Psychology is the scientific study of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Psychology is the scientific study of


Psychology is the scientific study of A) Behavior B) the Psyche C) Sex & Aggression D) Mental Processes A) Behavior Which of the following are the goals of Psychology? – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Psychology is the scientific study of

Psychology is the scientific study of
  • A) Behavior
  • B) the Psyche
  • C) Sex Aggression
  • D) Mental Processes
  • A) Behavior

Which of the following are the goals of
  • Describe, manipulate, control, and examine
  • Describe, explain, predict, and change behavior
  • Predict, control, examine and change behavior
  • Manipulate, control, explain, and change behavior
  • B) describe, explain, predict, and change

Applied research is conducted to study
  • How people apply knowledge in an educational
  • Theoretical questions that may or may not have
    real-world applications
  • The goals of psychology
  • A specific real-world problem
  • D) A specific real-world problem

A procedure to ensure that each individual has
the same probability as any other of being in a
given group is called _____.
  • Random selection
  • Random assignment
  • Representative selection
  • Representative assignment
  • B. Random assignment

Only the experiment allows one to investigate
  • Relationships
  • Correlations
  • Causation
  • The goals of psychology
  • C) Causation

The tendency of experimenters to influence the
results of their experiment in an expected
direction is called ____.
  • Experimenter bias
  • Control bias
  • Observational bias
  • Experimental bias
  • A) Experimenter bias

The experimental group in an experiment is the
group in which the participants _____.
  • Do not receive the independent variable
  • Receive the dependent variable
  • Do not receive the DV
  • Receive the IV
  • D. Receive the IV

The first step in the scientific method is _____.
  • Forming a testable hypothesis
  • Developing a theory
  • Reviewing the literature of existing theories
  • Designing a study
  • C. Reviewing the literature of existing theories

The total of all possible cases from which a
sample is selected is called the __________.
  • A) subject pool
  • B) population
  • C) selection group
  • D) control group
  • B) population

Freuds research is not well supported, mostly
because he used _______ as a method of study.
  • A) naturalistic observation
  • B) case study
  • C) correlation
  • D) surveys and questionnaires
  • B) Case Study

The ______ variable is the variable that is
  • A) Independent
  • B) Intervening
  • C) Controlled
  • D) Dependent
  • D) Dependent

A hypothesis is derived from a ______.
  • A) idea
  • B) research paper
  • C) brainstorming
  • D) theory
  • D) theory

The three major parts of a neuron are the _______.
  • glia, dendrites, and myelin
  • Myelin, dendrites, and axon
  • Dendrites, axon and soma
  • Axon, glia and myelin
  • C) dendrites, axon and soma

The major ions involved in the resting and action
potential are ________.
  • Sodium and hydrogen
  • Hydrogen and potassium
  • DNA and RNA
  • Potassium and sodium
  • D) Potassium and sodium

Myelin, the fatty insulation surrounding the
axon, is required for ___________.
  • Complex cognitive tasks
  • Complex motor tasks
  • Increasing the speed of the action potential
  • All of these options
  • C) Increasing the speed of the action potential

The parasympathetic and sympathetic are the major
divisions of the __________ nervous system.
  • Autonomic
  • Somatic
  • Central
  • Automatic
  • A) Autonomic

The major divisions of the CNS are __________.
  • A) sympathetic and parasympathetic
  • B) somatic and autonomic
  • C) gray matter and white matter
  • D) brain and spinal cord
  • D) brain and spinal cord

The frontal, parietal, occipital, and temporal
lobes make up the ________.
  • A) brain
  • B) cerebral cortex
  • C) subcortex
  • D) brain stem
  • B) Cerebral cortex

This structure at the top of the brain stem is
involved in respirations, movement, waking,
sleep, and dreaming.
  • Medulla
  • Pons
  • Cerebellum
  • Reticular formation
  • B. Pons

The __________ system prepares your body to
respond to stress.
  • A) central nervous
  • B) fight or flight
  • C) peripheral
  • D) somatic
  • B) fight or flight

The _____ serves as the major sensory relay area
for the brain.
  • Hypothalamus
  • Thalamus
  • Cortex
  • Hindbrain
  • B. Thalamus

The corpus callosum __________.
  • A) maintains your balance
  • B) keeps you breathing
  • C) connects your right and left hemispheres
  • D) is the center of your personality
  • C) connects your right and left hemispheres

The limbic system is involved with your
  • A) ability to move and maintain posture
  • B) sense of touch and pain
  • C) basic bodily functions
  • D) emotional behavior
  • D) emotional behavior

