Title: Estimation Techniques
1Estimation Techniques for Dose-response
Functions Presented by Bahman Shafii,
Ph.D. Statistical Programs College of
Agricultural and Life Sciences University of Idaho
- Research partially funded by USDA-ARS Hatch
Project - IDA01412, Idaho Agricultural Experiment Station.
- Collaborators
- William J. Price Ph. D., Statistical Programs,
- University of Idaho.
- Steven Seefeldt, Ph. D., USDA -ARS,
- University of Alaska Fairbanks.
- Dose-response models are common in
agricultural research. - They can encompass many types of problems
- Modeling environmental effects due to exposure
to chemical or temperature regimes. - Estimation of time dependent responses such as
germination, emergence, or hatching. - (e.g. Shafii and Price 2001 Shafii, et
al. 2009) - Bioassay assessments via calibration curves and
quantal estimation. (e.g. Shafii and Price
4- Estimation
- Curve estimation.
- Linear or non-linear techniques.
- Estimate other quantities
- percentiles.
- typically LD50, LC50, EC50, etc.
- percentile estimation problematic.
- inverted solutions.
- unknown distributions.
- approximate variances.
5- The response distribution
- Continuous
- Normal
- Log Normal
- Gamma, etc.
- Discrete - quantal responses
- Binomial, Multinomial (yes/no)
- Poisson (count)
6- The response form
- Typically expressed as a nonlinear curve
- increasing or decreasing sigmoidal form
- increasing or decreasing asymptotic form
7Bioassay and Calibration
- Given a dose-response curve and an observed
- response
- What dose generated the response?
- What is the probability of a dose given an
- observed response and the calibration curve?
- This problem fits naturally into a Bayesian
8(No Transcript)
9- Typical dose-response estimation assumes that
the - functional form or tolerance distribution,
- is known, e.g. a sigmoidal shape.
- In some cases, however, it may be advantageous
to - relax this assumption and restrict estimation
- to a family of dose-response forms.
- The dose-response population consists of a
- mixture of subpopulations which can not be
- sampled separately.
- The dose-response series exhibits a more
complex - behavior than a simple sigmoidal shape,
- e.g. hormesis.
10- Objectives
- Outline estimation methods for dose-
- response models.
- Traditional approaches.
- Probit - Least Squares.
- Modern approaches.
- Probit - Maximum Likelihood
- Generalized non-linear models.
- Bayesian solutions.
11- Objectives
- Demonstrate solutions for calibration of an
unknown dose with a binary response - assuming
- A known dose-response form.
- Standard MLE estimation.
- Standard Parametric Bayesian estimation.
- A family of dose-response forms.
- Nonparametric Bayesian estimation.
12Estimation Methods
- Traditional Approach
- Probit Analysis - Least Squares
- A linearized least squares estimation (Bliss,
1934 Fisher, 1935 - Finney, 1971)
- Probiti F -1(pij) b0 b1dosei eij
13- ? is a convenient CDF form or tolerance
- distribution, e.g.
- Normal pij (1/?2??) exp((x-?)2/?2
- Logistic pij 1 / (1 exp( -b1( dosei - b0
)) - Modified Logistic pij C (C-M) / (1 exp(
-b1(dosei -b0)) - (e.g. Seefeldt et al. 1995)
- Gompertz pij b0 (1 - exp(exp(-b1(dose))))
- Exponential pij b0 exp(-b1(dose))
14- Modern Approaches
- Probit Analysis - Maximum Likelihood
- The responses, yij, are assumed binomial at
each dose i - with parameter pi. Using the joint
likelihood, L(pi) - Maximize L(pi) ? P (pi)yij (1 -
pi)(N - yij)
- for data set yij where pi F (b0 b1dosei )
and b0, b1, - and dosei are those given previously.
- The CDF, F, is typically defined as a Normal,
Logistic, or - Gompertz distribution as given above.
15 Probit Analysis
- Limitations
- Least squares limited.
- Linearized solution to a non-linear problem.
- Even under ML, solution for percentiles
approximated. - inversion.
- use of the ratio b0/b1 (Fieller, 1944).
- Appropriate only for proportional data.
- Assumes the response F -1(pij) N(m, s2).
- Interval estimation and comparison of
percentile - values approximated.
16- Modern Approaches (cont)
- Nonlinear Regression - Iterative Least Squares
- Directly models the response as
- yij f(dosei) eij
- where yij is an observed continuous response,
f(dosei) - may be generalized to any continuous function
of dose - and eij N(0, s2).
- Minimize SSerror ? yij - f(dosei) 2.
17- Nonlinear Regression - Iterative Least Squares
- Limitations
- assumes the data, yij , is continuous could be
discrete. - the response distribution may not be Normal,
- i.e. eij N(0, s2).
- standard errors and inference are asymptotic.
- treatment comparisons difficult in PROC NLIN.
- differential sums of squares, or
- specialized SAS codes PROC IML.
18Modern Approaches (cont)
- Generalized Nonlinear Model - Maximum
Likelihood -
- Directly models the response as
- yij f(dosei) eij
- where yij and f(dosei) are as defined above.
- Estimation through maximum likelihood where the
- response distribution may take on many forms
- Normal yij N(?i, ?) ,
- Binomial yij bin(N, pi) ,
- Poisson yij poisson(?i) , or
- in general yij ƒ(?).
19- Generalized Nonlinear Model - Maximum
Likelihood - Maximize L(?) ? P ƒ(? yij)
(4) - Nonlinear estimation.
- Response distribution not restricted to Normal.
- May also incorporate random components into the
model. - Treatment comparisons easier in SAS.
- Contrast and estimate statements.
20- Generalized Nonlinear Model - Inference
- Formulate a full dummy variable model
encompassing k - treatments.
