Exercise and sport for amputees - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Exercise and sport for amputees


Title: Considerations and Training ideas for Sporting Amputees Author: Baron Von Marlon Last modified by: Sydney West Area Health Service Created Date – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Exercise and sport for amputees

Exercise and sport for amputees
  • Erin Kennedy
  • Physiotherapist, Westmead Hospital
  • 2014

What does the research tell us about amputees and
physical activity?
  • The amputee population is largely elderly with
    low levels of fitness or activity (Davies and
    Datta, 2003).
  • Those with limb absence could and should engage
    in physical activity to improve their health and
    social inclusion (Webster et al 2001).
  • Common for amputees in a rehabilitation program
    to achieve a level of physical functioning which
    may not challenge them to move beyond the basic
    goal of walking (Deans et al, 2008).

A recent review of 12 articles in Prosthetics and
Orthotics International asked the following
  • Are people with amputations participating in
    physical activity?
  • Are these people participating at the same level
    as before their amputation?
  • What are their motivations and barriers to
  • Deans et al (2012)

And found.
  • People with amputation are generally inactive.
  • 68 of amputee population V 40 general
  • There is a decrease in the level or leisure
    activity following lower limb amputation.
  • However, satisfaction with changed physical
    status remains high.
  • Likelihood of participating in physical activity
    exercise and sport increased if they participated
    prior to amputation.
  • If they do return to physical activity they opt
    for less strenuous activities where a prosthesis
    is not required or not functionally dependent on
    a prosthesis to participate
  • Deans et al (2012)

Motivations for physical activity include
  • Health benefits
  • Social interaction
  • Stress relief
  • Increasing self esteem
  • Improving body image
  • Mastery theory
  • Mastery of prosthesis
  • increased self efficacy
  • increased prosthetic use
  • Increased physical activity
  • Deans et al (2012)

Barriers for physical activity include
  • Physical limitation
  • Lack of confidence / embarrassment
  • Body image
  • attitude
  • Services
  • Climate/physical environment
  • Income
  • Stump pain
  • Prosthesis
  • Deans et al 2012

  • How can we encourage our patients to engage in
    regular physical activity?
  • Setting goals
  • Education
  • Health benefits
  • Recommended daily activity
  • Appropriate forms of exercise
  • Looking after skin/stump
  • Address misconceptions
  • Providing a positive environment

  • Which patient should be challenged beyond
  • Those who were previously physically active and
    are medically well
  • Age range ??
  • Level and number of amputations??
  • K 3-4
  • Community ambulation, able to vary cadence and
    perform activities beyond basic locomotion
  • Amp pro score
  • gt 37
  • 6mwt
  • gt 250m
  • Gailey et al (2002)

How do we enable them to realise their potential?
  • First rehab them to walk well!!!
  • Flexibility, strength, balance, specific gait
  • Gait asymmetries due to tightness, weakness,
    impaired balance (Kapp, 2004)
  • altered base of support
  • decrease weight-bearing and stance time on
    prosthetic limb
  • increase stance time on the intact lower limb
  • increase double support time
  • asymmetrical step length with a shorter faster
    stride on the intact limb
  • longer stride on the prosthetic limb
  • lateral trunk bending toward the prosthetic side
  • reduced walking velocity.
  • These gait asymmetries will cause limitations in
    the amputees ability to perform high-level
    mobility activities.

  • General stretches
  • Hip flexors
  • Glutes
  • Hamstrings
  • Quads
  • Adductors
  • Lower back
  • Calf

  • To successfully walk and take part in sports or
    physical activity the amputee needs to be strong!
  • Muscles critical to amputee mobility
  • Hip extensors
  • Hip abductors
  • Knee extensors
  • Remaining plantar flexors
  • Healthy amputees can increase residual limb hip
    and knee strength with training (Nolan, 2009).
  • Can assess/measure/strengthen LL power
    functionally (Raya et al, 2010).
  • STS, SIT, ??Stairs can be used as measures of
    lower limb power, balance, coordination, speed,
    and gait symmetry to determine their impact on
    high-level mobility performance of lower limb