The __________ is the brain structure most
associated with the formation of new memories.
  • A) hypothalamus
  • B) thalamus
  • C) hippocampus
  • D) pituitary gland
  • C) hippocampus

___, ___, ___ are the three major techniques for
scanning the brain.
  • A) PET, CAT, DOG
  • B) PET, CT, MRI
  • C) MRI, CAT, FSH
  • D) CT, MRI, NFL
  • B) PET, CT, MRI

Spontaneous recovery occurs when _________
suddenly reappears.
  • A) your lost wallet
  • B) a previously extinguished response
  • C) an extinct instinct
  • D) a forgotten stimulus-response sequence
  • B) a previously extinguished response

A relatively permanent change in behavior is
  • Learning
  • Conditioning
  • Behavior modification
  • Modeling
  • A) Learning

Once classical conditioning has occurred, the CR
may be elicited by stimuli that are similar to
the CS. This is called _________.
  • Generalization
  • Discrimination
  • Spontaneous conditioning
  • Replication of the effect
  • A) Generalization

Higher order conditioning occurs when a(n)
  • Previously NS elicits a CR
  • NS is paired with a CS
  • NS is paried with and UCS
  • UCR is paired with a CS
  • B) NS is paired with a previous NS

Anything that causes an increase in a response is
a(n) __________.
  • A) conditioned stimulus
  • B) reinforcement
  • C) punishment
  • D) unconditioned stimulus
  • B) reinforcement

Anything that causes a decrease in a response is
a(n) __________.
  • A) conditioned stimulus
  • B) reinforcement
  • C) punishment
  • D) unconditioned stimulus
  • C) punishment

Negative reinforcement and punishment are
  • A) the same
  • B) the best ways to learn a new behavior
  • C) not the same because negative reinforcement
    increases behavior and punishment decreases
  • D) not the same, even though they both decrease
  • C)

The information processing approach is used by
  • A) humanistic psychologists
  • B) behaviorists
  • C) functionalists
  • D) cognitive psychologists
  • D) cognitive psychologists

Gamblers continue to put their money into slot
machines because they pay off __________.
  • A) on a variable ratio
  • B) at variable intervals
  • C) at fixed intervals
  • D) on a fixed ratio
  • A) on a variable ratio

If you reinforce your dog for sitting by giving
him a treat every third time he sites, you are
using a __________.
  • A) continuous schedule of reinforcement
  • B) random ratio reinforcement schedule
  • C) fixed interval reinforcement schedule
  • D) fixed ratio reinforcement schedule
  • D) fixed ratio reinforcement schedule

Individuals who believe they are unable to
control or escape from sources of pain may
develop __________.
  • A) Learned Helplessness
  • B) Panic Disorder
  • C) Depression
  • D) OCD
  • A) Learned Helplessness

What was Pavlov originally trying to study?
  • A) Eating behavior of dogs
  • B) saliva processes
  • C) digestive system
  • D) meat powder
  • C) digestive system

Food, water and sex are examples of
  • A) Negative reinforcers
  • B) Secondary reinforcers
  • C) Positive reinforcers
  • D) Primary reinforcers
  • D) Primary reinforcers

Spontaneous recovery occurs when _________
suddenly reappears.
  • A) your lost wallet
  • B) a previously extinguished response
  • C) an extinct instinct
  • D) a forgotton stimulus-response sequence
  • B) a previously extinguished response

Dolphin training is done via what principle of
  • A) continuous reinforcement schedule
  • B) Generalization
  • C) Discrimination
  • D) Shaping
  • D) Shaping

Developmental psychologists are NOT interested in
  • a)fetal well-being
  • b) age-related differences
  • c) age-related similarities
  • d) life after death
  • d) life after death

Age at crawling, walking, and toilet training is
primarily dependent on the _____
  • a) education level of the parents
  • b) specific training techniques of the childs
  • c) maturational readiness of the child
  • d) genetic influences inherited from both mother
    and father
  • c) maturational readiness of the child

The period of life when an individual first
becomes capable of reproduction is known as_____
  • a) the growth spurt
  • b) adolescence
  • c) puberty
  • d) the latency period
  • c) puberty

According to the language theory of Noam Chomsky,
  • Children are born prewired to learn language
  • Language development is primarily a result of
    rewards and modeling of adult speed
  • Overgeneralizations of speech result from faulty
    development of the LAD
  • Language development cannot be determined
  • a) Children are born prewired to learn language

