Title: Public Participation in Transboundary issues in Moldova
1Public Participation in Transboundary issues in
- Ilya Trombitsky
- International Environmental Association of
Dniester River Keepers - Kisninev, Moldova
- www.eco-tiras.org
2Legal Framework for Public Participation in
Transboundary issues in Moldova
- - Aarhus Convention (from 2001)
- Helsinki Water Convention (from 1993)
- Law on access to Information (2000).
- The Concept of Water Policy (non-legally
binding), approved as Regulation of Parliament
(2003) provides some stakeholders involvement and
public participation but not implemented. - No specific PP requirements for transboundary
waters in national legislation.
3Main legal acts regulating NGOs in Moldova
- Constitution (1994)
- Civil Code (2002)
- Law on Civil Associations (1996)
- Law on Foundations (1999)
- Law on Protection of the Environment (1993).
4NGOs and their environment
- The number of NGOs in Moldova is about 3200, from
them environmental ones about 300 (9). - NGOs can be national, international and local.
- Legislation in Moldova is liberal and do not
creates obstacles for formation of NGOs. The same
is the practice of its application.
5Examples of NGO involvement in Dniester River
Environment monitoring management
- Spheres of NGO activity
- Biodiversity Conservation (evaluation of status,
development of Concept of National Ecologic
Network) - Formulation of necessity of Ramsar Status for
Lower Dniester Wetlands - Management plans for water protection zones
- Substitution of the Lower Dniester National Park
- Development of local ecological networks
- Monitoring of water quality and sediments
- Environmental education and research
- Campaigns against unsustainable projects.
6Multistakeholders approach and public awareness
- Three big international conferences were
organized during last years to attract attention
of politicians, scientists, water users to the
Dniester River environmental problems - 1998 (Biotica)
- 1999 (Biotica)
- 2004 (Eco-TIRAS)
- 1999 Draft of the Dniester River Convention to
apply the IWRM to the river basin is proposed.
7Institutialisation of NGOs River Basin network
- Eco-TIRAS International Environmental
Association of River Keepers is established in
1999 by the group of Moldavian and Ukrainian NGOs
and registered in 2000 as an international
non-governmental association of NGOs of the
Dniester River Basin. In present it includes 46
NGOs. - In 2003 in frames of the Fifth Pan-European
Ministerial Conference Environment for Europe
the Side Event was organized by Eco-TIRAS on the
issue of Dniester Convention draft. - In 2004 the International Conference Integrated
Management of the Transboundary Dniester River
Basin was organized with participation of 160
people from Moldova and abroad. - Also in 2004 the Second NGO Forum Dniester-2004
was organised by Eco-TIRAS. Information on site
8Local NGOs along the Dniester
- There are a serious number of NGOs working along
the Dniester, which educate the people, elaborate
together with the authorities local management
plans, develop eco- and agro-tourism and promote
sustainable development.
9- From 2000 started a work to develop environmental
NGOs in Transdniestria. In present they are 15.
There are five Resource Centers for NGOs in
Transdniestria with access to Internet and
libraries. They all are members of Eco-TIRAS. In
2001 NGO Eco-Dniester from Tiraspol organised
together with the university the International
Conference Geo-ecologic and Bio-ecological
Problems of N.W. of Black Sea. - In September 2005 the Second such conference will
be organised in Transdniestria.
10Transboundary Cooperation
- Moldavian NGOs permanently cooperates with
Ukrainian ones and jointly lobby publiv benefit
interests related to the Dniester River.
Second Dniester River NGO Forum, 2004)
- Modernisation of legal and institutional
framework of Dniester River Basin cooperation
taking into consideration EU WFD and Helsinki
Convention - Creation of Dniester River Basin Multistakeholder
Forum as a consultative body - Development of the Strategic Action Plan for
Dniester - Creation of Database of ecological status of
Dniester - Coordination of natural uses policy in the
Dniester River basin between Moldova and Ukraine - Creation of the Ecological Network of Dniester
River basin - Development of the Network of Protected Areas in
the Dniester River Basin - Establishing of national parks in both states to
protect Dniester River Wetlands - Creation of joint transboundary Ramsar sites and
biosphere reserves under bilateral management - Involvement of NGOs and local authorities in the
Dniester River basin actions planning and
management - Strengthening of NGO river community.
12Institutional arrangements for the public
participation in water management
- The only Water State Concern Apele Moldovei is
involved in transboundary water management.
Public participation is not reflected in its
activity. No website. - The institutional framework should be changed
especially to involve other state agencies, water
users and NGOs.
13Level of public and stakeholders involvement into
transboundary water management in your region
- The limited involvement of other state agencies
like Ministry of Environment, Hydrometeo,
Sanitary Service exists during meetings of
Plenipotentiaries. Public is not presented there
and not informed about the results. The
Plenipotentiaries did not establish any
mechanisms to inform public.
14Procedures for the public and stakeholders
involvement into transboundary water management
in Moldova
- In fact, the procedures of stakeholders
involvement in water management issues are not
established. - Annual reports on the state of environment by the
National Ecological Institute under the Ministry
of Environment. - Sporadic publishing of brochures and newsletters
by state authorities and NGOs. - Proceedings of scientific conferences, initiated
mostly by NGOs
15In Moldova already exist some tools / mechanisms
of public participation and information
- Public information publications, mailing-lists,
information centres etc. - developed - Consultations comments, interviews, public
hearings etc. less developed - Discussions roundtables, conferences etc. -
developed - But
- Joint decision-making referendums, public
councils and bodies in the state authorities etc.
almost not developed - Independent decision-making pubic functions of
the water users associations etc. not developed - NGO River Forums developed, but weakly
- River Forums of all stakeholders not developed
16List of challenges facing the process of public
and stakeholders involvement in Moldova with
- Strengthening of legal framework on stakeholders
involvement and PP in transboundary water
resource management - Access to information (day to day information on
river status is not available for public) - Public awareness (actions are sporadic and rare)
- Lack of river basin approach on national and
transboundary levels (no involvement of
stakeholders) - From consultation to participation
- To avoid misunderstanding of the role of public
as low prepared people to be consulted on
primitive level. - Liquidation of monopoly of water issue management
by one state agency
17Policies, strategies and actions
- Information on river and water status should be
open and available to everybody by Internet and
other sources. - The joint transboundary body should arrange
availability of all own information. - GIS for river basin should be developed.
- It has to be developed web sites of profile state
agencies and river commission. - It has to be solved in spirit of Aarhus
convention the issue of access to primary data on
water quality, quantity, hydrology etc. - NGO river basin associations should get access to
information and to be strengthened and involved
in inter-governmental river basin management
structures. Creation of legal and institutional
conditions for constructive public participation.