Interest rate risk and the repricing gap model - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Interest rate risk and the repricing gap model


Title: Incorporating Market Information into Financial Supervision Author: Universit Luigi Bocconi Last modified by: Universita' Luigi Bocconi Created Date – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Interest rate risk and the repricing gap model

Interest rate risk and the repricing gap model
Mafinrisk 2010Market risk
  • Session 1
  • Andrea Sironi

  • Interest rate risk
  • The repricing gap Model
  • Marginal and cumulative gaps
  • Problems of the repricing gap model
  • The standardized gap

Interest rate risk
  • Assets maturity gt liabilities ?refinancing risk
  • Assets maturity lt liabilities ?reinvestment risk.
  • A change in the level of interest rates has a
    double economic effect
  • Direct effect change in the market value of A/L
    and in the level of interests paid and received
  • Indirect effect change in the amounts of
    financial activities

The Repricing Gap Model
  • Income oriented model ? target variable Net
    Interest Income (NII) Interest Revenues
    Interest Expenses
  • Interest Rate Gap ? difference between assets and
    liabilities sensitive to interest rates changes
    in a predefined time period.
  • An asset or a liability is sensitive if, in the
    relevant time period (gapping period), it
    reaches its maturity or there is a renegotiation
    of the interest rate.

The repricing gap
The model at work
  • Starting point
  • We can also write
  • If the change is the same for assets and
    liabilities interest rates

Gap Positive Negative
Increase of int. rates (?i gt 0) Increase of net interest income (NII?) Decrease of net interest income (NII?)
Decrease of int. rates (?i lt 0) Decrease of net interest income (NII?) Increase of net interest income (NII?)
The model at work
  • Some useful indicators
  • ? impact on profitability of lending
  • ? Impact on profitability (Return on
    fin. assets)
  • ? scale independent

The timing problem
  • We have made the assumption that a change of the
    interest rate will produce the same effect for
    every sensitive asset or liability
  • Under this assumption
  • In the real world the effect is different for
    every A/L and is proportional to the time gap
    between the renegotiation time and the ending of
    the gapping period

Gappping period 12 months
11 months
Case 1Interbank deposit with a residual life
of 1 month
Gappping period 12 months
1 year
p 1/12
fixed rate
new rate conditions
Case 2CCT with repricingin 6 months
1 year
p 6/12
6 months
Fixed rate
new rate conditions
For any sensitive asset
the same applies to sensitive liabilities
The solution for the timing problem
  • We can write
  • ij current int. rate for the asset j-th
  • interest rate after variation
  • pj is the time (expressed as a fraction of the
    gapping period) from today to the next
    renegotiation of the int. rate

The solution for the timing problem (follows)
  • We can do the same for liabilities
  • We can calculate the maturity adjusted gap
    (every A/L has a weight proportional to the
    distance from the renegotiation period to the end
    of the gapping period)

Marginal and cumulative gap
  • An alternative to Magap that can be used to
    estimate the true exposure of the bank to changes
    in interest rates is the one based on the use of
    gaps relative to different time periods.
  • Marginal Gap the difference between assets and
    liabilities with renegotiation of the interest
    rate in a certain time period.
  • Cumulative Gap difference between assets and
    liabilities with renegotiation of the interest
    rate before a certain date.