Harlows research with infant monkeys and
artificial surrogate mothers indicates that
  • The most important factor in infant development
    is a loving environment
  • Attachment is not essential to normal development
  • There is no significant difference in the choice
    of wire or terrycloth mothers
  • The most important variable in attachment may be
    contact comfort
  • d) The most important variable in attachment may
    be contact comfort

Schemas are cognitive structures that contain
organized ideas about the world and _____
  • Expand or differentiate with experience
  • May assimilate new information
  • May accommodate new information
  • All of the above
  • d) All of the above

Egocentrism is present in which of Piagets
stages of cognitive development?
  • Preoperational and formal operational
  • Preoperational only
  • Sensorimotor and preoperational
  • Sensorimotor only
  • a) Preoperational and formal operational

According to Piaget, an infant acqures _____ when
he or she understands that people and things
continue to exist even when they cannot directly
be seen, heard, or be touched.
  • Conservation
  • Reversibility
  • Egocentrism
  • Object permanence
  • d) Object permanence

By age _____ most children are capable of
communicating adequately in their native language.
  • 2
  • 5
  • 7
  • 8
  • b) 5

Chomskys language acquisition device (LAD) is
  • A childs inborn ability to learn language
  • A device given to deaf children to help them
    learn language despite their hearing loss
  • Learned in infancy when parents use baby talk
    to stimulate its development
  • The ability of some children to acquire many
    languages easily
  • a) A childs inborn ability to learn language

_____ is the basic, inborn dispositional quality
that appears shortly after birth and
characterizes an individuals style of
approaching people and situation.
  • Personality
  • Trait theory
  • Character
  • temperament
  • d) Temperament

The positive or negative resolution of eight
developmental challenges is characteristic of
_____ theory
  • Freuds psychosexual
  • Freuds psychoanalytical
  • Maslows heirarchical
  • Eriksons psychosocial
  • d) Eriksons psychosocial

According to Erikson, the inner conflict during
which an individual examines his or her life and
values and makes decisions about life roles is
called a (n) _____ crisis.
  • Midlife
  • Climacteric
  • Integrity
  • Indentity
  • d) identity

Moral judgment is self-centered and based on
obtaining rewards or avoiding punishment in this
stage of moral development
  • Preoperational
  • Preconventional
  • Conventional
  • Postoperational
  • b) preconventional

A temperamental style that works best in period
of famine is _____.
  • Attached
  • Extroverted
  • Difficult
  • Imprinted
  • c) difficult

According to Erikson, intimacy is the result of
the successful completion of this stage of
  • Infancy and toddlerhood
  • Junior and senior high school
  • Young adulthood
  • Middle adulthood
  • c) Young adulthood

The _____ theory of aging suggests that it is
natural and necessary for people to withdraw from
their roles in life as they age in order to
prepare themselves for death.
  • Kubler-Ross
  • Secondary process
  • Developmental
  • Disengagement
  • d) Disengagement

Compared to people who show a lack of obvious
grieving, people who exhibit intense initial
grief work through the bereavement process _____.
  • Faster
  • No faster
  • Much slower
  • Moderately slower
  • b) No faster

The four stages of grief begin and end with _____
and _____ respectively.
  • numbness yearning
  • Numbness disorganization and despair
  • Resolution yearning
  • Numbness resolution
  • d) numbness resolution

_____ refers to the chromosomal, gonadal,
hormonal, and anatomical aspects of being male or
  • Gender identity
  • Sex
  • Gender role
  • Gender
  • B. Sex

_____ refers to the psychological, social, and
cultural meanings added to biological maleness or
  • Sex differences
  • Gender
  • Sexual role
  • Gender role
  • B. Gender

Sex Gender _____
  • Biologicalpsychological/sociocultural
  • Psychology biology
  • Sociocultural biological
  • Chromosomal anatomical/biological
  • A. Biological Psychological/sociocultrual

Your psychological perception of yourself as
either male or female is called you _____.
  • Sex perception
  • Perceptual gender
  • Sex role
  • Gender identity
  • D. Gender identity

If a person is erotically attracted to member of
their same sex, that individual is called _____.
  • Unisexual
  • Gender confused
  • Gay, lesbian or homosexual
  • Transexual or homosexual
  • C. Gay, lesbian or homosexual

Which of the following is INCORRECTLY matched?
  • Transvestite homosexual
  • Transsexual Bisexual
  • Sexual orientation gender identity
  • All of the above are INCORRECT
  • D. All of the above are INCORRECT

