Renal Physiology 1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Renal Physiology 1


Amino acid handling Preserve as much of these essential nutrients as possible. ... Urea recycling Urea toxic at high levels, but can be useful in small amounts. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Renal Physiology 1

Renal Physiology 1
  • Dr Derek Scott
  • See also your renal lectures from BI25B2. These
    are still on the School of Medical Sciences

Aims Content of this lecture
  • To provide you with a reminder of what you
    covered in the dim and distant past at level 2!
  • Brief review of renal anatomy
  • Explanation of kidney function
  • The 3 basic renal processes
  • Processes of filtration at glomerular capillaries
  • Processes of reabsorption at peritubular
  • Renal handling of Na, K, glucose and amino
  • The countercurrent multiplier

Renal system important points
  • Kidneys have excellent blood supply 0.5 total
    body weight but 20 of CO.
  • Kidneys process plasma portion of blood by
    removing substances from it, and in a few cases,
    by adding substances to it.
  • Works with cardiovascular system (and others!) in
    integrated manner

The functional unit of the kidney the nephron
  • Total of about 2.5 million in the 2 kidneys.
  • Each nephron consists of 2 functional components
  • The tubular component (contains what will
    eventually become urine)
  • The vascular component (blood supply)
  • The mechanisms by which kidneys perform their
    functions depends upon the relationship between
    these two components.

Glomerulus and Bowmans capsule
  • Glomerular filtrate drains into Bowmans space,
    and then into proximal convoluted tubule.
  • Endothelium has pores to allow small molecules
  • Podocytes have negative charge. This and the
    basement membrane stops proteins getting through
    into tubular fluid.
  • Macula densa senses GFR by Na
  • Juxtaglomerular (JG) apparatus includes JG cells
    that secrete renin.
  • JGA helps regulate renal blood flow, GFR and also
    indirectly, modulates Na balance and systemic BP

Functions of the kidneys
  • Regulation of H2O and inorganic ion balance
    most important function!
  • Removal of metabolic waste products from blood
    and excretion in urine.
  • In kidney disease, build-up of waste serious, but
    not a bad as ECF volume and composition
  • Removal of foreign chemicals in the blood (e.g.
    drugs) and excretion in urine.
  • Gluconeogenesis
  • Endocrine functions (e.g. renin, erythropoetin,
    1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D)

The three basic renal processes
  • Glomerular filtration
  • Tubular reabsorption
  • Tubular secretion
  • GFR is very high 180l/day. Lots of opportunity
    to precisely regulate ECF composition and get rid
    of unwanted substances.
  • N.B. it is the ECF that is being regulated, NOT
    the urine.

Glomerular filtration
  • GFR controlled by diameters of afferent and
    efferent arterioles
  • Sympathetic vasoconstrictor nerves
  • ADH and RAAS also have an effect on GFR.
  • Autoregulation maintains blood supply and so
    maintains GFR. Also prevents high pressure surges
    damaging kidneys.
  • Unique system of upstream and downstream
  • Remember high hydrostatic pressure (PGC) at
    glomerular capillaries is due to short, wide
    afferent arteriole (low R to flow) and the long,
    narrow efferent arteriole (high R).

GFR depends on diameters of afferent and efferent
Afferent arteriole
Efferent arteriole
Glomerular filtrate
Eff. Art. dilatation
Eff. Art. constriction
Aff. Art. constriction
Aff. Art. dilatation
Ang II (high dose), Noradrenaline (Symp nerves),
Endothelin, ADH, Prost. Blockade)
Prostaglandins, Kinins, Dopamine (low dose), ANP,
Angiotensin II (low dose)
Angiotensin II blockade
Peritubular reabsorption
  • Peritubular capillaries provide nutrients for
    tubules and retrieve the fluid the tubules
  • Oncotic P is greater than hydrostatic P in these
    capillaries, so therefore get reabsorption NOT
  • Must occur since we filter 180l/day, but only
    excrete 1-2l/day of urine.
  • Reabsorb 99 H2O, 100 glucose, 99.5 Na and 50
    urea. Most of this occurs at proximal convoluted

Renal transport systems
  • Lots of transporter proteins for different
    molecules/ions so they can be reabsorbed.
  • They all have maximum transport (TM) capacities
    where transport saturates i.e. 10mmol/l for
  • Over this value, you excrete the excess in urine,
    so can be useful sign of disease either in
    kidneys or other systems.
  • Amino acids also have a high TM value because you
    try and preserve as much of these useful
    nutrients as possible.

