At the end of this unit, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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At the end of this unit,


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: At the end of this unit,

Unit 8 At the end of this unit, youre able
to how to cancel plans,give an
excuse and advice,ask permission, a favor of
someone, agree or refuse to do a favor, say
thank you and discuss arrangements and
obligations. 2, have more understanding of
infinitives after direct objects.
Sample sentences Cancel plans/ Give an
excuse 1, Im sorry to let you down, but I cant
go to the concert tonight. I have too much work
to do. Give advice 2, Youd better give it to
her. Youd better not interrupt her. Ask
permission 3,Would you mind if I opened the
Ask a favor of someone/ Agree or refuse to do a
favor 4, Id really appreciate it if you
could help me print out my report./I think I
can. /I wish I could, but I have to work. Say
thank you 5, I really appreciate your helping
me. Discuss arrangements and obligations 6, What
time are we supposed to meet Carta and Rob?
Lesson 49 Youd better go without me. New words
and expressions 1.  call sb back He will call me
back tomorrow. 2.  give sb a hand I cant finish
the work today. I want someone to give me a hand.
3.  under great pressure I have been working for
12 hours a day this week. I am under great
pressure. 4.  have dinner with sb Would you like
to have dinner with me?
5.count on sb rely on sb depend on
sb Dont worry. You can count on me. My friend is
an honest person. You can rely on (depend on)
him. 6.let sb down disappoint sb I cant finish
the work on time. I am sorry to let you down.
7.My job is on the line. I could lose my job
(if I dont finish this report.) 8.Im sorry
if I sounded annoyed with you.     
9, Maybe were both a little edgy. Maybe
were both a little nervous. 10.  Its
getting stuffy (in) here. Shall we ventilate
the office? (Shall we open the door and the
windows of the room for ventilation?)
??????? ?????????,???
11.  I really appreciate your staying late
with me. ???????????? 12.  I owe you one.
Im grateful to you. 13.  Im happy to help
you out.- Im happy that I can help you
when you are in trouble.
14.  after all in spite of all ??, So youve
come after all. 15, cancel plans I have
canceled the plans. The plans have been canceled.
Listen and figure it out 1, ( a or b ) 1, (
)a, Rita had plans to go to a concert tonight.
b, Rita doesnt want to go to the concert
tonight. 2,( ) a, Rita has to finish the
report by tomorrow. b, Rita cant finish the
report by tomorrow.
3, a Tim is going to meet someone at 6. b, Tim
is able to change his plans. ( ) 4, a, Tim is
doing Rita a favor by staying late. b, Tim has
to stay late anyway. ( )
2 Find another way to say it 1, There sure is (
a change in plans )! Ill say! 2, May I open
this window?
Would you mind if I opened the window?
3, Im sorry to disappoint you. 4, Thanks so
much for staying late. 5, I have to write this
report. 6, Is there any way I can help you? 7,
Does he expect me to call him back?
Im sorry to let you down.
I really appreciate your staying late.
I have this report to write.
Is there anything I can do to give you a hand?
Am I supposed to call him back?
  • 3, What do these sentences imply?(a or b)
  • Were supposed to go.
  • 2) I should be able to change my plans.
  • 3) I have a report to write.
  • 4) I really appreciate your staying late.
  • 5) I really wish I could go.

