Evolutionary Computation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Evolutionary Computation


Evolutionary Computation ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Evolutionary Computation

Evolutionary Computation
Evolutionary Complexification
  • Two major goals in intelligent systems are the
    discovery and improvement of solutions to complex
  • Complexification, i.e. the incremental
    elaboration of solutions through adding new
    structure, achieves both these goals.
  • To discover and improve complex solutions,
    evolution, and search in general, should be
    allowed to complexify as well as optimize.

Evolutionary Computation
  • Class of algorithms that can be applied to
    open-ended learning problems in AI
  • Traditionally such algorithms evolve fixed length
    genomes assuming the space of the genome is
    sufficient to encode the solution
  • In many cases a solution may be known to exist in
    that space

Indefinite numbers of parameters
  • Many common structures are defined by an
    indefinite number of parameters
  • E.g., the number of neurons in an ANN
  • So it is often not clear what number of genes is
    appropriate to solve a problem
  • Researchers must use heuristics to determine a
    priori the appropriate number of genes

Fixed Length Encoding
  • Pre-determination of the appropriate number of
    genes is difficult
  • Larger the genome the larger the search space
  • Sometimes the solutions should evolve in an
    open-ended way (games) with no final solution
  • Fixing the maximum size of the genome also fixes
    the maximum complexity of the evolved solutions

  • Ping-pong playing robot - solution is to make the
    genome very large
  • Open-ended problems when no final solution can be
    accepted, improving after a certain point not
    possible with a fixed length genome

Continual Evolution
  • Such continual evolution is difficult with a
    fixed genome for two reasons
  • When a good strategy is found in a fixed-length
    genome, the entire representational space of the
    genome is used to encode it. Thus, the only way
    to improve it is to alter the strategy, thereby
    sacrificing some of the functionality learned
    over previous generations.
  • Fixing the size of the genome in such domains
    arbitrarily fixes the maximum complexity of
    evolved creatures, defeating the purpose of the

Phenotype and Genotype
Extending the length and size of the genome adds
new genes that lead to increased phenotypic
A phenotype is an individual's observable traits,
such as height, eye color, and blood type. The
genetic contribution to the phenotype is called
the genotype. Some traits are largely
determined by the genotype, while other traits
are largely determined by environmental factors.
  • Extending the length and size of the genome
  • Adds new genes that lead to increased phenotypic
  • Called complexification
  • Specifically with evolving neural nets it means
    adding nodes and connections to an already
    functional ANN
  • Allow more complex strategies to elaborate on
    simpler strategies.

Complexification in Nature
  • In nature optimization does not occur with fixed
    size genes
  • New genes are occasionally added to the genome
  • Speciation protects newly formed more complex

Evolving neuro-architecture
  • Over many generations, new hidden nodes and
    connections are added, complexifying the space of
    potential solutions.
  • In this way, more complex strategies elaborate on
    simpler strategies, focusing search on solutions
    that are likely to maintain existing

Emergence of Strategies
Dn network with dominance level n Sk best
network in species S at generation k hl lth
hidden node to arise from a structural mutation
Begin with S100 Mature no hidden node strategy,
followed even when the opponent had more energy
leaving it vulnerable to attack S200 Evolved a
resting strategy. Not a complexification S267
h22 appeared. Switched between resting and all
out attack S315 improved ability to attack at
appropriate times.
Duel Robot Domain
Food is represented by sandwiches and robots by
the circles representing sensors and arrows
representing directions. The objective is to
forage to obtain a higher level of energy than
the opponent and then collide with it
The duel domain supports sophisticated strategies
that are recognizable
Alteration vs. Elaboration
Alteration vs. Elaboration
  • The dark robot must evolve to avoid the lighter
    robot, which attempts to cause a collision.
  • In the alteration scenario (top), the dark robot
    first evolves a strategy to go around the left
    side of the opponent. However, the strategy fails
    in a future generation when the opponent begins
    moving to the left.
  • The dark robot alters its strategy by evolving
    the tendency to move right instead of left.
    However, when the light robot later moves right,
    the new, altered, strategy fails because the dark
    robot did not retain its old ability to move
  • In the elaboration scenario (bottom), the
    original strategy of moving left also fails.
    However, instead of altering the strategy, it is
    elaborated by adding a new ability to move right
    as well. Thus, when the opponent later moves
    right, the dark robot still has the ability to
    avoid it by using its original strategy.
  • Elaboration is necessary for a coevolutionary
    arms race to emerge and it can be achieved
    through complexification.

