Title: How to Post and Select a
1 How to Post and Select a Trade/Drop
ShiftOr Post and Select a Drop Shift
2Trade/Drop Shift and Drop Shift
- Trade/Drop method is used when you want someone
to work one of your shifts. You will resume
working that shift in the future. This is the
most popular method of finding a substitute with
our current students, and is the information
covered in this presentation. - To permanently DROP a shift you must see a
supervisor. This method is used when you can
longer work your scheduled shift. We ask that you
work for 2 weeks once speaking with a supervisor
and then we will relinquish you form your shift.
3The following tutorial will guide you through the
process of POSTING and SELECTINGTrade/Drop
shiftsDrop shifts
4You will need to LOGIN to your WHENTOWORK.COM
5Your HOMEPAGE will appear.
6Click TRADES in the top tool bar.
7 Click both the TRADE and DROP boxes of the
shift that you will need a substitute. (If you
have multiple shifts that appear please click
only the shift you are wanting to trade/drop.)
If you post a trade/drop you are NOT excused
from your scheduled shift until someone selects
your shift.When someone selects your trade/drop,
you will receive a confirmation from
whentowork.com in your email account.For example
if you are scheduled to work a Monday Breakfast
Beverage shift. You have to schedule a doctors
appointment and this is the only time the doctor
can get you in. You will need a one time only
substitute. You do this by clicking on both
boxes behind your scheduled shift. Click POST.
You will resume the shift the next week.
You may add a comment here to make your plea
more appealing for someone to select your shift.
8You shift is now on the TRADEBOARD (It should
appear as a purple box) Everyone will now able to
view and select your shift. The purple box allows
anyone to be able to select your shift. The
purple box indicates to everyone that this is a
one time substitution.
9To pick up this shift for a One time
substitution you will click on the purple box.
10Once you click the purple box a pop window will
appear. You will then click on Pick Up this
Shift This shift is your shift for just this one
11DROP SHIFTYou are allowed to post DROP shift if
you are granted permission from a Marketplace
Supervisor. Only then you will be instructed to
do the following process.
12You will be instructed by the Marketplace
Supervisor to do the following. Click the DROP
box only. We ask in this event that give us 2
weeks to find permanent replacement. We ask that
you report to work for the next 2 weeks. Once the
2 weeks have passed we will relinquish from that
13It will appear on the schedule as a blue
box(indicates it will be a permanent shift
selection). This allows everyone to see that you
are permanently wanting to drop the shift. If
someone is willing to permanently Pick up your
dropped shift they will repeat the same process
as the trade/drop.