Genetic Vaccines - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Genetic Vaccines


Genetic Vaccines Dr. Ziad Jaradat INTRODUCTION Despite the marked advances in public health measures and antimicrobial medications over the last half century ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Genetic Vaccines

Genetic Vaccines
  • Dr. Ziad Jaradat

  • Despite the marked advances in public health
    measures and antimicrobial medications over the
    last half century, infectious diseases remain one
    of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality
    worldwide. The most powerful and cost effective
    way to control such infectious diseases remains
    the prophylactic vaccines.

  • Vaccines constitute the greatest achievement of
    modern medicine. They have eradicated small pox,
    pushed polio to the brink of extinction and
    spared countless people from typhus, tetanus,
    measles hepatitis A b and many other dangerous

  • The World Health Organization estimates that
    vaccination against diptheria, tetanus, whooping
    cough, measles, polio and tuberculosis prevents
    approximately 3 million deaths a year making
    vaccination the most effective public health
    measure in decreasing morbidity and mortality in

  • Traditional vaccines such as live, attenuated or
    whole inactivated agents have been very
    successful in the past. However, for many
    microorganisms that still lack an effective

  • The traditional vaccines may not be appropriate
    either due to safety issues in which some
    attenuated pathogens revert back to their active
    stage or due to a lack in immune potency.
    Therefore, genetic immunization also known as DNA
    vaccines might be the alternative strategy for
    solving such problems.

Types of Traditional Vaccines
  • Killed vaccines Vaccination with killed
    pathogen such as hepatitis A or antigens isolated
    from a pathogen such as parts of hepatitis B can
    not make their way into cells, they therefore
    give rise to primarily humoral responses and do
    not activate killer T cells.

  • Such responses are ineffective against many
    organisms that infiltrate cells. Even when
    non-living vaccines do prevent a disease, the
    protection often wears off after a time,
    consequently, recipients may need periodic
    booster shots.

  • Attenuated live vaccines
  • usually viruses, do inter cells and make antigens
    that are displayed by the inoculated cells. They
    thus spur attack by killer T lymphocytes as well
    as by antibodies.

  • This dual activity is necessary for blocking
    infection by many viruses. Due to this dual
    activation of both humoral and cellular immunity,
    live vaccines such as measles, mumps, rubella and
    polio provide long life immunity.

Genetic Vaccines
  • History
  • 1- Stansey and Parchkis (1955) and Ito et al
    (1957) performed DNA transfer experiments and
    were able to induce tumor and antibody formation.

  • 2- Atanasiu (1962), Ortho, et al (1964), and
    Israel et al, 1979 demonstrated that the
    administration of polyoma viral DNA either
    subcataneously or IP to a rodent induced the
    production of antibodies against the virus and
    also led to the production of tumor.

  • 3- Similar experiments by Will et al (1982),
    Debensky et al, (1984) and Wolff et al, (1990)
    detailed the expression of plasmids encoding
    hepatitis B proteins , insulin and reporter

  • 4- Tang et al, (1992) described the ability of
    plasmids coated onto gold beads and delivered
    into mice to derive the expression of a foreign
    protein and stimulate an antibody response to
    influenza virus. (These authors coined the term
    genetic immunization).

Definition of DNA Vaccines and Basic Concept
  • Genes encoding antigen(s) specific to a
    particular pathogen are cloned into a plasmid
    with an appropriate promoter, and the plasmid DNA
    is administered to the vaccine recipient.

  • The DNA is taken up by the host cells and the
    gene is expressed. The resultant foreign protein
    antigens is produced in the cell and then
    processed and presented appropriately to the
    immune system.

How Does DNA Vaccines Work
  • DNA vaccines elicit protective immunity against
    an infectious agent or pathogen primarily by
    activating two branches of the immune sysem the
    humoral arm, which attacks pathogens outside of
    cells, and the cellular arm which eliminates
    cells that are colonized by an invader. Immunity
    is achieved when such activity generates long
    lasting memory cells.

  • Vaccines induction of immunity begins with the
    entry of a DNA vaccine into a targeted cell, such
    as muscle and the subsequent production of the
    antigens normally found on the pathogen of

  • In the humoral response, B cells bind to released
    copies of antigenic proteins and then multiply.
  • Many of the progeny secrete antibody molecules
    that during an infection would glom (jump and
    confiscate) onot the pathogen and mark it for
    destruction. Other offspring become the memory
    cells that will quell the pathogen if it
    circulates outside cells.

  • Meanwhile display of antigenic protein fragments
    or peptides on inoculated cells (within grooves
    on MHC class I molecules) can trigger a cellular
    response .
  • Binding to the antigenic complexes induces
    cytotoxic (killer cells) to multiply and kill the
    bound cells and others displaying those same
    peptides in the same way. Some activated cells
    will also become memory cells ready to eliminate
    cells invaded by the pathogen in the future.

  • In actuality, several preliminary steps must
    occur before such response can occur.
  • To set the stage for B cell activation the
    following steps occur

  • Professional antigen presenting cells (APCs) must
    ingest antigen molecules that are secreted into
    the extracellular space, chop them, and display
    the resulting peptides on MHC class II molecules.

  • Helper T-cells in turn, must recognize both the
    peptide complexes and a co-stimulatory
    molecule found only on APCs.
  • The helper cells secrete signaling molecules
    known as Th2 cytokines which help to activate B
    cells bound to antigens.

  • To activate the cytotoxic T cells the following
    steps occur
  • APCs have to take up the vaccine plasmid,
    synthesize the encoding antigens and exhibit
    fragments of the antigens on MHC class I
    molecules along with co-stimulatory molecules.