Hip extensor and abductor muscle power have been
found to predict mobility. (Raya et al 2010,
Powers et al, 1996).
Glute training exercises
  • Hip ext in prone (neutral and 30 abd)
  • Hip abd in SL with circles
  • TB in standing
  • Stair drills
  • Bridging /- gym ball
  • Single leg bridge foam roller
  • Plank with hip ext
  • Crab walks /- theraband

Quads training exercises
  • Step ups/downs
  • Squats, /- resistance
  • Bulgarian squats
  • lunges
  • Stair drills
  • 2 at a time, sideways, grapevine
  • Controlled SIT

Hamstring training exercises
  • Bridging
  • Single leg bridging
  • Gym ball hamstring curls
  • Hamstring curls in 4pt kneeling
  • Hamstring pulses in prone

Core/abdo training exercises
  • TrA
  • Supine crook lying establish core control
  • Bridging
  • Bird dog/superman
  • Standing with UL or LL TB
  • Abdo crunches/obliques
  • Abdo roll with gym ball
  • plank

  • Lower limb amputees typically present with
    impaired balance due to motor and/or sensory
  • For lower limb amputees, hip strategies need to
    be trained to work differently and more
    efficiently in order to compensate for the
    missing ankle strategy.
  • Buckley et al (2002)

  • weight shift
  • Straddle stance
  • Step stance
  • Side stepping
  • braiding
  • Step taps
  • Throwing and catching ball
  • Bouncing ball
  • Kicking and trapping ball
  • Wobble board

Walking drills
  • Walking F/B/S
  • Walking along line
  • braiding
  • High knees
  • Monster steps
  • Ski walking
  • Walking with resistance
  • concentrate on foot placement
  • dont forget arm swing

  • Running and Sports participation is hard work so
    need to work on endurance.
  • Walking
  • Swimming
  • Cycling
  • Rowing machine
  • Arm cycle

When to teach the amputee to run
  • Walking well unaided
  • Amp pro gt37
  • 6mwt gt 250m??
  • Good socket fit
  • Motivated -

The Comprehensive High-level Activity Mobility
Predictor (CHAMP)
  • CHAMP is a measure of agility typically used to
    test high-level performers who tend to max-out
    their ratings on other performance-based
  • This measure includes activities that are
    designed to test motion in all three planes, like
    turning, cutting, side-to-side movement, and
    backward running.
  • It consists of four tasks and can be administered
    in 15-20 minutes.
  • SLS
  • Edgren side step test
  • T-test
  • Illinois agility test

  • Found to be
  • Safe
  • Reliable
  • Valid
  • Clinically friendly
  • responsive performance based outcome measure of
    high-level mobility
  • Has the potential to direct rehabilitation goals
    and treatment, determine when to return to high
    level activity and aid in discharge planning.

Amputee Running Technique
  • Prosthetic trust
  • reaching out with the prosthetic limb and knowing
    it will be there
  • Get used to the impact of landing on prosthetic
  • Training exercises
  • Repeated single hops on
  • prosthetic side (TTA only)
  • Side skip
  • http//www.oandp.com/articles/2003-12_05.asp

Amputee Running Technique
  • Backward thrust
  • Forceful hip extension on heel strike
  • to propel body over prosthesis
  • Accelerates body forwards
  • Increases speed
  • Training exercise
  • Push down and pull back with limb at same time
    inside the socket
  • Standing with hip flexed 90. Therapist provides
    few seconds of medium resistance to extension
    then lets go and amputee drives heel to floor,
    pushing into back wall of socket.
  • Use glutes and hamstring muscle groups
  • http//www.oandp.com/articles/2003-12_05.asp

Amputee Running Technique
  • Sound limb stride
  • Novice athletes will have
  • a shorter stride.
  • Training exercise
  • extend hip by pulling down and back into socket
  • Leap from prosthesis onto sound side
  • Focus on long stride with sound limb
  • http//www.oandp.com/articles/2003-12_05.asp

Amputee Running Technique
  • Stride symmetry
  • Strive for equal stride length and frequency
  • Training exercise
  • Choose a comfortable jogging pace that produces
    equal stride length for both limbs
  • Concentrate on maintaining stability over
    prosthetic limb
  • Relax and jog a little
  • http//www.oandp.com/articles/2003-12_05.asp

