Title: Wireless Medium Access Control Protocols
1Wireless Medium Access Control Protocols
- A Survery by Ajay Chandra V. Gummalla and John O.
- Survey
- Distributed vs. Centralized Networks
- Wireless MAC Issues
- Low Power Sensor Nodes
- Random Access
- Guaranteed Access
- Hybrid Access
3Introduction Contd.
- Distributed MAC Protocols
- Distributed Foundation Wirelesss MAC (DFWMAC)
- Eliminate Yield Non-Preemptive Priority
Multiple Access (EY-NPMA)
4Introduction Contd.
- Centralized MAC Protocols
- Random Access
- Idle Sense Multiple Acces (ISMA)
- Randomly Addressed Polling (RAP)
- Resource Auction Multiple Access (RAMA)
- Guaranteed Access
- Zhangs and Acamporas Proposals
- Disposable Token MAC Protocol (DTMP)
5Introduction Contd.
- Hybrid Access
- Random Reservation Protocols (RRA)
- Packet Reservation Multiple Access (PRMA)
- Random Reservation Access Independent Stations
Algorithm (RRA-ISA) - Distributed Queuing Request Updated Multiple
Access (DQRUMA) - Moble Access Scheme based on Contention and
Reservation for ATM (MASCARA)
6Introduction Contd.
- Dynamic Slot Assignment (DSA)
7Distributed Wireless Network
- ad hoc network
- No central administration
- Multi-hop wireless networks
- Wireless Sensor Nets
8Centralized Wireless Network
- Last Hop Network
- Very common
- Corporate, Academic, and Cellular uses.
- Has a controlling Base Station, with variable
intelligence - Wireless Access Point
- Cellular Tower
9Wireless MAC Issues
- Half-Duplex
- No Collision Detection
- Uplink and Downlink must be multiplexed
- Time Varying Channel
- Reflection, Diffraction, and Scattering
- Different version of signal are superimposed on
each other - Multipath Propagation
- Coherence Time time signal strength changes by
10Wireless MAC Issues Contd.
- Burst Channel Errors
- Higher BER
- Errors occur in long bursts
- Link Layer retransmission based on immediate ACKs
11Wireless MAC Issues Contd.
- Location Dependent Carrier Sensing
- Hidden Nodes Node A doesnt know Node B is also
talking to BS - Exposed Nodes Node A knows node B is talking,
but doesnt know that it will not affect Node As
conversation with BS - Capture Node A and B are both transmitting to
BS, but since Node As signal strength is
stronger Node As transmission is used no
collision is detected.
12Random Access
- Random Access is based on a Talk whenever you
want way of thinking - Collisions are resolved by a contention
resolution algorithm - Distributed Networks
13Guaranteed Access
- Access to medium is scheduled
- Round Robin
- Master/Slave (Polling)
- Tokens
14Hybrid Access
- Melds best qualities of Random and Guaranteed
Access - Request-Grant mechanisms
- Requests are Random Access, and once reserved
transmission is guaranteed - Random Reservation Access
- Demand Assignment
15Distributed Foundation Wireless MAC (DFWMAC)
- 802.11 Standard
- 4-way exchange RTS-CTS-DATA-ACK
- No ACK causes sender to retransmit
- No CTS causes exponential backoff
- RTS and CTS contain a NAV which details how much
data is to be sent
16Elimination Yield Non-Preemptive Priority
Multiple Access (EY-NPMA)
- Sense channel for time to send (TTS) 1700 bits,
if clear, then send - If busy, N slots When done listen again
- If still busy, abort Else listen again, and if
not busy then transmit until finished
17Idle Sense Multiple Access (ISMA)
- Carrier Sensing and Collision detection are
performed by the BS - When medium is idle BS broadcasts idle signal
(IS) - Nodes with data send
- If collision BS cannot decode signal, does not
send ACK and broadcasts IS again - Otherwise BS sends ACK/ISA (ISA)
- Efficiency is improved by using small Reservation
18Randomly Address Polling (RAP)
- Nodes with data broadcast orthogonal codes
simultaneously - BS receives all codes, using a CDMA receiver
- BS then polls each code
- All nodes with that code transmit
- If only one node the BS sends ACK
- More than one node with code causes BS to send
NACK - Reservation RAP supports nodes with streaming
19Resource Auction Multiple Access (RAMA)
- Each node has and N-bit ID and transmits it, in
contention phase - BS then echos back ID it heard bit-by-bit
- Once a node receives a bit it did not transmit,
it drops out - Since BS does an OR operation on received IDs
then node with highest ID always wins
20Zhangs Proposal
- BS polls each node for data, round robin
- Node responds with data request, or a keep alive
if queue is empty - BS then polls each node that responded with a
data request
21Disposable Token MAC Protocol (DTMP)
- Improves on Zhangs proposal
- When polling nodes BS indicates if it has data to
send to nodes - If no data, then remain silent
- Otherwise send short message
- Transmit any data to send
- Channel is assumed to be reciprocal
22Acamporas Proposal
- Poll, request, data phases
- BS polls each node, if the node has data to sends
it responds - The BS the broadcasts this nodes ID so that all
nodes know the order in which to send - BS then polls nodes each node in turn for its data
23Random Reservation Protocols (RRA)
- Uplink is time slotted
- Each slot large enough to carry one voice packet
- Downlink is broadcast channel
- Nodes use random access to request reservations
for data to send - BS enforces a policy of reservations
- Stream Reservation
- Complete BS scheduling
24Packet Reservation Multiple Access (PRMA)
- A node with a back-logged voice packet transmits
with probability p - If successful, reserves that slot for following
packets - Data is similar, though no reservations are made
- Different access probabilities are used for voice
and data - Introduction of data packets into voice only
network decreases efficiency - Improvements include limited data reservations,
separating voice and data channels (FRMA),
separating request and data channels (PRMA) - Centralized PRMA uses scheduling to achieve QOS
25Random Reservation Access Independent Stations
Algorithm (RRA-ISA)
- BS polls a subset of all nodes
- Subset is defined by the probability of a single
transmission in a slot is maximized - BS uses channel history to compute subsets
26Distributed-Queuing Request Update Multiple
Access (DQRUMA)
- Uplink and Downlink are duplexed
- Uplink has request channel and packet channel
- Request channel is for contention requests
- Packet channel is for data (and piggyback new
contention requests) - Downlink has 3 messages ACK for current slot,
transmission permission for node to use next
uplink slot, and data to the nodes - Better than RAMA and PRMA
27Mobile Access Scheme based on Contention and
Reservation for ATM (MASCARA)
- Frame consists of three periods broadcast,
reserved, and contention - Broadcast informs nodes of structure of current
frame and scheduled uplink transmissions - Reserved period consists of downlink data, and
uplink data as defined in broadcast period - Contention is random access and used to send new
requests to BS
28Dynamic Slot Assignment (DSA)
- MAC on uplink is TDMA
- Both uplink and downlink are slotted
- Each downlink slot contains some data and a MAC
message - MAC message contains ACK for transmission on
previous uplink slot and a reservation for next
uplink slot - BS collects all requests and schedules uplink
29Comparison Summary
- QoS guarantees are not suited to Random Access
protocols because delay cannot be bounded - Demand Assignment protocols are best suited to
multimedia applications - Random Access lends itself to large networks
- Polling protocols are efficient only for smaller
networks - TDD protocols perform poorly at high data rates
due to increase in switching