Title: Tone and intonation in Kammu
1Tone and intonation in Kammu
- David House (KTH)
- Jan-Olof Svantesson (Lund)
Contribution to Word Accents and Tones in
Sentence Perspective A symposium in conjunction
with the 60th birthday of Professor Gösta Bruce
2Kammu in northern Laos
3Words illustrating Kammu tonogenesis
E Kammu N Kammu W Kammu taa? táa? táa? pack
daa? tàa? thàa? lizard thaa? tháa? tháa?
to clear raa? ráa? ráa? tooth raa? ràa?
ràa? flower
4Northern Kammu
Eastern Kammu
5Production experiment
Northern Kammu speaker
Eastern Kammu speaker
Average tone curves normalized for duration
6Perception experiment
7Intonation in Kammu
- New Project (Sift) Separating intonation from
tone - Phrasing
- Focussing
- Questions
- Vocative chant
- In elicited and spontaneous speech
Anastasia Karlsson Funding from The Bank of
Sweden Tercentenary Foundation
8Theoretical issues
- Can we find evidence that the tonal and non-tonal
dialects have the same underlying intonation
system? - If so, how do tones affect and constrain the
intonation system?
9Northern Kammu Speaker (tonal)
(pregnant for about seven years)
nàa màan p?an cét píi
màan p?an cét píi
Eastern Kammu Speaker (non-tonal)
b?an cet pii
maan g?? gni? b?an cet pii
10Northern Kammu Speaker (tonal)
cét píi
cét píi
(seven years)
Eastern Kammu Speaker (non-tonal)
cet pii
cet pii
11Northern Kammu Speaker (tonal)
yò? k?? y?h m?h
(Father he went where?)
Eastern Kammu Speaker (non-tonal)
yo? g?? y?h m?h
12Northern Kammu Speaker (tonal)
yò? k?? y?h m?h
(Father he went where?)
Eastern Kammu Speaker (non-tonal)
yo? g?? y?h m?h
13Selected references
Gandour, Jackson T., Eva Gårding Kristina
Lindell (1978). Tones in Northern Kammu a
perceptual investigation. Acta Orientalia 39.
181-189. Gårding, Eva Kristina Lindell (1977).
Tones in Northern Kammu a phonetic
investigation. Acta Orientalia 38.
321-332. House, David (1990). Tonal perception
in speech. Lund Lund University
Press. Svantesson, Jan-Olof (1983). Kammu
phonology and morphology. Lund
Gleerup. Svantesson, Jan-Olof (1989).
Tonogenetic mechanisms in Northern Mon-Khmer.
Phonetica 46. 60-79. Svantesson, Jan-Olof
David House (2006). Tone production, tone
perception and Kammu tonogenesis. Phonology 23.