The belief that children actively create internal
rules about appropriate gender behavior is
consistent with _____.
  • Biopsychosocial theory
  • The androgyny hypothesis
  • Social learning theory
  • Cognitive developmental theory
  • D. Cognitive developmental theory

Jesus was a carpenter, a teacher, a healer. He
was strong and nurturing. He was idependet, warm
and caring. This blend of masculine and feminine
traits makes him a prototype for the concept of
  • Transgenderism
  • Androgyny
  • Heterosexuality
  • Bisexuality
  • B. Androgyny

Havelock Ellis used _____ to study human
  • Prostitutes
  • His family
  • Himself
  • All of the above
  • C. Himself

Kinsey and his associates used the _____ method
to study human sexuality.
  • Case study
  • Correlational
  • Experimental
  • Survey
  • D. Survey

Masters and Johnson researched the _____ aspects
of human sexuality.
  • Physiological
  • Cultural
  • Genetic
  • Psychological
  • A. Physiological

This is NOT in Masters and Johnson sexual
response cycle.
  • Desire phase
  • Excitement phase
  • Orgasm phase
  • Resolution phase
  • A. Desire phase

During the _____ phase, pleasurable sensations
peak and the body discharges its accumulated
sexual tension in a burst of muscular
  • Male climacteric
  • Female climacteric
  • Orgasm
  • All of the above
  • C. Orgasm

The discharge of semen and seminal fluid from the
penis during orgasm is called _____.
  • The human race
  • The survival of the swiftest
  • The fantastic voyage
  • An ejaculation
  • D. An ejaculation

A homosexual orientation appears to be the result
of _____.
  • Seduction during childhood or adolescence by an
    older homosexual
  • A family background that includes a dominant
    mother and a passive, detached father
  • A hormonal imbalance
  • Unknown factors
  • D. Unknown factors

The current position of the American Psychiatric
Association and the American Psychological
Association is that homosexuality _____.
  • Is not a mental illness
  • Can be reversed with aversion therapy
  • Can be reversed with psychoanalytic therapy
  • All of the above
  • A. Is not a mental illness

Anxiety is experienced by nearly everyone, and is
not a mental disorders unless _____.
  • You experience it more than once per month
  • Its chronic intensity disrupts your life
  • you family has a history of anxiety disorders
  • other people begin to notice your symptoms
  • B. Its chronic intensity disrupts your life

According to learning theory, anxiety disorders
are most likely caused by _____.
  • Classical conditioning
  • Operant conditioning
  • Modeling and imitation
  • All of the above
  • D. All of the above

A major depressive disorder is BEST characterized
by _____.
  • Frequent melancholia, prolonged blues, or
    prolonged grief
  • A long-lasting depressed mood that interferes
    with functioning, pleasure, and life interests
  • Any depression of mood that also includes
    suicidal thoughts
  • Recurring or persistent episodes of depressed
    mood, with or without psychotic thinking and
  • B.

Someone who experiences episodes of mania or
cycles between mania and depression has a _____.
  • Disruption of circadian rhythms
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Manic-depressive syndrome
  • Cyclothymia disorder
  • B. Bipolar disorder

Seligman found that when faced with a painful
situation from which there is no escape, animals
and people enter a state of helplessness and
resignation. He called this _____.
  • Autonomic resignation
  • Helpless resignation
  • Resigned helplessness
  • Learned helplessness
  • D. Learned helplessness

_____ refers to split mind, while _____ refers
to split personality
  • Psychosis neurosis
  • Insanity multiple personality
  • schizophrenia dissociative identity disorder
  • paranoia borderline
  • C. Schizophrenia dissociative identity disorder

Schizophrenia is associated with _____.
  • Withdrawal from others
  • Withdrawal from reality
  • Delusions and hallucinations
  • All of the above
  • D. All of the above

This is the term for sensory perception that
occurs in the absence of an external stimulus.
  • Delusion
  • Illusion
  • Hallucination
  • Flight of ideas
  • C. Hallucination

This is a thought disturbance characterized by
mistaken beliefs that are maintained in spite of
strong evidence to the contrary.
  • Cognitive disruption
  • False premise
  • Delusion
  • Illusion
  • C. Delusion

This is an example of an emotional disturbance in
  • Exaggerated laughter
  • Rapidly fluctuating between fear and euphoria
  • A complete lack of emotional expression
  • All of the above
  • D. All of the above

_____ symptoms of schizophrenia refer to excess
behaviors such as hallucinations, whereas _____
symptoms refer to deficits such as flattened
emotions or loss of activity.
  • Alpha beta
  • Type a type b
  • Hyperactive hypoactive
  • Positive negative
  • D. Positive negative