  • The killer T cells recognizes those signals at
    the same time displays receptors for Th1
    cytokines produced by helper T-cells.
  • The cytokines once bind the killer T-cells get
    activated and become mature cytotoxic T-cells.

  • DNA vaccines also yield memory helper T cells
    that are needed to support the defense activities
    of other memory cells.

Methods and Location of Immunization
  • One feature of genetic immunization that has
    become apparent over the past few years is that
    the way a DNA vaccine is delivered may have an
    effect on the type of immune response generated.

  • It was reported that both the site of inoculation
    and the method by which the plasmid is delivered
    may independently affect the induced immunity in
    a qualitative and may be in a quantitative

  • Successful DNA vaccination has been demonstrated
    via a number of different routes including
  • - intravenous
  • - intramuscular
  • - intra epidermal
  • - intra spleenic
  • - intra hepatic
  • with the majority of DNA vaccines so far being
    administered through skin or muscle.

  • Studies in rodents on the transfection efficiency
    of injected DNA have demonstrated that muscle is
    100-1000 times more permissive than other tissues
    for the uptake and expression of DNA.

  • Tissues are also differ in the efficiency with
    which they present antigens to the immune system.
  • Tissues such as skin and the mucosal linings of
    the respiratory tract and the gut that serve as
    barriers against the entry of pathogens have
    associated lymphoid tissues that provide high
    levels of local immune surveillance.

  • These tissues also contain cells that are
    specialized for MHC class II restricted
    presentation of antigens to helper T-cells. So it
    is apparent that
  • ? muscles rout of administration supports
    efficient transfection.

  • Intraperitonal and subcotaneous , are the
    traditional routs of administration, however they
    do not support efficient transfection.
  • Skin and muscle tissues, support less efficient
    transfection but deliver DNA to tissues with
    immune surveillance.

Methods of Administration
  • Plasmid delivery at these sites is usually
    accomplished by one of two methods
  • 1- needle injection of DNA suspended in saline
  • 2- Gene gun, this method has more commonly used
    for epidermal rather than intramascular

  • Several researchers have reported that the gene
    gun mediated immunization is far more efficient
    than needle injection, eliciting similar levels
    of antibody and cellular responses with 100-5000
    fold less DNA.
  • It was reported that as little as 16 ng of
    plasmid DNA delivered epidermally via gene gun
    could induce antibody and CTL responses in mice,
    wherase intradermal injection of the same plasmid
    requires 10-1000 µg of DNA to elicit comparable

  • With regard to the immunization regimens, there
    has not been any regimen that is shown to be
    superior to others, it seems that each disease
    and each vaccine construct differs from the
    other, therefore, the best regimen of DNA vaccine
    administration yet to be determined.

Enhancement of DNA vaccines action
  • The most promising method of vaccine enhancement
    is the co-administration of plasmid encoding
    cytokines along with a plasmid encoding an

  • Cytokines are molecules secreted mainly by bone
    marrow derived cells , they induce specific
    response in cells expressing a receptor for a
    particular cytokine.

  • There are several cytokines that can be
    co-administration with the gene to enhance the
    immune response to genetic immunization.
  • Only the major ones will be discussed

  • IL-2 a potent stimulator of cellular immunity
    that induces proliferation and differentiation of
    T cells as well as B cell and NK cell growth.
  • ? Watanable et al...... reported a five fold
    increase in antibody response when IL-2 plasmid
    was co- injected with the plasmid encoding the

  • Chow et al...... Demonstrated that injection of a
    vector that encoded HbsAg and IL-2 on the same
    plasmid induced marked increase of Ab responses
    and T-cell proliferation compared to a plasmid
    encoding HbsAg alone.
  • Taken these results and results from other
    studies, it is suggested that IL-2 gene
    co-injection can increase both humoral and
    cellular immunity .

  • induces differentiation of T-helper cells into
    Th2 subtype, enhances B cell growth, and mediates
    Ig class switching. It was reported that
    injection of a plasmid encoding IL-4 3 days
    before immunization with a protein antigen
    increased Ag specific antibody levels compared to
    protein immunization alone.

  • However, studies showed that IL-4 inhibits Th1
    mediated responses, thus put limitation on using
    it as adjuvant in viral or tumor vaccines or

Granulocyte-monocyte colony-stimulating factor
  • This cytokine increases production of
    granulocytes and macrophages and induces
    maturation and activation of APCs such as
    dendritic cells.
  • Xiang and Ertl tested this theory in vivo by
    co-inoculating mice with plasmids encoding GM-CSF
    and rabies glycoprotein.

  • Co expression of GM-CSF and rabies glycoproeins
    increased Ab response in a dose dependant manner
    and enhanced T-helper cell responses compared to
    injection with plasmid encoding rabies protein
  • Same results were obtained with DNA vaccines
    against HIV-I, influenza, encephalomyocarditis
    virus and HCV.

Advantages and properties of DNA vaccines
  • Plasmid vectors can be constructed and tested
  • Rapid and large-scale manufacturing procedures
    are available.
  • DNA is more temperature stable than live
  • Microgram quantities of expression vector can
    induce immune response.

  • Unlike killed vaccines, DNA vaccines can produce
    diverse and persistent immune response (both
    humoral and cellular arms of the immune response)
  • Protection can be achieved in large primate
    models of human infections
  • Multiple vectors encoding several antigens can be
    delivered in a single administration

  • Unlike the live attenuated vaccines, who posses
    the risk of reversion to pathogenic state while
    replicating inside the host, DNA vaccines are
    safe and do not encode for genes that cause
  • Unlike the killed vaccines, who induce short
    immunity and need frequent boosting, DNA vaccines
    cause long lasting immunity with minimum boosts

  • Thank you
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