Na absorption
  • Na absorbed by active transport mechanisms, NOT
    by TM mechanism. Basolateral ATPases establish a
    gradient across the tubule wall.
  • Proximal tubule is very permeable to Na, so ions
    flow down gradient, across membranes.
  • Microvilli create large surface area for
  • Electrical gradient created also draws Cl-
  • H2O follows Na due to osmotic force.
  • Means fluid left in tubule is concentrated.

Glucose handling
  • Glucose absorption also relies upon the Na
  • Most reabsorbed in proximal tubule.
  • At apical membrane, needs Na/glucose
    cotransporter (SGLT)
  • Crosses basolateral membrane via glucose
    transporters (GLUTs), which do not rely upon Na.

Amino acid handling
  • Preserve as much of these essential nutrients as
  • Can be absorbed by GI tract, products of protein
    catabolism, or de novo synthesis of nonessential
    amino acids.
  • TM values lower than that of glucose, so can
    excrete excess in urine.
  • Amino acid transporters rely upon Na gradient at
    apical membrane, but a couple of exceptions
  • Exit across basolateral membrane via diffusion ,
    but again, some exceptions rely on Na.

K handling
  • K is major cation in cells and balance is
    essential for life.
  • Small change from 4 to 5.5 mmoles/l
    hyperkalaemia ventric. fibrillation death.
  • To 3.5 mmoles/l hyperpolarise arrhythmias and
    paralysis death.
  • Reabsorb K at proximal tubule.
  • Changes in K excretion due to changes in K
    secretion in distal tubule
  • Medullary trapping of K helps to maximise K
    excretion when K intake is high.

K handling
  • K reabsorption along the proximal tubule is
    largely passive and follows the movement of Na
    and fluid (in collecting tubules, may also rely
    active transport).
  • K secretion occurs in cortical collecting tubule
    (principal cells), and relies upon active
    transport of K across basolateral membrane and
    passive exit across apical membrane into tubular

Modulation of K secretion
Luminal factors
Stimulators Inhibitors
? Flow rate ? K
? Na ? Cl-
? Cl- ? Ca2
? HCO3- Ba2
-ve luminal voltage Amiloride
Selected Diuretics
Peritubular Factors
Stimulators Inhibitors
? K intake pH
? K Adrenaline
Countercurrent Multiplier
  • Countercurrent is easy, fluid flows down the
    descending limb and up the ascending limb.
  • The critical characteristics of the loops which
    make them countercurrent multipliers are
  • 1. The ascending limb of the loop of Henle
    actively co-transports Na and Cl- ions out of
    the tubule lumen into the interstitium. The
    ascending limb is impermeable to H2O.
  • 2. The descending limb is freely permeable to H2O
    but relatively impermeable to NaCl.
  • H2O that moves out of tubule into intersitium is
    removed the blood vessels called vasa recta
    thus gradients maintained and H2O returned to

formation of hyperosmotic urine
Osmolality of fluid along nephron
  • Red water restriction
  • Blue high water intake
  • Initial concentration of tubular fluid at loop of
    Henle, then finally at collecting ducts.

Role of urea in concentrating urine
  • Urea very useful in concentrating urine.
  • High protein diet more urea more concentrated
  • Kidneys filter, reabsorb and secrete urea.
  • Urea excretion rises with increasing urinary flow.

Urea recycling
  • Urea toxic at high levels, but can be useful in
    small amounts.
  • Urea recycling causes buildup of high urea in
    inner medulla.
  • This helps create the osmotic gradient at loop of
    Henle so H2O can be reabsorbed.
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