This disorder is triggered by stress and
characterized by amnesia, fugue or multiple
  • Dissociative disorder
  • Displacement disorder
  • Disoriented disorder
  • Identity disorder
  • A. Dissociative disorder

Egocentrism, lack of a conscience, impulsive
behavior, and charisma are characteristic of
  • Bart Simpson
  • Beavis and Butthead
  • Politicians in general
  • Someone with an antisocial personality disorder
  • D. Someone with an antisocial personality disorder

Using therapeutic techniques to improve
psychological functioning and promote adjustment
to life is known as _____.
  • Eclectic therapy
  • psychoanalysis/psychodynamic therapy
  • Psychotherapy
  • Counseling
  • C. Psychotherapy

Which of the following is NOT one of the five
common areas of concern for all psychotheapy?
  • Disturbed thoughts
  • Biomedical disturbances
  • Disturbed emotions
  • Disturbed sleep
  • D. Disturbed sleep

Disturbed thoughts, disturbed emotions, disturbed
behaviors, disturbed interpersonal and life
situation and biomedical disturbances are
characteristic of _____.
  • Every mental disorder
  • The types of problems addressed by psychotherapy
  • Normal individuals
  • All of the above
  • B. The types of problems addressed by

This is an approach to psychotherapy in which the
therapist combines techniques from various
theories to find the appropriate treatment for
the client.
  • Multimodal
  • Multidimensional
  • Biopsychological
  • Eclectic
  • D. Eclectic

If a therapist believes that problem behaviors
are caused by chemical imbalances or other
disturbances in the nervous system, they are
lively to use _____ to treat the problem.
  • Biomedical therapy
  • Drugs or electroconvulsive shock
  • Psychosurgery
  • Any of the above
  • D. Any of the above

Mood stabilizers are most often used to treat
  • Bipolar disorders
  • Major depression
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Psychotic disorders
  • A. Bipolar disorders

A biomedical treatment that is based on passing
an electrical current through the brain is called
  • EMT
  • ECT
  • EKG
  • EFG
  • B. ECT

In psychoanalysis, free association refers to
  • Unproductive session for which the client is not
  • A thought process which has no underlying cause
    or motivation
  • Reporting whatever comes to mind without
    monitoring its content
  • Purposefully bizarre and disconnected
  • C. Reporting whatever comes to mind without
    monitoring its content

In dream analysis, a psychoanalyst will look for
the _____ meaning that underlies the _____
  • Conscious unconscious
  • Latent manifest
  • Dramatic mundane
  • Countertransferential transferential
  • B. Latent manifest

Which of the following is an example of
psychoanalytic resistance?
  • Arriving on time for an appointment
  • Arriving early for an appointment
  • Arriving late or canceling an appointment
  • Each of these options may or may not be actual
  • D. Each of these options may or may not be actual

Interpretation in psychoanalysis _____.
  • Is the analysts explanations of a patients free
    associations, dreams, resistance, and
  • Is the analysts presentation of the patients
    problems in a new light or manner
  • Must occur at the right time to be effective or
  • All of the above
  • D. All of the above

The process by which the therapist and client
work to change destructive ways of thinking is
called _____.
  • Problem-solving
  • Self-talk
  • Cognitive restructuring
  • Rational recovery
  • C. Cognitive restructuring

In Elliss RET, the letters ABC represent _____.
  • Actualization of self, mental and physical
    behavior, coping reactions
  • Authenticity, becoming, choice
  • Activating event, belief system, emotional
  • Analyzing, believing, creating
  • C. Activating event, belief system, emotional

The belief that humans have personal freedom to
make choices and that they are responsible for
the choices they make characterizes the _____
approach to therapy.
  • Psychoanalytic
  • Humanistic
  • Learning
  • Gestalt
  • B. Humanistic

The main focus in behavior therapy is to increase
_____ and decrease _____.
  • Positive thoughts and feelings negative thoughts
    and feelings
  • Adaptive behaviors maladaptive behaviors
  • Coping resources coping deficits
  • All of the above
  • B. Adaptive behaviors maladaptive behaviors

An important component in systematic
desensitization is _____.
  • Relaxation training
  • Aversion conditioning
  • Operant conditioning
  • Assertiveness training
  • A. Relaxation training

In aversion therapy, _____ compete (s) with
pleasurable associations someone experiences when
they engage in a maladaptive behavior, like
  • Positive punishment
  • Negative associations
  • Parasympathetic arousal
  • Negative punishment
  • B. Negative associations
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