An example
Deposits with banks (1 month) BOT (3 months) CCT (5 years) (next rate revision 6 months) Short term loans (5 months) Floating rate mortgages (20 y) (next rate revision 1 year) BTP (5 years) Fixed rate mortgages (10 y) BTP (30 years) 200 30 120 80 70 170 200 130 Deposits with banks (1 month) Floating rate notes (next revision 3 months) Floating rate notes (next revision 6 months) Fixed rate notes (1 year) Fixed rate notes (5 years) Fixed rate notes (10 y) Junior debt (20 y) Shareholders Equity 60 200 80 160 180 120 80 120
Total 1000 Total 1000
1 month gap 140 3 months gap 30
Marginal and cumulative gaps
Time Period Sensitive Assets Sensitive Liabilities Marginal GAP Cumulative GAP
0-1 months 200 60 140 140
1-3 months 30 200 -170 -30
3-6 months 200 80 120 90
6-12 months 70 160 -90 0
1-5 years 170 180 -10 -10
5-10 years 200 120 80 70
10-30 years 130 80 50 120
Total 1000 880 - -
The bank has a long net position for the first
month and for the period from 3 to 6 months and a
short net position for the period from 1 to 3
months and for the period from 6 to 12 months.
Given the null 1 year gap if in every time
sub-period the interest rate change is adverse
the bank can experience a decrease in the net
interest income.
Time Period Marg. GAP ( mln) Int. rate Assets Int. rate Liabilities ?i with respect to T0 (basis points) Effect on the NII
T0 6.0 3
1 month 140 5.5 2.5 -50 ?
3 months -170 6.3 3.3 30 ?
6 months 120 5.6 2.6 -40 ?
12 months -90 6.6 3.6 60 ?
Total ?
(No Transcript)
The effect on Net Interest Income
  • To quantify the effect of the various interest
    rate changes we have to keep track of the length
    of the time period on which every change has an
  • Even with a null annual gap we can have a non
    zero effect on the 1 year net interest income
    because every interest rate change has an effect
    on a different time period with a different
    marginal gap.

  • We can weight every marginal gap for the
    difference between the average renegotiation
    period inside the marginal gap and the end of the
    evaluation period (usually 1 year).
  • T global gapping period (1 year)
  • ti average renegotiation period inside the i-th
    gapping period
  • n number of the time periods evaluated inside
    the global gapping period
  • WGAPT sensitivity of NII to changes of interest
    rates ? duration of NII.

Some numbers
Time period Marg. GAP ( mln) Asset Int. Rates Liab. Int. Rates ?i (b.p.) (GAPx?i) ( mln) T-ti (T-ti) x GAPi ( mln) (T-ti) x GAPi x ?i ()
T0 6.0 3.0
1 month 140 7.0 4.0 100 1.4 0.96 134.4 1,344,000
3 months -170 7.0 4.0 100 -1.7 0.83 -141.7 -1,416,667
6 months 120 7.0 4.0 100 1.2 0.63 75.6 756,000
12 months -90 7.0 4.0 100 -0.9 0.25 -22.5 -225,000
Total 0 0 46.4 464,000
Not weighted GAP
Time weighted GAP
  • Non zero marginal gaps can generate a non zero
    variation of the interest margin even with a null
    cumulative gap for two main reasons
  • The changes of interest rates can be non uniform
    across different time sub-periods
  • The effect on the net interest income of the
    change of interest rates is different across
    different time sub-periods
  • To have a zero sensitivity of the NII we need
    zero marginal gap for every time sub period

Maturity-adjusted gap versus time weighted
cumulative gap
  • The maturity-adjusted gap is more precise, as it
    considers the actual maturity of each asset and
  • The time weighted cumulative gap (based on
    marginal gaps) considers one virtual maturity,
    equal to the median value
  • However, marginal gaps have an advantage they
    allow to estimate the impact on NII of different
    interest rate changes that may occur during the

Limits and problems
  1. Assumption of a uniform change of assets and
    liabilities interest rates.
  2. Assets Liabilities with no maturity (e.g. call
  3. The model does not consider effects on the market
    value of A/L.
  4. Assumption of a uniform change of interest rates
    for different maturities.
  5. The model does not consider the effect of a
    variation of interest rates on the volume of
    financial assets and liabilities

Answer to problem 1 Standardized Gap
  • The first problem can be addressed with the
    following procedure
  • We identify a reference market rate, for example
    a 3 months interbank rate
  • We estimate the sensitivity of different assets
    and liabilities interest rates to the reference
  • We can calculate the standardized gap to evaluate
    the sensitivity of the NII to a change of the
    reference rate

Standardized Gap
An example
Deposits with banks (1m) BOT (3m) Floating rate loans (5y) Floating rate loans (on call) Variable rate mortgages (10y) (euribor 100 basis points) 80 60 120 460 280 1,10 1,05 0,9 0,95 1,00 Deposits with banks (1m) Deposits (on call) Floating rate notes (next revision 3m) Fixed rate notes (1y) Floating rate bonds (10y) (euribor 50 b.p.) Shareholders Equity 140 380 120 80 160 120 1,10 0,80 0,95 0,90 1,00
Total 1000 Total 1000
  • GAP 120 vs Standardized GAP 172
  • Higher average sensitivity of Assets
  • We can also solve the problem of call deposits
    and loans

