Title: Module - VIII Corporate Restructuring
1 Module - VIIICorporate Restructuring
Dr. K. Srinivasan Department of Management
Studies Christ University, Bangalore
2Compromise Arrangement
Compromise implies the existence of a dispute
such as relating to rights. Compromise means
settlement or adjustment of claims in dispute by
mutual concessions.
- The term arrangement has a wide import. (a)
Reorganization of share capital by different
class of shares (b) Reorganizing the share
capital including interferences with preferential
other special rights. As regards compromise
arrangement in connection with companies, they
may be discussed under two heads they are - Compromise when a company is a going concern
- Compromise when a company is being wound up.
3Compromise, Arrangement Going Concern Powers
- Application to the Court
- Meeting of Members of Creditors
- Resolution by 3/4th Majority
- Courts Sanction
- Compromise binding all Members Creditors
- Copy of the Court order to be filed with
Registrar - Stay of Suit
- Appeal
4Compromise, Arrangement Winding Company
- Voluntary Winding Up
- Special Resolution
- Notice
- Dissentient Members
5Reconstruction Amalgamation
Reconstruction occurs when a company transfers
the whole of its undertaking and property to a
new company under an agreement by which the
shareholders of the old company are entitled to
receive some shares or other similar interests in
the new company Amalgamation takes place when
two or more companies combines into one company,
the shareholders of amalgamating companies
becoming substantially the shareholders in the
amalgamated company. There may be amalgamation
either by the transfer of one or more
undertakings to a new company or by the transfer
of one or more undertakings to an existing company
6Procedures Considered.
- Approval of Scheme by holders of 3/4th in value
of Shares - Courts Sanction
- Certified Copy of the Court order to be filled
with the Registrar
7Acquisition of Shares of Opposing Shareholders
- Scheme may involve transfer of shares
- Approval of holders of not less than 9/10th in
value of the shares - Right to acquire the Opposing Shareholders
- Notice to Opposing Shareholders
- Registration of transferee Company as holder of
shares in Transferor Company - Deposit of money received into a separate bank
account .
8Contents of Amalgamation
- Appointed date (or transfer date) of
amalgamation. - Effective date of amalgamation
- Capital structure of transferor company and
transferee company - Share Exchange ratio
- Transfer of undertaking and liabilities of
transferor company to transferee company from the
appointed date - Continuance of legal proceeding of transferor
company by the transferee company after effective
date. - Transferor company to carry on business on behalf
of the transferee company - Effect of amalgamation on contracts, services of
employees, conditions, effects on retirement
benefits - Main objects of transferor company and
dissolution of transferor company without winding
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