Key ideas
  • Keeping track of which genes match with
    differently sized genes throughout evolution
  • Speciation, so that solutions of differing
    complexity can exist independently
  • Beginning with a uniform population of small

  • Open-ended problems with no explicit fitness
  • Fitness depends on comparisons with other agents
    performing the same task (uses coevolution)
  • Robot duel domain. No known best strategy for a

Gene duplication
  • Gene duplication is a kind of mutation in which
    multiple copies of parental genes are copied into
    offspring genome
  • The offspring has redundant genes expressing the
    same proteins
  • Gene duplication is a possible explanation how
    natural evolution expanded the size of genomes
    throughout evolution

Evidence for Gene Duplication
  • Gene duplication has been responsible for key
    innovations in overall body morphology over the
    course of natural evolution
  • A major gene duplication event occurred around
    the time that vertebrates separatedfrom
  • Invertebrates have a single HOX cluster (of
    genes) while vertebrates have four, suggesting
    that cluster duplication significantly
    contributed to elaborations in vertebrate
  • Researchers agree that gene duplication in some
    form contributed significantly to body-plan

Gene Duplication and Genetic Programming
  • Gene duplication is a possible explanation how
    natural evolution indeed expanded the size of
    genomes throughout evolution, and provides
    inspiration for adding new genes to artificial
    genomes as well.
  • Gene duplication motivated Koza (1995) to allow
    entire functions in genetic programs to be
    duplicated through a single mutation, and later
    differentiated through further mutations.
  • When evolving neural networks, this process means
    adding new neurons and connections to the

  • Such systems evolve different sized and shaped
    network topologies which are difficult to
    crossover without losing information
  • Artificial crossover may disrupt evolved
  • Optimizing variable length genomes may take
    longer and more complex networks be eliminated
    before they have had a chance to be optimized

ImplementingVariable Length Genes
  • Crossover causes problems through misalignment
  • Optimization takes longer causing early
    elimination of possible innovations

  • Depending on when new structure was added, the
    same gene may exist at different positions, or
    conversely, different genes may exist at the same
  • Thus, artificial crossover may disrupt evolved
    topologies through misalignment.
  • Alignment processes have been observed in nature

  • Second, innovations in nature are protected
    through speciation. Organisms with significantly
    divergent genomes never mate because they are in
    different species.
  • If any organism could mate with any other,
    organisms with initially larger, less-fit genomes
    would be forced to compete for mates with their
    simpler, more fit counterparts.
  • As a result, the larger, more innovative genomes
    would fail to produce offspring and disappear
    from the population.

  • NeuroEvolution of Augmenting Topologies (NEAT)
    improved genetic algorithms by making including
    complexification and speciation in the algorithm
  • Alignment during crossover through synapsis
  • Speciation protects complexification

Competitive Coevolution
  • Fitness signifies only the relative strength of
  • Ideally solutions evolve in an arms race
    towards better performance
  • Interesting strategies only evolve if the arms
    race continues for a large number of generations

Progress in Evolution
  • Evolution finds simplest strategy that can win
  • Strategies switch back and forth
    opportunistically between variations, losing some
    abilities and attaining others

Pareto Coevolution
Pareto coevolution finds the best learners and
the best teachers in two populations by casting
coevolution as a multiobjective optimization
problem. This information enables choosing the
best individuals to reproduce, as well as
maintaining an informative and diverse set of
Progress in Evolution
  • Techniques Hall of Fame, Fitness Sharing,
    Pareto Coevolution finding the best learners
    and best teachers in a population
  • These techniques allow sustaining the arms race
    longer but do not encourage continual evolution
    creating new solutions that maintain existing

