Title: Acid-Base Equilibria
1- Acid-Base Equilibria
- pH and pOH
- Relationship of Conjugate Pair acid-base
strength. - When acids or bases control pH
- determine K
- predict pH
- When pH controls acid/base state
- predict acid/base state
- use acid/base state to determine pH
- Buffer action
- pH titration curves
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3pH/pOH Calculations
H3OOH- 1.0 x 10-14 pH -logH3O
pOH -logOH- H3O 10-pH OH-
10-pH pH pOH 14.00
What is the pH of a solution with H3O 4.6 x
10-5 What is the pOH of a solution with
OH- 3.3 x 10-4 What is the pOH of a
solution with H3O 2.4 x 10-3 What is
H3O when pH 4.2
4Strong acids and bases
For strong acid solutions, H3O acid
(except for H2SO4) For strong bases LiOH,
NaOH, KOH, RbOH, OH- base For strong bases
Ca(OH)2, Ba(OH)2, etc., OH- 2 x base
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6What is the pH when H3O 0.045 M?
- 0.045
- 13.995
- -1.35
- 1.35
7What is the pH when OH- 6.5 x 10-4 M?
- 3.18
- -3.18
- 10.81
- 15.18
8What is the H3O when pH 3.66 M?
- 2.18 x 10-4
- 10.34
- 4570
- 3.66
9What is the OH- when pH 5.84 M?
- 1.45 x 108
- 3.31 x 10-6
- 6.92 x 10-9
- 5.84
10 Acid-Base Equilibria Bronsted Acid H (proton)
donor Bronsted Base H acceptor Acid-Base
reactions H transfer reaction Conjugate
Acid-Base Pairs acid
conjugate base HF F- NH4 NH3
11What is the conjugage base of HNO2?
- H2NO2
- HNO3
- NO2-
12What is the conjugage acid of HPO42-?
- H2PO4-
- H3PO4
- PO43-
13Acid-Base Strength Depends on Equilibrium
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15Trends in relative acid/base strength for
conjugate pairs.
16Determining the Ka Value What is the value of Ka
for an acid, HA, for which a 0.240 M solution
has a pH of 3.28?
17Determining Kb A 0.300 M solution of a weak
base has a pH of 9.20. What is Kb?
18What is the pH of a 0.150 M solution of HCl?
19What is the pH of a 0.150 M solution of HF?
20What is the pH of a 0.150 M solution of HCN?
21What is the pH of a 0.150 M solution of Ca(OH)2?
22What is the pH of a 0.150 M solution of NH3?
23Polyprotic Acids
H2CO3 HCO3- CO32-
H3PO4 H2PO4 -
HPO4 2- PO4 3-
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