Title: User requirements modelling: Motivation
1User requirements modelling Motivation
Source Textbook (Dix et al.), ch. 6.1-6.5.
- Traditional SW lifecycle begins with
Requirements Analysis - Requirements elicitation
- Requirements specification
- Problem 1 usability issues may be neglected
- Problem 2 may not get enough input from actual
users - Problem 3 may fail to consider how new system
fits into organization
2User requirements modelling 3 approches
Source Textbook (Dix et al.), ch. 6.1-6.5.
- Socio-technical models (ex. USTM/CUSTOM)
- Soft Systems Methodology
- Participatory Design
3Socio-technical models
Source Textbook (Dix et al.), ch. 6.1-6.5.
- Considers both social (organizational)
technical issues - good technical solution can fail if we do not
- take the social context into account
- Important to identify all stakeholders, not just
end users - Stakeholder anyone effected by success/failure
of system
4Socio-technical model USTM
Source Textbook (Dix et al.), ch. 6.1-6.5.
- USTM (User Skills Task Match) /CUSTOM defines
4 categories of stakeholders - Primary use the system (ex. UNCG students using
Genie to register) - Secondary provide input or use output from
system (ex. UNCG Registrars Office puts Fall
course info into Genie) - Tertiary others affected by success/failure
(ex. UNCG administration) - Facilitating designers/implementers/maintainers
5Socio-technical model USTM (2)
Source Textbook (Dix et al.), ch. 6.1-6.5.
- Process (can be time-consuming)
- Describe organization (ex. its goals,
political/economic background) - Describe all stakeholders (ex. their motivation,
skills, power in organization) - Describe workgroups (groups of people who work
together on task) - Describe what objects used for each task
- Analyze stakeholder requirements in view of above
6Soft Systems Methodology (SSM)
Source Textbook (Dix et al.), ch. 6.1-6.5.
- Another approach to user requirements modelling
that considers the social context, including
different stakeholder perspectives (root views) - Example airline managements perspective of new
reservation system for travel agents - Clients (those who receive output or benefit)
customer - Actors (those who perform activities within
system) travel agents - Transformations (from input to output)
customers need for transportation transformed to
sale of seat on plane (and profit for airline) - Weltanschauung (world view of this perspective)
increase profit through system efficiency - Owner (who controls system) airline management
- Environment airline regulations (local,
national, international) -
7Participatory Design
Source Textbook (Dix et al.), ch. 6.1-6.5.
- Another approach to user requirements modelling
- future users are members of design team
- arguments for participatory design
- since users know most about work context, more
effective design will result from their active
participation - if changes created by new system are not
acceptable to users, then system will fail
8Participatory Design (2)
Source Textbook (Dix et al.), ch. 6.1-6.5.
- Techniques to help users designers communicate
- Brainstorming goal is to come up with ideas
from everyone and record them (do not judge them
yet) - Storyboarding
- Workshops users tell designers about his/her
work and designers tell users about technical
capabilities - Pencil and paper exercises walkthroughtypical
tasks using paper mock-ups of design
9Adding HCI Methods to Traditional SW Lifecycle
Requirements Analysis
- Analyze document users current tasks Task
Analysis (ch. 7) - Gather document requirements (especially
non-functional requirements) for proposed system
- Usability specification (ch. 5)
- User modelling Socio-technical, Soft Systems,
Participatory Design (ch. 6) - Validation (designing the right product) of user
interface - Rapid prototyping (ch. 5)
10Adding HCI Methods to Traditional SW Lifecycle
High-Level Design
- Suggest/eliminate ideas for design of user
interface - Task Analysis, Usability specification (Use
documents created by these methods during
Requirements Phase) - Participatory Design (Users continue working on
design team after Requirements Phase) (ch. 6) - Dialogue design notation (STN) (ch. 8)
- Interaction Paradigms (ch. 4), Design guidelines
(ch. 5) - Validation (designing the right product) of user
interface - Rapid prototyping (ch. 5)