Answer to problem 2 how to treat call deposits
and other no maturity ALs
  • 3 steps
  • Analyse how much and after how long, on average,
    historically a market interest rate change gets
    reflected in call deposits rates
  • Divide SA and SL in coherent manner, based on the
    historical empirical evidence.
  • Compute the repricing gap based on the new values
    of SA and SL

Asset liabilities with no maturity (e.g.
current account deposits)
First step estimate sensitivity to interest rate
Second step allocate deposits to different
corresponding maturity buckets
Ex. Interest rate on deposits Given a 1 increase
of the interbank rate, the interest rate on
Italian banks deposits increases by 5 bp
immediately, 27 bp the following month, other 10
bp in the following 2 months The total increase
is 50 bp(deposits have a 0.5 beta)
One problem sensitivity may be asymmetric
Ex. Interest rate on deposits
The sensitivity coefficients may change depending
on the sign of the interest rate change
Maturity adjusted Gapstandardized and
Non standardized MaGap 638.3 678.3
-40 Standardizzato MaGap 618.9 610.7 8,2
Residual problems
  1. The model does not consider effects on the market
    value of A/L.
  2. Assumption of a uniform change of interest rates
    for different maturities.
  3. The model does not consider the effect of a
    change of interest rates on the volume of
    financial assets and liabilities

Questions Exercises
  • 1. What is a sensitive asset in the repricing
    gap model?
  • A) An asset maturing within one year (or
    renegotiating its rate within one year)
  • B) An asset updating its rate immediately when
    market rates change
  • C) It depends on the time horizon used as gapping
  • D) An asset the value of which is sensitive to
    changes in market interest rates

Questions Exercises
  • 2. The assets of a bank consist of 500 of
    floating-rate securities, repriced quarterly (and
    repriced for the last time 3 months before), and
    of 1,500 of fixed-rate, newly issued two-year
    securities its liabilities consist of 1,000 of
    demand deposits and of 400 of three-year
    certificates of deposit, issued 2.5 years before.
    Given a gapping period of one year, and assuming
    that the four items mentioned above have a
    sensitivity (beta) to market rates (e.g, to
    3-month interbank rates) of 100, 20, 30 and
    110 respectively, identify which of the
    following statements is correct
  • A) The gap is negative, the standardised gap is
  • B) The gap is positive, the standardised gap is
  • C) The gap is negative, the standardised gap is
  • D) The gap is positive, the standardised gap is

Questions Exercises
  • 3. Bank Omega has a maturity structure of its
    assets and liabilities like the one shown in the
    Table below.
  • Find
  • A) Cumulated gaps of different maturities
  • B) Marginal (periodic) gaps relative to the
    following maturity buckets (i) 0-1 month, (ii)
    1-6 months, (iii) 6 months-1 year, (iv) 1-2
    years, (v) 2-5 years, (vi) 5-10 years, (vii)
    beyond 10 years
  • C) The change experienced by NII next year if
    lending and borrowing rates increase, for all
    maturities, by 50 basis points, assuming that the
    rate repricing will occur exactly in the middle
    of each time band (e.g., after 15 days for the
    band between 0 and 1 month, 3.5 months for the
    band 1-6 months, etc.).

Questions Exercises
  • 4. The interest risk management scheme followed
    by Bank Lambda requires it to keep all marginal
    (periodic) gaps at zero, for any maturity band.
    The Chief Financial Officer states that,
    accordingly, the banks net interest income (NII)
    is immune from any possible change in market
    rates. Which among the following events could
    prove him wrong?
  • I) A change in interest rates not uniform for
    lending and borrowing rates
  • II) A change in long term rates which affects the
    market value of items such as fixed-rate
    mortgages and bonds
  • III) The fact that borrowing rates are stickier
    than lending rates
  • IV) A change in long term rates greater than the
    one experienced by short-term rates
  • A) I and III
  • B) I, III and IV
  • C) I, II and III
  • D) All of the above

Questions Exercises
  • 5. Using the data in the Table below (and
    assuming, for simplicity, a 360-day year made of
    12 30-day months)
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