
    and therefore according to rule 1 behave
    spectroscopically identically to one
    another--absorbing energy at the same frequency,
    one signal on a spectrum. A similar assertion
    can be made for the acid group hydrogen atoms.
  • As human beings we easily perceive when objects
    are or are not symmetrical.
  • The example above is pretty simple to analyze
    using symmetry, and we can easily assert that we
    have two sets (acid hydrogens and methylene
    hydrogens) of symmetry equivalent hydrogen atoms
    which will give only two different signals on a

  • With more complex molecules, it might be
    difficult or impossible to see this symmetry,
    therefore we need a fool proof method for
    detecting its presence. Look at the following
  • Question Are the acid hydrogen atoms symmetry
    equivalent to one another now? Are the alkyl
    hydrogens (Ha vs. Hbs)?
  • Answer No, the symmetry of this molecule has
    somehow been "broken" making the H atoms on the
    alkyl groups (and on the acid groups) to be in
    slightly different environments from one another.
  • Question How many signals do we expect from the
    alkyl hydrogen atoms? The acid groups?
  • Answer Three and two.
  • Since none of the alkyl hydrogen atoms belong to
    the same symmetry equivalent set, each will
    absorb at a unique frequency and give a unique,
    individual signal on a spectrum (same with the
    acid hydrogen atoms).
  • The energies at which they absorb might be very
    close to one another but, they will be different!

  • What set of formal rules can be applied to
    molecules in order to determine whether groups
    are symmetry equivalent or not?
  • Let's return to our original molecule
  • If I asked you to close your eyes, then if I
    rotated this molecule 180o about an axis in the
    plane of the board and through the central carbon
    of the molecule, and if I then had you re-open
    your eyes.
  • Question Would you be able to detect that I
    rotated the molecule?
  • Answer No.
  • This axis is called a rotational axis of symmetry
    and is given the symbol C.
  • Furthermore, since during the rotation, hydrogen
    atoms on the alkyl groups and acid groups
    transform into one another during rotation, they
    belong to the same symmetry equivalent set or

  • The actual process of rotating the molecule is
    called a symmetry operation.
  • As the H atoms on the alkyl groups (or the acid
    groups) exactly change their positions, they are
    said to exactly transform into one another.
  • Rule 2 Groups on a molecule that transform
    exactly into one another during a symmetry
    operation are symmetry equivalent to one another
    and therefore absorb energy at the same
    frequency. So, they belong to the same
    equivalent set and give one signal (or peak) on a

  • Question Are the two hydrogen atoms on either
    alkyl group symmetry equivalent to one another?
    (Ha vs Ha or Hb vs Hb)
  • To show that the two hydrogen atoms on each alkyl
    group are indeed equivalent, we utilize a second,
    different symmetry element found on the molecule.
  • Can you find it? It's called an internal plane of
    symmetry or a mirror plane and is given the
    symbol ?.

  • With a reflective plane of symmetry, one half of
    the molecule is completely and exactly reflected
    (transformed) into the second half of the
    molecule. The two halves of the molecule are
    mirror images of one another separated by the
    internal mirror or plane of symmetry. This
    molecule has two of them.
  • Note above that each group on the right half of
    the molecule is exactly reflected (transformed)
    into each group on the left half of the molecule.
  • The presence of this plane of symmetry along with
    the axis of rotation, shows that the alkyl
    hydrogen atoms are all equivalent to one another.

  • Lets return to our molecule which we found to be
  • Question Do any of the hydrogen atoms in this
    structure belong to the same, symmetry equivalent
  • To answer this question, you simply have to
    identify any symmetry elements which might
    present that cause groups to transform into one
    another (something we just did with another
  • Question Are there any legitimate symmetry
    elements on this molecule?
  • Answer No
  • There is no symmetry element nor any symmetry
    operation that can be performed on this molecule
    to transform any of the atoms in the structure.
  • Therefore all five of the hydrogen atoms belong
    to five separate sets and thus give five distinct
    signals on a 1H-NMR spectrum.
  • Rule 3 In order to show that any two or more
    groups on a molecule are symmetrically
    equivalent, only one symmetry element--that
    exactly transforms the groups-- needs to be found
    on the molecule!

  • Question How many unique, symmetry equivalent
    sets of hydrogen atoms are on the following
    molecule? How many different signals will they
  • Again, to answer the question, you must first
    identify any symmetry elements present and check
    to see which hydrogen atoms--if any--exactly
    transform into one another during a symmetry
  • Question Is there a symmetry axis of rotation?
  • Answer No.
  • Question Is there a plane of symmetry?
  • Answer No.
  • Question How many different signals are expected
    from hydrogen atoms?
  • Answer Six.
  • Note The less symmetry found on a molecule, the
    greater the number of different signals will be
    found on its spectrum. Conversely, if a
    complicated molecule has very few hydrogen
    signals but lots of hydrogen atoms, it indicates
    the presence of a high degree of symmetry.

  • Question Are the hydrogen atoms on the methyl
    group in the following molecule symmetry
    equivalent to one another?
  • Methyl groups illustrate another important aspect
    of symmetry.
  • Occasionally one or more portions of a molecule
    exhibit what's referred to as localized or local
    symmetry as opposed to global symmetry (what
    we've seen up to this point). Local symmetry
    applies to just a small portion of a molecule.
  • By virtue of their structures, most methyl groups
    have free rotation about the CC bonds connecting
    them to larger molecules. This CC bond is
    coincident to a local symmetry axis of rotation,
    C3, which renders all three hydrogen atoms
    symmetrically equivalent to one another

  • Question How many different equivalent sets of
    hydrogen atoms are found on the following
  • Answer Three.
  • Notice that because of a local axis of rotation,
    all three methyl groups are equivalent and hence
    all nine methyl hydrogen atoms are equivalent and
    form one set.
  • The two hydrogen atoms on the methylene
    carbon(CH2) are equivalent and form a second
    different set, while the aldehyde hydrogen forms
    a third set.

  • In 1H-NMR spectroscopy, when looking for
    symmetrical hydrogen groups, it will typically be
    much simpler than the previous examples. How
    many equivalent hydrogen sets exist on each
    molecule below?
  • Why does the 1st compound not work as easily?

See 1H-NMR below
See 1H-NMR below
1 peak 2 equivalent hydrogen sets
3 peaks 3 unique hydrogen sets
Spectra from SDBS
  • Determine the number of different equivalent sets
    of hydrogen atoms on each of the following. In
    addition, determine the number of hydrogen atoms
    in each set and identify as many symmetry
    elements as possible.
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