  • Complexification elaborates strategies by adding
    new dimensions, enabling indefinite progress

NeuroEvolution of Augmenting TopologiesNEAT
  • Using historical markings to line up genes for
  • Protecting topological evolution through
  • Minimization of topologies throughout evolution

Genetic Encoding
  • A genome includes a list of connecting genes, an
    in-node, an out-node, weight, expression enable
    bit and an innovation number

Genetic Encoding
Historical Origins
Two genes with the same historical origin
represent the same structure (although possibly
with different weights), since they were both
derived from the same ancestral gene at some
point in the past. Thus a system needs to do is
to keep track of the historical origin of every
gene in the system.
  • Mutation in NEAT can change both connection
    weights and network structures.
  • Connection weights mutate (usual NE algorithm)
  • Structural mutation operates in two ways - add
    connection and add node connection split, new
    in-weight of 1 out-weight same as old weight so
    functionality does not change initially

Structural Mutation in NEAT
The connection between the first node and the old
node is given the weight 1 and the connection
between the new node and the second is given the
same weight of the connection being split.
Historical Markings
  • If the two above mutations occur consecutively
    the innovation numbers associated with the new
    genes allow the system to keep track of the
    histories of every gene in the system

Crossover using innovation numbers
Historical markings are lined up and randomly
chosen for the offspring Genes that do not match
are inherited from the more fit parent or
randomly. Disabled genes are inherited at 25
  • It turns out that a population of varying
    complexities cannot maintain topological
    innovations on its own.
  • Because smaller structures optimize faster than
    larger structures, and adding nodes and
    connections usually initially decreases the
    fitness of the network, recently augmented
    structures have little hope of surviving more
    than one generation even though the innovations
    they represent might be crucial towards solving
    the task in the long run.
  • The solution is to protect innovation by
    speciating the population.

  • NEAT speciates the population so that individuals
    compete primarily within their own niches instead
    of with the population at large. This way,
    topological innovations are protectedand have
    time to optimize their structure before they have
    to compete with other niches in the population.
  • Speciation prevents bloating of genomes Species
    with smaller genomes survive as long as their
    fitness is competitive, ensuring that small
    networks are not replaced by larger ones
  • Protecting innovation through speciation follows
    the philosophy that new ideas must be given time
    to reach their potential before they are

Distance between networks
E is the number of excess genes D is the number
of disjoint genes W is the average weight
difference of matching genes N is the number of
genes in the larger genome
If the distance of from a test gene to a randomly
chosen member of a species is less than the
current compatibility threshold the test gene is
placed in the species
Fitness Sharing
Organisms in the same species must share the
fitness of their niche. The adjusted fitness f
for organism i is calculated according to its
distance from every other organism j in the
population where sh is set to 0 when the
distance is above the threshold and 1 otherwise.
The factor
reduces to the number of organisms in the same
species as organism i
Every species is assigned a potentially different
number of offspring in proportion to the sum of
adjusted fitnesses fi of its member organisms.
Species reproduce by first eliminating the lowest
performing members from the population. The
entire population is then replaced by the
offspring of the remaining organisms in each
A Run modelsincreasing complexity
  • Run begins with a uniform population with no
    hidden nodes that differ in the random
    assignments of weights
  • The gradual production of increasingly complex
    structures constitutes the model of

Coevolution Domain
  • Domain where it is possible to develop a wide
    range increasingly sophisticated strategies
  • Sophistication can be readily measured.
  • A coevolution domain is particularly appropriate
    because a sustained arms race should lead to
    increasing sophistication.

Duel Robot Domain
Food is represented by sandwiches and robots by
the circles representing sensors and arrows
representing directions. The objective is to
forage to obtain a higher level of energy than
the opponent and then collide with it
The duel domain supports sophisticated strategies
that are recognizable
The Robot ANN
Each has five robot finder sensors and five to
sense food. Each has two wheels controlled by
separate motors and can read the opponents energy
level and has a wall sensor. Energy is consumed
in proportion to the amount applied to the motors.
About the duel domain
  • The observed state taken by the sensors does not
    include the internal state of the opponent
  • The next observed state depends on the decision
    of the opponent
  • It is necessary for the robots to learn to
    predict what the opponent is likely to do.