a, Weve arranged to go, but we might not go.
b, I think I can change my plans.
a, Im going to write the report.
b, Youre staying late.
a, I cant go.
6, Would you mind if I opened the window?
b, The window is closed.
Attention 1, Is there anything I can do to give
you a hand? (Would you like me to give you a
hand? ) 2, I dont want you to ruin your
evening. 3, I really wish I could go. (I wish I
had taken more risks.) (I wish I knew her phone
4, My boss is really on my back about it. (on
ones back, ) 5, Youd better not count on me
for that. (Youd better go now, because I cant
count on you.) 6, I might be able to got to the
concert after all. (as well)
Lesson 50 I have too much work to do. Part 1
Listen and write the Excuse 1, He has to study
for an exam.
2, He has to take a new client to our dinner.
3, She has too many things to do.
4, She has to help father clean the garage.
Part 2 Listen and practice. A Im sorry to let
you down, but I cant go the the concert
tonight. I have too much work to do. B Thats
O.K. I understand.
Attention I have too much work to
do. (Ive got) too many things to do.
a report to
write. a meeting
to go to. a plane
to catch.
Part 4 Read and respond 1, Give an excuse Im
sorry, but Id better go. I have a plane to
catch. 2, Say what your plans are Im going to
stay home. I have six letters to write.
3, Explain the situation Im sorry, but I cant
talk to you right now. Would you mind having a
seat and waiting? Ive got an article to
finish reading. 4, Make a request Do you mind
stopping at the post office? I have some bills to
mail. 5, Cancel your plans Im sorry, but I
cant go to the movies tonight. I have a big
exam to study for.
Part 5 Listen and check ______ Go out for
lunch. _______Have a sandwich at his
desk. _______Work late tonight. _______Come in
early tomorrow. _______ Quit his job.
Attention 1, rye / type of cereal plant used for
making flour or as food for cattle. (
bread) 2, It sounds like you are getting into a
rut (start leading a routine existence) / as
usual (bad habit)
Part 7 Listen and practice A Theres an urgent
fax for Karen, but shes on the phone. B Youd
better not interrupt her.
Part 8 Listen and practice A Would you mind if
I opened the window? Its getting stuffy in
here. B Not at all. Go right ahead. (B WellId
rather you didnt.)
Part 9 Do the same as part 8, using Would you
mind if I? (Youd better skip dessert. omit/
This paragraph is too easy. Lets skip it and
look at the next paragraph.
Lesson 51 Id appreciate it if you could help
me. Part 1 Listen and check Favor
Agree Refuse Take out the
garbage V Clean up the yard Wash the car
Part 2 Listen and practice A Id really
appreciate it if you could help me print out my
report tonight. B I think I can. Im supposed to
meet someone at 730, but I should be able to
change my plans. (B I wish I could, but I have
to work.)
Part 4 Listen and practice A I really
appreciate your printing out this report for
me. B Im happy to do it. Im sure youd do
the same for me. ( I really appreciate your
driving me to class/ helping me clean up/ doing
the dishes. (washing the dishes)
Lesson 52 What time are we supposed to be
there? New words 1.  coworker- workmate
colleague 2.  go out for lunch dine out 3. 
work late tonight work overtime
tonight 4. quit one job resign 5. on trip, on
holiday, on duty, on business, on vacation
(without any articles before the nouns)
Attention Be supposed to / have to 1, Im
supposed to meet someone later. Ive arranged to
meet someone later, but I might not. 2, I have
to meet someone later. Im going to meet someone
Part 2 Listen and practice A What time are we
supposed to meet Carla and Rob? B At six..
Part 3 Restate the information 1, Bob has a
doctors appointment that he cant
change.--- Bob has to go to the doctor. 2, Bill
and Sue have another meeting to go to, and they
cant change their plans. 3, Jim and Barbara
have plans to go out of town, but theyll see if
they can leave a day later.
Bill and Sue have to go to another meeting
Jim and Barbara
are supposed to go out of town.
4, Carol wishes she could come, but she teaches
then. 5, Don is planning to go shopping with a
friend, but hell try to change the day. 6, Jane
has an invitation to a friends house, but she
might be able to go another day.
Carol has to teach.
Don is supposed to go shopping with a
Jane is supposed to go to a friends house.
Lesson 53 Somethings come up. New words and
expressions 1.Whats up? What
happened? 2.Somethings come up. Something
unexpected happened. 3.Everything is O.K. 4.I
appreciate your concern. Thank you for your
concern.??????? 5.Thanks for letting me know.
6.bright and early in the early morning 7.stop
by pass by anniversary 9.lose ones
job You will lose your job if you dont work
hard. 10.  deliver magazines I deliver magazines
and newspapers for a living.
Listen and figure it out (a or b ) 1, 2, 3,
4, 5,
b, Kate doesnt say why she cant work tomorrow.
a, Lou is a little worried when he finds out
that Kate cant come to work.
b, Kate plans to return to work on Monday.
b, Lou doesnt know where Kate lives.
a, Kate will pick up her paycheck.
Part 3 Listen in, Choose T or F 1, 2,
3, 4,
Lesson 54 Your turn How to say it A Im not
going out for lunch today. I have a report to
write. B Im not going out for lunch, either. I
have some phone calls to make.
Lesson 55 Quiz What Kind of Job Is Best for
You? New words 1.  art appreciation I am not
good at art appreciation. 2.  keep up with new
vocabulary If you keep up with new vocabulary,
you will learn English well. 3.  a paid months
vacation ????????
4, aptitude natural ability, skill ( career
aptitude) 5, concentration I found it hard to
keep concentration in class in the evening. 6,
bridge---a game of card I dont know how to play
bridge. But I know how to play chess.
7, astronomy---about the sky 8, biologyabout
living things 9, factual (based on facts) 10,
biography---story of persons life 11,
flair---style, ability of appreciation 12,
command---worth Great men command our respect.
Listen to the tape and Match these words or
expressions with their meanings as they are used
in the quiz
1, quiz 2, select 3, at ease 4, spare time 5,
dislike 6, a good background. 7, in depth 8,
require 9, keep up with 10, field 11, aptitude
short test choose comfortable free time
dont enjoy a lot of experience as completely
as p. need continue to learn.. subject ability
b, d, i, k, l, j, e, a, c, h, g,
12, is designed to f, is supposed to
Attention 1, Do you keep up with new vocabulary
in the fields of science, technology, and
medicine? 2, Do you usually feel at ease? Take
it easy/ He didnt feel completely at ease in
the strange surroundings.
3,Do you think you make lasting friendships
easily? (continuing) / This may provide a lasting
(the last, completely) solution to our problems.
4, Your greatest strength is in working with
people. /Each firm (company) has its particular
strengths and weaknesses.
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