Title: The Spanish-American War
1The Spanish-American War
2The Imperialist Taylor
3Cuba Libre!
- U.S. had its eye on Cuba and its resources in the
1800s. - They tried to buy it in 1854 for expanded
plantations - 1886 - slavery was abolished in Cuba.
- U.S. invests in Cuban plantations.
- In 1895, Jose Marti launched a revolution in
Cuba against Spanish rule
Rebels destroyed property to evoke U.S. interest.
4Concentration Camps
- Under harsh rule of Valeriano Weyler The
Butcher - Spain responded by rounding up rebels in
concentration camps. - 300,000 people suffered starvation and abuse.
5Spanish Misrule in Cuba
6De Lôme Letter
- Dupuy de Lôme, SpanishAmbassador to the U.S.
- Criticized PresidentMcKinley as weak
- Result?
7Theodore Roosevelt
- Assistant Secretary of the Navy
- Criticized PresidentMcKinley as having the
backbone of a chocolate éclair! - Resigns his position to fight in Cuba.
8Yellow Journalism Jingoism
Joseph Pulitzer
Hearst to Frederick Remington You furnish
the pictures, and Ill furnish the war!
William Randolph Hearst
- The Maine was sent to Cuba to retrieve U.S.
citizens. - The Maine exploded, killing over 260.
10(No Transcript)
11Remember the Maineand to Hell with Spain!
Funeral for Maine victims in Havana
12Its On Now!
- Congress approved McKinleys request for
declaration of war.
13The Spanish-American War (1898)That Splendid
Little War
We attacked where?
- The U.S. attacked the Spanish Navy in the
Philippines on May 1st. - The Philippines were liberated by August.
15Dewey Captures Manila!
16The Spanish-American War (1898)That Splendid
Little War
17The Rough Riders
Charge up San Juan Hill
18Treaty of Paris 1898
Puerto Rico
19Is He To Be a Despot?
20Emilio Aguinaldo
- Leader of the FilipinoUprising.
- July 4, 1946Philippine independence
21In the Philippine-American War (1899-1902) 70,000
U.S. soldiers fought - 4,000 died, and as
many as 600,000 Filipinos were killed.
22William H. Taft, 1stGov.-General of the
Great administrator.
23The American Anti-Imperialist
- Founded in 1899.
- Mark Twain, Andrew Carnegie, and
WilliamJennings Bryan amongthe leaders. - Campaigned against the annexation of
thePhilippines and otheracts of imperialism.
24Cuban Independence?
- Teller Amendment (1898)
- Platt Amendment (1903)
- Cuba could not make treaties without US approval
- The U.S. could intervene in Cuban affairs if
necessary to maintain an efficient, independent
govt. - Cuba must lease Guantanamo Bay to the U.S. for
naval and coaling station. - Cuba must not go into significant debt.
Senator Orville Platt
25DILEMMA--Did U. S. citizenship follow the flag??
26Puerto Rico
27Puerto Rico 1898
- 1900 - Foraker Act.
- PR became an unincorporated territory.
- Citizens of PR, not of the US.
- Import duties on PR goods
- 1901-1903 ? the Insular Cases.
- Constitutional rights were not automatically
extended to territorial possessions.
29Stereotypes of the Chinese
Oriental Chinese Exclusion Act, 1882
30The Boxer Rebellion 1900
- The Peaceful Harmonious Fists.
- 55 Days at Peking.
31The Open Door Policy
- Secretary John Hay.
- Give all nations equalaccess to trade in China.
- Guaranteed that China would NOT be taken over by
any one foreign power.
32TheOpen Door Policy
33America as a Pacific Power
34Our Sphere of Influence