- The joint likelihood over the k treatments
becomes - L(?k) ? Pijk ƒ(?k yijk) (5)
- where yijk is the jth replication of the ith
dose in the kth - treatment and qk are the parameters of the kth
treatment. - Comparison of parameter values is then possible
through - single and multiple degree of freedom contrasts.
21- Generalized Nonlinear Model
- Limitations
- percentile solution may still be based on
inversion or - Fiellers theorem.
- inferences based on normal theory
approximations. - standard errors and confidence intervals
22Modern Approaches (cont)
- Bayesian Estimation - Iterative Numerical
- Considers the probability of the parameters, q,
- given the data yij.
- Using Bayes theorem, estimate
- p(qyij) p(yijq)p(q)
(6) - ?p(yijq)p(q)dq
where p(qyij) is the posterior distribution of q
given the data yij, p(yijq) is the likelihood
defined above, and p(q) is a prior probability
distribution for the parameters q.
23- Bayesian Estimation - Iterative Numerical
Techniques - Nonlinear estimation.
- Percentiles can be found from the distribution
of q. - The likelihood is same as Generalized Nonlinear
Model. - flexibility in the response distribution.
- f(dosei) any continuous function of dose.
- Inherently allows updating of the estimation.
- Correct interval estimation (credible
intervals). - agrees well with GNLM at midrange percentiles.
- can perform better at extreme percentiles.
24- Bayesian Estimation - Iterative Numerical
- Limitations
- User must specify a prior probability p(q).
- Estimation requires custom programming.
- Specialized software WinBUGS
- Computationally intensive solutions.
- Requires statistical expertise.
- Sample programs and data are available at
- http//www.uidaho.edu/ag/statprog
25Calibration Methods
- Tolerance Distribution Logistic
- The response yij/Ni at dose i 1 to k, and
replication - j 1 to r , is binomial with the proportion of
success - given by
- yij/Ni M/(1 exp(-b (dosei - g)))
(7) - where b is a rate related parameter and g is the
- dosei for which the proportion of success,
- yij/Ni , is M/2. M is the theoretical maximum
- proportion attainable.
26- A convenient generalization of (1) will allow g
to - represent any dose at which yij/Ni Q
yij/Ni MC / (C exp(-b (dosei - g)))
Where the constant C Q/(M Q). Note that, if
Q M/2, then C 1 and equation (8)
reverts to the standard form given in
(7). Equation (8), therefore, permits an unknown
dose at a given response, Q, to be
estimated through parameter g.
27- Given the binomial responses, yij/Ni, a joint
- likelihood may be defined as
- L(pi yij/Ni) ? Pij (pi)yij (1 -
pi)(Ni - yij) (9) -
- Where the binomial parameter ,pi , is defined by
(8) - and the associated parameters, q M, b, g,
are - estimated through maximization of (9). Ni
and yij - are the total number of trials and number of
- successes, respectively.
- Inferences on g are carried out assuming g
28- A Bayesian posterior distribution for q is
given by - pr(q yij/Ni) ? pr(yij/Ni q) pr(q)
(10) -
- where pr(yij/Ni jq) is the likelihood shown in
(9) and pr(q) - is a prior distribution for the parameters q
M, b, g. Estimation of q is carried out
through numerically intensive techniques such as
MCMC. (e.g. Price and Shafii 2005) - Inference on g is obtained through integration
of (10) over the parameter space of M and b.
29- This methodology was first proposed by
Mukhopadhyay (2000) and - followed by Kottas et al. (2002).
- The technique considers the dose-response
series as a - multinomial process with parameters P p1, p2,
p3, pk.
- Assuming the responses, yij/Ni, are binomial, a
likelihood can - then be defined as
- L(P yij/Ni) ? Pij (pi)yij (1 - pi)(Ni - yij)
30- If the random segments between true response
rates, pi , - are distributed as a Dirichlet Process (DP), a
joint prior - distribution on the pi may then be defined by
- pr(P) ? Pi (pi pi -
1)(li - 1) (12) - where li a F0(dose i) F0(dose i 1 ) , a
is a precision - parameter , and F0 is a base tolerance
distribution. -
- The precision parameter, a, reflects how
closely the final estimation follows the base
distribution. Low values indicate less
correspondence , while larger values indicate a
tighter association. -
- The base distribution, F0(.), defines a family
of tolerance distributions.
31- A posterior distribution for P can then be
defined by - combining (11) and (12) as
- pr(P yij/Ni) ? Pij (pi)yij (1 -
pi)(Ni - yij) Pi (pi pi - 1)(li - 1) - (13)
- Estimation of this posterior is again carried
out numerically using techniques such as MCMC. - Inference on an unknown dose, g , at a known
response p0 y0/N0, is obtained through
sampling of the posterior given in (13) .
32Concluding Remarks
- Dose-response models have wide application in
- They are useful for quantifying the relative
efficacy of treatments.
- Probit models of estimation are limited in
- Generalized nonlinear and Bayesian models
provide the most - flexible framework for dose-response estimation.
- Can use various response distributions
- Can use various dose-response models.
- Can incorporate random model effects.
- Can be used to compare treatments.
- GNLM full dummy variable modeling.
- Bayesian methods probability statements.
- Generalized nonlinear models sufficient in most
- situations.
- Bayesian estimation is preferred when
estimating - extreme percentiles.
33Concluding Remarks (cont)
- Bioassay is an import part of dose-response
- Determining an unknown dose can be problematic
for - some parametric functional forms.
- Dose estimation fits naturally in a Bayesian
- Methodology proposed here uses a base tolerance
- distribution.
- Should be used and interpreted with caution.
- Standard model assessment techniques still
apply. - Introduces more uncertainty into the estimation
- Some dose-response data may not follow typical
- sigmoidal patterns.
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36Questions / Comments