Amputee Running Technique
  • Arm swing
  • Novice runners keep arms close to their bodies
  • Encourages stride length and timing
  • Training exercise
  • Focus on arm swing and trunk rotation
  • Shoulders relaxed
  • Elbows flexed 90
  • Hands
  • Should rise to shoulder level when driving
  • Should point just behind hip when driving
  • http//www.oandp.com/articles/2003-12_05.asp

Socket design
  • Well fitting prosthesis
  • Comfort
  • Shape, interface material, alignment, adapt to
    forces imposed at the stump socket interface
  • ROM
  • Adequate hip/knee ROM
  • Stability
  • Adaptability to volume changes
  • Constant challenge for endurance athletes
  • Gailey and Harsh (2009)

Foot selection for running
  • Considerations
  • Residual limb length
  • Clearance 17-25cm
  • Distance
  • Sprint carbon fibre J shaped foot
  • Endurance carbon fibre C shaped foot
  • Multisport carbon fibre foot with heel
  • Athletes preference
  • Athletes skill
  • Novice Vs professional
  • Gailey and Harsh (2009)

Knee selection running
  • Use of a prosthetic knee permits a more
    traditional style of running with knee flexion
    and extension.
  • Endurance knees
  • Mauch (single axis, hydraulic)
  • Ossur total knee 2100 (polycentric hydraulic)
  • Ossur 3R55 (poycentric, hydraulic swing)
  • Gailey and Harsh (2009)

  • Small towel
  • Perspiration constant problem
  • Moist wipes
  • Cleaning socket, liners, suspension sleeves
    immediately after training/sport
  • Skin dressings
  • If abrasions or blister occur
  • Extra stump socks
  • Limb volume may change with muscular
    contractions, altered diet, weight loss due to
  • Elastic sleeve or auxillary suspension
  • Gailey and Harsh (2009)

  • Deans S, Burns D, McGarry A, Murray K and Mutrie
    N (2012) Motivations and barriers to prosthesis
    users participation in physical activity,
    exercise and sport a review of the literature.
    Prosthetics and Orthotics international 36(3)
  • Czerniecki J, Gitter A, Munro C (1991). Joint
    moment and muscle power output characteristics of
    below knee amputees during running the influence
    of energy storing feet. J Biomech 2463-75
  • Nolan L, Lees A (2000) the kinematic
    charateristic of above and below knee amputee
    long jumpers. Ergonomics. 431637-1650.
  • Nolan L (2009) Lower limb strength in sports
    active transtibial amputees. Prosthetics and
    Orthotics international. 33230-241
  • Wetterhahn K, Hansen C, Levy C (2002) effects of
    participation in physical activity on body image
    of amputees. Am J Phys Med Rehab 81(3)194-201.
  • Davies D and Datta D (2003) Mobility outcomes
    following unilateral lower limb amputation.
    Prosthetics and Orthotics International.
  • Webster J, Levy C, Bryant P, and Prusakowski P
    (2001) sports and recreation for people with limb
    deficiency. Arch Phys Med Rehab 82(3)88-44
  • Deans S, McFayden A and Rowe P (2008) Physical
    activity and quality of life A study of
    lower-limb amputee population. Prosthetic and
    Orthotic International 32(2)186-200.
  • Kapp S (2004) Ch 13Visual analysis of prosthetic
    gait. In Atlas of amputated and limb
    deficiencies Surgical prosthetic and
    rehabilitation principles. Rosemont IL. p
  • Buckley, J ODriscoll D, Bennett S (2002)
    Postural sway and active balance performance in
    highly active lower limb amputees. Am J phys Med
    Rehab 8113-20.
  • Powers C, Boyd L, Fontain C, Perry J (1996). The
    influence of lower extremity muscle force on Gait
    characteristics in individuals with Below-knee
    amputations secondary to vascular disease. Phys
    therapy 76(4)369-377
  • Raya M, Gailey R, Fiebert I, Roach K (2010)
    Impairment Variables Predicting Activity
    Limitation in Individuals with Lower limb
    amputation. Prosthetics and orthotics
  • Gailey R (2003) http//www.oandp.com/articles/2003
    -12_05.asp accessed 20/3/14
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