Opponent Sampling
  • Evolve two separate populations.
  • In each generation, each population is evaluated
    against an intelligently chosen sample of
    networks from the other population.
  • The population currently being evaluated is
    called the host population, and the population
    from which opponents are chosen is called the
    parasite population

  • Each host was evaluated against the four highest
    species champions. They are good opponents
    because they are the best of the best species,
    and they are guaranteed to be diverse because
    their distance must exceed the species threshold
  • Another eight opponents were chosen randomly from
    a Hall of Fame composed of all generation The
    Hall of Fame ensures that existing abilities need
    to be maintained to obtain a high fitness.
  • Together speciation, fitness sharing, opponent
    sampling and Hall of Fame comprise an effective
    competitive coevolution methodology.

Population and Competition
  • Each population had 256 networks
  • Host networks received 1 point for each win and 0
    for losing
  • Each host was evaluated in 24 games (12 opponents
    x 2 games each)
  • Of the 12, 4 were species champions and 8 were
    Hall of Famers.

Difficulty of tournaments
  • For example, if strategy A defeats 499 out of 500
    opponents, and B defeats 498, counting will
    designate A as superior to B even if B defeats A
    in a direct comparison.
  • In order to decisively track strategic
    innovation, we need to identify dominant
    strategies - those that defeat all previous
    dominant strategies.
  • This way, we can make sure that evolution
    proceeds by developing a progression of strictly
    more powerful strategies, instead of e.g.
    switching between alternative ones.

Dominance Tournament
  • A run returns record of every generation champion
    from both populations
  • A network a is superior to a network b if a wins
    more games than b out of 288 total games with
    different food placements
  • A generational champion is the winner of a 288
    game comparison between the host and parasite
    champions of a single generation
  • The first dominant strategy d1 is the first
    generation champion
  • The dominant strategy dj, jgt 1 is a generation
    champion such that for all i lt j dj is superior
    to di
  • Process is called a dominance tournament

Features of a dominance tournament
  • Fewer games than other tournaments
  • Allows identification of a sequence of
    increasingly sophisticated strategies (dominant

Results 33 Evolutions
  • Each of the 33 evolution runs took days,
    depending on the progress of evolution and sizes
    of the networks involved.

Measuring Complexity
  • Define complexity as the number of nodes and
    connections in a network The more nodes and
    connections there are in the network, the more
    complex behavior it can potentially implement.
  • The results were analyzed to answer three
  • (1) As evolution progresses does it also
    continually complexify?
  • (2) Does such complexification lead to more
    sophisticated strategies?
  • (3) Does complexification allow better strategies
    to be discovered than does evolving
    fixed-topology networks?

Emergence of Complexity
The hashed lines represent the average over 13
runs of the structure of the highest dominant
network in each generation. A hash mark appears
each time a new dominant network emerged. The two
other lines represent the average over five runs
of the most and least complex networks without
fitness selection (random assignment of fitness).
This shows that without fitness a wide range of
complexity is evolved.
Emergence of Strategies
Dn network with dominance level n Sk best
network in species S at generation k hl lth
hidden node to arise from a structural mutation
Begin with S100 Mature no hidden node strategy,
followed even when the opponent had more energy
leaving it vulnerable to attack S200 Evolved a
resting strategy. Not a complexification S267
h22 appeared. Switched between resting and all
out attack S315 improved ability to attack at
appropriate times.
Best Complexifying Network
11 hidden nodes and 202 connections
Fixed-Topology vs Complexification
Complexifying Evolution only searches
higher-dimensional structures that are
elaborations of known good lower-dimensional
structures. The values of the existing genes have
already been optimized over preceding
generations. This may mean that the search in the
higher-dimensional space is starting in a
position of some advantage compared to a purely
random position in that space. This may explain
why this method is able to find solutions that
fixed topology coevolution cannot.
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